Aristotle Was A Homo
- Posts: 10519
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Aristotle Was A Homo
Douglas Mercer
February 22 2021
If you are ever looking for some solid hours of entertainment may I suggest getting a comfortable chair, knocking back a couple of shots of whiskey in honor of the Old Man, searching through the Nixon Tapes, and simply listening.
What you will hear are the mental roamings of a highly intelligent, highly articulate man, generally besotted with drink, and ripping the bark off of and cutting to ribbons his enemies.
And for all his liberalism his enemies are our enemies too. Whatever else he was Nixon was old school America incarnate, the son of man who drove a beat up jalopy from Whittier to Los Angeles, delivering milk. His hatred are our hatreds. He was always spurned by the Ruling Class, and he was a hard hat at heart. His historical ramblings are at times scattershot, but his instincts are always sound. And instructive.
Apparently one day President Nixon was trying to tune into a baseball game (America's pastime of innocence) but got something else instead, an unhealthy does of degeneracy, courtesy of Jews. And what does he see? Two "strong, magnificent men" kissing! Right there on TV! Glorifying homosexuality the Jews were.
The next day an outraged Nixon discusses this filth with his aids. Comic it is that neither he nor any of his aids knows the name of the show, though it was a big hit by then. Nixon at first says he thinks it's a movie, another says no, it's a panel show. Finally one hits closer to the mark saying it's on every week.
They say the main character is a slob, looks like Jackie Gleason. And he's a hard hat with a hippie son in law. And that the "general trend" is to downgrade the hard hat and praise the hippie. That is the square is bad, the hippie is good.
That's real family entertainment, isn't it?
He then goes on to say emphatically that you shouldn't glorify homosexuality on public television. That this kind of immorality is what brings strong societies down. That this kind of immorality is the enemy of strong societies. Apparently he did not believe that diversity was a strength.
Of course he's right. But also of course what he saw was just the Jewish Hor D'oeurve. We've since had the main meal shoved down our throats by our enemies the Hebes. What he saw was just the the camel's nose in the tent. And it reminds you that whenever anyone says the slippery slope is a fallacy you can be sure that person is a liar and is somewhere in secret busy greasing the skids.
And what skids we've seen. A while back Spotify had an ad with some sad sack weirdos who for some strange reason they employ. The weirdos were all in a made up fictional category called "trans." One said "pronouns are tricky for me." Another said he/it/they/ze/zir/what? said he/it/they/ze/zir/what? had been in the closet for thirty years, but I'm thinking it was the basement. And "it" should have stayed there, by rights. Gillette scandalously had an ad showing a cucked father gently helping his daughter shave. And Cadbury Egg recently showed two bearded men filthily kissing with the candy passing from one mouth to the other. The tag line was: there's more than one way to get the cream flowing. There is also more than one way to dispose of excrement but most still use the restroom.
After he has described the abomination that he witnessed Nixon give his aids a little history lesson, a bit off though some of it may have been.
You know that's what happened to the Greeks he said. It was homosexuality that destroyed them.
He then notes that Aristotle was a homo. Socrates too.
Actually it was racial swamping by inferior human stocks that destroyed the Greeks. But the profusion of sodomy never helps the birth rate so the Old Man does have a point.
Nixon then goes on to state flatly that "the last six Roman Emperors were fags."
I'm not sure who exactly he has in mind but it is worth noting that the Roman patricians thought that the Emperor Claudius was an oddball because he only liked women. That is they thought him a little borderline because he was flesh rather than fish and certainly was not neither flesh nor fish. Apparently the Romans of that time preferred a lad's bottom to a woman's front.
Such candor is refreshing. There never is anything more encouraging than a seat of your pants hatred of all things deviant.
They say that when Francis Ford Coppola wrote the opening speech of the movie Patton he was sure that people would be appalled by its bloodthirsty jingoism. Apparently he was genuinely surprised that people loved it, and that it became an iconic All-American speech.
Similarly when sinister Jew Norman Lear originally wrote the character of Archie Bunker he was sure that people would be repelled by his loutishness and bigotry. He too was shocked that his character became beloved.
Lear was born in Connecticut. His mother was from the Ukraine (Jew), his father was a Russian Jew. He grew up in a Jewish household and had a bar mitzvah ceremony. Really, with these people you can write the Early Life History with a rubber stamp so similar are they. Emigrate from Eastern Europe, become socialists, go into media or entertainment, hate the White man. It really is rather formulaic.
