Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:42 pm

Good subject, strict geographical separation of eligible Whites from Jews, other non-Whites and the rest of the Judaized herd (NA's strategy) vs. oddball, half-baked, dreamy plans like this red-state secession plan, and others. ... -seceding/

Will Williams: January 23, 2025
Red-State Secession: January 22, 2025 I am speaking of the next constitution, not the current one. This makes all the difference. The next one makes it a loose federation, where each state controls its own borders.

I see. So there will be a Constitutional convention of the loose federation of seceding red states. When and where?

Will they be contiguous red states? Any idea which ones will be seceding from the remaining states?

Many states will be more than 85-90% Anglo, because only 41% of red-state blacks tell pollsters that they’d stay after a National Divorce.

Many states, you say? Any idea which ones at this point?

If 41% of Blacks in unnamed red-states, in an unnamed poll, will remain in those red states, that’s a lot of Blacks! Will those Blacks who choose to remain be sterilized so they cannot continue to piss in what remains of the White gene pool?

What to do about Jews and other non-Whites in your “seceding” red states? How about all the red state Whites who have non-White dependents? How about the degenerate red state White freaks in their LGBT communities? Will they be welcomed?

Is your plan enunciated anywhere by red state Whites who use there given names so we can review it? If not, why not?

Lots of other questions.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:22 pm

Stronza posts link to a good article about Israel's plan to steal the remaining West Bank from the Palestinians. So I link to the WB topic by John Ubele that I bumped today, providing the Palestinian/Hamas point of view, including Dr. Pierce's classic, The Big Lie: ... ald-trump/

Will Williams: January 23, 2025
Stronza: January 23, 2025 Trump wasted no time lifting sanctions on israeli settlers ... 025-01-21/
Since the 1967 Middle East war, Israel has occupied the West Bank of the Jordan River, which Palestinians want as the core of an independent state. It has built Jewish settlements there that most countries deem illegal. Israel disputes this and cites historical and Biblical ties to the land.


Ha! Jewish history from the Big Jew Book. How convenient for the chosenites.

Thanks for this, Stronza. Trump can throw hundreds of billions more of American taxpayers’ dollars to the “Israeli” occupiers, even a trillion from his new big tech Jew partners, but that doesn’t mean he/they will ultimately prevail against Palestinians. See “the other side of the story,” here: (183) Palestinians & Friends Attack Israeli Occupiers – Page 52 – White Biocentrism

Official: Hamas will defeat Israel in West Bank

“…A senior Hamas official says the Palestinian resistance movement will defeat Israel in the occupied West Bank as it did in the besieged Gaza Strip…
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 23, 2025 11:55 pm

Jason Kessler, who is still reliving the Charlottesville debacle, as usual, gives his wrong-headed opinion of what is needed: ... isemitism/

Will Williams: January 24, 2025
On social media, many white (sic) partisans would refuse to acknowledge the distinction between the two priorities (White solidarity and anti-Jew). It’s common to hear that they are effectively the same. To oppose Jewish interests is to support white (sic) interests. However, this is a sloppy generalization with severe consequences… Both may have value, but only one can be considered the First Principle or highest priority. Confusion on this issue can and has led to white (sic) replacement even in our own political movement, with nonwhites like Candace Owens, Myron Gaines, and Kanye West appropriating white (sic) Nationalist talking points….

So, don’t look to social media, especially to Negroes and to so-called Christian nationalist losers like Fuentes and his silly groupers, or to E, Micharl Jones or Brad Griffin to resolve THE TOP PRIORITY: preservation of the best of the White gene pool.

Mass White solidarity or unity is a euphoric myth. Most Whites will simply perish in the coming serious racial struggle.

What good will be that sea of white faces that were celebrating Trump’s televised “golden era” victory? They were not Democrat losers. They were “winners.” For now.

Solidarity among a small determined minority of disciplined, eligible Whites — none of whom were invited to Trump’s love fest — will be the revolutionary vanguard, and they will know and have named the Jew as our race’s eternal enemy.

Negroes and other non-Whites can name the Jew as their enemy, too, if they wish, but it is a biological fact that they cannot make White babies — so will not be allowed to influence or be members of our exclusive White preservationist communities. Sorry groypers.

…Lucas Gage, Sam Parker, Keith Woods, and Jake Shields… Sneako and Myron Gaines…

Never heard of ’em and never want to hear of ’em again.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jan 24, 2025 8:30 pm

I get to explain here how I can be in the "Top 100 C-C Commenters," yet have never heard of social media enthusiast Keith Woods. ... isemitism/

Will Williams: January 25, 2025
Phil_Regular: January 24, 2025 How can you be a Top 100 here and have never heard of Keith Woods?

