Welcome to "Progressive" America

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Will Williams
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Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Will Williams » Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:55 pm


Admits 'stereotypical attitudes' about minorities [read: <gasp!> "racism"]

A lesbian who was accidentally impregnated with sperm from a black man has had her legal claim dismissed.

Two time loser, lesbian Jennifer Cramblett, and mulatto daughter Payton, with "unwanted appearance"

Jennifer Cramblett, 36, of Uniontown, Ohio, gave birth to her biracial daughter three years ago. She said a clerical error at the Midwest Sperm Bank of Downers Grove, Illinois, resulted in the unwanted appearance of the child. She later filed a legal claim and sought damages for wrongful birth and breach of warranty, saying she wants to ensure the sperm bank doesn’t make a similar mistake again.

Cramblett became pregnant within days of marrying Amanda Zinkon, 29, in 2011. Five months into her pregnancy, she called the sperm bank to reserve sperm from the same donor in hopes that Zinkon could also have a child.

But Cramblett learned some disturbing news: She had been inseminated with sperm from the wrong donor. Rather than sperm from a man known as No. 380, a white donor with blond hair and blue eyes, she had used sperm from No. 330, a black donor. The sperm bank later apologized and issued a partial refund.

Her excitement about the pending birth was replaced with “anger, disappointment and fear.”

“They took a personal choice, a personal decision and took it on themselves to make that choice for us out of pure negligence,” Cramblett said in a 2014 interview with the Telegraph.

Cramblett and her partner, who are white, say they love their daughter and wouldn’t change anything about her, but they are concerned about raising her in the predominantly white community where they live.

“I am happy that I have a healthy child,” Cramblett told NBC News in a previous interview. “But I’m not going to let them get away with not being held accountable. … We had to take this into our hands because I will not let this happen again. … I’m not going to sit back and let this happen to anyone ever again.”

Cramlett’s lawyer at the time, Thomas Intili, told NBC News his client “lives in an all-white community in eastern Ohio. She did not encounter any African-American people until she entered college. Not all her friends and family members are racially sensitive.”

As an example of the difficulties the family faces, the suit cited hair care for the toddler.

“Getting a young daughter’s hair cut is not particularly stressful for most mothers, but to Jennifer it is not a routine matter, because Payton has hair typical of an African American girl,” the suit says. “To get a decent cut, Jennifer must travel to a black neighborhood, far from where she lives, where she is obviously different in appearance, and not overtly welcome.”

“I don’t want her to ever feel like she’s an outcast,” Cramblett told NBC News.

The lawsuit said they have moved to Uniontown to be closer to Cramblett’s family, but now she’s worried how her daughter will be treated by her “all-white, and often unconsciously insensitive family.” She said she was raised around “stereotypical attitudes” about African-Americans and has “limited cultural competency” regarding people of color.

“Jennifer is well aware of the child psychology research and literature correlating intolerance and racism with reduced academic and psychological well-being of biracial children,” said the lawsuit.

Cramblett claims the sperm bank’s error amounted to a “breach of warranty” under a state law covering blood and tissue donations.

The lawsuit sought a minimum of $50,000 in damages, with some of the compensation going toward ongoing counseling, as well as moving to a more “diverse” community...

Read more at: http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/lesbian-impr ... oses-case/
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Alexander Noble

Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Alexander Noble » Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:22 pm

Is it wrong that I'm laughing?

Albert Pike
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Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Albert Pike » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:14 pm

Alexander Noble wrote:Is it wrong that I'm laughing?

Nope it's hilarious
Kinsmen die and cattle die,
And so must one die one’s self,
But there is one thing I know which never dies
And that is the fame of a dead man’s deeds.

Michael Olanich

Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Michael Olanich » Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:27 pm

Can a lesbian, at least this one, be accused of being racist? :?

Alexander Noble

Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Alexander Noble » Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:03 am

I'm sure she will be Michael. How could it be different? She'll no doubt get the wake-up call that so many of us have gotten, even when we adhered as much to the Narrative as we possible could, considering it's suicidal, anti-life underpinnings. No matter how many liberal, open-minded, tolerant, diversity check boxes we can honestly tic off, it is never enough. ANY line drawn ANYWHERE, for ANY reason makes you a monster. I'm sure this woman is shocked to find that a lesbian with all the proper Leftist credentials isn't allowed to have even one standard to adhere to. Possibly even she might have her eyes pried open a little bit by this. Maybe.