The shows today like Orange Is The New Black and Transparent which push filth down our throats are indebted to Lear. In their views they push "socially conscious" ideas on a backward country, but socially conscious is just a sly code word for Jewishly Conscious. Don't forget that "President" Biden once said that Jewish influence on "social change" in America was: immense. In fact he underestimated it.
In addition to All In The Family Lear created Maud, which had mannish Bea Arthur as the "female" lead, and her 1970s style feminism had her browbeating her henpecked husband each episode. This Jewish show also had a "groundbreaking" episode about abortion. That's real family entertainment, isn't it?
Lear apparently had a thing with kisses.
In one episode Gloria brings home a reproduction of Rodin's sculpture The Kiss. Immediately Archie is the "blue collar bigot" and say the sculpture is pornography. Not surprisingly the hippie is appalled.
And famously in one show Lear has Sammy Davis Junior (a black and a Jew so he is an un-American twofer) smack a big wet one on Archie's cheek. How the crowd roared its approval!
And, then of course, there's the kiss between the two men that Nixon was commenting on. The two were presented as "men's men", not as preening and lisping faggots, so it was even more "shocking." Lear sent a message to normal America: fag are on the way, and it might just be your burly uncle you goddamn bigots.
Oh, how the Jews love their sodomy. That's real family entertainment, isn't it?
Lear has masqueraded as an "American Creed" promoting American, when really he's a Jewish subversive. He founded a group called The People For The American Way, the value statement of which read:
"People For the American Way works to build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity. We fight against right-wing extremism and the injustice it fosters."
In rough translation this means that Jews love a "nationality" based on bogus ideas like "democracy", "equality" "rights"; a creed that the most benighted helot can, in theory, ascribe to; but a race based polity is beyond the pale. If they were not such vicious liars (but they always are) they would have called it The People For The Jewish Way.
And let's not forget that Lear unleashed on unsuspecting Americans the big fat Jew Rob Reiner, the hippie in question. Now Reiner takes to twitter battling "racism", all the while he lives in the tony and exclusive enclave of Malibu inhabited only by Jews like him and the rich White race criminals with whom the Jews are in cahoots. No low or medium rent housing in Malibu for them, they got Fascist Zoning Laws to protect themselves. Maria comes in to clean the crap off their toilets, Juan is their gardener. Other than that it's big Jewish/White Race Criminal fest, from which feudal redoubt they lecture us about being such big bigots.
At the end of Nixon's conversation with his aids he said that "this is why the communists and the left push this". It's true, it is why the Jews push immorality, and "anything goes" lifestyles. It's because it is in their interests to do so.
Composer Richard Wagner said that Jews were "plastic demons of decomposition." That is, they want their host countries turned into putrefying corpses which they then batten on like flies.
Nixon's final words to his aids were:
"They want to destroy us!"
Yes they do. Never forget that. That is what's at stake.
If only he had said all this in public. But wherever he is may the gods be with him.
February 22 2021
If you are ever looking for some solid hours of entertainment may I suggest getting a comfortable chair, knocking back a couple of shots of whiskey in honor of the Old Man, searching through the Nixon Tapes, and simply listening.
What you will hear are the mental roamings of a highly intelligent, highly articulate man, generally besotted with drink, and ripping the bark off of and cutting to ribbons his enemies.
And for all his liberalism his enemies are our enemies too. Whatever else he was Nixon was old school America incarnate, the son of man who drove a beat up jalopy from Whittier to Los Angeles, delivering milk. His hatred are our hatreds. He was always spurned by the Ruling Class, and he was a hard hat at heart. His historical ramblings are at times scattershot, but his instincts are always sound. And instructive.
Apparently one day President Nixon was trying to tune into a baseball game (America's pastime of innocence) but got something else instead, an unhealthy does of degeneracy, courtesy of Jews. And what does he see? Two "strong, magnificent men" kissing! Right there on TV! Glorifying homosexuality the Jews were.
The next day an outraged Nixon discusses this filth with his aids. Comic it is that neither he nor any of his aids knows the name of the show, though it was a big hit by then. Nixon at first says he thinks it's a movie, another says no, it's a panel show. Finally one hits closer to the mark saying it's on every week.
