Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:34 pm

C-C has a number of female commenters who seem to have more native intelligence and common sense than do many of the males who comment there. Here I get the chance to post links to articles at NV by both William Pierce and Ben Klassen, who many of the younger C-Cers have not been exposed to, but need to be.

Will Williams: January 17, 2025
Kim: January 16, 2025 …As parents, it’s also our responsibility to teach our kids how to pick a good, quality spouse, with whom they can start a family of their own…

How true. Looking at comments under this article I can see that many of our young people have lost touch with what’s important in life. “Hooking up” in college today is apparrently only about casual sex for too many. Young Whites would do better to skip college and get on with finding an appropriate spouse/mate for life and raising the next generation

Lexi probably will not appreciate these two essays from my mentors, Ben Klassen and William Pierce, due to their dim views of Christianity, but you and others might:

Ben Klassen on Marriage | National Vanguard (nice photo there of Mr. and Mrs. Klassen)

Pierce asks, “As time goes on, it’s getting harder and harder to keep marriages together. So, what are the reasons for this? Why are men and women having a harder time getting along?” He gives his thoughts on why, here: Marriage and Survival | National Vanguard
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:13 pm

Kim responded to my reply to her: She's a smart lady, so may be influenced by this response. But whether she is or not does not matter, some other smart C-Cers may be. There are a number of National Socialist thinkers at Counter-Currents. I get to not only promote Cosmotheism, but our bookstore and ADV.

Will Williams: January 19, 2025
Kim: January 17, 2025 Mr. Williams, I just read both those essays, & really admire both these men politically, but not religiously, and especially not as religious leaders.

Thank you for reading them and for your reply.

Founders of new religions can be considered leaders of the religions they founded. For example, Saul (Hebrew: שָׁאוּל) of Tarsus, of a devout Jewish family, is considered by some to be the early leader of Christianity. Who else but Klassen and Pierce would be the first leaders of the religions they founded?

Somehow, Klassen’s first 4 paragraphs were starting to turn me against nature (?!). I’m certain that this is the exact opposite of what he wanted.

Some of us like to relax & unwind in nature, temporarily freeing ourselves from all the rules and regulations for proper daily living. So, to read about Nature dictating Nature Laws to which we must be deliberately adhering nonstop, is a bit of a kill-joy.


I’m with you, Kim. I built our home in a lovely White rural area, practically in the woods, in Nature, that I’ve always described as my church for this Natureboy.

I just reread Klassen’s first four paragraphs and don’t see what you disagree with about them. His first book in 1972 is titled Nature’s Eternal Religion. Chapter 1, Nature and Religion (pages 236-240) can be read here: Nature’s Eternal Religion – The Creativity Alliance

His intent was for our people to embrace Nature and Nature’s laws, not reject them, or to replace them with a Middle Eastern Christian/Semitic belief system. Our race is European. Klassen was raised a Bible-believing Protestant Mennonite.

Pierce was raised a Bible-believing protestant Presbyterian, but when he became an adult Physicist, he looked at Christianity as a scientist and “put away childish things” (1 Corinthians 13: 11-12), and like Klassen, he decided Nature’s eternal laws made much more sense for our people, not worshipping the Jews’ mythical tribal god, Jehovah.

Both men eventually embraced National Socialism as adults also, which has a racial basis and is therefore incompatible with racially universal Christianity. My favorite little booklet is Martin Kerr’s National Socialism and the Laws of Nature. Available here: National Socialism and the Laws of Nature by Martin Kerr – Cosmotheism

National Socialists believe that the universe is governed by natural laws, and that for Man to be happy and successful, he must first acknowledge that these laws exist; secondly, he must discover what they are; and thirdly, he must live in accordance with them. This is another way of saying that the universe runs according to the principles of Causality – that is, of cause-and-effect relationships – and that it does not operate on the basis of supernatural forces, or on the mental constructions and wishful thinking of intellectuals and ideologues, or on the religious fantasies of theologians.

