Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Mar 06, 2025 8:40 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Thu Mar 06, 2025 6:03 pm
Well, whatever the effect you are having keep it up Will. I love reading your comments on that site.
I enjoy reading yours there also, Douglas, and Wolf Stoner's. Very good! The water's warm there. Others should dive in.

This one was easy since we have so many essays about MOSSAD operative on National Vanguard that I could refer back to. ... -hysteria/ The author of the article thinks Trump should get the Famous But Incompetent boys and girls to investigate Epstein's blackmail tapes. :lol:

Will Williams: March 7, 2025
Ganainm: March 3, 2025 Trump’s links to Epstein are unsettling…

At the very least. Zionist Donald Trump was up to his eyballs with Jewish MOSSAD operatives Jeffrey and Ghislaine. He and his Secretary of Labor helped to cover up their earlier misdeeds. But Mr. Kessler thinks perhaps a commission should be set up by the Trump administration in order to investigate the names in the files and then release them after either exonerating or finding probable cause for prosecution.

Perhaps but not probable. Trump 45's FBI had plenty of time to reveal what is on Epstein’s blackmail tapes: Why Are They Sitting on the Epstein Evidence? | National Vanguard (2019)

FOR WEEKS, the FBI and the New York City police have been sitting on a big pile of child pornography plus big-wig/celebrity blackmail videos that were seized from Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion in Manhattan. Have you heard about anyone rich and powerful being arrested as the result of official scrutiny of those videos? No? Hmmm.

Why, it sounds as if the police are more interested in covering up for the child rapists than they are in prosecuting them, doesn’t it? And yesterday and today the FBI and the NYPD are searching Little Saint James Island for evidence. And, most likely, what they intend to do with any evidence they find is destroy it…


PERVERSION of JUSTICE A decade before #MeToo, a multimillionaire sex offender from Florida got the ultimate break. They were little girls. Their stories were almost identical. The evidence was substantial.

BY Julie K. Brown and Aaron Albright
Nov. 28, 2018

Jeffrey Epstein had a little black book filled with the names and personal phone numbers of some of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people, from Bill Clinton and Donald Trump to [others]… But in 2007, despite substantial evidence that corroborated the girls’ stories of abuse by Epstein, the U.S. attorney in Miami, Alexander Acosta, signed off on a secret deal for the multimillionaire, one that ensured he would never spend a day in prison. Acosta, now President Donald Trump’s secretary of labor, agreed to seal the agreement so that no one — not even Epstein’s victims — would know the full extent of his crimes or who was involved. This is the story of that deal — and how his victims, more than a decade later, are still fighting a criminal justice system that has stubbornly failed to hold wealthy, powerful men accountable for sexual abuse.

Read more at: ... rylink=cpy

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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Mar 07, 2025 9:53 am

American Whites must keep all the talk of Trump 47's draining the swamp in perspective by looking back at Trump 45's empty promise to do the same: ... e-machine/

Will Williams: March 7, 2025
Now is a good time to revisit this excellent six-year-old essay by Andrew Hamilton to better understand what Trump 47 is up against with his promise to drain the D.C. swamp: Political Outsiders Lack an Institutional Base | National Vanguard

The New York City Zionist whose family intermarried with Jews, whose business cronies, attorneys, and even personal physician were Jews, who routinely hobnobbed with degenerates like ultra-rich sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, Hollywood elites, porn prostitutes, and Negro celebrities, was transformed by the power of imagination into the mythical billionaire of right-wing fantasy: the principled strongman with money and power who (unlike us) can and will singlehandedly change things.

Yet Trump, who railed against the Swamp, promising to drain it, quickly became the Swamp Thing after taking office. There was some forewarning: “People think I’m a wild man [a rebel], but I’m not” and “After I become President I’m a totally different person.”

