William Pierce, Philosopher
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William Pierce, Philosopher
Douglas Mercer
October 2 2024
Our purpose is the creator’s purpose—that’s what Cosmotheism teaches. The creator’s purpose is to create, to create new beings and new worlds, and to bring those worlds to the completion of self-consciousness, though this is just the completion of the stage of transition, after which successive states evolve one after the other endlessly. The Aryan race on earth is now the focal point of the creator and his purpose is that we shall become gods in our own right, become free and autonomous, and immortal, constitute our own ground, and thus take on a life of our own, that is begin to live. This dynamic process is the purpose of the creator and so it is our purpose—that is what Cosmotheism teaches, that a state of self-realization will occur when we are read into the ground plan of the god, and become independent of it. We thus stand on the verge of an epochal change to another mode of being, another state of mind, and as such we are the means by which the creator realizes its creation of eternal self-evolution; and it is our task today to become aware of who we are and so become who we are. That is what Cosmotheism teaches.
You are a part of the whole, which is the Creator, that you understand that your purpose, the purpose of mankind and the purpose of every other part of creation, is the Creator’s purpose, that this purpose is the never-ending ascent of the path of creation, the path of life symbolized by our life rune, that you understand that this path leads ever upward toward the Creator’s self-realization, and that the destiny of those who follow this path is godhood.
William Pierce is the philosopher at the end of time. Many have had partial glimpses of the great truth, of the Higher Dream but only he has been able to put it forth in its totality and eternal clarity. His cardinal virtue (other than being an old fighter for truth and uncompromising clarity) is that he was a hard headed scientist by training and a dyed in the wool empiricist by inclination. He delved headlong into areas that are esoteric and arcane, artistic and mystical, but did so with the gimlet-eyed incisiveness and precision of a man of science; and did not get bogged down in the tentative and vague formulations and the requisite obfuscations which are endemic to the subject. That is what throughout most of history men have put up as a metaphor or a pious wish or an equivocal hope he was able to explicate in direct and forthright language without hedging or circumlocution, or ever revised schemes. He knew it to be true and he saw no reason to trim his sail with any "perhaps." That is he put the Higher Dream of the seers and sages, the dream of German Idealism, with its notion of ground and abyss, its notion of gods being born and reborn, its notion of concealing and disclosing, and put them on a sound and solid foundation of Anglo-Saxon common sense. Given all the facts his philosophy is the only reasonable inference, no matter how outlandish it may appear to the untrained eye; and as such there is no reason to ring it about with time worn taboos of the dangers of transgression, or with quibbling or hair splitting doubts; this he did not do and simply spoke it clearly and forthrightly as befits an Aryan man. As such his deeds and words will never die.
Pierce described Cosmotheism as being based on the idea of an evolutionary universe with an evolution toward ever higher and higher states of self-consciousness. His political ideas followed from this, and were centered on racial progress through self-selection, eugenics, and struggle as the means of advancing the White race toward what he sometimes called Higher Man. In his view, the White race represented the pinnacle of human evolution thus far — and therefore it should be kept genetically separate from all other races. We are truly instruments of God in the fulfillment of His grand design.
On earth only the Aryan race has proven capable of this transformation in the evolution of the Cosmos. But given this awesome responsibility William Pierce warns us if we do not go out to meet our destiny as a race the Creator will abandon us. That is should we not be up to the monumental task before us the Creator will find some other people, and some other race, and some other time, to achieves its aims.
But we shall not fail. Our creator’s purpose is our purpose and it shall be realized, it shall become real.
