Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

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Douglas Mercer
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Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri May 19, 2023 10:06 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 19 2023

Get your tickets now, don’t wait, it’s a limited engagement and you don’t want to be caught short when it comes to that big helping of Christian Zionism they are serving up. The movie is only in theaters on September 18 and 19 of this year so if you want to see some of that sick Christian love of Jews schlock that’s your only chance, so go to the site now and sign up to get notified to see where tickets are available. Otherwise when the ship sails on this farce you’ll be standing there waiting and have to watch it on television like the rest of those schmucks. And you don’t want that, do you? Well, probably you do, which is a good thing indeed. The smart and the sane won’t watch it anywhere which is the best play on this one, and certainly not make a big night of it to worship the Jews.

The movie in question is called Route 60: The Biblical Highway and it’s put out by Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN). Now you probably don’t remember (why would you?) but TBN is the Jew loving network a broadcaster from which once asked the then Secretary Of State if Donald (“King Of The Jews”) Trump might have been appointed by God to protect Israel. Pompeo didn’t flinch or bat an eye and he said he didn’t see why not, he was just like Esther after all. And Pompeo is one of the one-two punch of this movie, two Jew loving members of the Trump Administration who have put forth this celluloid love letter to the Hebrews. One of them is a Jew so at least you understand his love of Jews, he’s an “American” in name only for as a Jew he has no loyalty at all to White people. What the White guy is doing in a kike loving film like this is a sad story indeed, having to do with end time prophecies, the Scofield Bible, a hundred years of propaganda, and a lack of spine.

Frog faced David Friedman (the Jew) and Mike Pompeo (the White man) are the two who put out this ideological desecration. Friedman and Pompeo go way back and are bosom buddies for having been tighter than ticks and gone to the mattresses over and over again for the Jews during the four years of the Trump administration. The Jew of course laughs at the White man behind his back, but the White man wide-eyed thinks they are as thick as thieves (or tighter than ticks). It was when Pompeo was getting some Jew award of some kind (best Jew bootlicker, or most obsequious to Jews, biggest shabbos goy, I forget) that Friedman laid it on thick as the emcee. He said that if Pompeo were younger, single, and Jewish he’d have him marry his daughter. This queasy making version of J Date brought down the (mostly Jewish) house in gales of laughter. Pompeo was seen (to his eternal shame) doubling over with belly guffaws.

The Jews must know they have a real gull on the line with Pompeo and they try to reel him in whenever they can. At another Jew function (this one advocating for more American wars for Jews) frightening faced old Jewish neocon warhorse Elliot Abrams (it’s alive!) made a little joke before beginning the interview with Pompeo. Now Pompeo’s heritage is mostly English but he had one grandfather who came from Italy in the first Great Wave. So Abrams says that Pompeo’s ancestors came over in 1905 from a ……(wait for it!)…..shtetl. You see the joke here (a very small one) is that Pompeo is an honorary Jew and the Jews are more than happy to claim him as their own, even to the point of Yiddish humor. Well, he certainly does their bidding. And safe to say the whole room (including Pompeo) was doubled over with belly laughs.


The phrase “Judeo-Christian” is a made up concept from after the Second World War. Safe to say that prior to that no one had heard of such a ludicrous idea and any White American at the time would have laughed at the notion that it was in any way a Jewish and Christian nation, or had a Jewish and Christian founding. It’s true that the Puritans had some weird notions about the Jews and a sick affinity for them. But that was a fluke and soon burned itself out; and every other stream of White men who came here had nothing to do with Jews, and thank god for that. But now in elite (and especially in conservative) circles it’s a bromide that America is a Judeo-Christian country and was one from the inception. What happened is that after the war the Jews began their steep ascent to power in America, and the White Christians at the time wanted to genuflect in their direction. Then this was solidified with the rise of the evangelicals and end time mania, and so lie was born and a lie prospered.

What the dystopian duo of Pompeo and Friedman are doing is showing a movie of themselves walking around the alleged holy land and making great hay out of the Jewish-Christian connection. Apparently there is a Route 60 (the Biblical Highway!) there around which putative biblical events happened. Naturally Friedman handles the Old Testament part where Yahweh demands them to kill Amalek; and Pompeo handles the Christian part where the famous wandering vagabond puts forth idiocies like the meek shall inherit the earth.

“This trek is far more than a two-lane highway; It is a historic, sacred link to the roots of Judaism and Christianity and the stories of the Old and New Testaments. Follow world-changing diplomats David Friedman and Mike Pompeo as they venture down this sacred road, treading the very ground Abraham, Jacob, King David, and Jesus once walked. Discover the history, witness the healing, and realize the hope along Route 60, the Biblical Highway.”

