Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 12, 2025 1:06 pm

Will Williams:January 12, 2025
Lord Shang: January 12, 2025 Excuse me, Will, but where exactly did I call Dr. William Luther Pierce “farcical”? If I did so, it was wholly unintentional, and I apologize for it. Dr. Pierce was an extremely impressive man. While I disagree with his approach to preventing white extinction, Pierce was nearly the last man I would associate with the word “farcical”. Please show me where I said that.

Siegfred had made the following outrageous statement, misquoting Dr. Pierce:

I listened to one of William Pierce’s last American dissident voices broadcasts, “the importance of leadership”, and in this broadcast, it was said that a non-White sportsman had gone to a university, and infected *every single White woman there with HIV!* Every single one! Let that sink in.

That was very sloppy of Siegfried, especially since he had access to what Pierce had actually said. Had Pierce said the nigger hoopster infected every single White female on that college campus with HIV, that would have not only have been irresponsible of him to say, but farcical.

I knew for a fact that Pierce would have never said such a thing. He was always careful to get things right and to not exaggerate or use hyperbole.

It is I who owe you the apology, Lord. I got you mixed up with Corday, who had responded to Seigfried’s sloppy characterization of Pierce. I don’t blame Corday for his reaction to Siegfried’s account that disparaged my mentor. Pierce cannot defend himself here from what’s said about him by someone who admits he knows little about him, so I will defend him, thanks.

Corday had reacted:

That story about some non-white athlete giving every white woman at a university HIV is just farcical. There is a zero percent chance that actually occurred… That’s around the time when Pierce would have been making that insane claim.

It was sloppy of me to attribute Corday’s statement to you. Since I’ve learned how to do a word search, I hit “ctrl F” and ‘farcical’ to quickly see that it was he, not you. who thought Pierce had made such an insane claim, like Seigfried said he had made.

The damage had been done by Siegfried, but at least he tried to correct himself later, even finding the nigger perp’s name, after it had been suggested that Pierce made things up. Unfortunately, these things are quickly buried in C-C comments.

I should say that even though the word “insider” is beside my name here, I have no idea who you, Siegfried or Corday are. That is the nature of Internet discussion boards, I suppose. Should you join our real-world Alliance, that would change.

I did know Dr. Pierce well, serving as his XO 33 years ago and for another ten years as his first NA Regional Coordinator. I’m now NA Chairman, Cosmotheist Church Trustee and President of our publishing arm — so, like I said, I knew him and know him and his approach to “preventing White extinction” well.

This unfortunate incident, hopefully settled and set aside, along with the issue of Muslim rape gangs, what interests me is your approach to our primary cause: “preventing White extinction,” since you say you disagree with Pierce’s approach. I know and represent his approach: eligible Whites must separate not only from Jews and other non-Whites, but from the majority of docile, befuddled mainstream Whites who are on the wrong side of Nature’s eternal laws and history, who disagree with Pierce’s realistic, Nature-based approach.

So, I respectfully ask, what exactly is it that you disagree with about Pierce’s simple approach, expressed here: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance. I am not familiar with your approach.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 12, 2025 4:19 pm

Infringement of NA's copyright-protected audio and video material in this electronic era is worse even than with our print material, but both are beyond control. Copyright laws are next to worthless. It's good that folks want to get our material out into the public. All that we've asked is that the pirates attribute our material to us, the copyright holder. ... -epidemic/

Will Williams: January 12, 2025
Good try, John. It’s always good to get Dr. Pierce out there, telling our people what needs to be said. However, I clicked on your link and whoever “” is, he had no authorization to put up Pierce’s copyrighted material like that, especially without attributing it to or linking to the copyright holder: the National Alliance.

We offer for sale 240 of Pierce’s speeches on our 12-volune Power of Truth CD series, here: The Power of Truth (Volumes 1 through 12) – Cosmotheism. Proceeds from the sale of our books and CDs help to finance our work, but in this era folks prefer to download everything for free and install on their smart phones, or whatever. To Hell with supporting our work. That costs money.