The most important thing about Trump is that he was never pro-White. He was and is philo-Semitic and multiracialist. Whether Whites worldwide are killed, as is happening, or survive, is a matter of indifference to him…

Richard Chance: February 23, 2025 The right’s worship of this overrated pile of shit is downright embarrassing… He’s not even close to being “our guy.” He’d sell every white nationalist down the river in a heartbeat.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Mar 07, 2025 4:47 pm

National Socialism is the most misunderstood ideology ever, thanks to constant vilification of it by Jews and their allies, the American democrats and Russian Bolsheviks. Anyone putting 'Hitler' or 'national socialism' in the National Vanguard search block will find plenty of essays that defend Hitler and NS for what they actually were for our race: ... socialism/

Will Williams: March 7, 2025
Hammer: March 7, 2025 ...[O]ne of the biggest mistakes of the pro-White sphere is allowing wignats and Hitlertards to make Nazism the gold standard for being a White nationalist. The globalists and antiwhites use this as ammunition to portray pro-White advocacy as kooky and antisocial...

What sincere racial nationalist gives a shit what globalists and anti-Whites, or you for that matter, think, Mr. Hammer, with your “Hitlertard” and “Nazism” slurs?

Mein Kampf was written by Hitler 100 years ago. Every racial nationalist should read that book to better understand where the great race-fighter was coming from with his National Socialist movement — the man who miraculously restored his nation racially after being vanquished in WWI. The most recent, and definitive edition is by Dr. Thomas Dalton, here: Mein Kampf Vol 1 and 2: Dual English-German Translation (paperback) by Adolf Hitler – Cosmotheism or his affordable ($20) condensed version: The Essential Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler – edited by Thomas Dalton – Cosmotheism

You would probably call me a Piercetard, Mr. Hammer. William Pierce developed NS beyond German Nationalism to Americanize it and make it pan-Aryan. When I read his editorial in April 1989, honoring Adolpf Hitler on what would have been his 100th birthday, is when I would answer that I was a National Socialist — not a Democrat, a Republican, populist or libertarian — when asked what were my politics: The Measure of Greatness | National Vanguard

You might think what’s needed for your brand of so-called “White nationalism” is to rehabilitate Roosevelt, Churchill or Stalin. ;o}
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Mar 07, 2025 10:31 pm

One of the silliest essays I have seen on C-C lately, revealing the flawed underbelly of the Internet-driven, failed alt-right, or as some call it now, the WN or DR movement -- a very large tent that will accept even non-Whites if they have a large Internet presence: ... t-mindset/ People like this are not National Alliance material. Maybe they will be some day when they wake up and get serious.

Will Williams: March 8, 2025
ncleapyear: March 7, 2025 Tate is himself a product of miscegenation, and these mulattoes and mixed-race types always have a chip on their shoulders and an agenda. He also has a fetish for white women, which should tell anyone on the DR everything he needs to know.

That tells me everything I need to know about this “narcissistic sociopath” who “slithered into the Dissident Right,” as Mr. LeBlanc puts it.

I’d never heard of this non-White creep and don’t care to hear any more about him. I’m surprised he is the subject of an essay on Counter-Currents.

Call me a dissident in the best sense of the word: one who believes, teaches, or advocates something opposed to accepted beliefs. As a strict racial separatist, however, I am not in Travis’s DR movement because I do not relate to the so-called Right.

Pro-White and anti-White are sufficient terms for our purposes. Pro-White can be a very large tent when it includes Christian conservatives who worship our enemy’s tribal deity, but it’s a starting point. Anti-Whites are easy to identify and are the enemy of White preservation. Mr. Tate is in the latter category, even though he apparently has a large Internet presence that impresses some nominal pro-Whites.

Apparently, I stand for Travis’s “Small Movement Mindset.” Except that I see it as the vanguard of the racial nationalist movement, particularly those committed persommel in our cadre — not the big tent that puts quantity ahead of quality. Many, probably most Whites are ineligible to be members of our exclusive vanguard movement, as are all Jews and other non-Whites, those with non-White dependents, LGBT freaks, drunks, drug or porn addicts, and those of obviously low character. The DR can have those ineligibles “slither” into their very loosely-structures ranks, thanks.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 08, 2025 1:02 pm

I am no historian of National Socialism, but have been associated with those, particularly Dr. Pierce, who were, so can counter a young, misguided Internet personality who thinks he is an expert, but whose "reach far exceeds his grasp" of National Socialism. I can counter Woods and others with articles on National Vanguard, especially the one added to NV today by Mr. Zakal: ... socialism/

Will Williams: March 8, 2025
outclassed: March 8, 2025 Hitler’s invasion of Poland was unconscionable.

