Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
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Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:30 pm

Douglas Mercer
October 1 2023

They say the name Zimmerman is commonly associated with Ashkenazi Jews, and I believe it. Daniel is also a Jewish name it goes without saying. Put them together you got one filthy kike. Though a thorough search has not found the absolute proof if this guy is a Jew if he’s not he sure acts like one. Daniel Zimmeman is his name and he’s been the mayor of Monnheim in Germany since 2009. He founded a party called PETO which is grimly ironic as now he’s running interference for the invader pedophiles. The Jews want to unleash the sexual predation on the German populace and in that endeavor no German is too young. They remember how the Jewish Red Army did it and they want a reprise. And now in order to save the invaders the time of searching out where the children are they have cut the ghoulish Gordian knot and are going to just plop them down right on the school grounds. No, really, that’s what they are doing, you can’t make this stuff up, no one’s imagination is that far reaching. That way the invaders can lick their lascivious lips while the kids are on the playground and venture out to pick one off at their leisure. What on earth could go wrong other than everything?

"Today we live in a time when nationalism and right-wing populism are on the rise again. Many people perceive globalization as a threat and believe that tighter borders, higher fences and isolation are the solution. History teaches us that this is wrong, because spatial isolation always goes hand in hand with spiritual isolation. Nationalism and right-wing populism promote intolerance and exclusion. They create an intellectual narrowness that ultimately endangers pluralism, freedom of expression and democracy."

So said Daniel Zimmerman which is a suspiciously Jewish name. This is standard issue off the rack boilerplate Jewish rot—open the borders says the Jew, get rid of the locks on your doors, let in and welcome heartily the stranger---you don’t want to be a xenophobe do you? You don’t want to be a bigot? An isolationist? You don’t want to hole up in a White fortress? Why, that would be wrong. Wrong on its face. Accept the cosmopolitanism which was designed to murder you, accept the internationalism that the Jew has prepared for your race’s demise. Be intellectually expansive and mentally unguarded, that’s the only way you can celebrate the human race—which is the only race. And if your young son or daughter gets raped by an Afghani or a Senegalese—well, that’s just expiation for the untold White crimes of history.

“Respect for other cultures, for each other's languages, for enduring differences and the feeling that contact with other cultures is not a threat but an enrichment, that is the spirit of the European Union. The respect, openness and tolerance that we promote through encounters between twin cities ultimately act as an inoculant against discrimination, intolerance and fanaticism.”

So said the man with the very suspiciously Jewish name of Daniel Zimmerman. He wants to give you the shot, the Jewish vaccine against bigotry and racism. He wants you to be open and caring and tolerant, not some fanatical White man with race pride. Have loving contact with other cultures, have respect for them, they are people just like you, probably better people, and they certainly have more of a right to your homeland than you do. You, you see, you are living on borrowed time and the end is near. So buck up and bite the bullet and be prepared be enriched good and hard. And if this enrichment entrails sexual assault on your children, so be it; just don’t be a bigot and try to stop it.

“Outraged parents have condemned the local mayor’s decision to accommodate up to 80 asylum seekers in containers on the grounds of a primary school in the German town of Monheim am Rhein. Dozens of local residents attended a recent question time of the local council to voice their displeasure over the controversial move proposed by Mayor Daniel Zimmerman’s administration and expressed their concerns for child safety, calling the plans both inappropriate and unacceptable. Starting next spring, a cohort of migrants will reside in containers located on the school grounds, which are no longer used for educational purposes.”