After having our Pierce videos banned by the Jews at YouTube, having our Bitchute video channel banned in every European country, we decided to launch our own video channel: save that link for when you want to promote Pierce. We, not others, control this channel and Pierce videos there link back to and (now — domains Pierce launched in 1995.

Pirates like often change the title of WLP’s ADV videos/slideshows so they cannot be traced back to us. Try to find his title, “Middle class deserves what they get” at any of our sites. I couldn’t without knowing what the original title was. Someone else can do this, not I.

Just saying, be careful who you promote, John.

John: January 11, 2025 Siegfried, William Pierce saying what needs to be said:
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:30 pm

More about Jared Taylor and Jewry, as I respond to a fan or his who thinks there is too much discussion about Jews at C-C: ... -virginia/ I think there is not enough and introduce the National Alliance's Who Rules America? booklet. Everyone reading this should be familiar with this document that we are determined to update when we have the funds and wherewithal.
More abut Jared, here: ... mpromised/

Will Williams: January 13, 2025
J Webb: January 12, 2025 I have a running game here. How many comments does it take before someone starts blaming everything on the Jews (especially in articles where they aren’t mentioned)?

Jared Taylor does come off more like a fuddy duddy William F. Buckley type than a Texan like George Bush or Rick Perry. But this is needed. The progressive media quickly shuts [sic] down white identity movements by almost exclusively making comments that will alienate the so called “normies” who are in need of education.


Can I play your game, Mr. Webb? This article doesn’t mention Jews, but the day after it appeared its author wrote:
[Jared] isn’t nearly as frank talking about Jews as he is white [sic] West Virginians.

Jared isn’t frank at all when talking about Jews, if he does. I don’t know. I don’t follow him. He said that WV is full of low grade White people. What a stupid thing to say. Would he say that about Jews he’s seen in northern Virginia? Probably not unless they are fat, tattooed and smokers. He sees them as elites, like him.

J, I expect you’re about as interested in the JQ as Jared. I doubt George Bush or Rick Perry have any interest in exposing Jewish perfidy either. In fact, I am certain that they don’t. They, like nearly all national politicians are as fuddy duddy as Buckley when it comes to the JQ. They may discuss Jewish supremacy in private — like Billy Graham and Dick Nixon did 53 years ago, as they discussed the Jewish stranglehold -- or after looking over their shoulders to make sure no one is listening or recording them, but that’s the extent.

However, I’m interested that you say the progressive media shut down so-called White identity movements. Some call mainstream media the legacy media, others call them the corporate media. We cannot blame everything that has been detrimental to the White race on Jewry. I agree, but William Pierce certainly had it right when he claimed that their Tribe controlled America’s mass mind through control of the mass news and entertainment industry.

This exposé needs some serious updating, since there has been the usual “changing of the Jews.” But it’s difficult to argue against the facts of Jewish media control then, or now: ... ca-01.pdf
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:54 pm

Putting to rest the rumor that Jared was married to a Jewess: ... -virginia/

Will Williams: January 13, 2025
Kim: January 13, 2025 Re: “[Jared] isn’t nearly as frank talking about Jews as he is white West Virginians.”

I actually was lucky enough to see video of the single moment that Jared actually mentioned “Jews” years back, at a video-recorded public speaking engagement. He very briefly stated, something to the effect of “I never discuss Jews because I don’t really notice any differences of substance between Jews & Whites.”

Maybe his wife is of Jewish descent.


Thank you for that quote from Jared. The source of that interview could probably be found if one cares to hunt for it. I don’t.

As for his wife, maybe he currently has a Jewish wife. I doubt it. He was married to Evelyn Rich, who some irresponsible people said is Jewish simply because they think Rich sounds Jewish. That’s how false rumors spread. Evelyn cleared the air on this nine years ago, that can be found, oddly enough, at the SPLC site, here: Setting the Record Straight: Longtime Partner of Jared Taylor Addresses White Nationalist Criticism | Southern Poverty Law Center

I believe that.

