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Will Williams
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Post by Will Williams » Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:30 am

The White Network is featuring the teachings of Dr. Pierce this month, September 2013:

William Pierce
Published on September 1, 2013 by Tanstaafl in Blog

This month’s special program is a selection of recordings of Dr. William Luther Pierce. It will be broadcast each Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday starting at 9PM ET and streaming until the next scheduled program.

From the William Luther Pierce page at Metapedia:
Dr William Luther Pierce III (September 11, 1933 – July 23, 2002) was the leader of the White survival organization the National Alliance and a principal ideologue of the white nationalist movement. First educated as a physicist, he later worked with George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. Pierce became well known as the author of a novel, The Turner Diaries (1978), written under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald. He founded the religion of Cosmotheism, an admixture of panentheism, and promoted White nationalism, and White survival world-views.
These recordings are a small sample taken from the Dr. William Pierce Audio Archive at Internet Archive, which has over 300 audio files available for download.

For more information see also The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce:

Pierce-19770313 – Human Dignity – A Racial Ethic, 17:32

Pierce-19960420 – Men of Valor, 23:12

Pierce-19970301 – The Jewish Problem, 21:47

Pierce-19970802 – The Psychology of Political Correctness, 23:35

Pierce-19980711 – Thinking about a White Future, 22:38

Pierce-20020413 – Tiptoeing around Our Problems, 23:22

Total run time: 2:12:06

(Note: There is no audio download for this program – please tune in via the MP3 Stream.)
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Will Williams
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Re: Activism

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:47 pm

Internet activism:

I started a topic named National Alliance We're Back! about two weeks ago at the Phora forum: ... ost1250393 It now has 27 pages and yesterday Kevin A. Strom made a couple of posts there for the first time. Things have taken an interesting turn since Kevin showed up.

Will Williams
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The reality of Race gets a big boost
Originally Posted by Clinton Adolph Seeber
Assuming that I have made no "allegations" about you, how about answering three questions for me:
1. Yes or no, do you believe the White race is worth preserving?

2. If yes, do you believe Whites should organize for their exclusive welfare and preservation as other races do? Again, yes or no.

3. If yes, can you please name those organizations, if any, that fight for White interests and White preservation that have your full approval?
Simple enough for a first-grader to answer, Mr. Seeber. I answer #1: "Yes"; #2: "Yes"; and #3: "the National Alliance." NA is not for everybody, as shown below.
Originally Posted by Don Quixote
Here's the thing, I do not accept the underlying premises of the question, therefore the questions cannot be given a yes or no answer. So this must be my answer;

1. I do not accept your taxonomic division of mankind, i.e. White race, etc, because these concepts have never been coherently defined nor their extension clearly designated (who is, who isn't), nor do I accept that it could constitute a basis for political organisation. Biological-taxonomic concepts are not politically relevant concepts.
2. I do not believe that any peoples self-identify and behave in the way suggested, except White Nationalists.
3. There is no such thing as the 'White Nation', there are only nations like the German, Swedish, Japanese, or Scottish nations, therefore White Nationalism is nonsense
Huh? We'll take that as a "no." You do not believe the White race should be preserved. There's no point in explaining your answer with all the double-talk and fifty cent words. You didn't make it to question #2.

Our Alliance is only interested in those Whites who answer "yes" to question #1, but especially those who go on to answer question #2 affirmatively.

Donny, you get on over there on that side with the "progressive" Jew, professor Iggy, and stay clear of those Whites in ORION who answered "yes," affirming that their race is in fact worth preserving.
"Ignatiev, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia...Ignatiev set up Marxist discussion groups in the early 1980s.

Anti-White Marxist
Jew Noel Ignatiev

"Ignatiev is part of a group of social scientists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries who view race distinctions and race itself as a social construct, not a scientific reality (however, the idea of "race" in the sense that Ignatiev wishes to challenge developed in the 17th century and has been disputed and rejected by scientists and scholars for much of the 20th Century..."

For those Whites who trust their eyes and instincts over what some goddamned anti-White, Marxist Jew professor tells you, I recommend this encyclopedic book that expounds on the scientific study of races (much better and up-to-date than Baker's Race imo):

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars The reality of Race gets a big boost, August 2, 2011
By Pyotr Mepin - See all my reviews
This review is from: Raciology (Paperback)
With many anthropologists in the West, operating under the shadow of the late Franz Boas, the irrelevance of the concept of Race is a foregone conclusion. Mr. Avdeyev, however, takes these academics to task, showing that the concept is essential to understand what the various human archetypes have done and might do in the course of their earthly existence.
The book is important in that it makes available to the reader a compilation of the work of both Russian and German scholars who have addressed themselves to this subject and who are virtually unknown in the west. They are excellent countervailing forces to the Goulds, etc. of our age.
When it comes to the consideration of which of the racial patriots is worthy of great esteem, the name of Avdeyev should earn a high place.
The book is antidotal to those choking on the New World Odor.