Thanks for asking, Mr. Regular.

I’m in the top 100 C-C commenters because, thanks to even-handed Dr. Johnson and by paying to get past C-C’s paywall, I am allowed to introduce and promote the National Alliance, Cosmotheism, and Dr. William Pierce’s racial nationalist teachings here on this nominally pro-White site.

NA is the alternative to so many half-baked alt-right and other big tent “White nationalists” seen at C-C that can use somee radicalizing. Two years ago I decided it will be worth my time to comment at C-C, that allegedly has 700,000-plus viewers from time to time. That is relatively few compared to Twitter and Faceberg, etc., but C-C is decidedly more pro-White and does not ban me like they will.

I’ve never heard of young Mr. Woods/O’Brien because I do not participate on social media. In a search on his name, he appears to actively spread his message on every social medium out there. I was told the Negress Candace What’s-her-name got over 5,000,000 “Likers,” or whatever, on Jew-owned YouTube for parroting what we’ve been saying for decades. NA’s videos were banned there years ago, so we launched that we control and Jews have not been able to shut it down yet.

From the Jewiish, tax-exempt SPLC hate group, that likes to yap about individuals who show any degree of White racial consciousness on social media, I found this: Jenna Ellis Hosts Antisemitic White Nationalist on Radio Show
“Jeanna Ellis, who has over a million followers on X, represents a further mainstreaming of Woods because of her connections to the far-right conservative Christian movement…”

I’ve never heard of Jeanna Ellis, either. Apparently, an evangelical Christian Zionist, she appeals to many “fellow travelers” in the mainstream with her line of patter. Christian Zionist, the Rev. James Dobson, appointed her to lead one of his scams. What Mike Huckabee’s Christian Zionism means for Israel, Gaza – The Forward

Perhaps the most surprising commentary on Woods was from the Greg Johnson-run white nationalist webzine It also lauded Woods as the 2023 “Activist of the Year” for his influencing “the mainstream” from the “dissident right” perspective (, December 28, 2023). In contrast, less than three years earlier the same webzine had criticized Woods for aligning with the “insane” Richard Spencer, who had shifted to the left to the extent that he supported then-Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden (, April 23, 2020).
Source: Keith Woods: The Rise of an Irish Far-Right Ideologue – Jamestown
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 25, 2025 7:41 pm

I enjoy a good film, but, judging by this article and comments that followed, folks at C-C are way more obsessed with Hollywood films than I will ever be. It seems like I saw Lynch's Blue Velvet years ago, that struck me as soft porn, but nothing else of his. ... vid-lynch/ My focus is race, not film reviews, thanks.

Images cannot be displayed on C-C, but we can do so here at WB, so a couple of Lynch's paintings are posted below to make my point.

Will Williams: January 26, 2025
Mel Brooks, in particular, loved Eraserhead...

JWebb says: Begotten (1989)… is often mentioned in the same breath as Eraserhead, though even more forbidding. Susan Sontag gave it one of the most over the top appraisals ever heard…

Wow. Mel Brooks and Susan Sontag were both big fans of early Lynch films. I stay as far away from the Hollywood film industry as I can so that is probably why I’ve never heard of Mr. Lynch.

However, with a lifelong interest in visual art (drawing and painting), I am occasionally sent news of the art world from, from its POV. When I received the following article about David Lynch, “the visionary filmmaker and artist,” I recalled seeing his obituary here on C-C. ... -Obituary/

To see a couple of his paintings featured in that linked article, I probably would not appreciate his genius as a filmmaker. There’s little accounting for people’s different tastes in art. I prefer representational art, recognizable to the viewer, which Lynch’s paintings are not.
"Sun is gone" -David Lynch 2014
"Tree at Night" -David Lynch
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 26, 2025 1:10 am

An opportunity to promote Americanized National Socialism with Dr. Pierce's inspirational tribute to GLR: ... isemitism/ Young "White nationalists" need to look up from their smart telephones and social media and realize upon whose shoulders they actually stand.

Will Williams: January 26, 2025
Jank Willie: January 24, 2025 An American version of NSDAP? …Under the NS system, Germany went from bankruptcy to an “economic miracle” in 4 years …BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME.

Yes, a 21st century version of NS is what it will take to reverse misfortunes for our race. It is not too late, but it will take extraordinary, uncompromising men and women to pull it off

Mr. Hitler & Co. built it for his people, really for his race, and they came. They named the Jew and the Jew and his collaborators put a temporary halt to that racial movement. But the NS idea is alive and well, and if carefully built, THEY WILL COME AGAIN.