She and Jared were maried and have two daughters together. Whether they are still married today does not matter. Evelyn is not from Jewish descent, nor are her and Jared’s daughters.

Considering the source, the SPLC provides the name of the primary originator of the false rumor, a notorious gossip and conspiracy theorist named John de Nugent, here: Prolific Anti-Semite John De Nugent Issues Reward For Information On Jared Taylor’s Wife | Southern Poverty Law Center

Perhaps someone can hunt down John de Nugent to see if he ever paid anyone his reward.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:27 pm

The conversation about Jared Taylor continues. I step in to criticize another anonymous youngster who thinks Our Cause originated with his/her owngeneration, forgetting on whose shoulders they stand: ... -virginia/ I get to intriduce them to Dr. Pierce's Who We Are and, again, to our bookstore.

Will Williams: January 13, 2025
Stronza, responding to Vegitius: January 13, 2025 [Jared] needs to be put out to pasture with David Duke…

And just who do you think should put D.D. & J.T. out to pasture? Is there some kind of WN Age Police tasked with this kind of procedure? Just asking.

What a preposterous statement by Vegitius. I’m guessing he’s one of those come-lately alt-righters who think they know it all, but have been proven not to. He will age just as David and Jared have, but it is a cinch he’ll never contribute anything near as much as they have.

I’m older than both of those gentlemen. Maybe Veggie would like to try “putting me out to pasture.”

Most Whites were raised to respect their elders — not Veggie. To him we experienced, washed up “geriatrics” need to get out of the way, make room for young leaders like the Negress Candace Owens and Jesse Lee Peters, whoever he is.

I don’t go on JewTube, not since our Alliance was banned there, but have been told that Candace Owens has 5 million followers, or likers, or whatever they are, because she interviewed a survivor of the Jews’ murderous assault on the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967. Really? Many of those JewTubers are White. Is the Negress their leader now? Really?

Perhaps she had ordered Mr. Tourney’s book from us: Holocaust on the High Seas by Philip Tourney – Cosmotheism.

Veggie preaches on to C-Cers:

What is needed is an explicitly pro-white [sic] organizational structure, something the boomers never pulled off. This structure can be very loose, but people have to agree on three things (1) Who we are, (2) What we want, (3) How do we get it.

William Pierce had launched the organization you can only dream about, before you were born: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance NA is not for you but some reading this may be interested.

You want to know who we are, Veggie? Pierce wrote a comprehensive 26 chapter book, also before you were born, with that title: Who We Are: A Series of Articles on the History of the White Race (Part 1 – Introduction) | National Vanguard

Who We Are
by Dr. William L. Pierce

Unity & Diversity in Nature, but Never Equality
Miscegenation Stifles Evolutionary Progress
Changing Climate Sped Eurasian Evolution

NO PEOPLE is morally and spiritually healthy unless it is imbued with a strong sense of its own identity. Essential to that sense of identity are an awareness and an understanding of all the qualities which the members of the people share in common.

It is doubly imperative that every man and woman who claims the privilege of membership in a community based on the bonds of common race and common culture knows and takes pride in his racial and cultural history, for in this history are all the elements which give his community its unique character and differentiate its members from all those who are not members.

When such knowledge and pride are lacking, a community is subject to a host of ills and cannot long endure. Solidarity and a sense of responsibility to the community give place to special-interest factionalism and alienation. A lack of a sense of identity blurs the distinction between compatriot and stranger, between friend and foe, and leaves the community prey to the greed or malice of aliens as well as of its own pathological members, who will grow mightily in numbers as loss of identity proceeds.

The National Alliance is still very small compared to the larger national-racial community of which it is a part, yet if it is to grow someday into a truly effective community of blood and spirit which can serve as a nucleus for the regeneration of the larger community, it must begin now the process of education which will later serve as a model for the re- education of our whole people. NATIONAL VANGUARD serves this purpose, and it is hoped that the series of articles entitled “Who We Are” which will appear in successive issues will contribute to its overall effectiveness in that direction.