Oh it’s a done deal now. Outraged parents or not Daniel Zimmerman is in charge and he knows what’s best. The move may be controversial, the move may be bizarre, it may be downright criminal but that’s not going to stop this Zimmerman fellow. Child safety is a luxury no one can afford in this global age of unremitting internationalism. Why, think of the safety of the children in those hell holes where these invaders come from. That’s the real issue, not the fact that your German child might be treated like a rag doll by a Paki or a Ghanan. Didn’t you learn the lesson of Rotherham when those Muslims treated the young innocent White girls like “fresh meat?” The lesson there was that no one in authority cared one whit or jot about those girls, indeed they enabled and facilitated the raping, and egged it on. No one in leadership in any European country cares about anything as outmoded as the safety of White children. That’s decidedly out of fashion. It’s all about the stranger now. And they perpetrate this biological warfare in the name of filthy lucre but really it’s a straight up genocidal intent.

“In response to the protestations of locals, the council cited economic factors as a primary reason for the move, insisting that the estimated €150,000 it would cost to convert the containers into housing was substantially lower than the cost of renting private accommodations, where around 80 percent of the migrants recently received by the municipality currently reside. We simply can’t keep up with renting anymore, a city press spokesperson told parents at the meeting.”

Of course the idea of not permitting them in at all never crosses their minds. Perish the thought! Well, perish the Germans is what really crosses their minds. You could just send the ones already there packing and the money saved would come rushing in. You could keep the ones not here out and you could put the military on the border and keep them out forever. There are many solutions to combat an invasion all of them involving draconian action and lethal force. But the Daniel Zimmermans of the world like to present them selves as belt tighteners and fiscally responsible and as penny pinchers. Just looking out for your wallets sirs and madams. And what’s your kid’s trauma at being raped compared to the budget? Those pricey five star hotels are costly so let’s just put them right on the school grounds in containers. And whatever medical care and whatever psychological services or burial and mortuary fees you have to pay will be a pittance compared to the monetary windfall they’ve engineered.

“Concerned parents told the council meeting that the housing of traumatized refugees in the vicinity of young children was wholly irresponsible, and expressed worries of potential conflict between the new arrivals and their children including the danger of rape or abuse. However Zimmerman called these fears unfounded and insisted that the migrants are people like you and me and are not dangerous. The safety of our children is the primary goal – I personally guarantee that, the local mayor assured parents.”

His personal guarantee—well, as my mother used to say that and a quarter will get you cup of coffee—though not any more. His personal guarantee—that will be cold comfort when your kid just got raped by a saggy pants black lunatic in a soccer jersey. And a moment’s reflection will reveal that they might not be people just like us—not like the Germans, hard working, diligent, conscientious, inventive, and successful. Not quite like that. The blacks indeed are the polar opposite; lazy, ignorant, failures, possessing low impulse control and sexually licentious. This is a plan that only a Jew could concoct.

“He explained that with the municipality receiving significantly more refugees from Syria, and Afghanistan, private accommodation in Monheim has become saturated and the town is reaching its acceptance limits. The council therefore needs to resort to alternative measures to accommodate further arrivals. The mayor added that while he was open to discussing the matter further with concerned parents in the next few weeks, for instance at parent meetings, such correspondence will not change the city’s decision to repurpose the containers on the school grounds and considered the matter to be closed.”

Got that White man? Case closed. There is no appealing the rule of the Sanhedrin in the case of White Genocide. You can’t fight city hall is the least of it: you can't fight the death of your race. The papers have been signed, the containers are already on the trucks, the money has been crossed out of the budget line by line. Private places are already filled to the gills with these genetic defectives; they are packed in like sardines. Only one option left and it’s right next to the playground where innocent Hans and Helga used to play without concern. Not any more White man; now they have put sexual predators within about fifty feet of them and it’s open season on the young. Sure, this Jew will talk to you, he’ll seem empathetic, he will listen to your feelings about how you don’t want black and brown sex criminals on top of your children. But inside he’ll be thinking not that you’re a bigot and not that you don’t want to enter the global world and not that you’re a racist. What the Jew will be thinking is that your days on this planet are almost done.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:31 pm

Daniel Zimmerman

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:32 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:32 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
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Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:32 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:33 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:33 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:47 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:48 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7540
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Unleashing The Invaders On Children

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:49 am


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