World history moves in arcs and our race has come close to the final aim two times. The last (and ultimately penultimate) time was in 1945 when Adolf Hitler came perilously close to creating the conditions desired by our creator. Had he broken through at Stalingrad you and I my friend would be living in Paradise right now. Hitler said it was never his desire to be a War Fuehrer at all; he was an artist and a bohemian at heart and as such was a dreamer, a dreamer of the Higher Dream, the Highest Dream; our Fuehrer knew that Aryan man was Promethean man, destined to play with fire and control it; he wanted to build a great civilization with great monoliths of buildings symbolizing the enormous destiny of our people; monumental cities filled with awesome art, and with scientists delving into the very heart of nature. The leap we are now about to take could only occur in a culture that is steeped in lore and knowledge, that is technologically advanced and sophisticated; presumably the mode of being that we are about to enter requires the rudiments of technical knowledge; certainly the abode that we are to enter is inconceivable to us now but at least the shape of things to come in the form of models of god like power are required and we now possess them by dint of our long efforts; presumably the rest will be done with mind and will; if Hitler had emerged victoriously from the war he soon would have got the Germanic Nations of America and England in line; his oft professed hope was that he would have his necessary East, the British would retain their Empire and America have its own Hemisphere; Japan would have been swiftly bottled up on its island and China would have been forever docile; and in the calm and repose of a German Peace as if in a rocking cradle the German sciences could have achieved their flower; the blast furnace of America would have been put to right purposes. Hitler always looked askance at Himmler’ project of going to the mouth of the river of the origins of Germania; he was always a bit embarrassed that while the Greeks were building the Parthenon the Germans had pottery shards to show for themselves; but he soon would have recognized this origin was a fertile seed bed; the Germans in fact came last to the world of culture, but that when they arrived they arrived in full armor: the German Renaissance beginning in 1780 matches anything the Aryan world had ever seen; and as he and his successors surveyed the grove of calm they enjoyed they could have pursued our inevitable god like destiny with great equilibrium; without the carping and sniping and always destructive desires of the Jew and the colored races; it would have been the right way to do it; but like the appointment in Samarra our destiny can be delayed but never thwarted. We are an idea whose time has come.
William Pierce knew that we are made of the same stuff as the Earth and the stars, that we are the expanding consciousness of an evolving Universe, and that your soul is, in a very profound sense, the soul of the Universe itself. If you had to encapsulate William Pierce’s life in a single sentence, it would be: He saw that the purpose of life is the increase of consciousness; he saw that our race was the leading edge and the living agent of that increase in consciousness; and he dedicated his life to the preservation and advancement of our kind. This view of ourselves as agents of evolving Life — and Life itself as an agent of an as-yet dimly seen force immanent in the Earth and in the Cosmos itself is the heart of his philosophy
The first plan of the creator was to have the world built by the Greeks and Romans evolve into the completion of the stage of transformation; it would have been a natural progression. Certainly by the time of the library at Alexandria we possessed in full the bounty that would have led to the stars. We had Euclid’s geometry at our back; we knew the circumference of the earth to within a fraction of one percent; we knew Pi; we had Galen’s medicine; we knew what the length of a year was and were proposing adding a leap day; we knew that one could sail from Spain and reach land half way round the world; we had hydraulics and pneumatics and we knew the brain and the nervous system were a unit. The level of achievement was astounding. Everything was set and in order for us to make our orderly ascent. All of this precious Aryan knowledge was housed at the legendary library at Alexandria and it should have just been a matter of integrating the holdings.
One of the most famous scholars in residence at the Museum was a female mathematician named Hypatia, one of our martyrs. Wrapped in a traditional philosopher’s cloak she was one of the city’s most visible scholars. When conflict arose between the men of our race and the Christians wild accusations came forth that she was a practitioner of black magic—a witch, the typical canard hurled at our free thinking people. Such is the fury of the Christians that when the time came they ripped her limb from limb:
During the Christian season of Lent in March 415, a mob of Christians under the leadership of a lector named Peter raided Hypatia's carriage as she was travelling home. They dragged her into a building known as the Kaisarion, a former pagan temple and center of the Roman Imperial Cult in Alexandria that had been converted into a Christian church. There, the mob stripped Hypatia naked and murdered her. Damascius adds that they also cut out her eyeballs.
In 391 CE, as part of his attempt to wipe out paganism, Emperor Theodosius I officially sanctioned the destruction of the Serapeum, or Temple of Serapis at Alexandria. The destruction of the Temple and library was carried out under Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria, and afterwards a Christian church was built on the site. It has been hypothesized that the daughter library of the Museum, located close to the Temple, and the Royal Library were also razed to the ground at this time.
That is a mob of crazed and frenzied Christians destroyed the seed bed of our race, the precious storehouse of our worked for knowledge, and postponed our destiny. Such things a great people never forgive nor forget, but in the coldest of blood remember. And so was the first chance of our people to reach our destiny blown off course, to await yet another time.