Let us begin acquiring our understanding of who we are by going far, far back beyond our earliest historical records … back beyond man himself … back to … the Beginning.

In the Beginning was the Cosmos — and is and ever shall be. The Cosmos is the Whole, the All-encompassing. It comprises all things, material and spiritual. The blazing suns of the firmament; the formless gas between the stars; the silent, frozen mountain peaks of the moon; the rustling trees of earthly forests; the teeming creatures of the dark ocean depths; and man are parts of the Cosmos….

Read more about the beginnings of Cosmotheism 50 years ago, the non-Semitic belief system Pierce founded for our people, at the link, or purchase the book: Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce – Cosmotheism
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:43 pm

Follow-up on C-C to provide part 2 of Wolf's long essay, now available in full on National Vanguard, here as: ... nt-warned/

* * * * *

As promised, here is the second part of Wolf's latest, nearly 2,000-word essay at WB: ... -virginia/

Will Williams: January 14, 2025
…Wolf’s gift to us will soon be buried at C-C. Since you asked, though, I’ll put it here, in two parts for brevity:

The State of Chaos (part 2)
by Wolf Stoner
Sat Jan 11, 2025

The poisonous historiography of WW2 asserted the insane idea about some “bad people” who plunged the whole world into war. This childish view of history was bound to produce many problems. The new generations of political leadership in the West were nurtured on these stupid notions. It’s no wonder that now, when the hard reality demands actions, they behave like scared small children, seeking to cower under a table or behind their mothers’ skirts. They were not brought up to become true leaders, to make difficult decisions and accept full responsibility. They always try to avoid personal responsibility and prefer to engage into prolonged fruitless debates. “Our democracy” at its best.

But the Jewish dominated American elite has finally noticed that their world is coming down. It is why they need Trump, Panama and Greenland. Preparations for the world war come into the final stage.

Whatever decisions were taken, the situation is bound to worsen.

The Bolshevik entity will continue to push further into Europe; even if given the whole of Ukraine, it will demand more. The inner nature of this state didn’t change since Lenin’s time.

China will eventually capture Taiwan. But that isn’t the issue. China plays for much more. They need the whole world. Taiwan is only a pretext to initiate hostilities at any suitable moment.

In the “happy decades” when decadent mainstream creatures enjoyed peaceful lives, China infiltrated and brought under its control the bulk of Africa, many states in Asia and Latin America. Even more than this. Chinese agents were successfully planted in all western countries. Their students are now present in all universities and scientific laboratories. This factor alone is enough to destroy western countries from inside. It will be much more difficult now to deal with these “Chinese minorities” than to put all Japanese migrants into concentration camps back in WW2.

China is hell bent on destroying the West. They hate White people; they will try to annihilate every White man on Earth, if given the opportunity. But in some sense this enmity is more preferable than the more insidious Jewish war on Whites. White people were always able to better cope with an obvious enemy.

Those who seek simple solutions will be greatly disappointed. There are none. Real life presents ever more convoluted and difficult tasks. There will be no replay of the past events. The coming struggle is sure to be much more brutal and complicated. It will test all human qualities to their limits.

The ongoing transformation in western governments is very indicative of the overall change. Their actions become more realistic and less driven by insane unnatural ideologies (some speeches of the senior NATO generals is the best testament of this).

It doesn’t mean that they become more friendly toward Whites but more rational in terms of international competition. The senseless drivel about benefits of unbounded free trade and blessings of globalization is replaced by calls to restore heavy industry, increase military spending and reestablish conscription.

Trump’s call to take Greenland and Panama under control isn’t a publicity stunt but an expression of a more realistic understanding of the situation. It is enough to have a globe on your desk in order to understand why those steps are necessary in the situation of the unraveling global war. The Arctic Ocean will be one of the principal theaters of this war. It is why Greenland, Iceland and Spitsbergen will be even more important than in the Cold War.