Harvey H.

Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Harvey H. » Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:27 pm

Such suffrage, why do lesbians suffer so? It's really a double-yuck situation. Lesbian muther has a raunchy hair problem as well. Difficult to advise on, except to assert that culturally and legally, lesbians ought not have access to IVF technology. What is more, there certainly should not be any Afro-Asiatic donors in any Western or European clinic. Why are the regressive, degenerate and primitive given access to the products and knowledge of the Western investiture in technology, science and academia? Really, why? Is it one of the Tribe's running hypothecation jokes? How is it actually profitable in the long run to pretend there aren't going to be more problems and expense -- they always manage it. It is as though we have lost, or sold, our respect for our own gear.

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Will Williams
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Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Will Williams » Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:44 am

Harvey H. wrote:Such suffrage, why do lesbians suffer so? It's really a double-yuck situation. Lesbian muther has a raunchy hair problem as well...
"ecause Payton has hair typical of an African American girl,” the suit says. “To get a decent cut, Jennifer must travel to a black neighborhood, far from where she lives, where she is obviously different in appearance, and not overtly welcome.”

Problems, problems, problems. May explain Jennifer's own indecent cut.

Stupid white woman getting a Negro singe cut
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Will Williams
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Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Will Williams » Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:11 pm

UNH: Students can pick their first names
September 16. 2015
New Hampshire Union Leader

In a bow to transgender and international students, the University of New Hampshire this week started allowing students to change their first names to whatever they desire on many university lists and identification materials.

Given names that appear on class rosters, grade reports, library sign-ups, housing assignments and student IDs will be whatever the student designates, according to the university’s Opt-in Preferred Name Protocol that went into effect Tuesday.

Prissy and Sissy enjoy break between classes at UNH

The change has been under review since 2011 by the UNH Transgender Climate and Policy Committee, according to an online UNH tutorial about the new policy.

“Choosing to use a preferred name can create a greater sense of safety and reduce the experiences of micro-aggressions related to gender identity and expression,” according to the tutorial.

Across the country, 161 colleges and universities have instituted a similar policy, according to Campus Pride, an organization that advocates for gay, bisexual and transgender students in higher education.

A Campus Pride spokesman said a mere class roll call can immediately identify transgender students.

“That can be a scary place, showing up for the first day of school and knowing you’ll be outed on the first day of class,” said Rebby Kern, a spokesman for Campus Pride. Gay, lesbian and bisexual students face no such problems, Kern said.

UNH said that the change also benefits international students. International students often have names that are difficult to pronounce, and they prefer an Anglicized name.

It can also allow international students to differentiate themselves. Sixty percent of UNH international students are from China, and UNH has had up to three Chinese students with the same first and last names, according to the tutorial that UNH made available to the New Hampshire Union Leader.

The protocol allows students to designate a preferred name online. The student can opt to either replace a given name entirely or indicate a preferred name. Students can change the name on student IDs for $5.

The university stressed that any change is not a legal name change, and legal names will still be used for some university purposes: official transcripts, financial aid, health insurance, student financial accounts and hometown newspaper announcements.

Kern said it’s difficult to estimate the percentage of transgender college students because colleges don’t collect that information. Campus Pride is urging colleges and universities to include questions about sexual orientation in admission forms, Kern said.

The name-change option is already available to alumni, and the possibility exists that it will be extended to faculty and staff in the future, Jaime Nolan, associate vice president for community, equity and diversity, said in an email to faculty and staff.
See more at: http://www.unionleader.com/UNH:_Student ... irst_names
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C.E. Whiteoak
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Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by C.E. Whiteoak » Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:40 pm

Prissy and Sissy enjoy break between classes at UNH
That has to be the most disgusting photograph I have ever seen. I mean, it has more layers of disgusting than an onion has layers of onion. :roll: :roll:


Re: Welcome to "Progressive" America

Post by Jjack » Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:14 am

:lol: Next time, find a more natural way of getting impregnated. I suggest the what-you-see-is-what-you-get approach. It’s also cheaper! And Jennifer, you may find it pleasant too…


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