The meaning of the Truth is this: Man, the world, and the Creator are not separate things, but man is a part of the world, which is a part of the Whole, which is the Creator. The tangible Universe is the material manifestation of the Creator. All the blazing suns of the firmament; the formless gas between the stars; the silent, frozen mountain peaks of the moon; the rustling trees of earthly forests; the teeming creatures of the dark ocean depths; and man are parts of the Creator’s material manifestation. But the Creator has a spiritual manifestation, which is the Urge toward the One Purpose. The Urge lies at the root of all things and is manifested in the relations between all things.
In perhaps his greatest speech Pierce says that our recognition of the truth sets us apart as the only adults in a world of children. If we choose to remain children instead of accepting our adulthood in the long run we will fail utterly. What he is saying is that we have moved though stages like that riddle of the Sphinx with its four legs in the morning, and two legs in the day; but never on three legs must we go; we are at the stage now where we must be fully developed, fully mature and take command of nature; that is we must grow up and be ready to transcend ourselves as adults and men.
Interestingly in some of his final published words Williams Shakespeare gives us an eerily reminiscent statement as to the condition of man: that we are children.
Oh you heavenly charmers!
What things you make of us
For what we lack we laugh
And what we have we are sorry
We are still children of some kind
Let us leave off dispute
That is above our station
And bear us like the Time
These are the final words of the poet and the rarest of things occurred in them: the great man was wrong. For we know now as we take the final glide path to becoming Higher Men that nothing is above our station; and we leave off dispute only because we have found the final solution.
The Urge is in the tenuous gases of the void, for they have a purpose, which are the flaming suns and all the planets, which form from them. The Urge is in the earth, for it has a purpose, which is the realm of plants and animals which flourish on it. And the Urge is in man, for he has a purpose, which is higher man. And the purposes of all these things are steps on the Path of Life, which leads to the One Purpose, which is the Self-realization of the Creator: the Self-completion of the Self-created. And the matter and the spirit, the Universe and the Urge, are One, and it is the Whole.
Our achieved ordained destiny will be far from being a mere political movement or even a place of cultural regeneration; no, it will be an upsurge of our spirit which will return us to the primal scene of a primal people who will no longer politely play the game of a defunct civilization but are going to smash it to bits on the altar of ourselves. We will stand above time and space, issuing words as commands and creating always-new worlds and new beings. It will be a Universe above all Universes, of pure consciousness, beyond the Nature we know now, a world of pure and instant creation without end.
And the meaning of the second way in which man serves the Creator’s Purpose is this: The evolution of the Whole toward Self-completion is an evolution in spirit as well as in matter. Self-completion, which is Self-realization, is the attainment of perfect Self-consciousness. The Creator’s Urge, which is immanent in the Universe, evolves toward an all-seeing Consciousness. Man stands between sub-man and higher man, between immanent consciousness and awakened consciousness, between unawareness of his identity and his mission and a state of Divine Consciousness. Some men will cross the threshold, and some will not. Those who attain Divine Consciousness will ascend the Path of Life toward their Destiny, which is Godhood; which is to say, the Path of Life leads upward through a never-ending succession of states, the next of which is that of higher man, and the ultimate that of the Self-realized Creator. True reason will illuminate the Path for them and give them foresight; it will be a mighty aid to the Creator’s Urge within them
Now we come to the pass again when we summon the god even as its summons us; long is the time but the time is now right. Objectively we seem to be in a much less advantageous position than before but this is mere illusion. We old fighters have been preparing for this day; we have learned from the mistakes of the past and we will not make them again. We know that fate can be delayed but never broken, and soon the fate of everything that will ever be will be in our hands. There is no other way but ours. There is only one path. The one task assigned to us by the creator is: the task of achieving full consciousness of the whole and entering into the ever-present flux of its dynamism, into the perfect state of pure self-awareness which will constitute a new mode of being. The universe is a living organism which is entering the zone of its completion, then to begin its real life. Thus far the world has been but a toy or a puppet of a statue or an automaton; but soon all will be true and all will be real. It will be a world of pure imagination and command and control; of all the things that Pierce ever said his reference to the “never ending succession of states” is the most resonant of meaning. What is meant by this is that the purpose of the creator is right there in its name: creation and ever more creation. The world we shall enter will be the zone of the eternal where constant transmogrification unfolds, we are going live and on the air; we will create always newer and better versions of reality in a never-ending succession; like always new editions emanating from a press, going higher and ever higher. It was Christ who (they say) said: it is finished, it is accomplished. But it was Da Vinci who rhetorically asked: is anything ever done? The answer of course is no, and in this new world, frontier upon frontier, vista upon vista, will open before and within our eyes and we will become free artists of ourselves; no sooner will a thing be thought of than it will appear.