Klassen had just 1 child with his wife, and WLP had 2 between all 5 of his wives. I do understand that high profile dissidents have challenges to their peaceful family life that most others don’t, but I believe there are better role models for holding a marriage together, and having large White families.

Yes, if you’re only speaking of holding a marriage together and having large White families. A 41-year-old National Alliance member was recently killed on his motorcycle (by a “Spanish-speaking woman” making an illegal turn) while he was returning home from work. In talking to his widow, it was established that the non-English-speaking woman was not a Spaniard. Very few NA members consider themselves “leaders” of Cosmotheism, but they recognize a Cosmotheist thread consistenty running through NA material. That member and his wife produced six wonderful White children together. He and she did their part. What a tragedy.

Pierce had twin boys in 1960 with his first wife, not between his five wives. They were adults when he founded Cosmotheism. Klassen’s daughter, Kim, was also an adult when her dad founded Creativity.

Their children aside, BK and WLP as adults were married to Our Cause. The same can be said of Mr. Hitler who was childless. My wife, Lana, might say the same of me but she has nevertheless faithfully stood by me for 21 years. We tried twice to have a child by IVF but the GD doctor over-stimulated her with synthetic hormones, causing her to miscarry, wrecking her reproductive capacity. Try suing a physician for malpractice. Had we had children it’s not likely I could be handling leadership of NA and Cosmotheism.

However, as leader of the Cosmotheist Community Church I have married three couples so far in Cosmotheist wedding ceremonies and among them they have created six beautiful White babies. Through my brothers I interact with biological nephews and nieces and their children, so my family line goes forward.

As for Cosmotheism, Jews fear it as much as they fear and despise National Socialism and its founder. They have said “William Pierce is the most dangerous man in America.” Why?

Kevin Strom, an NA member for 43 years and our curreent Alliance Media Director — a much more eloquent writer than I will ever be — said this a dozen years ago:

I believe that William L. Pierce will be known, beyond all his other accomplishments, as the founder of a new religion. And not just a religion, but the religion of the future, a religion which will supplant all others. Cosmotheism will prevail because it is the inevitable truth toward which all other streams of knowledge are converging. And Cosmotheism will prevail because it will be the religion of a new people who, as a result of following its precepts, will branch off from the rest of humanity — even from the race from which they sprang — and form a new race, ultimately a new species, compared to which the others will be but unconscious beings. The religious ideas of the left-behind races, including those of the unconscious Whites, will mean as little to Higher Men as the “Hallelujahs!” of Black preachers — or the chatterings of hamsters — mean to us.

After publishing our Bible a couple of years ago: Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce – Cosmotheism , I launched our new Cosmotheist Church, requiring applicants to, among other things, submit an essay of 250 words or less, of “Why I Choose To be a Member of the Cosmotheist Church.” Read and listen to what Kevin and his wife wrote in their essays, here: New Year’s Dawn Traditional Message, part 2 | National Vanguard

If you’ve read this far in my response, Kevin also wrote and spoke these words about Cosmotheism in last week’s American Dissident Voices broadcast:

To the Cosmotheist, Nature is God. And science, logic, observation, reason, and the deepest stirrings of our race-soul are the means of apprehending God — not the ravings of ancient Semitic cutthroats, carpet-dealers, and con men (or the poetry and verses they stole from their more accomplished neighbors). Mathematics, physics, and genetics are the real words of God. Mathematical principles may be misunderstood for a time, but they cannot be faked as scripture can, nor for long can they be maliciously revised for political advantage — and they are eminently verifiable. So also with the laws of evolution and biology, physics and cosmology.

