In the bunker Hitler’s farewell message to his friends was that one will always regret being kind. He knew whereof he spoke, after all he never embarked on the industrial and systematic killing of the Jews and towards the end of his life he knew that was a mistake. He saw clearly that he was going to die on his sword and lamented that sword was not good and bloody. It was Louis Ferdinand Celine who saw the writing on the wall. Once in Paris he shanghaied Ernst Junger away from sipping his coffee at a fashionable eatery with an urgent message. This will not be remembered as a curious meeting between two of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, far from it. It will be remembered as a manic cry from the heart and a golden opportunity missed. The message he imparted that day was that he was incredulous that Junger and his fellow National Socialists (literally and metaphorically) were languorously sipping their coffee in the Parisian beau monde and acting like it was just another day in paradise, which it was not. With all the vehemence he could muster (and it was always a lot) he urged Junger and his men to begin going door to door and killing every last Jew down to the last man, woman, and child. He implored them to do that all across the continent, and do so until the Jews were just a rumor, if that. After all it’s not every day you find yourself sitting atop Europe and the Jews like fish in a barrel waiting to be shot. By his own accounting the ever-urbane Junger said he believed Celine’s words to be the ravings of a madman, an example of barbaric thinking. But far from it. They were sound and sane and cool and calculating. Celine saw clearly that when the Jewish shit is barreling down the pike and you have one last chance it’s time to set the entire operation in flames. After all if history proves one thing it’s that you will always regret being kind. Junger just sipped his traitor's coffee and smiled a wan smile. Junger lived to be 100 and wrote about glass bees but, apparently, never saw who was running the machine.Angelicus wrote: ↑Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:28 pmHello Wolf!Wolf Stoner wrote: ↑Thu Aug 15, 2024 5:03 amThe white traitors
The schwerpunkt of the Race War
The western ruling class has decided to eliminate White race as an independent geopolitical and cultural factor. It wants to replace White people with a mongrel crowd of stupid slaves whose mental abilities would be enough only for doing lowly work for the globalist master-class. For this end are directed all political transformations of the last decades.
It has been a pleasure to read your comment about the white traitors. I fully agree with you. Perhaps the most harmful and despicable trait of Christianity is the idea of "compassion". It has spiritually castrated the best of our men at critical moments in our history by preventing them from acting as their ancestors in pre-Christian times would have done. The most glaring example of this was the Third Reich, at a time when the best elements of our race held practically absolute power over their enemies (Jews, Marxists, Liberals of all denominations, fanatic Christian preachers like Niemöller, etc) they did not exterminate them as they should have done.
I shall never forget this anecdote told by Ernst Jünger, a WW1 hero who became a kind of passive traitor, I mean he did not manifest his opposition to National-Socialism openly but made it fairly clear. In 1942 he was holding the rank of captain in the German Army and had a cushy job at its headquarters in Paris. He was famous among writers for his famous book "Storm of Steel" and eventually met, among others, Louis Ferdinand Céline, the implacable enemy of the Jews, who told him: "You Germans have not learned anything in Russia. You must exterminate your enemies!" Of course, Céline was right; the Germans, particularly those decadent aristocrats who, like Jünger, believed themselves superior to the "brutal Nazis" treated their enemies with an incredible, and unforgivable, kindness. These imbeciles believed that their "chivalrous" behaviour would be appreciated by their enemies but they did not know the kind of monsters they were dealing with.
In January 1976 Dr. William Pierce wrote a magnificent little article entitled "The Germans Werent Brutal Enough" (here is the link: ... -enough-2/ In there he addressed the same points you have made so eloquently. Like someone said: Next time, no more "Mr. Nice Guy"
Like you, I said several times that the Jews would not have achieved anything had not been for the countless Aryan traitors ready to sell their mothers or sons to achieve some money or power. These people are our worst enemies and deserve the worst fate possible. After all, the behaviour of the Jews is understandable; they have been designed to hate us and to destroy us, it is in their genes. But, what can we say about the white traitors? Where is their excuse?
Words of Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 10473
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 10473
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Adolf Hitler is the kind of man whose meaning extends far above his immediate life. He was an incarnation of the White racial spirit; the real Christ of the White race. We can understand the logic of the events of his time only when looking through this prism. The new racial religion is being born in great pain. It couldn’t be otherwise. All great things require great pain and great sacrifices--Wolf Stoner
When one finally begins thinking one begins thinking about Adolf Hitler--Douglas Mercer
When one finally begins thinking one begins thinking about Adolf Hitler--Douglas Mercer
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 190
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Thank you very much for posting this quote. Mark Weber did a great job of reminding everyone about the fact that the Third Reich leadership fairly precisely warned about what was to come if allies win. Jordan Peterson is a systemic sidekick posing as "opposition". He says many obvious truths in order to establish his credibility but on the most critical issues he repeats the same big lies. Such creatures like Peterson or Tucker Carlson are more dangerous than any open haters of White race.Douglas Mercer wrote: ↑Sat Jan 11, 2025 12:46 pmLet no one say we were not warned:
“Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews hate us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives."--Joseph Goebbels
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 190
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
The two wily Jews and one white blockhead
The lengthy pseudo-historic discussion of Oliver Stone, Peter Kuznick and Tucker Carlson is a perfect example of how Jews use their rhetorical abilities in order to push their lies. They masterfully jungle the facts in order to create an illusion of objectivity. They even criticize their own brethren but load the whole burden of responsibility on someone else.
The main factor in the 20th century history, according to Oliver Stone, is and unjust treatment of Soviet Union by the vile West. It is the West who always wanted to destroy USSR, not the other way around.
There was no communist infiltration of Roosevelt administration, according to this Jewish couple. The whole fuss of McCarthyism was exclusively due to inherent western dislike of Russia.
The problem is that there are many people who have very limited knowledge of history and they believe this nonsense. These sleezy Jews easily catch gullible goyims into their web of lies. This talk is worthy to listen to in order to understand how they use their methods.
The lengthy pseudo-historic discussion of Oliver Stone, Peter Kuznick and Tucker Carlson is a perfect example of how Jews use their rhetorical abilities in order to push their lies. They masterfully jungle the facts in order to create an illusion of objectivity. They even criticize their own brethren but load the whole burden of responsibility on someone else.
The main factor in the 20th century history, according to Oliver Stone, is and unjust treatment of Soviet Union by the vile West. It is the West who always wanted to destroy USSR, not the other way around.
There was no communist infiltration of Roosevelt administration, according to this Jewish couple. The whole fuss of McCarthyism was exclusively due to inherent western dislike of Russia.
The problem is that there are many people who have very limited knowledge of history and they believe this nonsense. These sleezy Jews easily catch gullible goyims into their web of lies. This talk is worthy to listen to in order to understand how they use their methods.
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 190
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
The White race versus white rats
The struggle between races and ethnicities is an ever-present natural feature. It can’t be otherwise. The very purpose of differences among species is to establish competition in order to advance evolution. Absence of competition means decay and death.
All organisms evolve through splitting into subgroups that eventually become independent species. This process has no reverse direction. Any idea about possibility of melting the whole human population into uniform raceless mass is insanity born from stupidity and hubris. Even if this project had succeeded (under violent coercion), the resultant population would be unstable and mostly useless. Having lost ethnic distinctions this mass of bipedal creatures would lose any traces of higher spiritual values and even minimal morality, which is necessary for any cohesive group to exist. This crowd would be unable to function as a society and would rapidly slide into chaos and total war of mutual extermination.