There is a six-page introduction to Raciology by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, another White man who teaches that race is based in scientific reality and that our particular racial type -- White people -- is definitely worth preserving.
"Cadre-building is the task of attracting the strongest, ablest, and spiritually soundest individuals that can be found and functionally integrating them into a structured organization." -Dr. William L. Pierce, August 1984, from his editorial, A Program for Survival.
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Will Williams
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Re: Activism

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:57 am

Will Williams wrote:Internet activism:

I started a topic named National Alliance We're Back! about two weeks ago at the Phora forum: ... ost1250393 It now has 27 pages and yesterday Kevin A. Strom made a couple of posts there for the first time. Things have taken an interesting turn since Kevin showed up...
Posted this to that Phora thread today: ... ost1284586

I haven't updated this thread for a while but just got this month's issue of Heritage & Destiny magazine (, published in Great Britain, and see my topical "we are back" letter to the editor is published in it:

Sir -- It was nice to see H&D's editor photographed with Dr. William Pierce in the issue #59 editorial. You mentioned Dr. Pierce's unique "vanguard approach" to organizing our people (as opposed to what we in the U.S. refer to as going "big tent" for the sake of expediency and faster growth). Appealing to majority values went against everything Dr. Pierce believed in. He was a bit more generous than you are, however, considering that it was more like two to three percent of our people -- our best -- who were suitable to be Alliance cadre, not just one percent. Of course it was Dr. Pierce's hard line, biocentric, Cosmotheist ideology that could attract those most responsible, independent-minded, and ideologically sound of our people for the task of Alliance-building.

Erich Gliebe's downfall as Alliance Chairman came early on after Dr. Pierce's death when he decided unilaterally to compromise on Dr. Pierce's Nature-based ideology. It became clear to many of the best Alliance members that Mr. Gliebe was out of his depth as our beloved Founder's replacement, that his understanding of the spiritual basis of our Alliance's world view was superficial at best.

A long-time American "hate" watchdog, Lenny Zeskind, wrote a poorly researched piece in the April, 2014, Searchlight magazine entitled "The remains of William Pierce's National Alliance are reshuffled." He reported on what's left of Gliebe's pathetic rump Alliance, then mentioned two rival factions. One "reform" group, consists of a few former Alliance members who stuck by Gliebe and defended him for a decade before finally deciding to ask him to step down and let them have what's left of the Alliance assets. Earlier this year, after Gliebe refused to resign, that group hired lawyers and sued Gliebe and his two Alliance board members in an action that will drag on through the courts for some time. The other faction, the National Alliance, has me serving as Director and my partner Kevin Alfred Strom as Media Director. Kevin and I were on staff with Dr. Pierce in 1993 -- myself as Membership Coordinator and Mr. Strom as Media Director -- when that photo was taken of Dr. Pierce with you, Mr. Cotterill. Kevin Strom and I helped Dr. Pierce write the National Alliance Membership Handbook that year, the same one that John Tyndall requested of Dr. Pierce if he could use for his BNP cadre in 1995.

After careful, earnest preparation our new National Alliance was officially launched on December 28, 2013, with the first broadcast of American Dissident Voices (ADV) radio show. That date was the 22nd anniversary of the very first ADV broadcast, also launched by Mr. Strom, who, besides being a leading light of Cosmotheism, is, by profession, a broadcast engineer. The ADV outreach was arguably the factor most responsible for the steady growth and influence of the National Alliance up until Dr. Pierce's death in 2002. Mr. Strom has delivered 23 weekly ADV shows in the subsequent 23 weeks since our relaunch. These shows are archived and can be read and heard here:

We will soon have our National Alliance Web site up and running where those interested in joining with us can download a membership application and mail it to our spacious, new offices here in Upper East Tennessee in the same Blue Ridge mountain range where Dr. Pierce built our previous National Alliance National Office.

Will Williams, NA Director, POB 172 Laurel Bloomery, Tennessee 37680 U.S.A.


It has been five weeks since I wrote that for our British friends, so there have been five more weekly ADV broadcasts since then; the 29th will be aired tomorrow morning at 8:00AM, as usual.
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