Was it? How about Stalin’s invasions of Poland from the east? Did England and France declare war on Stalin for his invasion a few days later, or just on Hitler from the west? No, in fact, the UK and France had colllaborated with the Soviets prior to the invasions of Poland..

Hadding uncovered these facts, here: Britain Intended War Before Hitler Invaded Poland | National Vanguard

[quote]Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said to U.S. ambassador Joseph Kennedy that the reason why he had made war against Germany was that “America and the World Jews” had pressured him. Kennedy later told this to Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, who recorded it in his diary; “neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington,” is how Forrestal summarized Kennedy’s recollection (The Forrestal Diaries, entry of 27 December 1945).

* * * * *

I have no idea who Mr. Woods is other than his being a popular Internet personality among the Internet “WN” community. I leave history to the historians, especially ones that specialize in NS and WWII, like Dr. Dalton, Germar Rudolf, Hadding Scott or Martin Kerr, etc. The best argument directed specifically against naive Mr. Woods is this by Daniel Zakel: Nationalism Without National Socialism Is a Hollow Shell | National Vanguard Zakel concludes with:
In short, Woods represents precisely what must be eradicated from nationalism: timidity, compromise, and a preoccupation with optics. He prioritizes popular acceptance over ideological integrity, fundamentally misunderstanding the reality that true nationalism requires sacrifice, struggle, and unwavering adherence to principles that sustain and elevate life.

The Life-Affirming Principle dictates clear solutions: nationalism must be bold, disciplined, and uncompromising. It cannot thrive through half-hearted populism or sanitized historical revisionism. National Socialism is more than Adolf Hitler or the Third Reich; it is a timeless truth, discovered rather than invented, a guiding philosophy for cultural, biological, and economic health. To reject it is to reject the only fully coherent system capable of achieving lasting strength and survival for our people.

Ultimately, Woods embodies a defeatist mindset. He would rather pursue polite nationalism, begging permission to exist, instead of forging an uncompromising path toward genuine national renewal. His approach offers neither hope nor solutions, only endless retreat. To embrace Woods’ path is to embrace perpetual defeat.

Further convincing critique of Woods’ weak anti-NS commentary by Zakel may be found here. Keith Woods the Bolshevik Revolutionary ☭

(Note that Mr. Zakal’s shop features items celebrating William Pierce and Cosmotheism.)
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Mar 09, 2025 2:49 pm

I knew when reading this offering on C-C by a popular young internet personality, Keith Woods, that it would evoke strong responses, for and against. Good! It's about time to clarify the positive aspects, if still unpopular, of National Socialism. Kevin Strom's answer to Mr. Woods is masterful -- not reactionary, but revolutionary! -- and he introduces Cosmotheism into the discussion again. ... socialism/

20-something social media sensation of the so-called far-right, Keith O'Brien aka Keith Woods

Will Williams: March 9, 2025
I had to look up the definition of “wignat” that the <cough!> brilliant C-C “white nationalist,” who answers to Hammer, chose to describe serious proponents of National Socialism, along with his other Jewy insult, “Hitlertard.”
wignat (derogatory, informal) One who claims to support the tenets of white nationalism but uses over-the-top neo-Nazi rhetoric and aesthetics which are rejected by the larger nationalist movement which is concerned with a civil and presentable appearance.
Then, for my taking issue with Hammer for his childishness, Uncle Semantic asks me “Why are you so quick to jump at people for daring to suggest Mr. Hitler was not infallible, particularly with his military decisions?

I had written nothing about Mr. Hitler’s military decisions, but did name some of our most serious experts on National Socialism, men much more eloquent than I, to whom C-C readers can refer. I did not name these men for the anti-NS troll Hammer to consider but for others at C-C who might be interested in discovering truths about National Socialism.