The main difference of this coming war is that this time we have no dog in this fight. There are no states that represent our racial interests. This understanding must be the basis of all our evaluations and decision-making.

At the same time we must not fall into delusion about the preference of Chinese-Bolshevik victory. If China takes control above the whole world, it will try to annihilate White race. It is a normal biological reaction. Because the White race is the only real competitor for East Asians in this struggle for world dominance. The Neo-Bolshevik empire, the Chinese junior partner in this undertaking, will itself be incorporated into the overall Chinese state with the remaining white component either being absorbed or annihilated by the new master-race.

The full victory of the Chinese-Bolshevik block would be a disaster for Whites.

In the same time the full victory of the Judeo-American western block would bring eventual destruction of Whites as well. Maybe, not in such a violent way as under Chinese rule but the overall long-term result would be hardly better.

Therefore, the preferable outcome is if this global struggle ends up in destruction of both sides; or in destruction of one side and weakening of the other to the state of impotence (something similar to British and French empires of 1945).

This situation will allow other independent actors to assert their own interests and to push away the former dominant players.

In either case, the unmitigated bloodbath and total destruction is inevitable.

White racial groups must act independently of any states and prepare ground for eventual taking over of the remnants of dysfunctional society. There must be no compromises on this question. No German AFD-like prostitute behavior.

For now we must prepare for the global war and make all necessary provisions in order to evade being drafted into any military (even in the countries that we consider more amenable to our vision; there are enough mainstream people to man the trenches; we have other work to do; our war is yet to come).

We must be prepared to survive for a long time outside of population centers. It is needed either in case of evading authorities or in case of nuclear war and ensuing social chaos. The worst case is to find ourselves in a governmental-run refugee camp.

The widespread mistake of many people is to think that the great undertakings must be started with great trappings and fanfares (Trump-Musk style). It is not so.

Real greatness needs no public gaze. It starts in quiet places with few people present. The mighty oak sprouts from a tiny acorn.

The White racial state starts with us, here and now. We don’t need any governmental licenses or police permissions for this. The White state is inside our mind; the White state is we.

The quality of our preparations now will decide the long-term success of the overall undertaking. We are the rulers of ourselves and our future state. It is the time to become Founding Fathers of our own state.

The initial work in this direction isn’t clean and glorious. On the contrary, any endeavor in this field was always dirty, heavy and bloody. Hacking through impenetrable woods, digging trenches, killing enemies, burying best friends and relatives; no luxuries, no holidays on the French Riviera, no fancy clothes and cars; only hard work, suffering and ardent belief in higher ideals. It is the painful way of nation creation. There are no shortcuts.

The time of great change has come.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:38 pm

Snowed in again today, unable to get down our hill, I spent several hours composing this response to a C-C commenter who is intelligent but intellectually dishonest when it comes to the Jewish Question: ... -virginia/

Some will say I'm wasting my time dealing with these boobs since comments are quickly buried at that site. My reply is not for him but for others who may see it. When I repost every comment I make there back here to WB, they are available to our people as instructive for how to debate those who merely identify as White.

Allegedly, C-C has 700,000 viewers, most interested at least nominally in pro-White politics. I just noticed 88,000 views have been made here of this "Commenting on Counter-Currents site" sub-section. Comments are not lost but archived here for others interested in the NA, Cosmotheism and Dr. Pierce's teachings. It' my way of using the computer for Activism and Alliance'Building.

Will Williams: January 14, 2025 J, you failed to address what I presented in my reply to you (way back under comment #9), but I’ll attempt to address your entire reply to my response here.

J Webb: January 14, 2025 I imagine Mr. T [Jared Taylor]is one to choose his battles rather than try to appease everyone who may hold grudges. White identity first, way ahead of critiquing a segment of a segment of the population.