Glimpses of such a society we can see in Rio-de-Janeiro and Central American states where genetic composition of the population resembles the suggested ideal of the raceless global state. The only reason why those places don’t completely collapse is the influence of the outside world that serves as a vessel that allows this hellish brew to bubble inside its boundaries. Besides it, the outside world provides those unruly lands with technical assistance and humanitarian aid which greatly reduces chaos.
Competition and mutual hostility between races is inevitable. Those who want “interracial harmony” are fools. Subgroups living in the same space and consuming the same resources are bound to fight each other. The ultimate result of this struggle is someone’s extermination. Life is harsh; the best way to victory is to understand this simple law of Nature.
White race has won the evolutionary competition yet thousands of years ago. It acquired a unique set of qualities that no other population group on this Planet has.
This natural superiority has allowed White nations to spread their influence on the whole Planet in the last five centuries. It wasn’t a conquest as such but a natural expansion of superior species. The only reason this process was not completed in its due way is the mental illness that afflicts Whites for more than a thousand years. The Christian false ideas held back Whites from taking this Planet into their exclusive possession, as Nature dictated it.
The gap between Whites and non-whites is so huge that any attempts to combine them into one society are bound to fail; more than this; these attempts are sure to bring chaos and total destruction.
Whites can exist only in an exclusive White society. There is no way to live in any kind of “multiracial society”. Even when compelled to live side by side with aliens, Whites instinctively tend to create their own bubbles where they can remain who they are.
These are simple undeniable facts. Everyone knows them (even when vehemently denying them). Understanding of these facts must be the starting point of any discussion of racial problems. Those who refuse to face the natural reality of life and prefer to live in the realm of dreams, will have no place in the future White society.
Here I want to address another issue. I have already written on this topic but its importance merits repetition of the key ideas.
Some racially aware people tend to misunderstand the problem. They see that something is wrong and perceive the outward expression as the problem itself. It is a usual mistake of any inattentive observer in any matter.
People who listen Jared Taylor or other narrowly focused activists, could fall into delusion that Blacks are being the original source of all American problems.
When mainstream Russians start to become aware about their plight the first thing they notice are the crowds of Asians roaming Russian cities. They imagine that these crowds are the source of all problems.
Smarter people, after delving into the issue, discover the nefarious role played by Jews in the last century and tend to ascribe exclusively to them the guilt for what happened.
Both those conclusions are right in their own way. But if we dig deeper, we will find the original cause of all those problems.
In order to better understand this matter, let’s imagine that the White race has acquired political unity and all White people live in a White state. What would happen in the world? Would there be a race war? Surely not. For simple reason that it would be pointless. There would be no viable opponent left. The multibillion non-white crowd would die-out on their own in a matter of months if left without White assistance. Even the hugely overestimated East Asians with their widely vaunted high IQ would rapidly lose technological advantage if left without contact with the White world. So, in a matter of few decades the whole world would be reduced to sparsely populated wasteland. There would be no need for any protracted race war. The taking of the Planet would need no appreciable military effort. Similarly, as it already happened in 16-17th centuries.
This conclusion allows us to understand the fact that Whites as a race have no real competitors on this Planet.
Proceeding from this understanding, we must address the following question: who is, then, this malicious enemy that prevents Whites from gaining their rightful place on this planet?
Neither Chinese, nor Blacks, nor Jews. The main enemy of the White race are the defective whites who, due to some reason, lost their sense of identity but preserved their natural mental advantages. These creatures are the most dangerous ones because it is only them who can prevent us from going along our predestined evolutionary path.
This logical chain brings us to the inevitable conclusion that the most bloody and uncompromising war will happen not between Whites and non-whites but between Whites themselves; as it already happened before. The fate of the world will be determined in a struggle of Whites against whites; with other groups only jumping around and crying like a crowd of wild monkeys, imagining that they really matter.
We can’t predict the future but we must understand the underlying factors that determine events. If we have a correct understanding of those primary factors, we will be able to operate successfully in the ever-changing environment of the ongoing struggle.
The main prerequisite of effective analysis is adherence to historical patterns. It is why history matters so much. In essence, everything that happens is influenced by the same set of factors. The actual events are always different but the underlying causes are the same. It is like solving mathematical or physical problems. The computations for any particular case could be very bulky but the underlying set of rules and laws is very limited and quite simple. Your success in solving those problems lays in your ability to break the given complicated bulk into simple constituent parts. The same approach applies to politics and history.
Why so many Whites tend to act against their own collective racial interests?
I have already mentioned the pernicious influence of Christianity that for centuries poisoned White society. It is a problem but not the main one, especially, considering the fact that the influence of Christianity is waning.
I would break the treacherous Whites into two categories: the genuinely delusional do-gooders and wily selfish hypocrites who play the game in order to gain social advantage in the anti-white political system.
It is difficult to say which one of these categories is more harmful and dangerous. Sometimes the honest idiots are the most dangerous destroyers. It is enough to remember the abolitionist white maniacs who hated White society more than anything else. The same psychology has urged the righteous but stupid whites in England and America to fight Germany in the Second World War.
I can’t suggest any effective cure for this illness. The only way, as it seems, is to allow this kind of people to drive themselves into extinction. To engage them in an open fight is a hard task with little prospect of success. These people hold the bulk of material and political power in the still existing White countries. To oppose them openly would be unwise. Therefore, my suggested way of action is the cold neutrality. It means neither confrontation nor support (even when these people will suffer from non-white terror). In the long run the remnants of these delusional whites will have to choose between being completely annihilated by their brown/black “fellow Americans” or to join conscious Whites. This approach doesn’t promise a rapid solution but it excludes rash and self-destructive actions that some White groups advocate.
First of all, we need to understand the simple truth that the present White society is doomed. There is no need to save it. On the contrary, this society is in a state that fully merits the application of the famous Nietzsche’s advice: “that which is falling should also be pushed”. In our particular case we don’t even need to exert any effort on our part. Our task is to stop trying to prevent others from destroying the failing society. Let it fall! The sooner the better. The more pain is inflicted on this decadent society the better. They fully deserve it; they earned it by their laziness, stupidity, inattentiveness and greed. For too long they tended exclusively to their own materialistic needs and supposed that they don’t owe anything to their White brethren. For too long they accepted aliens not only as rightful members of their society but as leaders and preachers. For too long they vilified the best White people who fought and died for the common good of the whole White race. This ingratitude is especially disgusting and unforgivable. Now the time has come to pay the bills. Our part in this situation is to remain aloof and gloat on the spectacle of inglorious fall of the delusional society. We warned them yet long ago but they didn’t listen. More than this; they spat on us, derided and ostracized. Now is their turn to taste their own medicine. The natural justice through its unfathomable intricate ways employs the non-White crowd as a punishing sword of Providence. Those who didn’t want to follow the simple laws of collective self-preservation, were thrown under the feet of wild tribes who observe those laws.
We can’t do anything about it and we must not do anything. Those who chose death and self-destruction, must die. Those who don’t value their White identity, don’t deserve it. We owe nothing to them.
Now let’s look onto those Whites who are clever enough to understand the reality but too greedy and cowardly to go against the prevailing current.
