Out of It -- 2/21/2015

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Out of It -- 2/21/2015

Post by Cosmotheist » Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:38 am

Out of It

American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 21, 2015
by Kevin Alfred Strom

Listen to the broadcast

WHEN YOU think of Great Britain, what do you think of? The greatest European empire the world has ever seen? The pinnacle of of White artistic achievement, as personified in the sublime painters of the Royal Academy a century or two ago? Shakespeare? Wordsworth? Dante Gabriel Rossetti? Conan Doyle? The great scientists — Maxwell, Newton, Wallace, Darwin? Edward Elgar? The British Museum? Stonehenge? Well, if you thought of any of those things — any of the jewels of White European culture that the British Isles have given us — well, you’re behind the times, man. You’re out of it.

Let me tell you about the new Britain that’s been built in just the last few decades.

Just yesterday, a young White woman who lives in Coventry, England, Sammie Sunter — a mother of two young sons — was driven from her home by Blacks who splashed paint and feces on her door (see picture), plastered anti-White graffiti, and left notes threatening violence, telling her in no uncertain terms to get out now, Whitey, while you still can. Here are some exact quotes from the notes Miss Sunter found in her letter box: “Black power — don’t stay too long, or else.” “We are watching you, White bitch. Africa rules.” “These flats are for Black sisters and brothers, Willenhall is Black, so f*** off.” Sammie Sunter and her two sons, ages two and five, were forced to leave their new home as they no longer felt safe there.

That’s the new Britain that’s been built since the Second World War.

Ironically, Coventry, where this White British woman was driven from her home by Blacks, was a major manufacturer of munitions during that war, and was the victim of one of the worst German bombing raids on Britain, in which more than 500 people were killed. The Britons who were building munitions there — and those who were sent to kill Germans in Europe — were told that they were fighting to keep Britain British. Little did they know what they were really fighting for! For the Second World War was really a war against all White peoples, and the invasion of Britain by Blacks from her former colonies was part of deliberate plan by the real victors in that terrible conflict.

Coventry being filled with Blacks is just a tiny part of that deliberate plan.

Witness Rotherham, where non-White immigrants have been settled in large numbers, crowding out White British people. A large number of these are those usually called “Asians” in Britain, but who are mostly Pakistanis and other Muslims from the Indian subcontinent.

In Rotherham, between 1997 and 2013 — for more than sixteen years! — more than 1,400 White children, most of them girls and some of them not yet in their teen years, were abducted, raped, tortured, prostituted, and passed around for sexual entertainment by Pakistani men, many of whom acted as if they literally “owned” their young White victims. And that figure of 1,400 is now considered — even by the very Politically Correct authorities in Britain — to be a “very conservative” estimate.

When complaints were made to the authorities, again and again — for years — the investigations went nowhere. They went nowhere not because of lack of evidence — for evidence there was in abundance — but because the investigators and those charged with protecting children in Rotherham were afraid of being perceived as “racist,” a sure kiss of death for a political or bureaucratic career in the new Britain. Years later, an official investigation discovered that pleas for help from White children and parents were sidelined “for fear of ‘giving oxygen’ to racism.”

When a 13-year-old girl bravely reported what was happening to her to police, the response was aloof derision, and nothing was done. An investigator into the scandal reported that White victims were routinely “treated with contempt.” Also treated with contempt was a delegation of White mothers, each of whom had a daughter or daughters being routinely raped by this organized non-White gang. The mothers’ delegation pleaded with the authorities to do something because the police were unresponsive. This was in 2002, after five years of such abuse. Still, nothing was done — for some eight years. And now that this horrible abuse network — and its official enablers — have been exposed, after almost twenty years have passed, not a single official has been charged with a crime, and most of the perpetrators are still walking the streets freely.

And Rotherham is not unique. There have been similar sex abuse cases involving non-White gangs sexually using young White girls in Rochdale, Derby, and Oxford. And those are only the cases that have come to light. After the decade-long coverup in Rotherham, is it really reasonable to assume that the anti-White governing class in Britain has acted any differently elsewhere?

