Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Feb 07, 2025 6:43 pm

My "boomerism" is showing since I'm unfamiliar with the latest acronyms, probably from social media:

Will Williams: February 7, 2025
Edmund Sigurdsson: As a white (sic) nationalist, I need a way of arguing against the increasing presence of people who aren’t bad immigrants.

Easy: whether good or bad, non-White immigrants, legal or illegal, cannot make White babies — a biological fact.

Before folks start discussing YAXALT, it would be helpful is someone would define NAXALT. It hasn’t made it into Jew-owned Mirriam-Webster yet.

“naxalt” The word you’ve entered isn’t in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above [for these words]: noxal, basalt, exalt, unexalted, G salt, R salt, bay salt, coaxal, desalt, exalte, coxal, and a dozen or so more.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Feb 08, 2025 2:06 am

A subject I'm interested in discussing is the USAID controversy because I know something first hand about that phony agency. I had to change the topic here to tell it, but most of what I wrote disappeared: ... ri-part-1/

Will Williams: February 8, 2025
With all the fuss this week about USAID pissing away taxpayer dollars for transexual and other LGBQ freaks, disguised as “foreign aid,” I searched C-C and found a single reference here.

Biehl’s parents later forgave [Amy’s] murderers, allowing them to be released early from prison. They even hired two of them to work for the Amy Biehl Foundation, which, according to Theroux, “received almost $2 million from USAID in 1997, for being ‘dedicated to empowering people who are oppressed.’”…[Theroux] can barely hide his contempt for [the nigger savages that pulled Amy from her car and stabbed and stoned her to death] and professes no sympathy for her parents’ misguided compassion…“They killed her because she was white.”


WikiJew history of USAID:

Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act on September 4, 1961, which reorganized U.S. foreign assistance programs and mandated the creation of an agency to administer economic aid. The goal of this agency was to counter Soviet Union influence during the Cold War and to advance US soft power through socioeconomic development. USAID was subsequently established by the executive order of President John F. Kennedy, who sought to unite several existing foreign assistance organizations and programs under one agency.

That which is birthed by executive order can die by executive order.

I wrote an anecdote about my experience with USAID and the CIA in Vietnam in 1968 when I was Assistant S-2 (Intelligence) officer for Kien Thong Province, and of occasionally dealing with the CIA’s covert operations, like the Phoenix Program: Phoenix 1967-1971
In 1967 the CIA’s Far East Division of Clandestine Services developed a program that came to be known as Phoenix… aimed at the elimination of high-ranking VC cadre..[Long-time CIA operative, subsequently CIA Director, on his second Vietnam tour in 1968,] William E. Colby played the key supervisory role in its implementation…The Phoenix program is arguably the most misunderstood and controversial program undertaken by the governments of the United States and South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. It was, quite simply, a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Lao Dong Party (the Viet Cong Infrastructure or VCI) in South Vietnam. Phoenix was misunderstood because it was classified, and the information obtained by the press and others was often anecdotal, unsubstantiated, or false. The program was controversial because the antiwar movement and critical scholars in the United States and elsewhere portrayed it as an unlawful and immoral assassination program targeting civilians…
My personal anecdote disappeared <poof!>, so maybe later. Let’s just say USAID may have served a purpose back then in war — Cold & Hot — but it is past time for it to die. Trump/Musk will kill that sick beast.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Feb 08, 2025 11:14 pm

We revisit the ridiculous acronym. Can someone tell me what NAXALT stands for? And now another, YAXALT. :roll:

Will Williams:
February 9, 2025
Ferdinand Magellan: February 8, 2025 I call NAXALT on Filipinos…

I see. So, it’s sort of like calling balls and strikes. You like Filipinos, so NAXALT can be an easy-to-hit pitch right down the middle to them, for a strike. You don’t seem to care much for Blacks, so you call YAXALT on them, or a ball, hard and inside, a brushback, or even hit them.

