
Works that stir the soul
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Steve French


Post by Steve French » Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:58 pm

Steve French

Re: Saga

Post by Steve French » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:06 am

Steve French

Re: Saga

Post by Steve French » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:09 am

Martin Graves

Re: Saga

Post by Martin Graves » Sat Apr 18, 2015 1:17 am

I'm not that much of a fan of her heavier music, but I do like a few of her songs.

Steve French

Re: Saga

Post by Steve French » Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:15 pm

For anyone who doesn't know,all the songs we posted are covers.She does them much better than the originals but I wouldn't call them "her" songs.Ode To A Dying People is RAHOWA,Goodbye David Lane is an Elton John song she changed the lyrics to and the rest are all Ian Stuart/Skrewdriver/Klansmen.
I prefer the songs with piano too but she has done much heavier stuff.

Steve French

Re: Saga

Post by Steve French » Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:10 pm

Steve French

Re: Saga

Post by Steve French » Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:38 pm

Alexander Noble

Re: Saga

Post by Alexander Noble » Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:15 pm

Saga is a lesson for us I think. Indirectly, she is the one who finally drew me in. I had been looking into WN activism off-and-on for years, but always found something that held me back. During the last of those "on" times the Internet offered up one of those annoying, uninvited "You Might Also Like" links. This one looked different so I clicked on it and I was treated to my first experience of Saga singing "Ode to a Dying People". I was blown away on a variety of levels. I sampled a variety of her music on YouTube and decided I had to have some of her albums. That in itself was a wake-up experience. At the time, they were impossible to get. I looked around some more and discovered almost everything WN was almost impossible to get. I eventually did get some of her music and love virtually all of it. It was obvious to me that her work, and the work of others was being actively suppressed. So much for the Freedom of Speech. I find it telling that, on the same Internet that will offer up in 3 or 4 mouse clicks unlimited amounts of porn that will make you want to vomit, it took me 2 months to finally get the complete lyrics to "Kinsland". Even then, I could only cobble it together from pieces in the comments sections of various websites.

I thoroughly convinced that, despite the Resistance Records debacle, music is an invaluable tool for the cause. I checked out some of the so-called "white power" music decades ago in my youth and didn't like it. Of course, it was virtually all in the "punk" style, which I have always hated, so it's no surprise. Saga's covers of Skrewdriver's music as ballads teach a valuable lesson. I wasn't able to get past the "punk" to the message the songs contained. Saga's covers show that the obnoxious musical style masked some seriously brilliant lyrics.

In my brief experience, I've concluded that most of the skinheads aren't sincere. I'm certain that most of them are obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious and that if the WN message ever became mainsteam they would immediately dump it and take up something else. I would hope that eventually someone in the cause, even if not the NA, would embrace music as a medium for the cause. Of course, care would have to be taken to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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Will Williams
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Re: Saga

Post by Will Williams » Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:58 am

Alexander Noble wrote:Saga is a lesson for us I think. Indirectly, she is the one who finally drew me in. I had been looking into WN activism off-and-on for years, but always found something that held me back. During the last of those "on" times the Internet offered up one of those annoying, uninvited "You Might Also Like" links. This one looked different so I clicked on it and I was treated to my first experience of Saga singing "Ode to a Dying People". I was blown away on a variety of levels. I sampled a variety of her music on YouTube and decided I had to have some of her albums...

...I would hope that eventually someone in the cause, even if not the NA, would embrace music as a medium for the cause. Of course, care would have to be taken to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Saga is talented and a role model for many. I prefer her as a natural brunette. She has a Web site, but it doesn't look very active:

It's a shame that the White resistance music scene was so thoroughly dominated by the raucous skinhead "Oi" (what Alexander Noble calls "punk"). The best music from that genre will last and the rest won't. Music will reemerge, probably underground, spread by social media and will play a vital role with the younger White generations in organizing their own people. It will have a wider appeal than did Resistance Records' mostly Skinhead market. If Saga's cover of Ode To A Dying People doesn't resonate with young Whites, something is wrong with them. Maybe if Taylor Swift would sing it on a music video?

Ode To A Dying People

Eyes shining bright with unspilt tears,
Thinking about all these wasted years.
Everything worth living for is gone,
Brother, I find it hard to keep fighting on.
Falling down towards the abyss,
The reaper embraces me with his kiss;
It makes me want to refuse to care,
To watch this all unfold - too much to bear.

If this is the way it ends -
If this is the way my race ends...
If this is the way it ends - I can't bear to witness

Disease encroaching on all I hold dear,
Somehow I gotta get my soul outta here.
Heart of agony, faint burning hope,
I'm finding it hard to try to cope...

Because liars own the world with conquering poise,
In a wasteland of meaningless noise;
We don't stand a chance with dormant pride,
The heroes of our race have already died...

If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends...
If this is the way it ends - I can't bear to witness...

To imagine it has all come down to this,
Apathy and suicidal bliss...

It's all over except for the cryin',
With a whimper instead of the roar of a lion...

The greatest race to ever walk the earth,
Dying a slow death with insane mirth,
The tomb has been prepared, our race betrayed,
White man, fight the flight towards the grave...

If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends...
If this is the way it ends - I can't bear to witness...
If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends...
If this is the way it ends - I can't bear to witness...

Don't let it end this way,
Don't let it end this way,
Don't let it end this way, I can't bear to witness...
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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