There are plenty of clever Whites who occupy the key social positions and who have enough intelligence to understand simple logical chains. They see the wrong path that society goes along and they understand the treacherous nature of the ruling class but their share in society is too high to risk it. They rationalize their support of the system (to their own consciousness) by defending their own interests and caring for the future of their children. Yes, they think that they serve good for their posterity by gaining wealth even when the whole society falls. These people think that in the future, somehow, they will be able to find their way in the different social environment.
This kind of people are ultimate rats. They are clever but devoid of morality and high spiritual values. Their main task is to survive and thrive in any environment and at any cost; even if it requires betrayal of their community.
It must be acknowledged that these people are very successful in modern society. The greater part of millionaires, billionaires, professional politicians and military leadership consists of this kind. The problem with their life-philosophy is that they fail to understand that, if the whole White society collapses, there will be no place for them too. The wild non-white crowds, to whom they cater now, will devour their own benefactors as well.
These clever white rats have high enough intelligence to successfully guide their way in the stormy waters of modern society but they fail to see beyond the horizon. They don’t have eagle’s wings for this.
But the time will come when these rats will perceive the great shift and start to clamber on our ship. This problem must be addressed beforehand; it is sure to happen in the future. I can’t suggest any fool-prove solution now but only warn that it will be this way. We must not allow this kind of people to have any decent place in the future White society. The only suitable place for rats is cellar and garbage-dump, not the royal palaces and military headquarters.
The main lesson that history teaches us is that the greatest decisive battles will happen between Whites themselves.
Most probably, it is arranged this way by Providence itself. As I said, the interracial competition was already concluded long ago. Now is the fight inside the White race itself; some kind of harsh natural test of durability. The final result isn’t predetermined. It could go both ways.
If the best part of Whites wins, then, there will be civilizational rejuvenation and the prospect of further evolution. If the selfish lowly part of Whites wins, then, the civilization will collapse and be destroyed by non-white crowds.
Therefore, it isn’t so much a competition between Whites and non-whites but between different kinds of Whites.
As it is well-known from biology the internal competition in species is much more harsh than external. It is why the both world wars were so uncompromising and bloody.
The fate of White race will be decided not in a war against aliens but in a mortal struggle against other Whites.
We must accept this reality and act accordingly. The worst thing is to fall into delusion of possible White unity and peaceful coexistence of White nations. It isn’t going to happen. The final solution of this problem will involve boundless bloodshed and extermination of incalculable millions of Whites by other Whites.
Yes, there will be wars against non-whites as well but only as a side-show.
Abolitionist maniacs were white, union generals who ordered the wholesale destruction of southern states were white; Winston Churchill was white; marshal Zhukov who ordered and supervised the total annihilation of East Prussian population was white; the majority of judges who send White activists into jail are white as well. The list can go on.
So, we can see the pattern. What it means?
We must prepare for uncompromising war. Not against ugly and repulsive subhumans, who barely speak our language, but against those who seem almost like we but have black treacherous souls. These will be the worst enemies who must be eliminated when the time comes. They are the main problem which must be addressed. We must not allow any shallow men to divert our attention into unproductive path of hating Negroes. Negroes are not the problem; they are only the consequence of the deep-rooted original problem.
The ultimate purpose of this struggle is to cleanse our race of the dross that lacks collective identity spirit, who are not enough courageous, not enough selfless, not enough noble. Those whites who don’t deserve to be truly White, must go. And it is our holy task to facilitate their exit, their evolutionary demise.
We must prioritize this problem, not the violent and noisy but disorderly monkeys.
It is surely going to be a lengthy and uncompromising struggle the glimpse of which everyone can see on Ukrainian battlefields. When Europe and USA collapse, the level of ruthlessness there will be similar. We must not deceive ourselves by soothing pictures of western well-being. It applies only to the oversatiated wealthy society; the moment the prosperity is gone will mark the beginning of uncompromising internal war.
These are the outlines of the coming struggle. We must understand its nature in order to avoid dangerous mistakes. Especially dangerous is an illusion of unification with all kinds of “pro-white” movements. Dr Pierce addressed this issue and warned against this false path. Those who know the truth must not fear go alone. The best people will join; the puny ones will scatter away.
I don’t want to sow dissent among the wide pro-White crowd who presently seems united on some superficial issues (immigration, CRT, freedom of speech). For the time being it is well that there is a wide consensus on something that matters. But in the long run the substantial part of these presumable allies will join our enemies.
The Russian experience gives exceptionally valuable lesson in this respect. Of the plentitude of nationalist organizations and activists that were in Russia back in 1990es and early 2000es, only a fraction chose to remain faithful to their original ideals. The great majority preferred to join the system when it threatened them. They were passionate NS and WP people when it was allowed and safe but the moment it became dangerous, they jumped out. Now they love comrade Putin and celebrate “great victory against Nazism”. It is the nature of puny men. They can’t endure real hardships. When faced with a choice whether to follow the truth and sustain material losses or to join the enemy with a prospect of material gains, they always choose the second option.
The coming epoch of uncompromising struggle is prepared by Providence itself in order to address this issue. The whole White race must undergo the process of purification. Everything, which is not good enough, must be uncompromisingly thrown away.
Our primary task at present is to propagate and cultivate those spiritual qualities which will have evolutionary advantage when the time comes. In some respect this great purge has already started.
The victims of the dirty life-style promoted by Hollywood fully deserve their fate. They failed the test and must cease to exist. They failed to be truly White. They imagined that they could become a raceless society but now they are dead; either dying of overdose on the streets of Philadelphia or after years of trying to please the system have finally been jettisoned by it. This process will continue and increase. Those who chose money and social “respectability”, will lose in the long run. Only those who chose the path of a racial warrior and defender of eternal truth will have the prospect of inheriting this world and becoming founders of the new White nation and White state.
The struggle between races and ethnicities is an ever-present natural feature. It can’t be otherwise. The very purpose of differences among species is to establish competition in order to advance evolution. Absence of competition means decay and death.
All organisms evolve through splitting into subgroups that eventually become independent species. This process has no reverse direction. Any idea about possibility of melting the whole human population into uniform raceless mass is insanity born from stupidity and hubris. Even if this project had succeeded (under violent coercion), the resultant population would be unstable and mostly useless. Having lost ethnic distinctions this mass of bipedal creatures would lose any traces of higher spiritual values and even minimal morality, which is necessary for any cohesive group to exist. This crowd would be unable to function as a society and would rapidly slide into chaos and total war of mutual extermination.
Glimpses of such a society we can see in Rio-de-Janeiro and Central American states where genetic composition of the population resembles the suggested ideal of the raceless global state. The only reason why those places don’t completely collapse is the influence of the outside world that serves as a vessel that allows this hellish brew to bubble inside its boundaries. Besides it, the outside world provides those unruly lands with technical assistance and humanitarian aid which greatly reduces chaos.
Competition and mutual hostility between races is inevitable. Those who want “interracial harmony” are fools. Subgroups living in the same space and consuming the same resources are bound to fight each other. The ultimate result of this struggle is someone’s extermination. Life is harsh; the best way to victory is to understand this simple law of Nature.
White race has won the evolutionary competition yet thousands of years ago. It acquired a unique set of qualities that no other population group on this Planet has.
This natural superiority has allowed White nations to spread their influence on the whole Planet in the last five centuries. It wasn’t a conquest as such but a natural expansion of superior species. The only reason this process was not completed in its due way is the mental illness that afflicts Whites for more than a thousand years. The Christian false ideas held back Whites from taking this Planet into their exclusive possession, as Nature dictated it.
