Severing The Roots

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Douglas Mercer
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Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:37 pm

Douglas Mercer
October 1 2023

The amazing thing is there are any statues of White people left.

“In New York City (September 25 2023) the Democratic-led council’s Cultural Affairs Committee is contemplating a proposal to yank artworks from city property dedicated to historical figures such as George Washington, Peter Stuyvesant and Christopher Columbus because of their controversial pasts.”

They don’t call it Jew York City for nothing after all. They had that little demented negro boy statue showcased, the one who oracled the death of the White race. But Jefferson came down and now in turn the baddest of bad White males Columbus is in their sights. They don’t call them Dead White Males for nothing. Washington too is on the chopping block, he was the father of the country, and they can’t allow that to last. They used to say that the last American to leave should take the flag, but that flag doesn’t mean a thing anymore. Just leave it as you leave and join us in the redoubt---when everything falls apart we’ll put up statues to even better men.

“Columbus was a migrant! fumed Angelo Vivolo, president of the Columbus Heritage Coalition.”

With friends like those who needs enemies? Somehow he thinks that if Columbus can be subsumed under the “glamorous” name of migrants they’ll cease their destruction of him. But fat chance of that. And in any event: never concede your enemy’s predicate. Columbus was not a migrant. In my forthcoming The Big Book Of Racism (Deutsch Verlag) a migrant is defined as one who travels from a hell hole to leech off the White man. Columbus was an intrepid explorer who led the way for remorseless conquerors. Columbus was the one who showed the White man the way to New World, a world where our eternal desire for new land and new adventures could find outlet. Columbus was the one who unleashed the ferocious energies of the White man on an earth which had always been waiting for us. For that alone he is their number one bête noire, their white whale they will hunt down to the ends of the earth.

“A statue of Thomas Jefferson, the drafter of the Declaration of Independence and America’s third president, was removed from city Hall because he was a slaveholder.”

But Jefferson invented the swivel chair which by itself is worth any number of dead negros. Jefferson was that daft genius who was part seer and part nincompoop. He thought the black man totally incurable but he always harbored in his heart an admiration for the Red Man, thought you could put a stick of hay in his mouth and a sickle in his hand and he’d become one of those Yeoman farmers he loved so much. He read deeply in Anglo-Saxon lore and wanted to name states after Germanic places and wanted to put German legendary heroes on the great seal; he also notoriously said all men are created equal. But of course none of this matters to our enemies---he was a great White man from the past who said some bad things about niggers which is more than enough to make him verboten.

“The Cultural Affairs Committee’s upcoming hearing involves legislation that would require the city’s Public Design Commission to publish a plan to remove works of art on Big Apple property that depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity.”

Bellyaching for the niggers and the cannibals they are. The saddest thing about it is that around 1850 it was conventional wisdom in America that the negros and the red men would go extinct. Sure, perhaps a few hundred of each would be kept alive to be put in a zoo or museum exhibit so that little White kids could gawk at them. Perhaps some Indians would show up in a Wild West show. But it was simply assumed that in the future there would be no black or red man to speak of—they would be gone with the wind and either a rumor or a bad memory. The assumption was based on the fact that they were both totally unsuited to the ever advancing and ever encroaching White Civilization and that their sad days on this earth were numbered in decades. What they did not count on was that a weak-willed philosophy of humanity would sweep everything before it and, indeed, that the black and red man would be elevated to a superior moral position. That is they assumed that as they became more and more incapable of keeping up with progress they would starve; but what they failed to see was that Jews would come in and convince enough White people to love and feed them. And Exhibit A in this development is that any White man from the past who had his head screwed on right vis-vis these evolutionary dead ends is now to be pilloried from pillar to post.

“If the commission determines that a statue or monument honors a person who committed crimes against humanity but votes not to remove the artwork, it would require the city to install an explanatory plaque about the misdeeds of the historical figure, according to the bill authored by Brooklyn Council Sany Nurse and co-sponsored by 16 other lawmakers. This bill would also require the Department of Transportation to consult with the Department of Education to install plaques on sidewalks or other public space adjacent to schools that are named after a person that fits the criteria.”

How ludicrous those great White men of the past would have considered this made up category of “crime against humanity.” The phrase crimes against humanity was first bandied about by a zealous lunatic abolitionist Unitarian minister in Boston in 1854; when the time came the Jews took up the phrase with a vengeance as they snickered under their greasy caftans as they were and are the sworn enemies of all other people save themselves; but those White guys from the glorious past? Well, the Indians were in the way so they cleared them out. A free negro was a menace so they kept them in chains; when they were released they came up with Lynch Law and the color line. The Chinese coolies were a threat? They kept them out. Far from being a crime these were the necessary measures to secure the homeland of our people forever. They were not criminals but heroes—they did not build statues to them for nothing after all.

“There are more than a half-dozen monuments on city property honoring slave-holder Washington, also America’s first president and revolutionary hero — including in Washington Square Park and Union Square Park. Peter Stuyvesant, a Dutch governor, early New York settler and a slaveholder, has a statue in Stuyvesant Park, and prestigious Stuyvesant High School is named after him. Other famous slaveholders who have schools in the city named after them include John Jay (CUNY’s John Jay College) and Dewitt Clinton (Dewitt Clinton Hotel).”

Now that so many of the White race have abandoned themselves to a putative morality of equality these monuments to our greatness are sitting ducks. That is the statues and colleges and hotels that show them or bear then names are not long for this world, their days are numbered. Perhaps it is just as well. This misfiring world is now lost at sea; and to keep our glorious idols in place is a disservice to them and to us. They don’t belong there because they belong to us, not to them. So let them put up paeans to egregious negros and sad sack Indians. We will reconnoiter and reconvene and wait for their world to collapse like a house of cards. Which it inevitably will.

“Columbus, while lauded for discovering the new world, has been targeted for elimination from the public square for brutalizing native populations during his travels, and monuments of him have been taken down elsewhere. Former city Mayor de Blasio also created a panel while in office to look at monuments honoring famous figures to see if any should be removed for a history of inhumane action.”

Of course in a racially sound world we would be doing the exact opposite, we would be putting up statues to these great White men. But one of the key planks in the eternal Jewish campaign of White genocide is to sever our roots, to cut us off at the knees, to not give us a leg to stand on, to pull the rug out from under our feet, to shift the ground on which we walk so there is no bottom and all beneath us and behind us is as quicksand in which we will drown and suffocate. To hypnotize our people into thinking that those of us who went before were devils incarnate; because if the Jews know one thing, and it’s the only thing they know, is that if a people have no past they have no future; that if they can convince enough of us to retroactively criminalize out past their dystopian Jewish millennia will soon be ushered in. And so one by one the idols are smashed and removed and given plaques by these plague people that recount their “evil” deeds; and it won’t stop until we stop them. So let’s stop them. And as word to the wise to the White man it’s now or never. Remember that those old Roman sun dials inscribed the words to the ones that wanted to know the time: it’s later than you think.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:38 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:38 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:39 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:39 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:39 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:39 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:57 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:45 am


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Severing The Roots

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:53 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:57 pm
Note well that Solzhenitsyn experienced this very same thing in the Jewish-ran Soviet Union around a century ago. Funny how the same program of destruction implemented by the same race of international criminals and parasites is doing the same thing elsewhere, namely here in the U.S., Europe, and elsewhere in the White world that Jews have hijacked. Thanks for the reminder!
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