They are the only nonwhite ethnic group in the US who actually likes and respects Americans and (usually) prefers them to blacks.

So? The Philippines is their homeland with thousands of islands to choose from and settle on among their own kind. Why have them here in our living space, our breeding space, when they cannot make White babies?

In Vietnam back in the 1960s we had Filipino tech reps who kept our vehicles and riverine crafts operational. They were competent, inoffensive and loved their Special Forces taskmasters, but didn’t care much for the Vietnamese. Fast forward 60 years. In our new, multiracial Army they are no longer confined to the motor pool. WikiJews reports:
The Special Forces Regiment (Airborne) is a Special Operations Forces unit of the Philippine Army. The unit is based on and continually trains with its American counterpart, the U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets).
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Douglas Mercer
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Feb 08, 2025 11:39 pm

Not All (X) Are Like That - NAXALT

The mistaken belief that because you can name someone among a group who is "not like that", it nullifies the fact that the majority is in fact like that.

Such as when someone points to one negro who has never knocked off a liquor store and they use that to (supposedly) prove that negros are not in fact feral savages.

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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Feb 09, 2025 1:01 am

Now we're getting into the serious subjects of naming the Jew and Jewish origins of Christinsanity:

Will Williams: February 9, 2025
Let’s All Drink to the Death of a Clown: February 8, 2025 I thank Providence that I was able to come across such titans of our people like Dr. Revilo P. Oliver and Dr. William Pierce who were able to succinctly explain to me WHAT Christianity actually was, it’s effects on our racial soul and it’s origins as a literal Jewish conspiracy designed to destroy the Roman Empire and therefore by extent, the White Race…


All 18 chapters of Dr. Oliver’s Origins of Christianity are here: The Origins of Christianity, part 1 | National Vanguard We will be republishing Origins in book form in the next month or so. We’re also looking to republish Nicholas Carter’s The Christ Myth, another important titlle for weaning our people from Jesus juice.

Snippet from Oliver’s Origins, part 1:

In 1980, especially in the United States, there was a massive “upsurge” of Christianity. In November, one of America’s many bawling evangelists, Oral Roberts, had an interview with Jesus and took the opportunity to observe that Jesus is nine hundred feet tall. That datum so impressed his followers that within two weeks, it is said, they supplied him with an extra $5,000,000 to supplement the $45,000,000 they give him annually. A little earlier, another holy man, Don Stewart, reportedly made the big time in evangelism (i.e., an annual take of more than $10,000,000) by distributing to his votaries snippets of his underwear, which True Believers put under their pillows, since the bits of cloth that had been in contact with his flesh had absorbed the mana of his holiness. And in the quadrennial popularity contest to determine which actor was to have the star role in the White House, all three of the presidential candidates deemed it expedient to announce that they had “got Jesus” and been “born again.”

Dr. Pierce had plenty to say about Christianity, but summed up with, “it’s not grounded in reality.” Nietzsche said (paraphrasing) that in order to supplant an existing belief system (Christianity) with another, the ground must first be cleared of that existing belief system.

So Pierce dedicated his life to creating that belief system, a real one, that is much more suitable for Aryan peoples, geared for the long-term preservation of the best of our precious gene pool.

Drs. Oliver and Pierce and other unnamed titans of our race are no longer with us but their bodies of work are preserved and live on. We have many new titans in training to take their places. One of my favorites is Dr. Thomas Dalton. We currently offer 28 of his books titles in our online bookstore, with four out of stock but reordered, here: Thomas Dalton – Cosmotheism

Speaking of Nietzsche and Christianity, Dalton’s essay: Nietzsche and the Origins of Christianity | National Vanguard An excerpt:

OVER THE COURSE of two thousand years, Christianity has grown from nothing to the largest religion on the planet. Some 2.1 billion people now consider themselves Christian, about one third of all of humanity. It significantly outnumbers Islam, in second place with 1.5 billion members.(1) America is among the most religious of all industrialized nations; about 77 percent are Christians, and most of these are regular church-goers. And yet few people, even Christians themselves, understand the origin of this most influential religion. In one sense, we will never truly understand exactly what events transpired two millennia ago, in that land of shepherds, nomads, and dusty villages of the near Middle East. Archeology tells us some things, ancient documents others. But these give us only an outline of the facts of that place and time. If we wish to comprehend early Christianity and its implications for today, many gaps must be filled in—by analysis, probability, guesswork, and faith.