The gap between Whites and non-whites is so huge that any attempts to combine them into one society are bound to fail; more than this; these attempts are sure to bring chaos and total destruction.
Whites can exist only in an exclusive White society. There is no way to live in any kind of “multiracial society”. Even when compelled to live side by side with aliens, Whites instinctively tend to create their own bubbles where they can remain who they are.
These are simple undeniable facts. Everyone knows them (even when vehemently denying them). Understanding of these facts must be the starting point of any discussion of racial problems. Those who refuse to face the natural reality of life and prefer to live in the realm of dreams, will have no place in the future White society.
Here I want to address another issue. I have already written on this topic but its importance merits repetition of the key ideas.
Some racially aware people tend to misunderstand the problem. They see that something is wrong and perceive the outward expression as the problem itself. It is a usual mistake of any inattentive observer in any matter.
People who listen Jared Taylor or other narrowly focused activists, could fall into delusion that Blacks are being the original source of all American problems.
When mainstream Russians start to become aware about their plight the first thing they notice are the crowds of Asians roaming Russian cities. They imagine that these crowds are the source of all problems.
Smarter people, after delving into the issue, discover the nefarious role played by Jews in the last century and tend to ascribe exclusively to them the guilt for what happened.
Both those conclusions are right in their own way. But if we dig deeper, we will find the original cause of all those problems.
In order to better understand this matter, let’s imagine that the White race has acquired political unity and all White people live in a White state. What would happen in the world? Would there be a race war? Surely not. For simple reason that it would be pointless. There would be no viable opponent left. The multibillion non-white crowd would die-out on their own in a matter of months if left without White assistance. Even the hugely overestimated East Asians with their widely vaunted high IQ would rapidly lose technological advantage if left without contact with the White world. So, in a matter of few decades the whole world would be reduced to sparsely populated wasteland. There would be no need for any protracted race war. The taking of the Planet would need no appreciable military effort. Similarly, as it already happened in 16-17th centuries.
This conclusion allows us to understand the fact that Whites as a race have no real competitors on this Planet.
Proceeding from this understanding, we must address the following question: who is, then, this malicious enemy that prevents Whites from gaining their rightful place on this planet?
Neither Chinese, nor Blacks, nor Jews. The main enemy of the White race are the defective whites who, due to some reason, lost their sense of identity but preserved their natural mental advantages. These creatures are the most dangerous ones because it is only them who can prevent us from going along our predestined evolutionary path.
This logical chain brings us to the inevitable conclusion that the most bloody and uncompromising war will happen not between Whites and non-whites but between Whites themselves; as it already happened before. The fate of the world will be determined in a struggle of Whites against whites; with other groups only jumping around and crying like a crowd of wild monkeys, imagining that they really matter.
We can’t predict the future but we must understand the underlying factors that determine events. If we have a correct understanding of those primary factors, we will be able to operate successfully in the ever-changing environment of the ongoing struggle.
The main prerequisite of effective analysis is adherence to historical patterns. It is why history matters so much. In essence, everything that happens is influenced by the same set of factors. The actual events are always different but the underlying causes are the same. It is like solving mathematical or physical problems. The computations for any particular case could be very bulky but the underlying set of rules and laws is very limited and quite simple. Your success in solving those problems lays in your ability to break the given complicated bulk into simple constituent parts. The same approach applies to politics and history.
Why so many Whites tend to act against their own collective racial interests?
I have already mentioned the pernicious influence of Christianity that for centuries poisoned White society. It is a problem but not the main one, especially, considering the fact that the influence of Christianity is waning.
I would break the treacherous Whites into two categories: the genuinely delusional do-gooders and wily selfish hypocrites who play the game in order to gain social advantage in the anti-white political system.
It is difficult to say which one of these categories is more harmful and dangerous. Sometimes the honest idiots are the most dangerous destroyers. It is enough to remember the abolitionist white maniacs who hated White society more than anything else. The same psychology has urged the righteous but stupid whites in England and America to fight Germany in the Second World War.
I can’t suggest any effective cure for this illness. The only way, as it seems, is to allow this kind of people to drive themselves into extinction. To engage them in an open fight is a hard task with little prospect of success. These people hold the bulk of material and political power in the still existing White countries. To oppose them openly would be unwise. Therefore, my suggested way of action is the cold neutrality. It means neither confrontation nor support (even when these people will suffer from non-white terror). In the long run the remnants of these delusional whites will have to choose between being completely annihilated by their brown/black “fellow Americans” or to join conscious Whites. This approach doesn’t promise a rapid solution but it excludes rash and self-destructive actions that some White groups advocate.
First of all, we need to understand the simple truth that the present White society is doomed. There is no need to save it. On the contrary, this society is in a state that fully merits the application of the famous Nietzsche’s advice: “that which is falling should also be pushed”. In our particular case we don’t even need to exert any effort on our part. Our task is to stop trying to prevent others from destroying the failing society. Let it fall! The sooner the better. The more pain is inflicted on this decadent society the better. They fully deserve it; they earned it by their laziness, stupidity, inattentiveness and greed. For too long they tended exclusively to their own materialistic needs and supposed that they don’t owe anything to their White brethren. For too long they accepted aliens not only as rightful members of their society but as leaders and preachers. For too long they vilified the best White people who fought and died for the common good of the whole White race. This ingratitude is especially disgusting and unforgivable. Now the time has come to pay the bills. Our part in this situation is to remain aloof and gloat on the spectacle of inglorious fall of the delusional society. We warned them yet long ago but they didn’t listen. More than this; they spat on us, derided and ostracized. Now is their turn to taste their own medicine. The natural justice through its unfathomable intricate ways employs the non-White crowd as a punishing sword of Providence. Those who didn’t want to follow the simple laws of collective self-preservation, were thrown under the feet of wild tribes who observe those laws.
We can’t do anything about it and we must not do anything. Those who chose death and self-destruction, must die. Those who don’t value their White identity, don’t deserve it. We owe nothing to them.
Now let’s look onto those Whites who are clever enough to understand the reality but too greedy and cowardly to go against the prevailing current.
There are plenty of clever Whites who occupy the key social positions and who have enough intelligence to understand simple logical chains. They see the wrong path that society goes along and they understand the treacherous nature of the ruling class but their share in society is too high to risk it. They rationalize their support of the system (to their own consciousness) by defending their own interests and caring for the future of their children. Yes, they think that they serve good for their posterity by gaining wealth even when the whole society falls. These people think that in the future, somehow, they will be able to find their way in the different social environment.
This kind of people are ultimate rats. They are clever but devoid of morality and high spiritual values. Their main task is to survive and thrive in any environment and at any cost; even if it requires betrayal of their community.
It must be acknowledged that these people are very successful in modern society. The greater part of millionaires, billionaires, professional politicians and military leadership consists of this kind. The problem with their life-philosophy is that they fail to understand that, if the whole White society collapses, there will be no place for them too. The wild non-white crowds, to whom they cater now, will devour their own benefactors as well.
These clever white rats have high enough intelligence to successfully guide their way in the stormy waters of modern society but they fail to see beyond the horizon. They don’t have eagle’s wings for this.
But the time will come when these rats will perceive the great shift and start to clamber on our ship. This problem must be addressed beforehand; it is sure to happen in the future. I can’t suggest any fool-prove solution now but only warn that it will be this way. We must not allow this kind of people to have any decent place in the future White society. The only suitable place for rats is cellar and garbage-dump, not the royal palaces and military headquarters.