Cosmotheism asserts that we are matter and energy become conscious — and, more than that, that we are the Universe become conscious, that we are Nature become conscious of itself and all that that implies. It further shows us that we have reached a radically new stage in the evolution of the Universe — as significant, perhaps, as the evolution of non-living matter into living beings — as significant as the first rise of consciousness itself — as significant as the faltering steps of the first amphibians on the surface of the Earth. This new stage has come only recently, when European man first grasped the concept of evolution, and discovered the principles of genetics and heredity. It is the stage of conscious evolution — of the ability of living beings to direct, and vastly accelerate, the future course of their own evolution.

Either our people have religious liberty or not. Those who embrace other religions can do so. Cosmotheism is not for them as Christianity is not for us, thanks.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:35 am

Bigfoot asks a couple of questions that I've given thought to: ... a-burning/

Who knows who set the fires in LA, if indiividuals were responsible. But if I was a domestic terrorist, which I am not, ideal conditions for the fires existed. All one would have to do is watch weather forecasts for the dangerously dry conditions coupled with the high Santa Ana land winds coming their way, and have a pack of matches in hand. Much of the terror that resulted from the fires could apparently have been avoided had Californians elected responsiblr leaders instead of Governor Newsom and that wacky Negress mayor of LA.

Will Williams: January 20, 2025
Bigfoot: January 18, 2025 What remains to be seen is how much money and aid that L.A. will get because of these recent fires compared to how much money and aid that residents in North Carolina will get because of the effects of the last hurricane that they are still dealing with? What will be FEMA’S and the politicians excuse months from now if L.A. gets more aid than that area of Appalachia?


I’ve seen first hand the contrast between taxpayer-funded “disaster relief” JOGbucks to fire victims in tony sections of LA compared to Hurricane victims here in economically depressed southern Appalachia.

We live just 20 miles from the NC line here in Upper East Tennessee and our county was just as devastated by heavy rain, wind and flood as were western Carolinians, yet most national news reports seem to focus only on North Carolina victims. That’s OK. It’s victims in our southern Appalachian region I compare to those of the LA fires.

From what I could gather, fewer than $1 billion JOGbucks have been granted in disaster relief to victims of Helene in our relatively large region, while I hear daffy Joe Biden pledging $100 billion over the next six months to pay 100% of damages in the much smaller, if more densely-populated, afflent area in southern California. Could there possibly be some politics involved in the disparity of funding? Of course there are.

Fortunately, being on high ground we avoided devastating flooding of the 100-year storm. Scores of trees, some quite large, were blown over on our property, with a few across our interior roads, but none on our buildings, thank goodness. Many hours of chainsawing, tractor-work and stone, repairing roads, but not catastrophic like hit some of our unfortunate neighbors.

There was much neighbor-helping-neighbor, but then came the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the rescue. I went into the FEMA headquarters that had been set up here, invoices in hand, twice, to seek reimbursement for our cleanup expenses and was surprised to see that all of the eight or so FEMA reps except one were Black — in this practically all-White Johnson County in the heart of southern Appalachia. Such is the state of our supposed “union.”

A few of us determined Whites are determined to separate from this Judaized nigger mess.

Call me prejudiced, call me racist, call me a domestic terrorist. I don’t care. I call things as I see them. After dealing with those imported Negro bureaucrats, jumping through several of their FEMA hoops to be reimbursed a couple of thousand bucks, I finally told them “Keep your federal money, the millionaires in LA need them more than we do.”
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:33 pm

While staying home today, celebrating James Earl Ray Day, I watched some of the Trump inauguration MAGA lovefest. The most interesting thing about it to me was seeing the lad Baron Trump, reportedly 6'-7", towering over everyone else. He will be 19 in March. What is in store for him now that he has reached adulthood? He could become a leader, but hopefully not in conventional mass democratic politics. ... ald-trump/

"Little Donald"

Will Williams: January 20, 2025
1John: January 20, 2025 “MAGA love Israel too much – that’s their real problem.”…Who needs enemies when we have maga. The ship of fools is maga….

Yes, MAGA fools’ logo might as well be the Mogen David.

Those few C-Cers who know well the answer to the JQ, and have the moral courage to say so, means they do not fear naming Jews as the primary enemy of the White race. For that reason alone they should not be docile MAGA enthusiasts.