So let us now praise famous men; cattle die and men did but the deeds and idea and dreams of William Pierce never will die because this dream never can die: being real. Before coming upon his majestic words and thoughts I had been searching my whole life for the one true path and had come close, close many times, and had many strands of the knowledge; but when I read Pierce’s eloquent and alarmingly crystal clear prose about these home truths in all of their radiant splendor my eyes boggled in astonishment; as one always must when one finally finds it; when one finally comes home.
Gimlet eyed: eyes with a piercing stare, redolent of a cool eyed logician
Dr. Pierce once referred to Adolf Hitler as the greatest man of our era, so it should come as little surprise to discover that he felt the Second World War had been won by the wrong side. In its time, the Third Reich, Pierce believed, had offered humanity its best hope for achieving the purpose of the Creator. Pierce saw the brutal destruction of National Socialist Germany as a turning point in human history. After the war, racialist ideals were denigrated by a hostile media and academic establishment, and Whites were taught to regard National Socialism in particular with vehement repugnance — and to regard virtually any assertion of White interests as “tainted” with “Nazism.” William Pierce felt that Hitler’s memory would live on nevertheless: what will count in the long run in determining Adolf Hitler’s stature is not whether he won or lost the war, but whether it was he or his adversaries who were on the side of the Life Force, whether it was he or they who served the cause of Truth and human progress. We only have to look around us today to see that it was not they.
Now, my excellent friend, said my companion, you are in possession of all you need to follow my argument. We see that in the organic world, as thought grows dimmer and weaker, grace emerges more brilliantly and decisively. But just as a section drawn through two lines suddenly reappears on the other side after passing through infinity, or as the image in a concave mirror turns up again right in front of us after dwindling into the distance, so grace itself returns when knowledge has as it were gone through an infinity. Grace appears most purely in that human form which either has no consciousness or an infinite consciousness. That is, in the puppet or in the god. Does that mean, I said in some bewilderment, that we must eat again of the tree of knowledge in order to return to the state of innocence? Of course, he said, but that's the final chapter in the history of the world.
October 2 2024
Our purpose is the creator’s purpose—that’s what Cosmotheism teaches. The creator’s purpose is to create, to create new beings and new worlds, and to bring those worlds to the completion of self-consciousness, though this is just the completion of the stage of transition, after which successive states evolve one after the other endlessly. The Aryan race on earth is now the focal point of the creator and his purpose is that we shall become gods in our own right, become free and autonomous, and immortal, constitute our own ground, and thus take on a life of our own, that is begin to live. This dynamic process is the purpose of the creator and so it is our purpose—that is what Cosmotheism teaches, that a state of self-realization will occur when we are read into the ground plan of the god, and become independent of it. We thus stand on the verge of an epochal change to another mode of being, another state of mind, and as such we are the means by which the creator realizes its creation of eternal self-evolution; and it is our task today to become aware of who we are and so become who we are. That is what Cosmotheism teaches.
You are a part of the whole, which is the Creator, that you understand that your purpose, the purpose of mankind and the purpose of every other part of creation, is the Creator’s purpose, that this purpose is the never-ending ascent of the path of creation, the path of life symbolized by our life rune, that you understand that this path leads ever upward toward the Creator’s self-realization, and that the destiny of those who follow this path is godhood.
William Pierce is the philosopher at the end of time. Many have had partial glimpses of the great truth, of the Higher Dream but only he has been able to put it forth in its totality and eternal clarity. His cardinal virtue (other than being an old fighter for truth and uncompromising clarity) is that he was a hard headed scientist by training and a dyed in the wool empiricist by inclination. He delved headlong into areas that are esoteric and arcane, artistic and mystical, but did so with the gimlet-eyed incisiveness and precision of a man of science; and did not get bogged down in the tentative and vague formulations and the requisite obfuscations which are endemic to the subject. That is what throughout most of history men have put up as a metaphor or a pious wish or an equivocal hope he was able to explicate in direct and forthright language without hedging or circumlocution, or ever revised schemes. He knew it to be true and he saw no reason to trim his sail with any "perhaps." That is he put the Higher Dream of the seers and sages, the dream of German Idealism, with its notion of ground and abyss, its notion of gods being born and reborn, its notion of concealing and disclosing, and put them on a sound and solid foundation of Anglo-Saxon common sense. Given all the facts his philosophy is the only reasonable inference, no matter how outlandish it may appear to the untrained eye; and as such there is no reason to ring it about with time worn taboos of the dangers of transgression, or with quibbling or hair splitting doubts; this he did not do and simply spoke it clearly and forthrightly as befits an Aryan man. As such his deeds and words will never die.