As I’ve been saying, this new, increasingly non-White — and dangerous-for-Whites — Britain has come into existence since the end of the Second World War. We’ve all been told that Britain won that war, but that’s not true. Britain lost that war, just as surely as Germany did. The whole White world lost that war, because the side that won was the Jewish side.

Britain lost the war because she, like America, was tricked by corrupt leaders and Jewish media oligarchs into fighting on the wrong side, the Communist side, the side of international finance, the anti-White side. And, very soon after that war, Britain lost her world-spanning empire — and just a few years after that, she lost Britain herself.

In the centuries before the war, we of the West foolishly allowed Jews to control our banks and other financial institutions, and our newspapers, and later our film studios and electronic media of news and entertainment. The Jewish minority grew very wealthy and influential while exploiting us and controlling our media, and the Jewish power structure that resulted was very powerful indeed. That power structure was the real and only victor in World War 2. And that power structure made a decision after that war that White people were dangerous when they got out of control, like Germany did after 1933, and they decided that we had to be eliminated, one way or another.

And the same Jewish media influence is responsible for creating the climate in which White officials and citizens alike are afraid to speak out against the invasion of their country — or even to do anything about abuse of their own children — for fear of being called “racist.” In some cases, it’s more than fear — in some cases, the menticidal poison administered by the Jews has taken root so deeply that White people, possibly including officials like the ones in Rotherham, actively hate their own race and willingly work for its destruction. And if that means that a few thousand White teenagers are raped and impregnated by South Asian Muslim monsters, well, that’s a small price to pay for the final triumph of “diversity” and the end of the Evil Whites. The spread of that mental and spiritual poison is the reason Coventry, England isn’t safe for White families. It’s the reason 12-year-old White girls are being abducted and raped and sexually enslaved almost with impunity in Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, and Oxford.

And once-Great Britain is far from the only place this is happening. It’s happened all over the formerly White world. After the Second World War, every nation of White Western civilization has opened its borders to floods of immigrants from the Third World: France, Holland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, the United States, and all the rest are awash in non-Whites and far along the road of national dissolution and literal extirpation of the race that founded them. In every case, Jewish money, media, and influence work to convince the population and corrupt the leadership into accepting the eradication of White people. A false moral paradigm is promulgated by these media, in which it is “immoral” and career suicide to resist the Brown tide — or point out the Jewish influence behind it all.

Recently, I watched a grinning Black PBS commentator, Tavis Smiley, interview self-hating White demographer William H. Frey of the “liberal” think-tank the Brookings Institution. Both Smiley and Frey gloated about the fact that the White American population is aging, not replacing itself, and will soon begin a precipitous decline that will leave our children a small minority in the nation we founded. Frey laughed at “the older generation” of Whites who are so pathetically “behind the times” that they actually object to their dispossession, about which, he assures us with a wry smile, nothing can be done. He tells us that the upcoming generation embraces its own annihilation enthusiastically and is “marrying interracially” and “dating interracially” — “diversity is their thing,” Frey gushes, and Smiley agrees, adding “you can’t buck the trend.” Whites who complain “just don’t get it.” They’re “out of it.”

Frey and Smiley truthfully tell us that even if immigration were totally halted tomorrow, it would not have much effect on the ultimate outcome: The natural increase in non-White numbers, and the suicidally low fertility of Whites, would doom us just the same. The important thing, according to Frey, is making sure that the young Blacks and Browns who already outnumber our sons and daughters in the schools, get “more funding” so they can get a better education and training to succeed economically.

Like Frey’s Brookings Institution, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a quintessentially establishment organization. Its Foreign Affairs magazine is often where new ideas are floated before they are forcibly imposed on Americans. The pampered academics at Foreign Affairs have recently published an article bemoaning the fact that — even though they believe that almost no Americans are “racist” these days, and even though “discrimination” has been totally outlawed — for some mysterious reason, economic outcomes are still radically different for Blacks, Mestizos, and Whites. The reason, the CFR tells us, simply has to be “institutional racism” in industries and governments. The structure of these institutions themselves, they say, is inherently discriminatory even without any “racist” intent on the part of any human being at all. (The CFR says nothing at all about the huge income disparities between Jews and everyone else, of course.)