Friedrich Nietzsche took a great interest in Christianity and its allied religion, Judaism.(2) This interest was strikingly—shockingly—negative. The title of his final book, Antichrist, gives a good indication. For Nietzsche, Christianity was decadent, weak, and nihilistic. It led to a sickly, subservient herd morality and suffocated the quest for human excellence. Worst of all, it replaced a life-affirming naturalness with an otherworldly, life-denying negativism. It has become, in fact, “the greatest misfortune of mankind so far” (Antichrist, sec. 51).(3) This disaster of Christianity is impossible to understand, he said, without grasping its Jewish roots. Thus it is not simply Christianity, but Judeo-Christianity, that must be examined with brutal honesty, if we are to overcome its weaknesses…
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Feb 09, 2025 12:45 pm

Stephen Paul Foster asks "Who Really Was Obama?, then provides his answer in 2,000 words: ... was-obama/ Foster left out that Barack was/is an "obvious homosexual," but a fellow commenter brought that up.

Will Williams: February 9, 2025
“Obama was a race-hustler;” “a fraud.” That sums the half-White mongrel up. Thanks.

Uncle Semantic: February 5, 2025 … ‘Community organizer’ always sounded to me like handing out free lunches to the homeless downtrodden, distributing books to yoof, and paintball as substitute for gang shootings. It’s a fraud term raceless Whites eat up…

I’m no raceless White, nor are my associates. We’re organizers of an exclusive White community, so was pleased to see that term popularized by the HNIC.

Previously, when asked by someone, “What do you do?” I might answer, “I’m an artist,” or “retired,” or “none of your business,” or “why do you ask?” Now, depending on who’s asking, I might respond: “I’m a community organizer” — like your 44th president was, except only for our White community, excluding his.

Accceptable, defensible job title for what we do.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Feb 09, 2025 1:31 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sat Feb 08, 2025 11:39 pm
Not All (X) Are Like That - NAXALT

The mistaken belief that because you can name someone among a group who is "not like that", it nullifies the fact that the majority is in fact like that.

Such as when someone points to one negro who has never knocked off a liquor store and they use that to (supposedly) prove that negros are not in fact feral savages.
Thanks, Douglas. Mystery solved. How many Whites we're trying to reach would recognize that esoteric acronym, when, if they have a lick of common sense, they know that all niggers are not street thugs? Duh! Too clever by half.

So, I suppose YAXALT means "Yes All Niggers (X) are like that." Wrong!

The acronym TNB doesn't confuse people and says it better, and once they know what it means may even start using it themselves.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:09 pm

About #44 and his political campaigns: ... unting-on/

AOA: February 9, 2025   The first time I saw an “Obama” campaign sign, when I lived in rural Illinois in 2004, I thought it was a tasteless exercise in black (“black” as in dark, not racial) humor. At the time, the American empire was on a worldwide search for the terrorist leader Osama bin Laden...
Interesting.  That could explain why Obongo didn't include his middle name in his campaigns? The Muslim vote wouldn't have been enough to carry the half-White mongrel <ahem!> "community organizer" across the finish line.

Yet, the Chicago Machine and its state political cronies can perform wonders when they realize they will profit handsomely...
I don't recall who said it, but in describing Obama's 2008 presidential victory, he blurted out that "it was a victory of Chicago Jews over New York Jews." Sounded right. I was pulling for Ron Paul, but he didn't have any Jew machine behind him.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Feb 10, 2025 12:57 am

I deduce that Dave Chambers is in his early 20s and has been on a fast track to become a leader, judging by his essays on C-C: ... -the-word/ However, I don't see that he's had that much experience, or a serious mentor to carefully shape him like I and Kevin Strom and others have had in William Pierce, who definitely was "in the arena" and "spent himself for our worthy cause."