Pierce described Cosmotheism as being based on the idea of an evolutionary universe with an evolution toward ever higher and higher states of self-consciousness. His political ideas followed from this, and were centered on racial progress through self-selection, eugenics, and struggle as the means of advancing the White race toward what he sometimes called Higher Man. In his view, the White race represented the pinnacle of human evolution thus far — and therefore it should be kept genetically separate from all other races. We are truly instruments of God in the fulfillment of His grand design.
On earth only the Aryan race has proven capable of this transformation in the evolution of the Cosmos. But given this awesome responsibility William Pierce warns us if we do not go out to meet our destiny as a race the Creator will abandon us. That is should we not be up to the monumental task before us the Creator will find some other people, and some other race, and some other time, to achieves its aims.
But we shall not fail. Our creator’s purpose is our purpose and it shall be realized, it shall become real.
World history moves in arcs and our race has come close to the final aim two times. The last (and ultimately penultimate) time was in 1945 when Adolf Hitler came perilously close to creating the conditions desired by our creator. Had he broken through at Stalingrad you and I my friend would be living in Paradise right now. Hitler said it was never his desire to be a War Fuehrer at all; he was an artist and a bohemian at heart and as such was a dreamer, a dreamer of the Higher Dream, the Highest Dream; our Fuehrer knew that Aryan man was Promethean man, destined to play with fire and control it; he wanted to build a great civilization with great monoliths of buildings symbolizing the enormous destiny of our people; monumental cities filled with awesome art, and with scientists delving into the very heart of nature. The leap we are now about to take could only occur in a culture that is steeped in lore and knowledge, that is technologically advanced and sophisticated; presumably the mode of being that we are about to enter requires the rudiments of technical knowledge; certainly the abode that we are to enter is inconceivable to us now but at least the shape of things to come in the form of models of god like power are required and we now possess them by dint of our long efforts; presumably the rest will be done with mind and will; if Hitler had emerged victoriously from the war he soon would have got the Germanic Nations of America and England in line; his oft professed hope was that he would have his necessary East, the British would retain their Empire and America have its own Hemisphere; Japan would have been swiftly bottled up on its island and China would have been forever docile; and in the calm and repose of a German Peace as if in a rocking cradle the German sciences could have achieved their flower; the blast furnace of America would have been put to right purposes. Hitler always looked askance at Himmler’ project of going to the mouth of the river of the origins of Germania; he was always a bit embarrassed that while the Greeks were building the Parthenon the Germans had pottery shards to show for themselves; but he soon would have recognized this origin was a fertile seed bed; the Germans in fact came last to the world of culture, but that when they arrived they arrived in full armor: the German Renaissance beginning in 1780 matches anything the Aryan world had ever seen; and as he and his successors surveyed the grove of calm they enjoyed they could have pursued our inevitable god like destiny with great equilibrium; without the carping and sniping and always destructive desires of the Jew and the colored races; it would have been the right way to do it; but like the appointment in Samarra our destiny can be delayed but never thwarted. We are an idea whose time has come.
William Pierce knew that we are made of the same stuff as the Earth and the stars, that we are the expanding consciousness of an evolving Universe, and that your soul is, in a very profound sense, the soul of the Universe itself. If you had to encapsulate William Pierce’s life in a single sentence, it would be: He saw that the purpose of life is the increase of consciousness; he saw that our race was the leading edge and the living agent of that increase in consciousness; and he dedicated his life to the preservation and advancement of our kind. This view of ourselves as agents of evolving Life — and Life itself as an agent of an as-yet dimly seen force immanent in the Earth and in the Cosmos itself is the heart of his philosophy
The first plan of the creator was to have the world built by the Greeks and Romans evolve into the completion of the stage of transformation; it would have been a natural progression. Certainly by the time of the library at Alexandria we possessed in full the bounty that would have led to the stars. We had Euclid’s geometry at our back; we knew the circumference of the earth to within a fraction of one percent; we knew Pi; we had Galen’s medicine; we knew what the length of a year was and were proposing adding a leap day; we knew that one could sail from Spain and reach land half way round the world; we had hydraulics and pneumatics and we knew the brain and the nervous system were a unit. The level of achievement was astounding. Everything was set and in order for us to make our orderly ascent. All of this precious Aryan knowledge was housed at the legendary library at Alexandria and it should have just been a matter of integrating the holdings.