To the CFR, unequal outcomes cannot possibly be due to inherent racial differences in values, behavior, or inclinations — since such differences cannot possibly exist. So, just as medieval theologians worried over imaginary beings or mental constructs like transubstantiation, so the “liberals” at the CFR have created a new imaginary monster to fight, “institutional racism,” and they propose a crusade against it — naturally, requiring an army of bureaucrats and “researchers” and enforcement commissars to do whatever is necessary to ensure “equal outcomes.”

Since outcomes can never be equal, something that is surely known to those at the very top of the establishment food chain, this is a formula for an ever-increasing anti-White tyranny that goes far beyond anything we have yet experienced. Verily, the War on Institutional Racism may yet eclipse the War on Terror in its eternal battles at infinite cost over unlimited time, forever and ever, Amen.

The smug self-assurance of Smiley and Frey and the mammon-sucking academics at the CFR is not justified, however. All across America and across the entire Western world, there is a growing awareness of what has happened to our civilization since World War 2. And there is a growing White racial consciousness. This growing awareness shows itself strongly in the comments sections of hundreds upon hundreds of establishment Web sites — even the CFR’s own site, and those owned by Jewish media moguls. Again and again, I see racially aware White men and women in the plurality of commenters on many subjects I research daily for my radio program. In some cases, racially awakened Whites, and people aware of destructive Jewish activities, absolutely dominate the discussions. It’s gotten so bad from the Jews’ perspective — and good from our perspective — that numerous controlled media sites have turned off their comments sections entirely, or started severely censoring them. I don’t think this awakening can be stopped. The preposterous beliefs imposed upon our people cannot hold in the face of the nightmare reality that stares us in the face every day. We must dedicate our lives to furthering that awakening. We must keep pushing, keep speaking out, keep fanning the flames of resistance — and never give up. Nature is on our side. Truth is on our side. We can build a new society, a new world, with a wholly new value system whose central purpose is the survival and progress of our people.

I hope that my program today has helped you see the world the way it really is. I hope it has inspired you to act. We must work every day of our lives to help our fellow Whites see the world in racial terms — and organize so we can survive and prosper in the hard times ahead.

We’re going to help our people. We’re going to educate our people. We’re going to come up with creative ways to awaken our people. We’re going to create publications that will be like nothing ever seen before in the cause of White awakening. We’re going to do what it takes. Please join — or, if you cannot join, financially support — the National Alliance to the very best of your ability. Together we will build a better world.
* * *
You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance, founded by William Luther Pierce in 1970. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. You can join and support us by visiting natall.com — or write to National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. We welcome your support, your inquiries, and your help in spreading our message of hope to our people. Once again, that address is Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to keep on thinking free.


Racially mixed White homelands will be like the 3rd world

Post by permela » Sat Feb 21, 2015 12:10 pm

Tavis Smiley's February 17, 2015 half hour interview of Demographer William H. Frey about his book "Diversity Explosion" is at http://www.pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/int ... am-h-frey/.

I have not been able to persuade even my pro-white friends to listen to any of your broadcasts, possibly because they are so busy, or want to avoid thinking about unpleasant racial issues over which they have no control.

American media, schools, etc. saturated Whites with propaganda about the dangers of overpopulation after World War Two in order to end the White baby boom. White politicians voted to allow non-White immigration into our homelands about 1965. The White race and its civilization will cease to exist unless it has a homeland of its own (say Good-by to America's Space Program). I predict that racially mixed White homelands will become part of the third world, and unable to resist conquest and colonization by the Mongolian race.

Thanks for another wonderful Dissident Voices broadcast Kevin.

