The Great Holocaust Trial

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Wade Hampton III
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The Great Holocaust Trial

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:43 pm

The Landmark Battle for Freedom of Speech!

The Great Holocaust Trial: The Inside Story of Ernst Zundel
Who Was Prosecuted in Two Criminal Trials, Gagged, Jailed
and Assaulted for Publishing a Politically Incorrect History

By Michael A. Hoffman II


In the catalog of heresies, none is regarded in our time
as more sacrilegious than skepticism about any allegation
grouped under the Newspeak term “Holocaust” as it is
applied to the history of the Second World War. Enter
Ernst Zundel, a child survivor of the Allied firebombing
of his hometown of Pforzheim, Germany and an emigrant to
Canada in search of peace and prosperity. Determined to
oppose what he believed to be the mendacious defamation
of his people, Zundel published a revisionist book, which
struck at the nerve-center of consensus reality. Its
title was an eponymous question, Did Six Million Really
Die? It cast doubt not only on the six million figures
but on the engine of death as well, submitting the gas
chambers to scrutiny.

In 1983, Zundel began the fateful ordeal of arrests,
trials, riots, and beatings directed against him due
to the publication of his revisionist book. Nine years
later his case culminated in a landmark decision by
the Supreme Court of Canada. The show trials of Zundel
were forecast as an easy victory for the government.
But as the eyes of the world turned to the Toronto
courtroom, in a remarkable and historic turnabout,
the inquisition of a publisher rapidly became a
trial of the homicidal gas chamber claim itself.

Startling admissions, consonant with revisionist theory,
were elicited from witnesses for the prosecution,
while experts testifying for the defense produced
forensic evidence of the unthinkable: that the
execution gas chambers presented as such in Auschwitz
were fakes. Michael A. Hoffman II details Zundel’s
evolution as a dissident activist and provides an
intense account of the first trial, which he recorded
as a member of the press gallery. He critiques the
corporate media and documents the parade of historians
and technicians who corroborated Zundel’s doubts during
his second trial. Hoffman concludes with a tour de force
essay on civil liberty and historical context, suggesting
that our collective ignorance of the other holocausts of
the 20th century has led us to permit the growth of
Pharisaic fanaticism and government tyranny.

Michael A. Hoffman II is a historian of 17th and 18th
century British and American labor and a former reporter
for the Associated Press. He is the author of three
other books, including a study of servitude under the
British aristocracy, They Were White and They Were Slaves.
He and his wife home-schooled their eight children.
Ernst Zundel
Ernst Zundel
trial.JPG (36.02 KiB) Viewed 7548 times

Mike G

Re: The Great Holocaust Trial

Post by Mike G » Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:18 pm

I saw this offered today by Ernst Zundel's wife, Ingrid to help fund her film project. This sounds like a very interesting book and i have the utmost respect for Ersnt and Ingrid.

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Wade Hampton III
Posts: 2339
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:40 pm
Location: Pontiac, SC

Re: The Great Holocaust Trial

Post by Wade Hampton III » Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:49 am

Yes, I consider Lady Ingrid my dear friend. You should visit her

She also has a well-stocked library and research center in Pigeon
Forge, Tennessee. I have been there and have seen it. It is
absolutely wonderful and inspiring!

Mike G

Re: The Great Holocaust Trial

Post by Mike G » Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:59 am

I have been to her site numerous times and have purchased a good deal of books from her. I would love to see the library someday.

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