Will Williams: February 10, 2025
Some useful tips here, Dave.

Here are more, advising us 41 years ago, from arguably our greatest, most forward-looking racial leader of the second half of the 20th century.

Technology and alternative media have advanced since then to where we can reach a much wider audience of our kinsmen with our message, much more quickly, but human nature is the same, so we do not have to reinvent the wheel.

The text is too long to post as a comment, but is worth reading for those seriously interested in recruiting for The Cause.: Personal Recruiting for the White Cause | National Vanguard

The piece concludes with an excerpt from a memorable speech given by Theodore Roosevelt while in France in 1910, referring to the rare “man in the arena” who perseveres, who will “spend himself for the cause” despite difficulties, opposition, or discouragement. He is the man I’m always on the lookout for as leader material.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Feb 10, 2025 2:12 pm

Alliance members who are not familiar with Dr. Pierce's advice on recruiting new members into our organization need to read this and part 2 that will follow. C-C is not really an organization, but they do "spread the word." Some there may find this helpful: ... -the-word/

Will Williams: February 10, 2025
Dave Chambers: Know Who to Target, and Who Not to Target

When political campaigns send canvassers out to talk to potential voters, they tend to be quite deliberate in selecting which areas they target. This is extremely sensible, as there is simply not enough time or money to send someone to speak to every possible voter in person. 


Who to target with pro-White material is such an importan topic. Thanks for raising it. My opionon is that recruiting people for our cause from a pool of potential voters isn't taking "high percentage shots."  I'd call it the shotgun approach. What would you send them? But good luck if it works. Potential voters in political campaigns are likely to still believe Whites can vote our way out of the Judaized mess our country has become. We cannot.

Prompted by Who Not to Target I found the recruiting advice I was looking for from Dr. Pierce to his National Alliance members 32 years ago. It's six types of defectives to avoid when recruiting for our organization.  For brevity, here are the first three. Take them for what they're worth. I'll follow with the other three. 

Part 1

The importance of keeping defective people out of our ranks cannot be overemphasized. It is not just that we want to be proud of our membership in an elite organization, nor is it just that some types of defective people are nuisances or distractions rather than assets. Defective members are the single greatest threat to the success or even the survival of the National Alliance, more so than the government or organized Jewry. For every organization which is brought to grief by a spy, an infiltrator, or a provocateur, a dozen are wrecked by a member with a severe character flaw.

A few of the more common defective types to be avoided by the recruiter are described below.

The talker: Gossip is an almost universal human pastime, among men as well as women. Most people, even if they don’t talk much themselves, like to hear other people talk about their neighbors and co-workers. The desire to express one’s opinions or to listen to a bit of gossip occasionally is not necessarily a weakness or a sign of poor character. In some people, however, talkativeness goes beyond reasonable bounds: the desire to talk becomes a compelling need.

Compulsive talking is generally regarded as a feminine trait, but the problem occurs in men as well as in women. It is a trait we do not want in our members.

In the first place, compulsive talking tends to serve as a substitute for action: The talker is seldom a doer. In the second place, it more often than not indicates an underlying personality defect: The person who talks too much to his friends is likely to be a weak person who will yield to pressure to betray those same friends if he finds himself in a difficult situation. And in the third place, any organization, like the National Alliance, which is surrounded by people who would like to see it come to grief must exercise some control over information about its members and activities; control is difficult to exercise if compulsive talkers are in our ranks.

The hobbyist: The inexperienced recruiter may assume that a person who reads many racially oriented periodicals, belongs to two or three other organizations, and likes to talk about personalities and activities in these organizations is a good prospect. Usually that isn’t true. The person who has made a hobby of the White resistance “movement” may be persuaded to expand the scope of his hobby by joining the National Alliance, but in most cases he isn’t the sort of member we want.