This of course is dastardly propaganda. But the red hatted millions will suck it up like their mother’s milk, and will imbibe deep of the fabrications. It’s safe to say the tiny hats will be out too and the shofars will blow and the lie heard round the world will go round one more time, and the misinformation of the ages will proceed apace. And somewhere lurking in the murky corners Jews will drool at how they have fooled the dupes, and they’ll rub their greasy hands together in sick delight.

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Will Williams
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 20, 2023 11:24 am

For more about this disgusting Judeo-Christian tag team, see here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/05/pi ... hillsdale/
Douglas Mercer wrote:
Fri May 19, 2023 10:06 pm
Douglas Mercer
May 19 2023
The movie in question is called Route 60: The Biblical Highway and it’s put out by Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN). Now you probably don’t remember (why would you?) but TBN is the Jew loving network a broadcaster from which once asked the then Secretary Of State if Donald (“King Of The Jews”) Trump might have been appointed by God to protect Israel. Pompeo didn’t flinch or bat an eye and he said he didn’t see why not, he was just like Esther after all. And Pompeo is one of the one-two punch of this movie, two Jew loving members of the Trump Administration who have put forth this celluloid love letter to the Hebrews. One of them is a Jew so at least you understand his love of Jews, he’s an “American” in name only for as a Jew he has no loyalty at all to White people. What the White guy is doing in a kike loving film like this is a sad story indeed, having to do with end time prophecies, the Scofield Bible, a hundred years of propaganda, and a lack of spine.

Frog faced David Friedman (the Jew) and Mike Pompeo (the White man) are the two who put out this ideological desecration. Friedman and Pompeo go way back and are bosom buddies for having been tighter than ticks and gone to the mattresses over and over again for the Jews during the four years of the Trump administration. The Jew of course laughs at the White man behind his back, but the White man wide-eyed thinks they are as thick as thieves (or tighter than ticks)...
It was when Pompeo was getting some Jew award of some kind (best Jew bootlicker, or most obsequious to Jews, biggest shabbos goy, I forget) that Friedman laid it on thick as the emcee. He said that if Pompeo were younger, single, and Jewish he’d have him marry his daughter. This queasy making version of J Date brought down the (mostly Jewish) house in gales of laughter. Pompeo was seen (to his eternal shame) doubling over with belly guffaws.
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Douglas Mercer
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 02, 2023 11:38 pm


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Will Williams
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Will Williams » Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:59 am

"Pompeo is an honorary Jew"
and "America is a Judeo-Christian
country and was one from the

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Douglas Mercer
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:29 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:33 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Sep 03, 2023 2:44 pm

Starting at 40 seconds in wicked Jew Elliott Abrams jokes that Pompeo's great grandparents came to America from a shtetl.

https://www.c-span.org/video/?520889-2/ ... conference

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Sep 03, 2023 3:36 pm

A Shabbos Goy and his Jewish handler ponder the future

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:48 pm

“This is where the Christian faith was born. And this is where the Christian values, I think, were really born. I mean, they're Judeo-Christian values. We have the same biblical values; we stand for the same thing.”

https://www.christianpost.com/news/mike ... faith.html

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Will Williams
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Re: Judeo-Christianity Run Amok

Post by Will Williams » Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:01 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:48 pm
“This is where the Christian faith was born. And this is where the Christian values, I think, were really born. I mean, they're Judeo-Christian values. We have the same biblical values; we stand for the same thing.”

https://www.christianpost.com/news/mike ... faith.html
Friedman, who is Jewish, and Pompeo, a Christian, highlight the biblical significance of the landmarks along the path walked by biblical heroes [allegedly] like Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and David. [ :lol: ] The film, from Trinity Broadcasting Network and Fathom Events, will be in theaters Sept. 18-19.
David Friedman and Mike Pompeo appear at the red carpet premiere of "Route 60: The Biblical Highway" in Washington, D.C., September 12, 2023. | The Christian Post/Leah Klett
“I hope, as people watch this movie, it will reinforce what I think most Christians know: This is the place that Jesus was crucified, buried and rose [allegedly],” Pompeo said. “We got to travel some of the same roads that He traveled in this movie, and we tell these stories about His earthly life. I think every Christian can see that, and they'll know it from stories they learned when they were in Sunday school; they'll know it from stories in their Bible study that they're doing today. They’ll get a chance to see some of the places that are, frankly, pretty difficult to get to sometimes.”
Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so... eei eei ooh. :lol:
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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