The Truth Is A Criminal Offense

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4883
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The Truth Is A Criminal Offense

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:43 pm

Douglas Mercer
March 17 2024

Idiocy and stupidity combine to form a virus that is spreading throughout the human community and it is virulent and it is strong and it hops from host to host and if left unchecked it will leave an untold number of minds in a puddle on the floor and the puddle will be rank and sick with all kinds of malarial diseases that will make society go mentally septic. In fact it already has. As a case in point British law used to be a thing to talk about, used to be a thing of real majesty; indeed the British if nothing else were lawgivers of a high order and if given enough time Rule Britannia would have spread a soft benevolence to the world. The White man would have ruled for sure and the nigger coolies would have worked for us, but after we stripped them of the ignorance and viciousness which is their native lot we would have tossed them all some bananas and let them live with a modicum of freedom in their vapid peace.

Clearly that’s not the way it played out and a noble civilization was cut off at the knees not in midstream but in its infancy; indeed the last great in a long line of great artists was Arno Breker; since then it’s been meaningless words and scrawls on canvas; there is no intrinsic reason that Breker could not have been the first in the next line of great artists; that could have been on the cards; but the Jews leveled a lot more than Berlin; they leveled the possibility of a never ending stream of greatness; and now amid the rubble and the ruination the present situation is so much purely evil that in the lands that were formerly ours you can’t even put in a good word let alone two cheers for White people; and you certainly can’t fight for our own people. The law says so. And the truth? Why, it’s a criminal offense. And if you think that’s hyperbole just keep reading.

“A British right-wing activist has been sentenced to two years in prison after being found guilty of inciting racial hatred for sharing stickers online that warn about the consequences of mass immigration. Sam Melia, 34, was convicted at Leeds Crown Court on January 24 2024 for distributing printable stickers via a Telegram channel with the intent of stirring up racial hatred.”

Stirring up racial hatred? Stoking racial tensions? Spreading hate? They have all the formulaic elocutions at the ready. But this is a case of projection that would let that vile Jew Freud let out a low whistle. For the unremitting hate that comes from the Jews and their fellow travelers toward we White people is legion; but then the genocide of White people will be the one genocide that the Jews approve of and it will be so publicly approved by them on what they term humanitarian grounds. It is of course crucial to the Jewish project of disintegration and destruction that White people are not allowed to be proud of themselves and defend themselves. They think the words “Adolf Hitler” together form a trump card that when times get tough they can simply lay on the table and sweep everything before them. Of course what the Jews are in essence are the jokers in the pack, and the wicked Ace Of Spades; they shuffle the deck and count cards and pull cards out of their sleeves to rig the deal. Indeed, the Jews amass all of their ideological armies on this border: no White man may defend himself period, certainly not as a White man. No White man may enter the fray and tell the truth about what the Jews are doing. The Jews are so skittish on this issue because they know that in this issue is the entire ball of wax; and if enough people see through their ploys eventually the entirety of their project will melt down in the intensity of the fire.

“Following Melia’s arrest in 2021, a search of his home by authorities found far-right insignia including a poster of Adolf Hitler. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in Melia’s case suggested that the existence of Nazi insignia at his home was indicative of Melia’s ideology and underpinned his desire to spread his racist views in a deliberate manner.”

The English have been overrun by Muslims and Africans, they have Indians in charge of their country, knife crime by race aliens is through the roof, and yet a poster of the great man Adolf Hitler is an issue which draws vast attention by something ridiculously called The Crown Prosecution Service. Indeed, we can all stipulate that having said poster indicates the man is one who loves his own race. And yet what the authorities call “offending stickers” were simply run of the mill statements of fact or reasonable exhortations to positive action, or clever wordplay meant to evoke real thought: Reject White Guilt, We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066, Diversity – designed to fail, built to replace, They seek conquest, not asylum, Small hats big problems, Ask not what Jews can do for your country, ask what your country can do for Jews. This is in line with the best of propaganda and White sticker art: to the point, true, incontrovertible, and a shot right to the brain. The point is to get people out of their mental ruts and present them with a large reality that they habitually ignore as they numb their minds with their mobile devices, their distracting screens and their god they call television. It is jarring and prescient; which is why the Jews cannot stand it. The truth after all is what they fear most; and why they have made it a criminal offense.

“At the time of his conviction, Nick Price, head of the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, said: He was very deliberate in the manner he wanted to spread his messages of racial hatred, and online messages recovered made it clear that he knew these stickers were being displayed in public and causing damage to public property. It is illegal to publish such material intending to stir up racial hatred towards others, and the CPS will not hesitate to bring prosecutions against those who break the law in this way.”

Not only won’t they hesitate to prosecute such “offenders” they have made it their life mission. White people are Public Enemy Number One; so long we meekly acquiesce in our conquest they will allow us to live on sufferance—for now at least, though soon if our power and numbers continues to be further and further diminished they will try to make a clean sweep of us. The story here is rather simple. A man with the ultimate English name of Nick Price turned tail and turned traitor and now he’s doing Jewish bidding and putting a White man in jail for defending and fighting for his own people. You heard that right: in no longer jolly England a White man loving his own race gets him on the criminal blotter, gets him tossed in jail. All in our own circles sadly know this story all too well but each and every time you hear it it’s no less staggeringly jarring. That we have come to such a pass, or to such multiple passes, is of course the story of our time. We allowed ourselves to be pushed off our upward trajectory by outsiders by infiltration from the outside, by treachery from the inside, and a long and chronic fit of an absence of mind on the part of far too many of us. The result is we don’t write the story any more in the countries created by our people, it is written for us. Indeed such a sorry state is it that we can’t even put up a slogan on our behalf in public; if you try the long arm of the law will draw up a bill of indictment, one that says you are guilty of criminally speaking the truth and it is one that will go down on your permanent record.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: The Truth Is A Criminal Offense

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:44 pm

Sam Melia

Douglas Mercer
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Re: The Truth Is A Criminal Offense

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:46 pm

Nick Price

Douglas Mercer
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Re: The Truth Is A Criminal Offense

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:48 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The Truth Is A Criminal Offense

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:50 pm


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Re: The Truth Is A Criminal Offense

Post by Stargazer » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:22 pm

I’ve been following this case for the past month and it’s really a terrible injustice by the British justice system. And the fact that they left Sam’s wife and fellow nationalist Laura Towler who is heavily pregnant and a young daughter to fend for themselves is sickening, though a givesendgo campaign launched by Patriotic Alternative (the organization Sam is affiliated with) leader Mark Collett has raised over £60,000 for their benefit absolutely lessens that blow.

What’s also interesting is that some more civic nationalist figures like Tommy Robinson have come out in support of Sam, likely because the precedent sent by the trial could affect him as well. Even notorious gatekeeper Alex Jones of Infowars infamy raised awareness for Sam Melia’s imprisonment.

While I can see it being easy for Americans to overlook what goes on with white nationalists in Europe, I think more of us should pay a bit more attention. Countries like the UK are almost snapshots into the future when it comes to free speech. Soon enough the draconian speech regulations that the UK and other EU countries has could come to America unless something is done about it.

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