Grudges? Pffft. Pointing out the threat organized Jewry poses to our race is no grudge, If “Mr. T” wants to come on C-C and explain why that issue — let us call it the Jewish Question (JQ) — then he is free to do so, but he will not. Though you are obviously very smart and show mastery of the English language, you are not doing a very good job of stating his position, or non-position on the JQ.

I do not use the term White identity as you, “Mr. T,” and others like to use. Plain ol’ “pro-White” is sufficient for starters to describe our side.

“A segment of a segment of the population” is precisely to whom I appeal.” You, like the minority segment of Whites, are racially conscious, but it is a minority segment of that minority segment — those who understand that a mass movement of the loosely organized, if naive greater segment, of what you call “White identity,” will fall short. Look to the failed Unite the Right effort in Charlottesville in 2017 as an example. William Pierce explained this to us in 1976, nearly 50 years ago: Why Don’t All the Pro-White Organizations Unite? | National Vanguard You will not read this since you did not read the link to Who Rules America? about Jewish media control, but some others here at C-C might.

When the JQ obsessed claim that Jews control everything, recall that that’s the same thing blacks say about whites (sic). And what is our response? We earned it. Their counter response, no, it is a white (sic) cabal who controls everything keeping the black man down. As per Menken, for all of life’s complex problems there lies an explanation that is simple, straightforward, clear and totally wrong. Continued focus on the Jews just sets any white (sic) identity movement back decades.

Like I already told you, I’m beyond your and “Mr. T’s” greater so-called White identity movement, and that I do not blame everything on Jews. I do not care what Blacks have to say about our cause. My message is strictly directed to our own pro-White people, esspecially to the racially responsible, eligible minority segment of the pro-White minority of our people that is perceptive enough to not only name the Jew as the indisputable enemy of our race, but know that we must fearlessly and seriously organize that “minority segment of of the pro-White minority segment of our population” against that threat and to preserve our people as biological racists.

You, sir, are not yet in the “minority segment of that pro-White minority segment of our population.” This is not to say that you cannot at some point become more intelligent and join with us. Jared Taylor has had numerous chanceds to join with us but is locked in with his position of disregarding the impact of Jewish supremacism on our race.

And in just a little over a year, the whole Israel-Palestinian war has brought about a thousand fold more protests on the topic.

Those protesting American/Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people in that Semite v. Semite conflict protest, do so for the wrong reason. They should instead be protesting the “stranglehold” organized Jewry has had on mass media in America. Palestinians do not control Hollywood, Madison Avenue, or control our political process through print and electronic media. It’s the Jew, J. Prove me wrong.

Ultra-Zionist president-elect Trump and his Zionist crew of Cabinet nominees, advisors and ambassadors are pledged to support the Israeli occupiers of Palestian lands, no matter how many idiots protest the genocide for the wrong reasons.

Jews control the Democrat senators who were grilling Trump’s nominee, Pete Hegseth, this morning to be confirmed, or not, as SoD. You’d find that all of the GOP senators are also controlled by Jewry, were you to aggressively grill them, under oath, on the JQ. That will never happen under the current terminally-divided, Judaized American System. Hegseth’s televised confirmation hearing today was guaranteed to be entertaining for the American public, but how many of that viewing audience who identify as White realized that it will take a serious revolution by a minority segment of a minority segment of Whites to pull it off?

More important is whether uniting white [sic] identity can occur if everyone wants to poke each other’s eye out in purity tests. Every racial identity has contended with their version of WVA, who rightly or wrongly get trashed. The rich want to get richer and the poor want to get richer by socialism. Nothing new under the sun.

“Purity tests” is your term, a slur against serious White separatists/preservatists. Purity generally indicates and is defined as virtuousness and righteousness. I don’t know if “Mr. T” considers William Pierce and his followers to be virtuous or righteous because he and we address the JQ directly; he would be foolish to see us as “evil” as Jews do for being critical of their actions against Whites over centuries.