Benjamin Bice

Re: Out of It

Post by Benjamin Bice » Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:49 am

"This flat is for blacks only": Shocking racist
campaign to force white mum out of home

Sammie Sunter was forced to flee the home after an unknown person told her the area "is black so f*** off"
A mother has been become the victim of a racist
campaign after her front door was covered with
faeces and a letter posted through saying her home was "for black sisters and brothers".
Sammie Sunter was staggered to find the note also had a drawing of a gun on it and a racial slur for a white person, while graffiti was also sprayed across her front door.
Miss Sunter, 24, made the shocking discovery just
days after moving into her new flat in Willenhall,
Coventry, with her two young boys.
According to the Coventry Telegraph , the note also states that "Willenhall is black so f*** off", while the word "Oyinbo" which is Nigerian slang for a white person, was also written.
West Midlands Police is treating the attack as
racially aggravated criminal damage and said the
incident was being taken "very seriously".
Housing association Whitefriars, which owns the flat, has confirmed there has also been a "previous incident" at the address.
Sammie, who lives with sons Harvey Anderson, two, and Oscar Rock, five, said: "I had to explain racism to my five-year-old."
"It's just not acceptable."
"I said that it looked like whoever was responsible was African."
"He wanted to know why they hated us."
"He didn't really understand."
"If we are equal what gives the person responsible the right to do that?"
"I told him that whoever was responsible was going to get punished, but who knows if that will happen."
Hairdresser Sammie has now found a new property and is getting ready to move in. She said she has lived in Willenhall for 15 years and has never experienced anything like this before.
"These people make Willenhall out to be some sort of ghetto," Sammie said.
"They say it's their area but it's really not – there's a little old white man living in the flat below."
"The whole point of this is that it's not right."
"I'm not going to sit there and take it."
"I had to have a police escort away from my property and I knew I was being watched."
"You hold your head up high but it's disgusting."
"Whitefriars were the first people I rang when this
happened and when I spoke to someone they said
they didn’t think it would happen again."
"I think they have allowed this to happen."
"If it’s happened before, and they have neglected to tell me, then they have put me and my children in danger."
Police have made door-to-door inquiries while
forensics experts are studying the note.
Officers are also liaising with Whitefriars.
Carmel McCarthy, director of housing and
neighbourhood services, said: “There had been a
previous incident reported at the property, which we passed on to the police for investigation.
“We closely monitor these events and in this case it appeared to be a one-off incident."
“As soon as Ms Sunter drew this incident to our
attention, we offered her another home, which she
will be moving into shortly."
“We have been working closely with Ms Sunter and the police on this incident and will continue to do so.”
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/th ... irror_main

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Will Williams
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Re: Out of It

Post by Will Williams » Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:20 pm

...I hope that my program today has helped you see the world the way it really is. I hope it has inspired you to act. We must work every day of our lives to help our fellow Whites see the world in racial terms — and organize so we can survive and prosper in the hard times ahead.

We’re going to help our people. We’re going to educate our people. We’re going to come up with creative ways to awaken our people. We’re going to create publications that will be like nothing ever seen before in the cause of White awakening. We’re going to do what it takes. Please join — or, if you cannot join, financially support — the National Alliance to the very best of your ability. Together we will build a better world.
Another excellent broadcast, Kevin. Former National Alliance members who had resigned are rejoining, now that the organization is under new leadership, along with new people, many who learned about our Alliance through your weekly American Dissident Voices broadcasts.

Our old Alliance comrade Fred, who worked on the mountain with Dr. Pierce for 11 years, and was named President of the Alliance board of directors and executor of Dr. Pierce's estate when he died, takes on the usual, cowardly anonymous critics on the VanguardNewsNetwork discussion forum quite eloquently in your defense.:

Fred Streed
Join Date: Jan 2004

Originally Posted by Sam Emerson View Post

The more ADV podcasts Strom does the more he damages the ADV brand.
You do realize, of course, that KAS invented the ADV brand? Remember Free Speech magazine? Kevin's idea, and he was the guy who put it together for its first year or two. Those bright orange "Earth's most endangered Species stickers? Kevin again. The sound studio where most of Dr. Pierce's radio programs were recorded? Designed by KAS, actually built by some hippy-biker-ditch digger and some young college guy doing volunteer work one summer. The recording equipment? Much of it donated by KAS.