Keith Woods’ essay has brought to a head discussion of the merits of NS, as opposed to his plain vanilla “ethnic nationalism.” Hopefully, the critical comparison continues. Consider this perfect counter argument:

National Socialism did not fail. That is why it is vilified by our enemies. True, it was defeated in a war — I say a battle in a war that is not yet over. But, barring war, its trajectory was perfect. In just twelve years: A nation, freed from Jewish usury and destructive influence. A nation, determined to preserve its Aryan racial heritage and carry it, progressively, into the infinite future. A nation, broken free from ossified and dangerous hereditary aristocracy, and broken free from even more dangerous mass “democracy.” A nation, freed from hostile alien media. A nation, freed from the twin evils of international Communism and international banking. A nation, ultimately forged in war as the vanguard and protector of the entire European race. A nation whose titanic sacrifice and immolation at the hands of Jewish power may one day — if we do right — become an element of a religion which will inspire our people to protect and defend forever our sacred race against all dangers.

It was tried for just twelve years. You could say National Socialism hasn’t really been tried yet, not fully. But in those twelve years, it was the most positive revolutionary force ever seen on this planet. It shows every prospect of success if it can capture the imaginations of enough of our people and become established again. And our enemies certainly know that — that is why they do everything they can, constantly, to prevent its resurgence. And today, buttressed by William Pierce’s discovery of and elaboration of Cosmotheism, it would be even more powerful, being even more imbued with the spiritual essence and Life of our people.

Plain vanilla “ethnic nationalism” equals a thousand years of failure (which fails in the long term even when it “succeeds”; look at Ireland today); that’s the ethnic nationalism of Keith Woods, who wrote a recent article suggesting that nationalists should abandon National Socialism (see the critique of his approach here by Daniel Zakal: Nationalism Without National Socialism Is a Hollow Shell | National Vanguard) — and that failure is embodied in every other White man who refuses the hand of Providence offered by Adolf Hitler and his new creed. An entirely new race-based creed and spiritual outlook to replace the failed and outworn creeds of Christianity and democracy; with great prospects of success — that’s what National Socialism promises.

The triumph of race-based, deeply spiritual, National Socialism means the eternal existence of our race, the total reorientation of society toward racial progress, and the achievement of our cosmic destiny…

That is an excerpt from National Alliance Media Director Kevin Strom in yesterday’s American Dissident Voices weekly broadcast: What Does Not Work | National Vanguard
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Mar 09, 2025 4:04 pm

What an excellent spokesman Keith Woods would be for National Socialism and even for the National Alliance and Cosmotheism once he matures and gets off of the anti-NS kick that is popular on his social media platforms. He evolved beyond the alt-right loser phase he was in, so it is possible for him to become even more intelligent: ... socialism/

Will Williams: March 9, 2025
I had never heard of Keith Woods, née Keith O’Brien, until recent mention of him here on C-C. That’s probably because it appears that he has a presence on every platform there is out there in the virtual world of social media and I do not visit any of them.

In doing a search on the young Mr. Woods I found he had a book published late last year, Nationalism: The Politics of Identity. From what I gather he is an accomplished, erudite writer and has done a good job of providing a history of nationalism through the ages. His book is offered on, where the books of William Pierce have been banned for several years. (but are available, here: Our Titles – Cosmotheism)

Interestingly, this review of Woods’ book appears under the description of it at Amazon:
I wish I knew as much about nationalism as Keith Woods when I was in my twenties. I especially wish I had this book when I was young. Spending a few hours reading it would have saved me years of confusion and searching. So read this book and buy copies of it for promising young people.– Greg Johnson, editor of Counter-Currents Publishing
I figure Woods would have been around 10-years-old when Greg launched C-C. It might have served Greg better to have read Dr. Pierce when he was in his twenties. I know I wish I had.

