Evil In A Blender

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 6586
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Evil In A Blender

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:10 pm

Douglas Mercer
September 17 2023

Back in 2018 when the human sexual question marks were beginning to come into their power but the total onslaught of the insidious ideology concocted on their behalf was still but a gleam in Judith Butler’s dead Jewish eyes some super elite professors and research slime came out with a doozy of a book. They did not just explore the various possible scenarios that weirdos can play out in their fantasy fueled world of live action role play, though they did do that. No, they went full bore into the insanity and invented supposedly clever titles for each and every niche in the weirdo world. Their book’s title had the dry-eyed stilted sheen that is endemic in the world of academic posers: “The Gender Affirmative Model: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Children.” Affirmative is their word of choice in these matters, to be “gender affirming” is to be on the right side of history, whereas to be a “gender denier” is to be one of the bad people, on par with being a Holocaust Denier or a Climate Change Denier. Best to just go with the flow and whatever cockamamie theory or reality they propose just give your salute and your assent and hop into the moral quicksand with them.

“The transgender subcategory includes both binary (either girl or boy) and nonbinary gender identities. Transgender children are those who declare their gender as other than reflected by the sex marker on their birth certificate. They can show up at any age, and as early as the toddler years, as individuals are aware of their gender identity between 18 months and 3 years of age (Golombok & Fivuch, 1994). Transgender children typically consistently, persistently, and insistently express a binary or nonbinary gender and realize that their gender is different from their assigned sex. They may begin talking about their gender as soon as they begin to speak and some may express dissatisfaction with their external genitalia.”

Despite this appearing like gobbledygook that has been transliterated into gibberish and then cribbed into a sort of version of admittedly substandard English, the cramped, stilted and tortuous language was no bar to it being received rapturously by their fellow academics. The one who blurbed it burbled that it was “warm and timely” if by timely you mean that no time would be better than the present to embark on an Alice In Wonderland bender by going several times around the bend into a murky world of confusion and pain. But then these credentialed cretins form a tight little word among themselves where the variance in world views is stifled to nil by ones who run the graduate school. These top-level tyrants would no more accept into their program anyone who expressed the slightest doubt that girl-boys and boy-girls are not like mermaids (fictional) but as real and right as rain as you or I would take a known serial killer to watch the kids on a Saturday night. In this way once they have captured the schools the ideological lid is kept on tighter than Jews are clannish, and everyone inside presents a unified front to the world, in much the same way that two denizens of a rubber room will decide they are in fact the King and Queen of France as they fall deeper and deeper into a sad and tragic folie a deux.

“Colt Keo-Meier (PhD) is a clinical psychologist who researches the health of transgender people of all ages. He is a professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences of Baylor College Of Medicine.”

“Diane Ehrensaft (PhD) is a developmental and clinical psychologist professor at the University of California San Francisco, and the director of mental health of the Child Gender Center UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. She is presently a coinvestigator in a four-site National Institute of Health grant studying the effects of puberty blockers and masculinizing and feminizing hormones in gender expansive youth.”

This is the author and authoress of this tripe which not that long ago would not have seen the light of day even from a University Press or, if somehow it slipped through the monitors, would be pulped straightaway so no one began to check if someone had been dropping acid in the campus water supply. These are not some mad scientists on Dr. Moreau’s Island hatching strange hybrid creatures, this is not Kermit Gosnell tossing body part in the rubbish bin, this is not Jack the Ripper giving non-elective hysterectomies, not at all. These are cleaned and well-groomed and super respectable paid up members of the American Psychological Establishment. Indeed their preposterous book was published not by some avant garde press specializing in books about leather or rubber, or churning out the kind of moral pornography that used to get you five to ten in the pen if you sent it through the mail. Far from it. This is the press of the American Psychological Association, the center of the spider web of the psychiatric and medical establishment, the ones who used to churn out off the rack and standard issue tomes on learning and memory and experiments in behavior modification But these are also the people who were instrumental in taking homosexuality out of the DSM, no longer deeming it an aberration to be cured but a loving condition devoutly to be wished for. And the ones who wrote this book are in a small cohort of people who show up in cocktail attire on Saturday nights and drop wan witticisms about Freud, and quote Foucault on Discipline and Punish. Ones who come Monday morning about 9:00AM show up in small lecture rooms in modest dress to teach the next generation of psychiatrists and psychologists who will go boldly forth to destroy what the normal have always held near and dear. They have that big new term “gender expansive” now under their belts which means roughly speaking that there is no earthly limit to the foolishness and madness they will espouse and defend, indeed so barmy and batty have they become that even the bats have flown the belfry.