Jimmy Marr is right. KAS wasn't just some guy hired by Will Williams from the employment office, he was one of the guys who built the NA. He understands Cosmotheism. That matters. You wouldn't hire a muslim or hindu to write ideological stuff for an organization of xtian idiots. You would want a xtian idiot to give it the correct spin.

This thread has been informative and interesting. I haven't learned much new about KAS, although I now realize just how flimsy the case against him really is. And I was a guy who thought he might be guilty when this first broke. But some of the opposition to Strom has been educational. One of the things I figured out about women a long time ago was that no matter how intelligent they might be they are still ruled by emotion. They are very, very good at justifying what is basically an emotional response by cloaking it in apparent rationality. I learned this the same way I learn most things, the hard way. Hitler said something to the effect that the masses are female. How right he was.

The female mind is concerned with appearances, how they are perceived by others. The Strom haters worry about exactly the same thing and seem incapable of understanding that their concern is a non issue. We are already accused of much worse by our enemies. We are haters. We are racists. We are anti-semitic and want to throw jews into gas-ovens. We are homophobic. We are fascists and undemocratic. We are sexists. Any one of those things are perceived as being just as bad or worse than being a pedophile.

The female mind loves gossip. This KAS affair has tongues wagging like an old hen convention.

The female mindset tends to lead them to meddle in affairs that are none of their business.

That doesn't make the female mind bad, they have some very sound evolutionary programming that was necessary for racial survival.

But anyway, just sayin'.

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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On whistleblowing and hearsay

Post by Will Williams » Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:21 am

"Will Williams" Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:20 pm]
...Our old Alliance comrade Fred, who worked on the mountain with Dr. Pierce for 11 years, and was named President of the Alliance board of directors and executor of Dr. Pierce's estate when he died, takes on the usual, cowardly anonymous critics on the VanguardNewsNetwork discussion forum quite eloquently in your defense..

Fred Streed
Join Date: Jan 2004


The female mind is concerned with appearances, how they are perceived by others... The female mind loves gossip... The female mindset tends to lead them to meddle in affairs that are none of their business... That doesn't make the female mind bad, they have some very sound evolutionary programming that was necessary for racial survival... But anyway, just sayin'.
Fred wrote that in February of 2015, answering critics of our freshly reconstituted National Alliance. Fred is a wise and honorable man who doesn't care much for lies or liars.

When Fred realized a little over a year later that a woman had told malicious lies about me in an effort to have me jailed, while she and her co-conspirators attempted to take over the National Alliance, he took on the role of whistleblower and submitted a sworn affidavit to the court that was trying me for the misdemeanor battery for which I'd been accused. See that affidavit, (thanks to our mutual friend, Hadding Scott), here: http://noncounterproductive.blogspot.co ... liams.html

With whistleblowing so newsworthy lately because of the mysterious anonymous one who tattled on Donald Trump and his so-called quid pro quo phone call to the president of Ukraine, I've drawn a legal parallel between my whistleblower, Fred, who is neither anonymous, nor providing hearsay evidence to the court, and Trump's protected, anonymous tattletale with his second-hand or third-hand hearsay "evidence" of a crime. I'm no fan of Donald Trump, but I feel for him, being under attack as he is by crooked Democrat politicians and Jew-controlled media who are determined to remove him by hook or by crook from his duly-elected position.

Once submitted to the court Fred's sworn affidavit was not admitted because the judge and prosecutor and my own defense attorney kept saying that a piece of paper cannot be cross-examined. Fred was in Oregon by then so couldn't appear in person in West Virginia as my defense witness where he could be cross-examined. His affidavit certainly raised reasonable doubt that my accuser was a malicious liar and her charge of battery against the NA Chairman was baloney. Any reasonable person reading the affidavit should be able to conclude that much.

So, the affidavit can't be cross-examined in a court. OK. But, the judge, the so-called "investigators (Sheriff office and WV State Police)," the County Prosecutor, as well as my own defense attorney, could have contacted Fred by telephone to ask him about his sworn statement -- just as Judge Judy would have done in a search for truth. None bothered, though I had provided them with Fred's phone number, email address and street address.

