Douglas Mercer
June 3 2023
During his tenure as US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions was speaking to an assembly of sheriffs and said that the office of the sheriff is a critical part of our Anglo-American heritage. No sooner were these commendable words spoken than contemptible traitors were all over him and all hell broke loose. I’m pretty sure it was the “Anglo-American heritage” part that set them off, for anything that connects White and heritage they deem anathema. For all the shrieking, wailing, and rending of garments, for all the cranking up of the hysteria, and the way they ran around like chickens with their heads cut off sputtering blood about White Supremacy, you’d have thought that Sessions had urinated freely on a statue of Rosa Parks while singing Dixie and when he was finished said “How do you like your Civil Rights now?”
“The University of Cambridge is teaching students that Anglo-Saxons did not exist as a distinct ethnic group as part of efforts to undermine and dismantle the myths of nationalism. Britain’s early medieval history is taught by the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, but the terms within its own title are being addressed as part of efforts to make teaching more anti-racism.”
So the toff and nobs of Cambridge (which has always been a communist den) have decided that their field of study needs a makeover. These high toned traitors think that for too long the books and papers they have written have used a dirty word: Anglo-Saxon. Of course in reality Anglo-Saxon is a good old English term but then that’s precisely why they don’t like it. For them the term is an anachronism and a relic, and is only fit to be placed on a placard in an anti-racist museum for the colored to gawk at. A placard well demarcated by the universal sign for poison and the words: High Voltage: Don’t Touch!
“The department’s approach also aims to show that there were never coherent Scottish, Irish and Welsh ethnic identities with ancient roots. The increased focus on anti-racism comes amid a broader debate over the continued use of terms like Anglo-Saxon, with some in academia alleging that the ethnonym is used to support racist ideas of a native English identity.”
Beowulf too damn White, there wasn’t one black brother in those mead halls, not one person shucked or jived. It was MK Ultra plant John Lennon who gave us the phrase “all-American bullet headed Saxon’s mother’s son,” said with a sneer. But now even the people in the field are saying not that the term has outlived it usefulness, but that it had no usefulness to begin with, except as a springboard for racists and xenophobes and nativists to conjure with. This is all of a piece with putting a black guy on a Lord Of The Rings card to show that Whites have no history, no heritage, and no homeland. Because White history and heritage makes them sick to their stomachs.
“Information provided by the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNC) explains its approach to teaching, stating: Several of the elements discussed above have been expanded to make ASNC teaching more anti-racist. One lecture addresses how the modern use of the term Anglo-Saxon has been embroiled in indigenous race politics, by questioning the extent of settlement by a distinct ethnic group that could be called Anglo-Saxon.”
That’s what that black Cheddar Man was all about, and those articles about the blacks in England in Roman times. They want to say that the Whites are not indigenous to England, that we are just sojourners on the earth with no place to call home. That of course prepares the way and makes it easier to displace us. After all if we have no home then are homelands are no home, and they belong to the world. But here’s the thing: since time out of mind, and many millennia before anti-racism was a gleam in the eye of the first black professor sporting a dashiki, White people have settled in and lived in England. The word Albion does not derive from the word white for nothing.
“Other aspects of ASNC’s historical modules approach race and ethnicity with reference to the Scandinavian settlement that began in the ninth century. In general, ASNC teaching seeks to dismantle the basis of myths of nationalism - that there ever was a British, English, Scottish, Welsh’ or Irish people with a coherent and ancient ethnic identity - by showing students just how constructed and contingent these identities are and always have been.”
They want you to think that White people are just a figment of the imagination. Nothing coherent about us they suppose. Just a rag tag group thrown together by chance having nothing to do with one another. But Hitler knew this was nonsense; that the Germans, the Swedes, the Norwegians, the English, and the White Americans were all the same people. A White race sprung from the forests of Germania which peopled the White world with their greatness and their courage. Is Anglo-Saxon technically a catch all term that is not absolutely precise? Perhaps, but it’s all beside the point. Better to call them Germanics and that will cover everything, but then that’s a word which is a bigger bogeyman than the other. To say it will never catch on is to say the very least.