The hobbyist is a person who joins an organization primarily for recreational purposes and has little or no understanding of service, commitment, or loyalty. He may pay his dues every month, but he can never be entrusted with organizational responsibility, and we usually won’t want him to come in contact with our other members.

Like the talker, he has difficulty with the idea of responsibility. Whether he understands it or not, his most basic motive is to amuse himself, and his decisions often can be traced to this motive. He will choose to do what is exciting or interesting or titillating rather than what is prudent or useful.

The hobbyist usually lacks a sense of discrimination. To him any organization which asserts its commitment to the cause of White survival and progress is part of the “movement” and is worthy of respect, regardless of how infantile its actions or ill-planned its program; and any person who mouths the right slogans is regarded as a “comrade,” regardless of character or other personal qualities.

There are several telltale signs that often permit a hobbyist to be spotted immediately, or that should at least lead the recruiter to be wary:

• Wearing of exotic uniform pieces or insignia is a dead giveaway. Hobbyists are at heart game-players, dabblers in make-believe. Wearing an old Afrika Korps cap or a swastika lapel pin helps a hobbyist to feel that he is playing the game. Non-exotic uniform pieces — camouflage fatigues or combat boots in inappropriate situations — also may indicate hobbyism.

• Coming to a meeting with non-relevant “movement” publications in hand is a standard hobbyist failing. The hobbyist likes to play “show and tell.” He hopes that the material he has brought will make him the center of attention and provide a titillating subject for conversation. It does not occur to him — and it wouldn’t make any difference if it did — that he is distracting other members and defocusing their attention from the task of the National Alliance.

• Fascination with what is happening in the “movement,” instead of in the National Alliance, is a hobbyist characteristic. The “movement,” consisting as it does of scores of organizations, provides a much larger arena for the hobbyist to play his games. It doesn’t matter how inconsequential these other organizations are, since it’s all a game of make-believe anyway. The fellow who is bubbling over with information about the latest pratfalls of some Imperial Wizard or the details of a feud between two newsletter publishers is probably a hobbyist.

The gung-ho loudmouth: Not to be confused with the talker, who is usually of a passive disposition, the gung-ho loudmouth is a would-be activist who shoots from the lip. He likes to let off steam by proposing direct action against the enemies of White civilization, immediately if not sooner. He’ll pick up a newspaper, point to a news item about some outrageous act by Blacks or Jews or the government, and exclaim, “What are we going to do about that? Why are we just talking and publishing books? The time has come for action. Let’s go get those SOBs!”

His idea of “action” is something which will cause a public stir and get the Alliance mentioned on the evening news. He wants excitement. He wants to get in some licks. Often he imagines that he has had a “success” if he has been able to provoke an angry confrontation with some member of the public who has taken exception to a piece of Alliance material or to something the loudmouth has said. Sometimes he imagines that he has leadership potential which has been overlooked by the leaders of the National Alliance, and that the rank and file will gather around him if he talks and acts the way he thinks a leader should talk and act, based on his careful observation of many of Hollywood’s most dramatic and exciting action films.

Of course, there is a time for action of the sort this fellow wants. Some of the activities Local Units engage in may make the evening news. Most of the Alliance’s activities don’t make headlines, however. Most don’t involve street action. Most seem like pretty tame stuff to the gung-ho loudmouth. The recruiter must try to decide whether his prospect is capable of calming down and becoming a disciplined Alliance member when he understands the Alliance’s program better, or whether he is someone who is absolutely set on street activity for its own sake. In the latter case, if there is a Local Unit in the area which regularly engages in street activity, perhaps it can put a gung-ho recruit to good use; but if there isn’t, this fellow probably should be left to make his own headlines without getting the Alliance involved. As a member he would only cause morale problems — and perhaps legal problems — for other members with whom he came in contact.

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