They say the main character is a slob, looks like Jackie Gleason. And he's a hard hat with a hippie son in law. And that the "general trend" is to downgrade the hard hat and praise the hippie. That is the square is bad, the hippie is good.
That's real family entertainment, isn't it?
He then goes on to say emphatically that you shouldn't glorify homosexuality on public television. That this kind of immorality is what brings strong societies down. That this kind of immorality is the enemy of strong societies. Apparently he did not believe that diversity was a strength.
Of course he's right. But also of course what he saw was just the Jewish Hor D'oeurve. We've since had the main meal shoved down our throats by our enemies the Hebes. What he saw was just the the camel's nose in the tent. And it reminds you that whenever anyone says the slippery slope is a fallacy you can be sure that person is a liar and is somewhere in secret busy greasing the skids.
And what skids we've seen. A while back Spotify had an ad with some sad sack weirdos who for some strange reason they employ. The weirdos were all in a made up fictional category called "trans." One said "pronouns are tricky for me." Another said he/it/they/ze/zir/what? said he/it/they/ze/zir/what? had been in the closet for thirty years, but I'm thinking it was the basement. And "it" should have stayed there, by rights. Gillette scandalously had an ad showing a cucked father gently helping his daughter shave. And Cadbury Egg recently showed two bearded men filthily kissing with the candy passing from one mouth to the other. The tag line was: there's more than one way to get the cream flowing. There is also more than one way to dispose of excrement but most still use the restroom.
After he has described the abomination that he witnessed Nixon give his aids a little history lesson, a bit off though some of it may have been.
You know that's what happened to the Greeks he said. It was homosexuality that destroyed them.
He then notes that Aristotle was a homo. Socrates too.
Actually it was racial swamping by inferior human stocks that destroyed the Greeks. But the profusion of sodomy never helps the birth rate so the Old Man does have a point.
Nixon then goes on to state flatly that "the last six Roman Emperors were fags."
I'm not sure who exactly he has in mind but it is worth noting that the Roman patricians thought that the Emperor Claudius was an oddball because he only liked women. That is they thought him a little borderline because he was flesh rather than fish and certainly was not neither flesh nor fish. Apparently the Romans of that time preferred a lad's bottom to a woman's front.
Such candor is refreshing. There never is anything more encouraging than a seat of your pants hatred of all things deviant.
They say that when Francis Ford Coppola wrote the opening speech of the movie Patton he was sure that people would be appalled by its bloodthirsty jingoism. Apparently he was genuinely surprised that people loved it, and that it became an iconic All-American speech.
Similarly when sinister Jew Norman Lear originally wrote the character of Archie Bunker he was sure that people would be repelled by his loutishness and bigotry. He too was shocked that his character became beloved.
Lear was born in Connecticut. His mother was from the Ukraine (Jew), his father was a Russian Jew. He grew up in a Jewish household and had a bar mitzvah ceremony. Really, with these people you can write the Early Life History with a rubber stamp so similar are they. Emigrate from Eastern Europe, become socialists, go into media or entertainment, hate the White man. It really is rather formulaic.
The shows today like Orange Is The New Black and Transparent which push filth down our throats are indebted to Lear. In their views they push "socially conscious" ideas on a backward country, but socially conscious is just a sly code word for Jewishly Conscious. Don't forget that "President" Biden once said that Jewish influence on "social change" in America was: immense. In fact he underestimated it.
In addition to All In The Family Lear created Maud, which had mannish Bea Arthur as the "female" lead, and her 1970s style feminism had her browbeating her henpecked husband each episode. This Jewish show also had a "groundbreaking" episode about abortion. That's real family entertainment, isn't it?
Lear apparently had a thing with kisses.
In one episode Gloria brings home a reproduction of Rodin's sculpture The Kiss. Immediately Archie is the "blue collar bigot" and say the sculpture is pornography. Not surprisingly the hippie is appalled.
And famously in one show Lear has Sammy Davis Junior (a black and a Jew so he is an un-American twofer) smack a big wet one on Archie's cheek. How the crowd roared its approval!
And, then of course, there's the kiss between the two men that Nixon was commenting on. The two were presented as "men's men", not as preening and lisping faggots, so it was even more "shocking." Lear sent a message to normal America: fag are on the way, and it might just be your burly uncle you goddamn bigots.