Read this entire article from back in September to understand why: At DC Event, Trump Promises to “Make Israel Great Again”

President Donald Trump said Thursday at a ‘Fighting Antisemitism’ event in Washington DC that the upcoming US election is “the most important” in Israel’s history. Watch Trump’s remarks and event host Yehuda Kaploun…

Trump promised to not only “make America great again,” but to “make Israel great again.”

How can a parasitic tribe of liars that was never great be made great again?
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:56 pm

I cannot pass up the opportunity to point folks at C-C to one of Wolf Stoner's finest essays at NV:

Will Williams: January 20, 2025
Angelo Plume, to Oswald: January 20, 2025 …Let me know when Americans wish the English a happy St. George’s Day, the Italians a buon Ferragosto, the French a happy Bastille Day…

Don’t forget to wish the Russian people a happy Great Victory Against Fascism Day. Victory Frenzy | National Vanguard
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:58 pm

It is imperative that the National Alliance revises and updates what historically has been our most important ducument, Who Rules America? that Dr. Pierce updated and expanded nearly every year for three decades. It was his exposure of Jew-controlled media that had Jews and their allies calling him "the most dangerous man in America."

We've had some false starts to update WRA? but that's pretty much been due to not having the necessary funding and volunteers flaking out before barely getting started. It should not be that difficult for the diligent researcher and guidance from the National Office. ... -virginia/

Will Williams: January 21, 2025 I had responded to JWebb, including a link to Who Rules America? on 1/13, with this:
…J, I expect you’re about as interested in the JQ as Jared. I doubt George Bush or Rick Perry have any interest in exposing Jewish perfidy either. In fact, I am certain that they don’t. They, like nearly all national politicians are as fuddy duddy as Buckley when it comes to the JQ. They may discuss Jewish supremacy in private — like Billy Graham and Dick Nixon did 53 years ago, as they discussed the Jewish stranglehold — or after looking over their shoulders to make sure no one is listening or recording them, but that’s the extent.

However, I’m interested that you say the progressive media shut down so-called White identity movements. Some call mainstream media the legacy media, others call them the corporate media [others the leftist media]. We cannot blame everything that has been detrimental to the White race on Jewry. I agree, but William Pierce certainly had it right when he claimed that their Tribe controlled America’s mass mind through control of the mass news and entertainment industry.

This exposé needs some serious updating, since there has been the usual “changing of the Jews.” But it’s difficult to argue against the facts of Jewish media control then, or now: ... ica-01.pdf
An update:

In conducting an Internet search for our link to WRA? — ... ica-01.pdf — it does not appear.

However, the thief Alex Linder has our version that appears at about the number ten hit with his site. His version links to our 20-year-old closed mailing address. Thanks, Linder.

The top hit is: Who Rules America? Power, Politics, & Social Change by William Domhoff, Ph.D, a Distinguished Professor Emeritus and research professor of psychology and sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz

WRA is frequently assigned as a sociology textbook, documenting the dangerous concentration of power and wealth in the American upper class — a social group within the United States consisting of people who have the highest social rank, due to economic wealth, lineage, and typically educational attainment. The American upper class is estimated to be the richest 1% of the population.

The American upper class is distinguished from the rest of the population due to the fact that its primary source of income consists of assets, investments, and capital gains rather than wages and salaries. Its members include owners of large private companies, heirs to fortunes, and top executives of certain publicly traded corporations (more importantly, critically vital large scale companies and corporations)...blah, blah, blah

So, Bill makes the case that rich “corporate elites” rule America, whereas William Pierce named the names of our media masters and nearly all were Jews. Read his WRA?