Scott: January 25, 2025 …George Lincoln Rockwel explored this question quite brilliantly in his Legal, Political, and Psychological Warfare course, which was an uncompleted work when he was gunned down…I emphasize that this political warfare manual was uncompleted and that Rockwell’s White Power tactics were evolving….

Rockwelll picked up the NS banner and Americanized it, if awkwardly. His movement was evolving when he was assassinated, yes. His top ideological mentee, William Pierce, picked up the NS banner and Americanized it further with the National Alliance.

The following biography and tribute to Rockwell by Pierce, shortly after his mentor been assassinated (National Socialist World Number 5 Winter, 1967), is a must read for every serious pro-White activist: Lincoln Rockwell: A National Socialist Life | National Vanguard

...[Rockwell] saw before him an inescapable obligation. An honest man, when he becomes aware that some dirty work is afoot in his community, will speak out against it and attempt to rouse his neighbors into doing the same. What if he finds, though, that most of his neighbors do not want to be bothered; that many of his neighbors are already aware of what is afoot but prefer to ignore it because to oppose it might jeopardize their private affairs; that some of his neighbors — some of his wealthiest and most influential neighbors, the leaders of the community — are themselves engaged in the dirty work? If he is an ordinary man, he may grumble for a while about such a sorry state of affairs, but he will adapt himself as best he can to it. He will soon see there is nothing to be gained by sticking his neck out, and he will go on about his business.

Human nature being what it is, he will very likely ease his conscience by trying to forget as rapidly as possible what he has learned; perhaps he will even convince himself eventually that there is really nothing wrong after all, that his initial judgement was in error, and that the dirty work was really not dirty work but merely “progress.” If, on the other hand, he is an extraordinary man with a particularly strong sense of duty, he will continue to oppose what he knows to be wrong and bound to work evil for the community in the long run…

Sound familiar?
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 26, 2025 10:23 am

More red state solution nonsense -- Christian, no less: ... -seceding/. I try to respond to all comments directed to me as a courtesy, but it's beginning to take up too much of my time to do so properly. I'll keep trying so some C-Cers can see that our Alliance and Cosmotheism are the logical alternatives to such schemes as Christian-based red state secession from Judaized, multiracial America.

Will Williams: January 26, 2025
Red-State Secession: January 24, 2025 Will, I wrote a whole website about this. It is here: ... g-troubles.

Thanks for that. I found your solution there:

The Solution

The solution is to leave some territory for the Left: the blue parts of the blue states. This is a solution that can be achieved without force, and without forced migration. If the problem is that the electorate is not conservative enough to maintain a free, solvent country, then the solution is to retrench to a position of strength by cutting off part of the electorate, by drawing a new border. Israel learned this lesson; it separated from Palestinians and then built walls, which have proven to be well worth the cost.

Ah, the Israeli solution: peacefully separate White reds from the blue folks “without force,” but build walls and checkpoints to keep them out, again, “without force.” A lot of Bible study and praying.

Of course Jews use their Bible “history” to justify stealing Palestinian land. No mention of the US and UK backing the Jews’ theft of Palestinians homeland.
[T]here are hundreds of books available that were written before the current conflict between Jews and Palestinians began that provide demographic data on Palestine. Just before the First World War, in 1914, Palestine was a part of the Ottoman Empire. In that year the Turkish government took an official census. Of a total population of 689,000, just 84,660, or 12.3 per cent, were Jews, and many of those were recent immigrants who had come to Palestine as part of the Zionist movement… More recent Palestinian history, here: The Big Lie | National Vanguard
Our Bible for our people is hated by the Tribe: Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce – Cosmotheism. For starters, we are neither superstitious nor gullible to worship our enemy’s imaginary deity, Yahweh.

The Anglo states (white (sic) states) are in the northern West (Mountain Time and Central Time)

I see. Good luck. May the best strategy to preserve the White race prevail.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:59 pm

Trevor Lynch reviews The Godfather movie:

I comment under his review that he should consider reviewing The Order. I link back to WB where readers can learn just how anti-White that movie is, bringing in Dr. Pierce, The Turner Diaries, the National Alliance and even Aryan Nations aka the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, claiming Bob Mathews spoke there, but to Pastor Butler and a crowd with a "National Alliance Convention" banner and Swastikas and Aryan Nations logo props.

Will Williams: January 27, 2025
The position of the Corleones vis-à-vis America is analogous to the position of blood-based nations to global ideologies and institutions like liberalism, the capitalist market, and the Christian religion. Such ideologies promise prosperity, security, peace... But what if this is merely a way to turn the different nations of the world into blind and helpless victims of other nations that pose as avatars of the universal?

Good question, Mr. Lynch, and a fine review of a classic. I didn't realize until recently that you are the house movie reviewer for C-C.