The main lesson that history teaches us is that the greatest decisive battles will happen between Whites themselves.
Most probably, it is arranged this way by Providence itself. As I said, the interracial competition was already concluded long ago. Now is the fight inside the White race itself; some kind of harsh natural test of durability. The final result isn’t predetermined. It could go both ways.
If the best part of Whites wins, then, there will be civilizational rejuvenation and the prospect of further evolution. If the selfish lowly part of Whites wins, then, the civilization will collapse and be destroyed by non-white crowds.
Therefore, it isn’t so much a competition between Whites and non-whites but between different kinds of Whites.
As it is well-known from biology the internal competition in species is much more harsh than external. It is why the both world wars were so uncompromising and bloody.
The fate of White race will be decided not in a war against aliens but in a mortal struggle against other Whites.
We must accept this reality and act accordingly. The worst thing is to fall into delusion of possible White unity and peaceful coexistence of White nations. It isn’t going to happen. The final solution of this problem will involve boundless bloodshed and extermination of incalculable millions of Whites by other Whites.
Yes, there will be wars against non-whites as well but only as a side-show.
Abolitionist maniacs were white, union generals who ordered the wholesale destruction of southern states were white; Winston Churchill was white; marshal Zhukov who ordered and supervised the total annihilation of East Prussian population was white; the majority of judges who send White activists into jail are white as well. The list can go on.
So, we can see the pattern. What it means?
We must prepare for uncompromising war. Not against ugly and repulsive subhumans, who barely speak our language, but against those who seem almost like we but have black treacherous souls. These will be the worst enemies who must be eliminated when the time comes. They are the main problem which must be addressed. We must not allow any shallow men to divert our attention into unproductive path of hating Negroes. Negroes are not the problem; they are only the consequence of the deep-rooted original problem.
The ultimate purpose of this struggle is to cleanse our race of the dross that lacks collective identity spirit, who are not enough courageous, not enough selfless, not enough noble. Those whites who don’t deserve to be truly White, must go. And it is our holy task to facilitate their exit, their evolutionary demise.
We must prioritize this problem, not the violent and noisy but disorderly monkeys.
It is surely going to be a lengthy and uncompromising struggle the glimpse of which everyone can see on Ukrainian battlefields. When Europe and USA collapse, the level of ruthlessness there will be similar. We must not deceive ourselves by soothing pictures of western well-being. It applies only to the oversatiated wealthy society; the moment the prosperity is gone will mark the beginning of uncompromising internal war.
These are the outlines of the coming struggle. We must understand its nature in order to avoid dangerous mistakes. Especially dangerous is an illusion of unification with all kinds of “pro-white” movements. Dr Pierce addressed this issue and warned against this false path. Those who know the truth must not fear go alone. The best people will join; the puny ones will scatter away.
I don’t want to sow dissent among the wide pro-White crowd who presently seems united on some superficial issues (immigration, CRT, freedom of speech). For the time being it is well that there is a wide consensus on something that matters. But in the long run the substantial part of these presumable allies will join our enemies.
The Russian experience gives exceptionally valuable lesson in this respect. Of the plentitude of nationalist organizations and activists that were in Russia back in 1990es and early 2000es, only a fraction chose to remain faithful to their original ideals. The great majority preferred to join the system when it threatened them. They were passionate NS and WP people when it was allowed and safe but the moment it became dangerous, they jumped out. Now they love comrade Putin and celebrate “great victory against Nazism”. It is the nature of puny men. They can’t endure real hardships. When faced with a choice whether to follow the truth and sustain material losses or to join the enemy with a prospect of material gains, they always choose the second option.
The coming epoch of uncompromising struggle is prepared by Providence itself in order to address this issue. The whole White race must undergo the process of purification. Everything, which is not good enough, must be uncompromisingly thrown away.
Our primary task at present is to propagate and cultivate those spiritual qualities which will have evolutionary advantage when the time comes. In some respect this great purge has already started.
The victims of the dirty life-style promoted by Hollywood fully deserve their fate. They failed the test and must cease to exist. They failed to be truly White. They imagined that they could become a raceless society but now they are dead; either dying of overdose on the streets of Philadelphia or after years of trying to please the system have finally been jettisoned by it. This process will continue and increase. Those who chose money and social “respectability”, will lose in the long run. Only those who chose the path of a racial warrior and defender of eternal truth will have the prospect of inheriting this world and becoming founders of the new White nation and White state.
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5069
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Wolf, When I read this from you yesterday I was unable to log-in to WB all day long, and busy with writing our January Members BULLETIN and other projects. Now I'm logged-in and can comment. Unfortunately, I've butchered your long essay in this response, but highlighted a few points about what you express so well about how our racial struggle is now and is going to be: primarily Whites against our own whites.
In the past I didn't fully grasp the distinction you were making in some previous essays, and would even capitalize the words "White" in edits when you used lower case to distinguish between we enlightened ones and the whites who disregard what we tell them will be necessary to preserve our race. You say, "The best people will join [with us]; the puny ones will scatter away." Whether this distinction will catch on with others in time remains to be seen. Conditions will have to become much worse for them to realize the seriousness you describe -- but the concept of the White race versus white rats must be carved in stone and beat them over their heads with it.
Wolf Stoner wrote: ↑Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:36 amThe White race versus white rats
First of all, we need to understand the simple truth that the present White society is doomed. There is no need to save it. On the contrary, this society is in a state that fully merits the application of the famous Nietzsche’s advice: “that which is falling should also be pushed”. In our particular case we don’t even need to exert any effort on our part. Our task is to stop trying to prevent others from destroying the failing society. Let it fall! The sooner the better. The more pain is inflicted on this decadent society the better. They fully deserve it; they earned it by their laziness, stupidity, inattentiveness and greed. For too long they tended exclusively to their own materialistic needs and supposed that they don’t owe anything to their White brethren....
We can’t do anything about it and we must not do anything. Those who chose death and self-destruction, must die. Those who don’t value their White identity, don’t deserve it. We owe nothing to them.
Now let’s look onto those Whites who are clever enough to understand the reality but too greedy and cowardly to go against the prevailing current.
There are plenty of clever Whites who occupy the key social positions and who have enough intelligence to understand simple logical chains. They see the wrong path that society goes along and they understand the treacherous nature of the ruling class but their share in society is too high to risk it. They rationalize their support of the system (to their own consciousness) by defending their own interests and caring for the future of their children. Yes, they think that they serve good for their posterity by gaining wealth even when the whole society falls. These people think that in the future, somehow, they will be able to find their way in the different social environment.
This kind of people are ultimate rats. They are clever but devoid of morality and high spiritual values. Their main task is to survive and thrive in any environment and at any cost; even if it requires betrayal of their community.
It must be acknowledged that these people are very successful in modern society. The greater part of millionaires, billionaires, professional politicians and military leadership consists of this kind. The problem with their life-philosophy is that they fail to understand that, if the whole White society collapses, there will be no place for them too. The wild non-white crowds, to whom they cater now, will devour their own benefactors as well.
These clever white rats have high enough intelligence to successfully guide their way in the stormy waters of modern society but they fail to see beyond the horizon. They don’t have eagle’s wings for this.
But the time will come when these rats will perceive the great shift and start to clamber on our ship. This problem must be addressed beforehand; it is sure to happen in the future. I can’t suggest any fool-prove solution now but only warn that it will be this way. We must not allow this kind of people to have any decent place in the future White society. The only suitable place for rats is cellar and garbage-dump, not the royal palaces and military headquarters.