WikiJews don’t claim Domhoff as a fellow Jew, but he may as well be by deflecting Jewish control of the powerful news and entertainment industry. However, his close associate and co-author, Richard L. Zweigenhaft, is Jewish? See: Who Rules America: Diversity in the Power Elite (3rd ed.) An interesting article about Jew name-changers by Zweigenhaft at their WRA site: Who Rules America: Who’s Jewish These Days? (Zweigenhaft)

Imagine the influence these two have on impressionable young college students with their sociology textbooks.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:20 am

I will continue promoting NA's ideology, program and goals when the opportunity arises, like here: ... -seceding/ Harebrained "plans" like red states seceding from blue states will be opposed by me, offering the Alliance's plan of community-building, carefully thought through by Dr. Pierce years ago.

If C-C readers don't like hearing me repeatedly sell the NA's strategy, that's OK. People at WB need to read this as it is reposted here, if only to have Alliance policy reinforced regularly.

The size of a government is less
important than whose government it is.

Will Williams: January 22, 2025
ArminiusMaximus: January 21, 2025 Who do you bring to the table to do this deal with? What brings them to the table? What gives you the power/leverage at the table that you need to get the deal that you want?

Very good Questions, Arminius. Ryan is a dreamer who has not thought this through. Neither have others here who are participating in the topic.

For red states, secession, with their unrepresentative racial boundries and mixed-race demographics, are no more plausible than Whites fleeing to Newfoundland.

Who will sort all that out when the SHTF? The shit will hit the fan before we know it and we had better be organizing ourselves now instead of then.

For serious White preservationists the sales pitch must be “Always be separating” — us from Jews, other non-Whites and Whites who are not serious racial separatists.

Build from the community level that we will control, not from some democratically-run red state of the democratically-run “united” states. That is still doable as eligible, determined, like-minded Whites gather. That is not for everybody reading this, but count on me to “always be closing” with this strategy: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance

Donald Trump, with his Jewish team for building a “Golden Age in America,” will not be our leader. Sorry. He may buy us some time with long overdue policies like ending burthright citizenship, but don’t be complacent with half-measures. Always be separating. Always be race-thinkers first.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:34 am

More discussion about "red state secession: ... -seceding/ I punch holes in that concept.

Will Williams: January 22, 2025
Red-State Secession: January 21, 2025 If the red states secede and form a loose federation, then the states that are already 85 or 90% white (sic) will have the constitutional right to remain so because they’ll be allowed to control migration from other states and abroad to their state. Also there will be significant voluntary emigration.

You’re kidding, right? The only three states that still have 90-91% White populations are Maine, Vermont and West Virginia. The first two are solidly blue and full of ineligible White separatists.

And though WV has wisely transitioned away from the crazy blue Democrat Party to the reddish GOP, and is a logical southern Appalachian White redoubt, the state is full of nutty evangelical Christians. Biden’s buddy, the ex-Klansman Robert C. Byrd, likely would not be elected to the Senate there again today. Then there are the issues raised by Jared Taylor, here: What Jared Taylor Gets Wrong About West Virginia.

You speak about “Constitutional rights.” That document that served our race early on, but has been turned against us in the past century and longer, will be little more than an unenforceable scrap of parchment when the SHTF.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:59 am

Do we separate racially, geographically, or do we secede as red states from blue ones? ... -seceding/

Will Williams: January 22, 2025
Spencer Quinn: January 22, 2025 Yes. Always Be Seceding is a mindset.

Yes, but in the sense that a fixed state of mind is inflexable, unyielding. I say Always Be (racially) Separating, is our bottom line, if that meets with your approval. If not, go with you plan to secede.

The State of Franklin was a good, early example of secession that worked for a while, though it was not necessarily for racial reasons, it was in an already White region where I now reside: (183) The Secessionist State of Franklin — Can it Happen Again? – Page 5 – White Biocentrism
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:25 pm

C-C solicited comments from readers about Trump's inauguration and his first day in office. I added my two cents about the disgraceful incident I saw of Trump and his family being chided by the Episcopelean preacher woman: Episcopeleans are closely allied with Jews, but many White hypocrites who claim that denomination as their own still put up with the disgusting anti-White crap, though they certainly do not share the beliefs.