“The term typically refers to a cultural group which emerged and flourished between the fall of Roman Britain, and the Norman Conquest, when Germanic peoples – Angles, Saxons, and Jutes – arrived and forged new kingdoms in what would later become a united England. This was also the period of Old English epics such as Beowulf. However, the term Anglo-Saxon has recently become embroiled in controversy, with some academics claiming that the term Anglo-Saxon has been used by racists – particularly in the US – to support the idea of an ancient white English identity, and should therefore be dropped.”
Has it been used by racists? It sure has and good for us. What they are really saying is that they don’t want us to have any word to rally around, any banner to congregate under, and no flag to revere. They want us nameless so we will be homeless, they don’t want any term which has grand associations with our noble past, so that we are just nobodies and wandering vagrants. Makes it much easier for them to get us to forget who we are and kick us out.
“In 2019, the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists voted to change its name to the International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England, in recognition of the problematic connotations that are widely associated with the terms Anglo-Saxon. This was triggered by the resignation from the society of the Canadian academic Dr Mary Rambaran-Olm, who has since written that the field of Anglo-Saxon studies is one of inherent whiteness. She later wrote in the Smithsonian magazine that: The Anglo-Saxon myth perpetuates a false idea of what it means to be native to Britain.”
You ever notice how they have total access to all the establishment journals? All they have to do is bitch and moan about White people and the Jew run periodicals will come running and amplify their words. This Rambaran-Olm creature says her race has something to do with “afro” and “Caribbean” and other assortment of genetic dead ends. But she looks like in better times she could have been the smiling Polynesian hostess on your flight to Hawaii, the one who never said anything but brought you your food with a submissive mien. Now of course she rambles on about “inherent Whiteness” as if the study of the White people who flourished and carved out beautiful lives amidst the rain and snow, who built it White from the ground up, who were pure White and White as the driven snow, might not be intrinsically White.
“The term Anglo-Saxon still exists as a White Supremacist dog whistle. Its association with whiteness has saturated our lexicon to the point that it’s often weaponized to promote far right ideology. In April 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives’ America First Caucus published a policy platform claiming that the country’s borders and culture are strengthened by a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions.”
There it is again: any White person who speaks of America’s Anglo-Saxon heritage will be lacerated by the anti-racists. But the fact of the matter is that America in the beginning hailed from a small portion of the northern tip of Europe, it was peopled by those peoples and it expanded and grew and conquered as a result. Might be time for someone to take his heart in his hands and begin to purge and desecrate the faculty lounges of our elite universities and urinate freely on their sordid works while singing the Horst Wessel song, after which saying: how do you like you’re anti-racism now?
Farewell To The Saxons
- White Man 1
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Re: Farewell To The Saxons
Here is a quick primer in Anglo Saxons, definitely a real and powerful group... ... hvbg%3D%3D ... hvbg%3D%3D
- White Man 1
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Re: Farewell To The Saxons
For further reading ... e-by-bede/
Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
“Written in AD 731, Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People is the first account of Anglo-Saxon England ever written, and remains our single most valuable source for this period.”
It begins with Julius Caesar’s invasion in the first century BC and goes on to tell of the kings and bishops, monks and nuns who helped to develop government and convert the people to Christianity during these crucial formative years…” Essential reading for those interested in Anglo-Saxon history”
Condition Note: Very Good
6 in stock ... e-by-bede/
Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
“Written in AD 731, Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People is the first account of Anglo-Saxon England ever written, and remains our single most valuable source for this period.”
It begins with Julius Caesar’s invasion in the first century BC and goes on to tell of the kings and bishops, monks and nuns who helped to develop government and convert the people to Christianity during these crucial formative years…” Essential reading for those interested in Anglo-Saxon history”
Condition Note: Very Good
6 in stock
- FolkishFreya
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Re: Farewell To The Saxons
Anglo-Saxon!? Indo-European is probably next on the chopping block. pretty soon they'll have it so that identifying yourself as White won't be "proper" and considered, "insensitive". Knowing myself I'll be looking for a reason to say, "Anglo-Saxon" even, "Aryan" in conversation or in public. More people need to normalize these words.