The main lesson that history teaches us is that the greatest decisive battles will happen between Whites themselves.
Most probably, it is arranged this way by Providence itself. As I said, the interracial competition was already concluded long ago. Now is the fight inside the White race itself; some kind of harsh natural test of durability. The final result isn’t predetermined. It could go both ways.
If the best part of Whites wins, then, there will be civilizational rejuvenation and the prospect of further evolution. If the selfish lowly part of Whites wins, then, the civilization will collapse and be destroyed by non-white crowds.
Therefore, it isn’t so much a competition between Whites and non-whites but between different kinds of Whites.
As it is well-known from biology the internal competition in species is much more harsh than external. It is why the both world wars were so uncompromising and bloody.
The fate of White race will be decided not in a war against aliens but in a mortal struggle against other Whites.
We must accept this reality and act accordingly. The worst thing is to fall into delusion of possible White unity and peaceful coexistence of White nations. It isn’t going to happen. The final solution of this problem will involve boundless bloodshed and extermination of incalculable millions of Whites by other Whites.
Yes, there will be wars against non-whites as well but only as a side-show.
Abolitionist maniacs were white, union generals who ordered the wholesale destruction of southern states were white; Winston Churchill was white; marshal Zhukov who ordered and supervised the total annihilation of East Prussian population was white; the majority of judges who send White activists into jail are white as well. The list can go on.
So, we can see the pattern. What it means?
We must prepare for uncompromising war. Not against ugly and repulsive subhumans, who barely speak our language, but against those who seem almost like we but have black treacherous souls. These will be the worst enemies who must be eliminated when the time comes. They are the main problem which must be addressed. We must not allow any shallow men to divert our attention into unproductive path of hating Negroes. Negroes are not the problem; they are only the consequence of the deep-rooted original problem.
The ultimate purpose of this struggle is to cleanse our race of the dross that lacks collective identity spirit, who are not enough courageous, not enough selfless, not enough noble. Those whites who don’t deserve to be truly White, must go. And it is our holy task to facilitate their exit, their evolutionary demise.
We must prioritize this problem, not the violent and noisy but disorderly monkeys.
It is surely going to be a lengthy and uncompromising struggle the glimpse of which everyone can see on Ukrainian battlefields. When Europe and USA collapse, the level of ruthlessness there will be similar. We must not deceive ourselves by soothing pictures of western well-being. It applies only to the oversatiated wealthy society; the moment the prosperity is gone will mark the beginning of uncompromising internal war.
These are the outlines of the coming struggle. We must understand its nature in order to avoid dangerous mistakes. Especially dangerous is an illusion of unification with all kinds of “pro-white” movements. Dr Pierce addressed this issue and warned against this false path. Those who know the truth must not fear going alone. The best people will join; the puny ones will scatter away.
I don’t want to sow dissent among the wide pro-White crowd who presently seems united on some superficial issues (immigration, CRT, freedom of speech). For the time being it is well that there is a wide consensus on something that matters. But in the long run the substantial part of these presumable allies will join our enemies.
The Russian experience gives exceptionally valuable lesson in this respect. Of the plentitude of nationalist organizations and activists that were in Russia back in 1990es and early 2000es, only a fraction chose to remain faithful to their original ideals. The great majority preferred to join the system when it threatened them. They were passionate NS and WP people when it was allowed and safe but the moment it became dangerous, they jumped out. Now they love comrade Putin and celebrate “great victory against Nazism”. It is the nature of puny men. They can’t endure real hardships. When faced with a choice whether to follow the truth and sustain material losses or to join the enemy with a prospect of material gains, they always choose the second option.
The coming epoch of uncompromising struggle is prepared by Providence itself in order to address this issue. The whole White race must undergo the process of purification. Everything, which is not good enough, must be uncompromisingly thrown away.
Our primary task at present is to propagate and cultivate those spiritual qualities which will have evolutionary advantage when the time comes. In some respect this great purge has already started.
The victims of the dirty life-style promoted by Hollywood fully deserve their fate. They failed the test and must cease to exist. They failed to be truly White. They imagined that they could become a raceless society but now they are dead; either dying of overdose on the streets of Philadelphia or after years of trying to please the system have finally been jettisoned by it. This process will continue and increase. Those who chose money and social “respectability”, will lose in the long run. Only those who chose the path of a racial warrior and defender of eternal truth will have the prospect of inheriting this world and becoming founders of the new White nation and White state.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 190
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Thank you very much for your high appreciation of my thoughts. Due to your support and publishing of my articles on NV, I have much more readers in the English language world than among Russian auditory (despite of the fact that I express, in essence, the same ideas in my Russian videos and articles).
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner wrote:
Proceeding from this understanding, we must address the following question: who is, then, this malicious enemy that prevents Whites from gaining their rightful place on this planet?
Neither Chinese, nor Blacks, nor Jews. The main enemy of the White race are the defective whites who, due to some reason, lost their sense of identity but preserved their natural mental advantages. These creatures are the most dangerous ones because it is only they who can prevent us from going along our predestined evolutionary path.
Dear Wolf: You hit the nail on its head. The worst enemies of the White race are the White traitors who, either out of opportunism/greed or sheer imbecility (the do-gooders who scream "Refugees are welcome here!") serve our mortal enemies (the Jews). It does not matter if they do it out of sincere beliefs or mere love of money. They deserve to die in a very painful manner.
A couple of years ago, I was discussing this topic with a comrade and he pointed out to me that by focusing our hatred only on the Jews we were making a big mistake because, as he said: "What about all the Aryans corrupted by the Jewish gold or those who became rabid defenders of the Jews, blacks and similar vermin thanks to Liberalism or Christianity?" We must be ruthless and unforgiving towards them.
Proceeding from this understanding, we must address the following question: who is, then, this malicious enemy that prevents Whites from gaining their rightful place on this planet?
Neither Chinese, nor Blacks, nor Jews. The main enemy of the White race are the defective whites who, due to some reason, lost their sense of identity but preserved their natural mental advantages. These creatures are the most dangerous ones because it is only they who can prevent us from going along our predestined evolutionary path.
Dear Wolf: You hit the nail on its head. The worst enemies of the White race are the White traitors who, either out of opportunism/greed or sheer imbecility (the do-gooders who scream "Refugees are welcome here!") serve our mortal enemies (the Jews). It does not matter if they do it out of sincere beliefs or mere love of money. They deserve to die in a very painful manner.
A couple of years ago, I was discussing this topic with a comrade and he pointed out to me that by focusing our hatred only on the Jews we were making a big mistake because, as he said: "What about all the Aryans corrupted by the Jewish gold or those who became rabid defenders of the Jews, blacks and similar vermin thanks to Liberalism or Christianity?" We must be ruthless and unforgiving towards them.
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 190
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
I am gald that you share this view. The most important thing is to keep ourselves clean. 90% of the struggle is to better ourselves. It is the main prerequisite for the victory. If we succeed in this, then, the final battle with aliens will be much easier.
The worst thing is to allow ourselves to be soaked with Hollywood pop-culture, to live a mainstream lifestyle, and afterward blame all other factors for our problems. The main battle is going to be in the minds of White people. Each one of them must decide where he bleongs. This decision will determine as his own fate, so the common fate of Whte race.