Would “Mr.T” address the detrimental impact Semitic-based Christianity has had on our race? I’m guessing not. Correct me if I’m wrong. Many of our race’s best leaders have featured writings by Jews who would probably not pass your purity test, including this remarkable piece by Marcus Eli Ravage nearly a century ago: A Real Case Against the Jews | National Vanguard

I’ll conclude with this honest view of Christianity by National Alliance founder Pierce to his followers 43 years ago: On Christianity | National Vanguard

Any Alliance member who is also a member of a church or other Christian organization which supports racial mixing or Zionism should decide now where he stands, and he should then resign either from his church or from the Alliance.

Though he was raised a Presbyterian, as was I, it’s that sort of honesty that attracted me to William Pierce and his teachings. When I compare his courageous honesty to others who claim to be leaders of our race they fall short.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jan 14, 2025 9:24 pm

Wilhelm and I agree on the concept of quality over quantity when building a serious White dissident organization. Goofball C-C commenter JayeRyanOD could fit the definition of a Hobbyist, but more likely fits in the Constitutional loser category: Wilhelm would probably be a good Alliance member should he decide to apply.

Will Williams: January 15, 2025
Wilhelm: January 14, 2025 Thanks, Will, appreciate it. Imo, when someone repetitively acts in a way that pushes away high quality people it’s fair to point it out.

Exactly, beautiful Russian women are not going to fall for that nonsense.

I honestly think that William Pierce’s video on dealing with tough talking hobbyists & creating a high quality movement still has a lot of value.


There are several videos of Pierce talks on the subject, but this short piece written to his Alliance members 46 years ago about “movement” hobbyists says it all, and remains true today:
Hobbyism is a disease, like selfishness, and the people who are afflicted by it can’t help themselves. Whatever may be said here will not cause them to cease being hobbyists; it will merely cause them to think of better excuses to justify their hobbyism. But what is said here will, hopefully, be a warning to others, so that they can recognize hobbyism when they see it and shun it like the plague that it is…See: The Uniqueness of the National Alliance | National Vanguard

32 years ago Pierce wrote this for his National Alliance members/recruiters:

The importance of keeping defective people out of our ranks cannot be overemphasized. It is not just that we want to be proud of our membership in an elite organization, nor is it just that some types of defective people are nuisances or distractions rather than assets. Defective members are the single greatest threat to the success or even the survival of the National Alliance, more so than the government or organized Jewry. For every organization which is brought to grief by a spy, an infiltrator, or a provocateur, a dozen are wrecked by a member with a severe character flaw.

A few of the more common defective types to be avoided by the recruiter are described below....

See the six defective types listed here and decide for yourself which type or types best fit JayeRyanOD: Traits We Want in National Alliance Recruits | National Vanguard

JR may identify as White and he may meet general eligibility requirements for Alliance membership, but should he apply for membership, after what I’ve seen from him here at C-C, his application would be denied becsuse he’d have to come through me for approval.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:57 pm

I see no need to comment on thhis essay by Roger Devlin, but won't pass up the opportunity to respond to DM's statement about Dale Carnegie's book and promote, it as well as Nicholas Carter's title at our bookstore, though it is currently out of stock. We will restock it as soon as we find a suitable source.

Will Williams: January 15, 2025
DM: January 15, 2025 Jefferson Fisher has been popping up on Facebook lately. He’s a trial lawyer, author and speaker who lives in Texas and makes videos about interpersonal communication…

Much of our struggle today, unfortunately, is on the legal front and courts are generally in our enemies’ hands. We must have competent trial attorneys in our corner. They are rare, but necessary. Sam Dickson is one of those rare men with the courage to stand for us. I’m with Kim. She doesn’t trust one like Mr. Fisher for his advice on “hooking up.” I would not trust him for his popping up on Faceberg.