“No matter what language and terminology researchers struggle to develop that will both reflect and be respectful of the multiple ways gender can present itself, children will lead the way in carving out their own self-descriptions, categorizations, and assignations of gender. So, we now build onto preexisting lists consisting of all the ways we have heard gender described by the children who have come to see us, along with some items borrowed from social media, other people’s writing, and word on the street.”

A famous philosopher said it was the labels that negated him; but these people are pulling labels out of their backsides in order to give what is after all pretty odd and strange behavior the dignity of a concept. If you are not gender fluid then maybe you are poly, even plain gay is downright vanilla these days, to make it big in your social circles you have to wheel out the big guns with phrases like intersex or agendered, nongenderd, hyper gendered, pan gendered; or omnisexal or demisexual; of if you are traditionalist you can just be queer which might not make you all that popular in the rainbow future but is still considered a solid choice and is wayward enough to be acceptable. But like the colors of the spectrum or the choices on an infinite menu these authors are crossing the next frontier and have come up with some new names for new malfunctions. Perhaps some will catch on and some will not. But don’t confer on it a chuckle or two because beneath the pose of exterior tolerance and acceptance these two and all others like them mean deadly serious business when it comes to dissolving the moral foundation of our society. And think of the poor White teenager who maybe is a bit introverted, maybe a wallflower, and does not quit fit in. Should he come across such trash sugar plums might begin to dance in his head; because if you are a straight White male you are nowhere; but if you show up with a ribbon in your hair, are no longer Joe but Zoë, and announce that you have the latest personality disorder which is au courant----well, then the in crowd is yours for the taking.

“Gender Smoothies: a variation on the theme of gender fluid. As one teenager vividly described it: You see, you take everything about gender, throw it in the blender, press the button, and you’ve got me — a gender smoothie.”

“Gender Prius: named after the Toyota hybrid automobile. The one example the book gives of a Gender Prius is someone who self-identified as a boy in the front, a girl in the back. That’s because he braided his hair and put it in a pink bow.”

“Gender Teslas: the gender Tesla is the transgender state some children reach after a stint being a gender hybrid or gender ambidextrous. Some simply go from zero to 60 to get there, meaning from the sex assigned to them at birth to their affirmed gender identity. Some go more slowly. We could say that any child in the transgender category would count as a Tesla, but we are preserving this term for children who are in motion toward an all-one-gender status.”

“Gender Minotaur: this is one gender on top, another down below. Gender-by-season children switch according to whether school is in session or not. Gender-by-location children switch according to where they are. That presumably means playing it straight around adults who don’t cotton to radical gender theory.”

“Gender Tootsie Roll Pops: Children who exhibit one gender on the outside but experience another gender on the inside. To follow the metaphor, the crunchy outside is often the gender that accommodates to the expectations of the surrounding world, and the soft, gooey inside is the stuff of authenticity and realness. The hard candy is in place to protect or shield the inside chewiness from an unaccepting world or an internalized unaccepting part of one’s own self. It should be noted that the gender Tootsie Roll Pops, if not provided with resilience building, are often the most at-risk TGE transgender and gender expansive children.”

They’ve really outdone themselves in this list, the gender expansive are really expanding all out of proportion. All the switches and switch hitters of the world now have had conferred on them not only an entire ideology but readymade categories which do not so much explain as explain away how bizarre they are. The Janus sexed will look one way at one time, and another in another, they will revolve back and forth not from insanity to sanity but from one form of madness to the next; the amphibiously sexual will perhaps be one way in water and another on land but will be a wilderness of confusion wherever they go; the mixed sex will be straight forwardly demented but still won’t know down from up or wrong from right; and in the midst of them all will be the Q at the bottom of the perverted cracker jack box, the surprise and the unknown and possibly the unknowable, the ones who are neither here nor there and are bewildered and questioning. But really all of them on the entire list, and the lists they are fomenting for the future, the lists that are expanding and multiplying exponentially and ad infinitum, are nothing other than human question marks, sexual interrogatories for which, at bottom, there is no answer.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 6586
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Evil In A Blender

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:11 pm


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Evil In A Blender

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:27 pm

Lump all of these reality-challenged numbskulls into one basket and call them unfit to be members of the National Alliance.

Who would want any of these in a Cosmotheist community anyway; they'd pollute the gene pool with the sort of mental and moral weaknesses that got our race in trouble in the first place and would require chasing them out at some point eventually. Being White alone isn't good enough for our community, racial health and good, sound sense must be present in those who would join us.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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