- Wolf Stoner
- Posts: 190
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:44 am
Re: Words of Wolf Stoner
The state versus nation
The mainstream people tend to overestimate the role of the state. It is especially the case in societies with centuries-long totalitarian traditions. Russia is the best example. People there perceive the state as an omnipotent all-seeing dragon that can crash anyone who stands in its way. The state has acquired there some kind of religious untouchable status.
But even in seemingly free countries we can see similar tendencies. American society too suffers of this misperception of reality, ascribing to the state some kind of supernatural divine qualities. Manifestations of this state-worship are less ludicrous in the West than in Russia but the effects are not less harmful.
The main pernicious effect of overreliance on the state is reduction of the best human qualities: independence, self-sufficiency, strength of body and mind, high level of personal and social responsibility.
It would not be an exaggeration to claim that all the best qualities of the White man were forged in the epoch before any state existed. The states emerged much later and used those useful qualities to their advantage.
At first, when the states were ethnic, the relations between people and the state were symbiotic; it means, that both sides equally benefited from it. Both, the ruling class and society played their respective roles for the common benefit.
But at some point, states started to grow into something more than they should be. From being a mere useful mechanism of social self-organization, whose sole purpose is to advance common ethnic interests, some states gradually shifted into serving the interests of the small part of society to the detriment of vast majority. Partly, because of this the so-called labor movement emerged in the second half of 19th century. Society was split into mutually hostile classes. This rift was exploited by the old racial enemies of Europe. This process is perfectly described in Hitler’s book.
We must understand the following axiom: the state isn’t something holy and untouchable. It must never be equated with ethnos, let alone race. This mistake is especially widespread in Russia where the vast majority of people perceive their ethnic identity and citizenship as synonymous. This mistake is akin to the association of the term “religion” with Christianity. When you say “religion” everyone imagines that you mean Christianity.
These mental misperceptions play a great role in determining collective behavior.
If in religious field our main task is to divorce the term “religion” from Christianity, the main task in the political field is to tear away this holy cover from the state, under which it conceals its rotten ugliness.
The modern states and ethnic/racial interests have nothing in common. The last true ethnic state was annihilated 80 years ago. The whole modern globalist system is built on denial of White identity. Therefore, everyone who serves the interests of the state, automatically promotes and abets this anti-White agenda.
Proceeding from this understanding, our goal must be to disengage from the state as much as possible.
The state isn’t something holy; it is only an instrument in the hands of an ethnos. When this instrument, for some reason, ceases to be useful, or even becomes harmful, it must be replaced. The state is nothing, the race is everything. The state must serve the racial interests, not the other way around.
The laughable tendency of many White Americans to worship the state and its symbols is utterly counterproductive. It allows our enemies to manipulate public opinion in any direction. It is enough to proclaim gravely on TV that “the interests of the state require such and such measures” and gullible crowd instantly approves anything, even openly criminal infringement on civil freedoms (like it was after 2001 under Bush administration).
The main problem of modern Whites is their loss of a healthy ethnic mentality when everything is evaluated from a position “what does it mean to my people?”
The crooked elite has intentionally subverted the very term “nation” in order to undermine the true ethnic/racial identity. They started to call a “nation” the whole multi-racial crowd with newly issued US-passports.
It is well-known that in the original sense the terms “ethnos” and “nation” described a group of people of similar ancestry and common culture. Any deviation from this definition is a malicious subversion.
White people must clearly say to themselves: “all those brown/black creatures have nothing to do with us; they are not a part of our nation; they don’t belong here; they must go one way or another”. It is the first step of mental recovery.
The second step is to understand the secondary role of the state. The mainstream misperception is that the state is powerful because it has so many enforcement agencies and surveillance appliances. It is not so. The real power of any state is in people’s minds. The moment you cease to worship the state, it ceases to exist. Yes, only locally, only around you but it is the first victory. If you have successfully defeated the state inside your mind, then, you can spread this victory further afield. The more people realize this power the sooner state falls.
Yet another misperception is to ascribe too much influence to the masses. Public opinion matters but only to the limited extent. What really matters is the opinion of the few best people of the nation. The ideas and vision of the natural racial aristocracy matters most. Their opinion trumps all other factors, be it the conformist bleating of mainstream sheep or malicious threats of the law-enforcement agencies. If the racial aristocracy (people with the best inborn racial qualities, not the ones with inherited high social status) comes to the united strong opinion on the main issues and decides to act in the needed direction, there is no force in this world that could stop it.
Our task is to replace the existing state with our own racial state. Not on grand scale yet but in small gradual steps; starting with maximum self-reliance and social disengagement from the mainstream society. The only connection that should remain with the outside world is an economic one. We need money and some services from them, nothing more. We ourselves can define our values and establish our way of life. We don’t need a rotten society to dictate us how to live. We must function as a self-contained racial diaspora. Without publicly proclaiming it or notifying authorities or gaining any permissions. We don’t need any bureaucrats who would allow us to be White people.
Many people are not ready for this. They fear to lose connection to the greater society; like a lonely lamb fears to lag behind his flock. This psychological barrier must be overcome. It isn’t easy for those who are deeply rooted into society; but there are no shortcuts in this process. We are either go our way or lose our identity. It inevitably will necessitate cutting many ties with those whom we knew; sometimes with relatives and close friends. Many of them are not ready to share our vision.
In this respect the Bible’s tale about Sodom and Gomorrah is a good illustration. There are only two options: either you go out and save yourself or remain with the crowd and die. It needs to be noted that Christianity, especially its modern incarnation, is an alien anti-racial ideology but the Bible is a compendium of all kinds of fables from different tribes and has no definite ideology. There are plenty of interesting observations. It is useful to read Bible as any other ancient literature (without ascribing to it any divine status).
The modern American dilemma is similar to this of Gomorrah. It is impossible to survive without disengaging from the mainstream society. First, on informational level; afterward, in all other aspects.
The first step is to cease to be a consumer of pop-culture. The whole entertainment business in the West is directed at making people dumb, morally corrupt and weak. Their main task is to promote all kinds of vices, immoral lifestyle and to prevent independent thinking. It is impossible to fight the system without breaking away from the influence of pop-culture.
The mental liberation is the first step in this struggle. When your mind is no more a captive to alien influence, you can start to think independently and see the situation as it really is, not as it is presented by media liars.
The liberation formula is simple to formulate but difficult to apply in real life, like it is the case with any scientific law. But there is no other way. Either we go ahead in this direction or remain passive victims of the hostile system.
What is the state in its simplest original form?
Even the small group of people needs some kind of self-organization. The basic principles of governance are used on the family level, in small communities and worker collectives. It is where the state originates. It is where we must start. To organize a small group of people according to our vision is tantamount to conceiving a new state. The big events start from small things.
The main battlefield is in our minds. If we win there, then, no one could stop us.
In order to better understand the source of real power, look at USSR. It was the strongest and most malevolent empire in history. At the peak of its might its influence spread throughout the whole world, its agents wrought chaos in the remotest regions of the Planet.
But at some point, this monster simply collapsed; without war or any appreciable external actions. What was the cause? At some point people simply stopped to worship this monster; stopped to believe its nonsense. It was the end of this beast; it dropped dead without a single bullet fired. The tens of thousands of tanks, multi-million army and the biggest military industry didn’t help it. It is perfect example about where lays the primary source of any power. Not in the dead metal chunks but in our minds the repository of any state power is located. We can create a state and can abolish it. We must only understand this power and start to use it.