Did Woods screw up once he allegedly became “over-obsessed with the JQ”? This 1-star reviewer of Nationalism thinks so:
Atlantean: 1.0 out of 5 stars Skip It Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2025 Disappointing. Woods was a promising voice until becoming over-obsessed with the JQ and associating with those of dubious intent. This emerges in his book, which should be avoided.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Mar 09, 2025 8:09 pm

Thanks, Bobby. Let's take a break from discussing National Socialism vs. plain vanilla “ethnic nationalism” and steer things back in the direction of the important but largely disregarded JQ: ... in-brazil/

Will Williams: March 10, 2025
Bobby: March 9, 2025 For those who do not know, Myorkas is a Sephardic Jew.

Antony Blinken, David Cohen, Janet Yellen, Merrick Garland, Avril Haines, Ron Klain, Eric Lander, Rachel Levine, Anne Neuberger, Wendy Sherman, Jeff Zients, and Jared Bernstein — and let’s not forget Douglas Emhoff the Jew “second gentleman” of Joe’s mongrel vice president.

Along with Myorkas these were the answer to the JQ: Who are Joe Biden’s top 15 Jew advisors and cabinet in February 2001?

That’s according to the Jerusalem Post: Joe Biden’s A-Team of Jewish advisers, cabinet members and staff. For those who do not know, all three of Joe’s children have married into Jewish families, so he is proud to have several grandchildren who are automatically eligible for Israeli citizenship by their “interfaith unions.”

Trump 45 was no better than Biden in tapping numerous Jew advisors and cabinet members, nor is Trump 47 — and, of course, he has three Jewish grandchildren by blessing the marraige of his daughter to that ultra-Zionist Hassidic Jewboy, Jared Kushner.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Mar 10, 2025 6:14 pm

I probably should not respond to an anonymous name-caller like this idiot; It's both counterproductive and a waste of time. We will not allow such people to comment on our sites, WB and NV, but Counter-Currents allows such: ... socialism/ This comment posted by me last night awaited moderation but had appeared by today.

Will Williams: March 10, 2025
Hammer: March 10, 2025 Let me guess!! You are going to call me a Jew or fed for pointing out the failures of your spergy neo-Nazi cult LOL! You care more about resurrecting a Germanic supremacist ideology and worshipping a flawed leader than being in the present and preserving the well-being of all whites.

I won’t be calling you anything. You’re an anonymous Internet shadow. Lead on!

I’m content to be in the same small camp with wise Wolf Stoner, who says:

Keith Woods is a part of this trend; its intellectual expression. I am sure that if his and my worldviews were put on the popular ballot, he would have won 99% against 1%. Therefore, I have no claim of presenting a view that is popular and politically advantageous. On the contrary, I am content to define and defend the position that is bound to be utterly indefensible and “morally wrong” according to the prevailing mainstream vision. More than this; I don’t care either about public opinion, nor about prevailing dogmas…
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue Mar 11, 2025 11:33 am

It's nice to see a little agreement on C-C with those of us who do not buy into Keith Woods criticism. ... socialism/

Will Williams: March 11, 2025
Let’s All Drink To The Death Of A Clown: March 11, 2025 100% spot on, Mr. Williams. Since you mentioned Ambassador Kennedy I’m sure you are familiar with, “The Case of Tyler Kent” by John Howland Snow. Kent was a high ranking American embassy official under Ambassador Kennedy and he was passing secret communiques between FDR and Churchill to the anti-Bolshevik faction in Britain, chiefly Lord Archibald Ramsay. These communiques proved that FDR’s administration was doing everything possible to get America into the war despite his campaign promises of keeping America out of the war… This episode used to be on YouTube but I think the BBC has scrubbed it from the Internet…

I’m not familiar with Tyler Kent, but what you say about him makes sense. Roosevelt was in tight as Dick’s hatband with Jews wanting to get America into the European war against Hitler. Fact! Joseph Kennedy was sacked as UK ambassador for being too friendly with Hitler and for being anti-interventionist.

It also makes sense that Jew-owned YouTube would scrub anything that goes against the narrative being pushed by followers of Mr. Woods.

Also if I’m not mistaken Keith Woods has interviewed Alexander Dugin (a friend of Putin who encourages the miscegenation of ethnic Russians with Asiatics, so called “Eurasianism”).…

If true, it doesn’t get much more anti-White than that.
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