Oh, how the Jews love their sodomy. That's real family entertainment, isn't it?
Lear has masqueraded as an "American Creed" promoting American, when really he's a Jewish subversive. He founded a group called The People For The American Way, the value statement of which read:
"People For the American Way works to build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity. We fight against right-wing extremism and the injustice it fosters."
In rough translation this means that Jews love a "nationality" based on bogus ideas like "democracy", "equality" "rights"; a creed that the most benighted helot can, in theory, ascribe to; but a race based polity is beyond the pale. If they were not such vicious liars (but they always are) they would have called it The People For The Jewish Way.
And let's not forget that Lear unleashed on unsuspecting Americans the big fat Jew Rob Reiner, the hippie in question. Now Reiner takes to twitter battling "racism", all the while he lives in the tony and exclusive enclave of Malibu inhabited only by Jews like him and the rich White race criminals with whom the Jews are in cahoots. No low or medium rent housing in Malibu for them, they got Fascist Zoning Laws to protect themselves. Maria comes in to clean the crap off their toilets, Juan is their gardener. Other than that it's big Jewish/White Race Criminal fest, from which feudal redoubt they lecture us about being such big bigots.
At the end of Nixon's conversation with his aids he said that "this is why the communists and the left push this". It's true, it is why the Jews push immorality, and "anything goes" lifestyles. It's because it is in their interests to do so.
Composer Richard Wagner said that Jews were "plastic demons of decomposition." That is, they want their host countries turned into putrefying corpses which they then batten on like flies.
Nixon's final words to his aids were:
"They want to destroy us!"
Yes they do. Never forget that. That is what's at stake.
If only he had said all this in public. But wherever he is may the gods be with him.
- Posts: 10519
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Re: Aristotle Was A Homo
Jewish Propaganda (Cadbury Egg Commercial)

- Posts: 10519
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Re: Aristotle Was A Homo
Those Were The Days

- fluxmaster
- Posts: 87
- Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:00 pm
Re: Aristotle Was A Homo
It is a common misconception that that pederasty of the ancient Greeks was a form of homosexuality, but it was, if fact, a form of mentorship. That is not to say that there were no homosexuals, but pederasty and homosexuality were two different things.
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece: The Myth is Collapsing by Adonis A. Georgiades
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece: The Myth is Collapsing by Adonis A. Georgiades
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5073
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: Aristotle Was A Homo
Another great essay, Mr. Mercer. It makes Dick Nixon appear as a sympathetic figure. Jews hated him despite his having them in his administration.
sexual activity involving a man and a boy or youth.
ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty [ˌhōməˌsekSHəˈwalədē] - NOUN
the quality or characteristic of being sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to people of one's own sex or gender.
I'll stipulate that pederasty and homosexuality are two different things, but they are both queer and neither pederasts nor homos are eligible for National Alliance membership. Cosmotheist Books will not be carrying Mr. Georgiades' book.
Child grooming refers to an act of deliberately establishing an emotional connection with a child to prepare the child for child abuse. Child grooming is undertaken usually to carry out sexual abuse and other child exploitation like trafficking of children, child prostitution or the production of child pornography. Currently child grooming occur through the use of internet.
mentor /ˈmɛnˌtoɚ/ noun
Britannica Dictionary definition of MENTOR
someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person.
I can say, for example, that Dr. Pierce, the teacher, was a mentor of mine in matters of race and the JQ, but he never groomed little boys to prepare them for sexual abuse. There is a big difference between mentoring and grooming.
ped·er·as·ty [ˈpedəˌrastē] - NOUNfluxmaster wrote: ↑Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:21 pmIt is a common misconception that that pederasty of the ancient Greeks was a form of homosexuality, but it was, if fact, a form of mentorship. That is not to say that there were no homosexuals, but pederasty and homosexuality were two different things.
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece: The Myth is Collapsing by Adonis A. Georgiades
sexual activity involving a man and a boy or youth.
ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty [ˌhōməˌsekSHəˈwalədē] - NOUN
the quality or characteristic of being sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to people of one's own sex or gender.
I'll stipulate that pederasty and homosexuality are two different things, but they are both queer and neither pederasts nor homos are eligible for National Alliance membership. Cosmotheist Books will not be carrying Mr. Georgiades' book.
