Jesus the Galilean and the Christian Faith

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Jesus the Galilean and the Christian Faith

Post by WhiteDawn » Wed Mar 12, 2025 9:03 pm

Jesus the Galilean
On Jesus, the son of God and the Christian Faith. I myself am a aspiring Cosmotheist with other Pagan (Not exactly in the belief of deities or a spiritual figure) and Apollonian beliefs. Again as I believe in the world as a natural occurrence, aswell as that the universe is Theos. The Alliance if I am correct as Dr. Pierce said that he wanted it to be redirected into a more religious organization rather than a political one. (NOT SURE IF THIS IS COMPLETLEY CORRECT) But from what I have read, I am pretty sure that is what he had intended, correct me if I am wrong.

Christianity as it stands today is coming to a slow and inevitable death, every year it loses its grip on White Western Civilization, even with the Modern day churches that are effectively subverted, it has been proven time and time again that it is on a rapid decline. As far as I know Chairman Williams and many others such as myself have a negative outlook on Christianity, as he likes to say it "You have YAHWEH and we have OUR way." As many of us also know the Jew would not have a lot of say in the contemporary world if it weren't for their Christian collaborators and their Judeo-Christian values. I also know that it is not the Alliances goal to convert die-hard or dedicated Christians, it is not our job to argue with them about Bible verses, or to try to convince them to join our spiritual side of things, for our goal is a racial goal, a goal in creating a healthy future for our people. As I have stated before and I will state again though, White Christians are our brothers and sisters and in the long run they are just as good as us. A thing I would like to touch on again is about the archetype of Christ, I do not hate it, nor do am I against it in it's entirety, but I have my contempt with Christianity in its basis that it lacks a racial element, it being a religion of peace and tolerance, aswell as a religion of turning the other cheek. As Nietzsche described the slave and master morality dynamic showing Christianity's Kosher elements. However Christ is a important figure within our race for better or for worse that is. And as Dr. Pierce stated on the Creators purpose that also -
It is the purpose for which Jesus the Galilean fought the Jews and died 2,000 years ago.
And I myself agree with this, I feel if that even as somebody with a contempt for Christianity, as some one who would probably for better or worse never look towards Jesus Christ for salvation, I believe that Jesus was a great figure and although Christianity has done quite a lot of harm to our race in the modern age, it was also something that was once heroic, it was once something that threw the Islamic horde BACK! Time and time again, however that time is no longer, and we believe it is a fundamental importance that we must build a future for our people, for our European race, and if that includes throwing out Christ to achieve that, we might just have to do so. But for as long as Christianity lasts I say that although we have our critiques of the Christian faith, we must keep in touch with our Christian brothers and sisters, we must show mutual respect for their faith and the figure of Christ as they must do for our beliefs, and we must help them along the way with building the future of our race. My message stays as I put my race over my religion but with that it is not mutually exclusive to help and bring up all of the others that are within my race, no matter what faith they have.

Charles Martell - Battle of Tours
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Re: Jesus the Galilean and the Christian Faith

Post by Dillon_C_Rau » Thu Mar 13, 2025 2:59 am

In CROTF (Cosmotheism Religion of the Future), Mr. Kevin Strom recalls a conversation in which Dr. Pierce says that he wanted the NA to be more like a Cosmotheist Holy Order.

The issue with White Christians is that a large majority of the die hard believers will openly say that they prefer non-White Christians to White " Heathens". Including those in nationalist circles.

However a growing amount of self described Christians aren't really Christians. They don't read the Bible, or go to church, or practice the religion in any way besides checking a box when asked " What religion they are ?". They call themselves Christians because that's what their parents or great grandparents were. If you ask them to describe Christianity or what it means to be a Christian they say, " To be a good person and live a good life." Nothing with any real substance. I for example was baptized as a Catholic, yet never went to Sunday School or church. Never took first communion or chose a Saint. It was a tradition, that never had real meaning to myself or my parents.

These kinds of Christians are fine people. They can easily be convinced to come to our side. They want to be moral, but they just don't know how to, especially in todays world. The conversations I have with them, are often halfway decent and they end up aggreging with much I have to say, in the realms of racial separation for example.

But before I have a conversation with these people I take a page out of Chairman William's book, in which he says " Often I ask people a direct question: Do you think the White race is worth preserving? If they say “no,” or shrug their shoulders or something like that, I move on. I don’t deal with them". ( ... ng-part-1/ ) I like this strategy as it limits time you waste on those that will never come to our side.

When it comes to Christian doctrine, Dr. Pierce makes it clear within the NA Handbook, Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds, and CROTF, and other texts by him that the Christian doctrine isn't compatible with what the Aryan race wants. Saying " Its otherworldliness is fundamentally out of tune with the Aryan quest for knowledge and for progress; its universalism conflicts directly with Aryan striving for beauty and strength; its delineation of the roles of man and god offends the Aryan sense of honor and self-sufficiency."

Numerous articles and books have been written describing why Jesus most likely didn't exist, and if he did he was Jewish. Dr. Thomas Dalton has a good many articles on the subject including this one : .

I will have to disagree with you about Christianity being a good thing for Whites at one time, this article is worth reading: ... nd-martyr/ . Christianity attacked and had killed many Whites that dared question its authority. The dark ages delayed our race by an estimated 2,000 years.

Overall the goals and worldview of the NA and CCC ( Cosmotheist Community Church) are directly opposed to much of Christianity, and in my view giving credence to any of their myths is a disservice to us. Yes, there are many Pro-White Christians in the world, and I don't think its worth our time to attack or slander any of them. They are decent and moral people. But our path of upward evolution is one we will not be climbing with them, its something that requires a Cosmotheist worldview and understanding.
Dillon Charles Von Rau ᛉ

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