I was found guilty, sentenced to six months in jail by the female Magistrate, so appealed the wrongful conviction to Circuit Court. Again, the new female judge, her new special prosecutor -- the County Prosecutor had been "disqualified" at the demand of my accuser -- and his "investigator" who were brought in to convict me at my appeal, as well as my new female defense attorney -- I'd fired the other one -- all ignored Fred's affidavit. None of them ever bothered to call Fred, over my repeated protests. Fred was even willing to travel from Oregon to testify on my behalf, had his airline ticket in hand, but was unable to fly the day before my trial due to a health issue.

So I was convicted again and the six month sentence upheld, though the judge and her "special" prosecutor expressed that they would have preferred to sentence me to the one year maximum. They were limited by the Magistrate's earlier six-month sentence.

The fix was in. :|

I went directly to jail, did my time, paid my debt to society, but also managed to appeal my guilty verdict to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals pro se, without an attorney. I'd been denied bond while I prepared my appeal because the court never expected that I'd be able to prepare the complicated appeal.

The brief was submitted to the WVSCA in late August this year. As of today, 6 October, the Assistant Attorney General of WV who is representing the state in WV v. Williams, has four more days to respond to my brief: 10 October, 2019 -- more than four years after the alleged battery was supposed to have taken place in September of 2015. I'll have another 30 days after that to respond to his response. Hopefully, at some point after that I'll be allowed to present an oral argument before the five justices of the WVSCA.

Note: Though neither court in the 11th Judicial District of WV would admit Fred's affidavit as an exhibit at trial, in my brief it is attached as an exhibit for consideration, among other exhibits that were either sealed by the court or requested by the Circuit Court Judge to be stricken from the record like they never existed.
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Re: Out of It -- 2/21/2015

Post by PhuBai68 » Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:02 pm

With whistleblowing so newsworthy lately because of the mysterious anonymous one who tattled on Donald Trump and his so-called quid pro quo phone call to the president of Ukraine, I've drawn a legal parallel between my whistleblower, Fred, who is neither anonymous, nor providing hearsay evidence to the court, and Trump's protected, anonymous tattletale with his second-hand or third-hand hearsay "evidence" of a crime. I'm no fan of Donald Trump, but I feel for him, being under attack as he is by crooked Democrat politicians and Jew-controlled media who are determined to remove him by hook or by crook from his duly-elected position.
I thought it sort of strange that Nancy Pelosi called for impeachment BEFORE even hearing "what" the so called whistleblower produced.
Rethinking figuring she probably already knew the facts being that slimy (((Schiff))) most likely already had shown her.
Guess "what"?
"what" is that Pelosi's son is ALSO involved with a Ukrainian energy company.
So now I'm thinking that by calling for impeachment ol' Nancy figures all eyes will be on that and Trump and not on her influence peddling.
You just can't make this stuff up!

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/1 ... mpanys-ad/
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"lunchpail working class Joe"
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It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Will Williams
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Whistleblowing and hearsay.

Post by Will Williams » Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:05 am

You missed my point completely, PhuBai. It has nothing to do with Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden or their children. It's about the several coup attempts to take over the National Alliance, my associated fight with the 11th Judicial District of West Virginia and the coup-plotters. Fred Streed blew the whistle on the plot to have me removed as NA Chairman, using the courts in Pocahontas County, WV. His sworn statement was never investigated, much less admitted at either trial. Hopefully my appeal to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals will finally bring critical defense evidence, including Fred's affidavit, to light.

I apologize for not making that clear to you. I doubt you bothered to read Fred Streed's affidavit that is linked in my post. The reason I changed the Subject title in that four and 1/2-year-old "Out of it" post to "Whistleblowing and hearsay" was because that was the only place on WB where I found Fred Streed defending our Alliance from its detractors. His affidavit never appeared on White Biocentrism until now. I'll start a new subject that has nothing to do with "Out of it" or the Trump/Biden/Pelosi dog and pony show. Here: https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4203
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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