Child grooming refers to an act of deliberately establishing an emotional connection with a child to prepare the child for child abuse. Child grooming is undertaken usually to carry out sexual abuse and other child exploitation like trafficking of children, child prostitution or the production of child pornography. Currently child grooming occur through the use of internet.
mentor /ˈmɛnˌtoɚ/ noun
Britannica Dictionary definition of MENTOR
someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person.
I can say, for example, that Dr. Pierce, the teacher, was a mentor of mine in matters of race and the JQ, but he never groomed little boys to prepare them for sexual abuse. There is a big difference between mentoring and grooming.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ
- fluxmaster
- Posts: 87
- Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:00 pm
Re: Aristotle Was A Homo
That is the meaning of the word pederasty in modern English. I'm referring to the word παιδεραστία in Ancient Greek, which it typically translated as pederasty in English but referred to something quite different.Will Williams wrote: ↑Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:32 amped·er·as·ty [ˈpedəˌrastē] - NOUN
sexual activity involving a man and a boy or youth.
ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty [ˌhōməˌsekSHəˈwalədē] - NOUN
the quality or characteristic of being sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to people of one's own sex or gender.
I don't know whether you've read Mr. Georgiades' book or not, but he makes a good case that παιδεραστία in Ancient Greece did not involve sexual acts, at least in its initial form, although it may have later degenerated into a form of homosexuality. In Ancient Greece, παιδεραστία was a highly emotional relationship between a teacher and a pupil which could include nudity and admiration of the student's nude body but did not involve anal penetration. Homosexuality was specifically prohibited in Ancient Greece, while παιδεραστία was an honored institution. Also note that when Plato wrote of Platonic love, he was specifically referring to παιδεραστία. He was saying that the love between a teacher and his pupil should be pure and non-sexual. There were certainly many teachers who were breaking that rule and engaging in sexual acts with their pupils, but it was widely condemned.Will Williams wrote: ↑Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:32 amI'll stipulate that pederasty and homosexuality are two different things, but they are both queer and neither pederasts nor homos are eligible for National Alliance membership. Cosmotheist Books will not be carrying Mr. Georgiades' book.
Is παιδεραστία appropriate or acceptable by modern standards? Most certainly not! Is it queer? It depends how broad your definition of queer is.
I am not in any way attempting to revive the practice of παιδεραστία. My sole reason for posting this is that many sincere White people have an aversion to Ancient Greece stemming from a belief that homosexuality was prevalent in that culture. In fact, homosexuality was strongly condemned in Ancient Greece. They did have the "peculiar institution" of παιδεραστία, which is wrong by today's standards and should not be revived, but should be understood as something distinct from homosexuality or what is referred to as pederasty today.Will Williams wrote: ↑Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:32 amChild grooming refers to an act of deliberately establishing an emotional connection with a child to prepare the child for child abuse. Child grooming is undertaken usually to carry out sexual abuse and other child exploitation like trafficking of children, child prostitution or the production of child pornography. Currently child grooming occur through the use of internet.
mentor /ˈmɛnˌtoɚ/ noun
Britannica Dictionary definition of MENTOR
someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person.
I can say, for example, that Dr. Pierce, the teacher, was a mentor of mine in matters of race and the JQ, but he never groomed little boys to prepare them for sexual abuse. There is a big difference between mentoring and grooming.
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5073
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: Aristotle Was A Homo
Couldn't agree more. And let's not revive that funny-looking word either.fluxmaster wrote: ↑Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:34 pm[H]omosexuality was strongly condemned in Ancient Greece. They did have the "peculiar institution" of παιδεραστία, which is wrong by today's standards and should not be revived...
I remember taking a course in World History at NCSU in 1970 as a 23-year-old freshman, after two tours in Vietnam as a Green Beret combatant. It was one of those large classes with more than 100 students. The professor, an obvious anti-war queer, was teaching that today's Green Berets were equivalent to the Greek Spartans. I had no problem with that until he had the gall to say each had a prevalence toward homosexuality. I couldn't believe my ears and rose in protest, giving the professor a piece of my mind and letting the other students know that he was a liar, based on my recent personal, firsthand experience. I always hated liars.
I then walked out of that class and dropped the course, on principle, even though it was required. Hopefully my actions had a positive impact on a few of the impressionable young students. Remember, this was 1970 when college campuses, even NCSU in my hometown, were embroiled in anti-war counterculture.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