Will Williams: January 23, 2025 Hopefully Trump’s promising “honeymoon” period lasts for a while. With half the nation and Jew-controlled media opposed to him it will be an uphill fight.

What a lovely landmark the Washington National Cathedral has been for more than 100 years. But with the recent anti-White history of the Episcopeoean Church, Trump should never have attended the service where he was scolded in a very public display by the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopelean Church, Mariann Budde from her bully pulpit. Her “sermon”:

In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families – some who fear for their lives. The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals – they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, gurdwara, and temples.

The pious bitch Budde and her partner, Rev. Hollerith, played instrumental roles in removing the stained glass windows commemorating the lives of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The windows were installed in 1953 after lobbying by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. –A boast from WikiJews.

A more accurate description of the removal of those stained glass windows and the replacement of them by cathredal muckety-mucks is provided by Douglas Mercer, here: (183) Niggers In The Cathedral – White Biocentrism

“Six years after two stained-glass windows that honored Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson were taken down the Washington National Cathedral has unveiled the pair of windows that are taking their place. The new windows, created by artist Kerry James Marshall, feature protesters holding signs that read Fairness and No Foul Play. Titled Now and Forever, the windows were unveiled on Saturday (September 23 2023). The new windows lift up the values of justice and fairness and the ongoing struggle for equality among all God’s great children, the Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, the cathedral’s dean, said on Saturday at the unveiling.”

How the mighty have fallen, eh? We replaced two noble heroes with some badly depicted spook activists holding up placards. We changed the grand chivalry of the past for the debased nonentities of the present. We removed bold adventure and courage and valor and put meagerness and poverty in its place. For decades those parishioners could look up and see the greatness of the past; but now that greatness is deemed vileness by the time serving stooge with the uber WASP name of Randolph Marshall Hollerith; and now the people in the Cathedral get a sorry dollop of the “moral” in the form of hackneyed images blaring a message of negro rights in a country where they used to have no rights at all we needed to respect. After all as anyone who’s been paying attention knows justice and fairness are just code words for White genocide. And now the White man has been murdered in the Cathedral.

“Rev. Hollerith said that the previous windows were offensive and they were a barrier to the ministry of this cathedral and they were antithetical to our call to be a house of prayer for all people. They told a false narrative extolling two individuals who fought to keep the institution of slavery alive in this country. The earlier windows had been a fixture at the house of worship in Washington, D.C., for more than 60 years. Created in 1953, the windows pay tribute to Lee and Jackson, showcasing scenes from their lives as well as the Confederate battlefield. The offending windows were removed in 2017. The cathedral had removed the old windows after Confederate symbols featured prominently in recent racist violence.”

I bet they were a barrier to the ministry. The National Cathedral belongs to the Episcopalians and the Episcopalians are the ultra-Jewish infested wing of the already Jewish infested religion, they are the lunatics who stand out for their massive lunacy even among the lunatics. They long ago abandoned any pretense to believing in the divinity of Jesus Christ (that they say, absurdly, would be fascism) but they take on board every last one of his fatal teachings: love, compassion, meekness, humility, kindness. These beliefs are the downfall of any people who subscribe to them, and the Episcopalians not only subscribe to them: they are their religion. So you can see why someone with the fighting spirit of Jackson, and the chivalric nobility of Lee, would offend them and get in the way of their mealy-mouthed love fest of surrender and total subservience. Indeed such men must deep down frighten the average mild-mannered nobody who enters the confines of this “National Sacred Space.” They know in their hearts that men willing to defend their home and hearth with honor and violence belong to a world they cannot even fathom and which scares them. Much better to see a group of lazy negros picketing, that’s something they’ve been taught to readily comprehend—and bow before…

Read more at the link, and view photos of White architectural handicrafts of the so-called National Sacred Space and of the windows that were removed and of the ones that replaced them.
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