One of the most famous scholars in residence at the Museum was a female mathematician named Hypatia, one of our martyrs. Wrapped in a traditional philosopher’s cloak she was one of the city’s most visible scholars. When conflict arose between the men of our race and the Christians wild accusations came forth that she was a practitioner of black magic—a witch, the typical canard hurled at our free thinking people. Such is the fury of the Christians that when the time came they ripped her limb from limb:
During the Christian season of Lent in March 415, a mob of Christians under the leadership of a lector named Peter raided Hypatia's carriage as she was travelling home. They dragged her into a building known as the Kaisarion, a former pagan temple and center of the Roman Imperial Cult in Alexandria that had been converted into a Christian church. There, the mob stripped Hypatia naked and murdered her. Damascius adds that they also cut out her eyeballs.
In 391 CE, as part of his attempt to wipe out paganism, Emperor Theodosius I officially sanctioned the destruction of the Serapeum, or Temple of Serapis at Alexandria. The destruction of the Temple and library was carried out under Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria, and afterwards a Christian church was built on the site. It has been hypothesized that the daughter library of the Museum, located close to the Temple, and the Royal Library were also razed to the ground at this time.
That is a mob of crazed and frenzied Christians destroyed the seed bed of our race, the precious storehouse of our worked for knowledge, and postponed our destiny. Such things a great people never forgive nor forget, but in the coldest of blood remember. And so was the first chance of our people to reach our destiny blown off course, to await yet another time.
The meaning of the Truth is this: Man, the world, and the Creator are not separate things, but man is a part of the world, which is a part of the Whole, which is the Creator. The tangible Universe is the material manifestation of the Creator. All the blazing suns of the firmament; the formless gas between the stars; the silent, frozen mountain peaks of the moon; the rustling trees of earthly forests; the teeming creatures of the dark ocean depths; and man are parts of the Creator’s material manifestation. But the Creator has a spiritual manifestation, which is the Urge toward the One Purpose. The Urge lies at the root of all things and is manifested in the relations between all things.
In perhaps his greatest speech Pierce says that our recognition of the truth sets us apart as the only adults in a world of children. If we choose to remain children instead of accepting our adulthood in the long run we will fail utterly. What he is saying is that we have moved though stages like that riddle of the Sphinx with its four legs in the morning, and two legs in the day; but never on three legs must we go; we are at the stage now where we must be fully developed, fully mature and take command of nature; that is we must grow up and be ready to transcend ourselves as adults and men.
Interestingly in some of his final published words Williams Shakespeare gives us an eerily reminiscent statement as to the condition of man: that we are children.
Oh you heavenly charmers!
What things you make of us
For what we lack we laugh
And what we have we are sorry
We are still children of some kind
Let us leave off dispute
That is above our station
And bear us like the Time
These are the final words of the poet and the rarest of things occurred in them: the great man was wrong. For we know now as we take the final glide path to becoming Higher Men that nothing is above our station; and we leave off dispute only because we have found the final solution.
The Urge is in the tenuous gases of the void, for they have a purpose, which are the flaming suns and all the planets, which form from them. The Urge is in the earth, for it has a purpose, which is the realm of plants and animals which flourish on it. And the Urge is in man, for he has a purpose, which is higher man. And the purposes of all these things are steps on the Path of Life, which leads to the One Purpose, which is the Self-realization of the Creator: the Self-completion of the Self-created. And the matter and the spirit, the Universe and the Urge, are One, and it is the Whole.
Our achieved ordained destiny will be far from being a mere political movement or even a place of cultural regeneration; no, it will be an upsurge of our spirit which will return us to the primal scene of a primal people who will no longer politely play the game of a defunct civilization but are going to smash it to bits on the altar of ourselves. We will stand above time and space, issuing words as commands and creating always-new worlds and new beings. It will be a Universe above all Universes, of pure consciousness, beyond the Nature we know now, a world of pure and instant creation without end.