Sam Dickson recommends Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People for movement folks…

Sam’s recommendation of Carnegie’s classic, was shared, believe it or not, by Ben Klassen, whose two most recommended books, oddly enough, were that and Nicholas Carter’s The Christ Myth, an author and book almost as hated by Christians as Klassen and his books. We sell Carter’s title, but it is currently out of stock. Read about it here: The Christ Myth by Nicholas Carter – Cosmotheism

Found this summary of Carnegie’s book:

PART ONE Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 1 “If You Want to Gather Honey, Don’t Kick Over the Beehive” 2 The Big Secret of Dealing with People 3 “He Who Can Do This Has the Whole World with Him. He Who Cannot Walks a Lonely Way”

PART TWO Six Ways to Make People Like You 1 Do This and You’ll Be Welcome Anywhere 2 A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression 3 If You Don’t Do This, You Are Headed for Trouble 4 An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist 5 How to Interest People 6 How to Make People Like You Instantly

PART THREE How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking 1 You Can’t Win an Argument 2 A Sure Way of Making Enemies — and How to Avoid It 3 If You’re Wrong, Admit It 4 A Drop of Honey 5 The Secret of Socrates 6 The Safety Valve in Handling Complaints 7 How to Get Cooperation 8 A Formula That Will Work Wonders for You 9 What Everybody Wants 10 An Appeal That Everybody Likes 11 The Movies Do It. TV Does It. Why Don’t You Do It? 12 When Nothing Else Works, Try This

PART FOUR Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment 1 If You Must Find Fault, This Is the Way to Begin 2 How to Criticize — and Not Be Hated for It 3 Talk About Your Own Mistakes First 4 No One Likes to Take Orders 5 Let the Other Person Save Face 6 How to Spur People On to Success 7 Give a Dog a Good Name 8 Make the Fault Seem Easy to Correct 9 Making People Glad to Do What You Want
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:57 pm

I can always add somehting on-topic and interesting in a C-C discussion by remembering an old NV article, then entering, say, 'Tom Watson' in this case, in the NV search block to find it, give the link to it and even cut & paste interesting parts from it. One C-Cer miatakingly told me I have encyclopedic knowledge of our cause, but, no, I just have a fairly good memory of certain things and know how to find them for sharing with others: ... rds-spots/

Will Williams: January 17, 2025
DarkPlato: January 16, 2025 Margaret Mitchell really only wrote gone with the wind. That’s her only book…

That’s correct, DP. There’s more to her connection to Tom Dixon:

[quote]An early and admiring reader [of Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind] was Thomas Dixon, whose fiction had served as the basis for The Birth of a Nation. He sent the author a complimentary letter and she replied with a humorous account of her “dramatization” at age 11 of his book The Traitor. Part of Dixon’s approval stemmed no doubt from the fact that Gone with the Wind echoes many of his views on Reconstruction. For example, in the chapters she devotes to black-white conflict, Margaret Mitchell is in tacit accord with Dixon on the compelling need for white sovereignty…

That is based from a 1977 Instauration magazine article: Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind Was Not Selznick’s | National Vanguard

For the rest of the hidden story of the Jewish hand in both films, read more:

The two screen epics of the South are also linked by the circumstance that a sharklike Jewish manipulator, Louis B. Mayer, profited hugely from both. An immigrant from Russia and one-time ragpicker, Mayer in 1915, bought the rights to distribute The Birth of a Nation in New England. By filing understated reports of grosses with Griffith’s company and appropriating to himself much of the producers’ share of the profits, Mayer was able to amass his first million dollars. He used the money to launch himself as a movie producer and within a decade he was the studio head of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and the mightiest of the Jewish despots who turned American film-making into a anti-creative factory system in which White geniuses like Griffith could not function…

Mayer had two sons-in-law. He set up one as a partner in a rival film company and conferred an MGM earldom on the other, David O. Selznick, the son of a Jewish immigrant from Kiev whose over-extended movie empire had collapsed in the 1920s. The younger Selznick spent a few depression years at Mayer’s studio as a $4,000-a-week executive — the situation inspiring the acid comment, “The son-in-law also rises.” He then began a career as an independent producer and in 1936, on the advice of a White female associate, he bought the film rights to the newly published Gone with the Wind, a 1,037-page novel by an Atlanta woman, Margaret Mitchell
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