The mainstream people tend to overestimate the role of the state. It is especially the case in societies with centuries-long totalitarian traditions. Russia is the best example. People there perceive the state as an omnipotent all-seeing dragon that can crash anyone who stands in its way. The state has acquired there some kind of religious untouchable status.
But even in seemingly free countries we can see similar tendencies. American society too suffers of this misperception of reality, ascribing to the state some kind of supernatural divine qualities. Manifestations of this state-worship are less ludicrous in the West than in Russia but the effects are not less harmful.
The main pernicious effect of overreliance on the state is reduction of the best human qualities: independence, self-sufficiency, strength of body and mind, high level of personal and social responsibility.
It would not be an exaggeration to claim that all the best qualities of the White man were forged in the epoch before any state existed. The states emerged much later and used those useful qualities to their advantage.
At first, when the states were ethnic, the relations between people and the state were symbiotic; it means, that both sides equally benefited from it. Both, the ruling class and society played their respective roles for the common benefit.
But at some point, states started to grow into something more than they should be. From being a mere useful mechanism of social self-organization, whose sole purpose is to advance common ethnic interests, some states gradually shifted into serving the interests of the small part of society to the detriment of vast majority. Partly, because of this the so-called labor movement emerged in the second half of 19th century. Society was split into mutually hostile classes. This rift was exploited by the old racial enemies of Europe. This process is perfectly described in Hitler’s book.
We must understand the following axiom: the state isn’t something holy and untouchable. It must never be equated with ethnos, let alone race. This mistake is especially widespread in Russia where the vast majority of people perceive their ethnic identity and citizenship as synonymous. This mistake is akin to the association of the term “religion” with Christianity. When you say “religion” everyone imagines that you mean Christianity.
These mental misperceptions play a great role in determining collective behavior.
If in religious field our main task is to divorce the term “religion” from Christianity, the main task in the political field is to tear away this holy cover from the state, under which it conceals its rotten ugliness.
The modern states and ethnic/racial interests have nothing in common. The last true ethnic state was annihilated 80 years ago. The whole modern globalist system is built on denial of White identity. Therefore, everyone who serves the interests of the state, automatically promotes and abets this anti-White agenda.
Proceeding from this understanding, our goal must be to disengage from the state as much as possible.
The state isn’t something holy; it is only an instrument in the hands of an ethnos. When this instrument, for some reason, ceases to be useful, or even becomes harmful, it must be replaced. The state is nothing, the race is everything. The state must serve the racial interests, not the other way around.
The laughable tendency of many White Americans to worship the state and its symbols is utterly counterproductive. It allows our enemies to manipulate public opinion in any direction. It is enough to proclaim gravely on TV that “the interests of the state require such and such measures” and gullible crowd instantly approves anything, even openly criminal infringement on civil freedoms (like it was after 2001 under Bush administration).
The main problem of modern Whites is their loss of a healthy ethnic mentality when everything is evaluated from a position “what does it mean to my people?”
The crooked elite has intentionally subverted the very term “nation” in order to undermine the true ethnic/racial identity. They started to call a “nation” the whole multi-racial crowd with newly issued US-passports.
It is well-known that in the original sense the terms “ethnos” and “nation” described a group of people of similar ancestry and common culture. Any deviation from this definition is a malicious subversion.
White people must clearly say to themselves: “all those brown/black creatures have nothing to do with us; they are not a part of our nation; they don’t belong here; they must go one way or another”. It is the first step of mental recovery.
The second step is to understand the secondary role of the state. The mainstream misperception is that the state is powerful because it has so many enforcement agencies and surveillance appliances. It is not so. The real power of any state is in people’s minds. The moment you cease to worship the state, it ceases to exist. Yes, only locally, only around you but it is the first victory. If you have successfully defeated the state inside your mind, then, you can spread this victory further afield. The more people realize this power the sooner state falls.
Yet another misperception is to ascribe too much influence to the masses. Public opinion matters but only to the limited extent. What really matters is the opinion of the few best people of the nation. The ideas and vision of the natural racial aristocracy matters most. Their opinion trumps all other factors, be it the conformist bleating of mainstream sheep or malicious threats of the law-enforcement agencies. If the racial aristocracy (people with the best inborn racial qualities, not the ones with inherited high social status) comes to the united strong opinion on the main issues and decides to act in the needed direction, there is no force in this world that could stop it.
Our task is to replace the existing state with our own racial state. Not on grand scale yet but in small gradual steps; starting with maximum self-reliance and social disengagement from the mainstream society. The only connection that should remain with the outside world is an economic one. We need money and some services from them, nothing more. We ourselves can define our values and establish our way of life. We don’t need a rotten society to dictate us how to live. We must function as a self-contained racial diaspora. Without publicly proclaiming it or notifying authorities or gaining any permissions. We don’t need any bureaucrats who would allow us to be White people.
Many people are not ready for this. They fear to lose connection to the greater society; like a lonely lamb fears to lag behind his flock. This psychological barrier must be overcome. It isn’t easy for those who are deeply rooted into society; but there are no shortcuts in this process. We are either go our way or lose our identity. It inevitably will necessitate cutting many ties with those whom we knew; sometimes with relatives and close friends. Many of them are not ready to share our vision.
In this respect the Bible’s tale about Sodom and Gomorrah is a good illustration. There are only two options: either you go out and save yourself or remain with the crowd and die. It needs to be noted that Christianity, especially its modern incarnation, is an alien anti-racial ideology but the Bible is a compendium of all kinds of fables from different tribes and has no definite ideology. There are plenty of interesting observations. It is useful to read Bible as any other ancient literature (without ascribing to it any divine status).
The modern American dilemma is similar to this of Gomorrah. It is impossible to survive without disengaging from the mainstream society. First, on informational level; afterward, in all other aspects.
The first step is to cease to be a consumer of pop-culture. The whole entertainment business in the West is directed at making people dumb, morally corrupt and weak. Their main task is to promote all kinds of vices, immoral lifestyle and to prevent independent thinking. It is impossible to fight the system without breaking away from the influence of pop-culture.
The mental liberation is the first step in this struggle. When your mind is no more a captive to alien influence, you can start to think independently and see the situation as it really is, not as it is presented by media liars.
The liberation formula is simple to formulate but difficult to apply in real life, like it is the case with any scientific law. But there is no other way. Either we go ahead in this direction or remain passive victims of the hostile system.
What is the state in its simplest original form?
Even the small group of people needs some kind of self-organization. The basic principles of governance are used on the family level, in small communities and worker collectives. It is where the state originates. It is where we must start. To organize a small group of people according to our vision is tantamount to conceiving a new state. The big events start from small things.
The main battlefield is in our minds. If we win there, then, no one could stop us.
In order to better understand the source of real power, look at USSR. It was the strongest and most malevolent empire in history. At the peak of its might its influence spread throughout the whole world, its agents wrought chaos in the remotest regions of the Planet.
But at some point, this monster simply collapsed; without war or any appreciable external actions. What was the cause? At some point people simply stopped to worship this monster; stopped to believe its nonsense. It was the end of this beast; it dropped dead without a single bullet fired. The tens of thousands of tanks, multi-million army and the biggest military industry didn’t help it. It is perfect example about where lays the primary source of any power. Not in the dead metal chunks but in our minds the repository of any state power is located. We can create a state and can abolish it. We must only understand this power and start to use it.