And the meaning of the second way in which man serves the Creator’s Purpose is this: The evolution of the Whole toward Self-completion is an evolution in spirit as well as in matter. Self-completion, which is Self-realization, is the attainment of perfect Self-consciousness. The Creator’s Urge, which is immanent in the Universe, evolves toward an all-seeing Consciousness. Man stands between sub-man and higher man, between immanent consciousness and awakened consciousness, between unawareness of his identity and his mission and a state of Divine Consciousness. Some men will cross the threshold, and some will not. Those who attain Divine Consciousness will ascend the Path of Life toward their Destiny, which is Godhood; which is to say, the Path of Life leads upward through a never-ending succession of states, the next of which is that of higher man, and the ultimate that of the Self-realized Creator. True reason will illuminate the Path for them and give them foresight; it will be a mighty aid to the Creator’s Urge within them
Now we come to the pass again when we summon the god even as its summons us; long is the time but the time is now right. Objectively we seem to be in a much less advantageous position than before but this is mere illusion. We old fighters have been preparing for this day; we have learned from the mistakes of the past and we will not make them again. We know that fate can be delayed but never broken, and soon the fate of everything that will ever be will be in our hands. There is no other way but ours. There is only one path. The one task assigned to us by the creator is: the task of achieving full consciousness of the whole and entering into the ever-present flux of its dynamism, into the perfect state of pure self-awareness which will constitute a new mode of being. The universe is a living organism which is entering the zone of its completion, then to begin its real life. Thus far the world has been but a toy or a puppet of a statue or an automaton; but soon all will be true and all will be real. It will be a world of pure imagination and command and control; of all the things that Pierce ever said his reference to the “never ending succession of states” is the most resonant of meaning. What is meant by this is that the purpose of the creator is right there in its name: creation and ever more creation. The world we shall enter will be the zone of the eternal where constant transmogrification unfolds, we are going live and on the air; we will create always newer and better versions of reality in a never-ending succession; like always new editions emanating from a press, going higher and ever higher. It was Christ who (they say) said: it is finished, it is accomplished. But it was Da Vinci who rhetorically asked: is anything ever done? The answer of course is no, and in this new world, frontier upon frontier, vista upon vista, will open before and within our eyes and we will become free artists of ourselves; no sooner will a thing be thought of than it will appear.
So let us now praise famous men; cattle die and men did but the deeds and idea and dreams of William Pierce never will die because this dream never can die: being real. Before coming upon his majestic words and thoughts I had been searching my whole life for the one true path and had come close, close many times, and had many strands of the knowledge; but when I read Pierce’s eloquent and alarmingly crystal clear prose about these home truths in all of their radiant splendor my eyes boggled in astonishment; as one always must when one finally finds it; when one finally comes home.
Gimlet eyed: eyes with a piercing stare, redolent of a cool eyed logician
Dr. Pierce once referred to Adolf Hitler as the greatest man of our era, so it should come as little surprise to discover that he felt the Second World War had been won by the wrong side. In its time, the Third Reich, Pierce believed, had offered humanity its best hope for achieving the purpose of the Creator. Pierce saw the brutal destruction of National Socialist Germany as a turning point in human history. After the war, racialist ideals were denigrated by a hostile media and academic establishment, and Whites were taught to regard National Socialism in particular with vehement repugnance — and to regard virtually any assertion of White interests as “tainted” with “Nazism.” William Pierce felt that Hitler’s memory would live on nevertheless: what will count in the long run in determining Adolf Hitler’s stature is not whether he won or lost the war, but whether it was he or his adversaries who were on the side of the Life Force, whether it was he or they who served the cause of Truth and human progress. We only have to look around us today to see that it was not they.
Now, my excellent friend, said my companion, you are in possession of all you need to follow my argument. We see that in the organic world, as thought grows dimmer and weaker, grace emerges more brilliantly and decisively. But just as a section drawn through two lines suddenly reappears on the other side after passing through infinity, or as the image in a concave mirror turns up again right in front of us after dwindling into the distance, so grace itself returns when knowledge has as it were gone through an infinity. Grace appears most purely in that human form which either has no consciousness or an infinite consciousness. That is, in the puppet or in the god. Does that mean, I said in some bewilderment, that we must eat again of the tree of knowledge in order to return to the state of innocence? Of course, he said, but that's the final chapter in the history of the world.
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