Whites could use a movie where their kinsmen are portrayed as the protagonists for once, but there is no chance of that coming out of Hollywood.

You might consider reviewing The Order that was released last month but already out of theaters. Apparently, it can now be rented from Amazon for $10 or purchased for $20, here: Watch The Order | Prime Video It's rated with 4.5 stars, and claims to be based on a true story, but is full of anti-White inaccuracies, meant to smear idealistic Bob Mathews and his crew that in real life had declared war on the evil anti-White System that we are all familiar with.

We see a hall of White men and women and we see behind the speaker’s podium the words National Alliance Convention and a Swastika. And here we get the conflation they engage in—Pierce had moved well past Rockwell’s use of National Socialist symbols and never would have had unfurled the Swastika (not that he rejected this hallowed symbol but due to him being a canny man). He also had no truck with Christianity and the so called Identity Movement and its spurious and puerile resurrection of the late nineteenth century British-Israeli fantasy. But their “devil” is in their details and one must say chapeau for them having done their homework. For the voice that introduces Richard Butler (who never spoke at a National Alliance Convention) is unmistakable—make no mistake about it my brothers. In the credits they list the voice as “nazi speaker”

That is Douglas Mercer describing the wildly made-up, propagandistic scene, that can be seen in this clip: National Alliance Convention Scene | THE ORDER (2024) Exclusive Movie CLIP HD

Screenshot of smoke-filled, phony convention: download/file.php?id=3875
Let's play "how many things can you find wrong with this picture?"
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:24 am

I was unable to repost this here at WB yesterday because I couldn't log-in, but can now. The essay about a conservative anti-communit congressman from the 1960s needed to be commented on: ... t-treason/

Will Williams: January 28, 2025
“Stormer also kept clear of Jewish issues throughout his career…Stormer was not a racial activist…”

Those two lines jumped out at me about Mr. Stormer. I didn’t make it all the way through Morris’s bio of him, but clicked on the hyperlink George Lincoln Rockwell to enjoy Andrew Hamilton’s C-C piece from 2013 of GLR’s 1964 book, This Time the World. Rockwell was a racial activist of the top rank, and did not steer clear of Jewish issues at all.

I was most pleased to see Dr. Johnson’s comment under Hamilton’s article:

Greg Johnson: February 13, 2013 … From my point of view, the Jews of today are our principal enemy…

The portrait of demi-Jew Barrry Goldwater reminded me that my uncle, Roy Elson (mother’s brother-in-law), just 34 at the time, ran to fill BG’s senate seat in ’64 when he vacated it to run for president. Roy was defeated by three-term GOP AZ Governor Paul Fannin, and again by Fannin in ’68. That ended his political ambitions but he went on to a successful career as a big-time Washington lobbyist. Years later I noticed Paul Lindley’s They Dare to Speak Out, that I had read by then, in Roy’s personal library, and quizzed him about it. He knew about the JQ, but like most political operatives, did not “speak out” about the powerful Jew lobby as courageous Congressman Findley had.

I would have been a high school sophomore in 1964 and just barely conscious about Jews until reading GLR’s Playboy interview two years later.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 30, 2025 12:34 pm

Richard Houck poses a good question. Is he still a "dissident" since Donald Trump has adopted policies that are in agreement with what he has been advocating for years.

I have had countless accounts banned over the years, all for perfectly legal free speech...The fact is that my sincere public views have cost me a lot over the years...
I never swore heavily and always avoided using slurs or calling people names. But I was sincere. As recently as a year ago, the ADL published an article about me that caused me to be kicked off four separate crypto platforms. I’ve been swatted, received so many death threats I find them funny now, and have had virtually any job prospect destroyed because of organizations like the ADL, SPLC, Stop Antisemitism, and the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. All have written about me. I won’t say they defamed me. What they usually say is accurate, truth be told. But they present things in a way that would scare off any prospects of regular employment. I wouldn’t argue with them using terms of “Nazi, white supremacist, and fascist” because to them, based on their definition of those words, I am those things. They are allowed to say that. And there is some truth to it. My view, of course, is that these are not bad things. The only disagreement I have is when the ADL referred to me as a “violent domestic extremist.” ....

Read Richard's entire article, here: ... dissident/ My advice to Richard would be to stay off of Jew-controlled social media and quit worrying about what Jews say about him. Cease seeking "regular employment" where Jewish pressure on his employers causes him to either be fired or not hired. There are self-employment opportunities where one like Richard can be untoucheable by Jews. Join the National Alliance and you can avoid Jews and their collaborators underming you for exposing their treachery.

Morality Squad: January 29, 2025 You (The Honored One) are either a great troll or a great example of WN absurdity.

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