Let’s All Drink to the Death of a Clown: February 8, 2025
I thank Providence that I was able to come across such titans of our people like Dr. Revilo P. Oliver and Dr. William Pierce who were able to succinctly explain to me WHAT Christianity actually was, it’s effects on our racial soul and it’s origins as a literal Jewish conspiracy designed to destroy the Roman Empire and therefore by extent, the White Race…
All 18 chapters of Dr. Oliver’s Origins of Christianity are here: The Origins of Christianity, part 1 | National Vanguard We will be republishing Origins in book form in the next month or so. We’re also looking to republish Nicholas Carter’s The Christ Myth, another important titlle for weaning our people from Jesus juice.
Snippet from Oliver’s Origins, part 1:
In 1980, especially in the United States, there was a massive “upsurge” of Christianity. In November, one of America’s many bawling evangelists, Oral Roberts, had an interview with Jesus and took the opportunity to observe that Jesus is nine hundred feet tall. That datum so impressed his followers that within two weeks, it is said, they supplied him with an extra $5,000,000 to supplement the $45,000,000 they give him annually. A little earlier, another holy man, Don Stewart, reportedly made the big time in evangelism (i.e., an annual take of more than $10,000,000) by distributing to his votaries snippets of his underwear, which True Believers put under their pillows, since the bits of cloth that had been in contact with his flesh had absorbed the mana of his holiness. And in the quadrennial popularity contest to determine which actor was to have the star role in the White House, all three of the presidential candidates deemed it expedient to announce that they had “got Jesus” and been “born again.”
Dr. Pierce had plenty to say about Christianity, but summed up with, “it’s not grounded in reality.” Nietzsche said (paraphrasing) that in order to supplant an existing belief system (Christianity) with another, the ground must first be cleared of that existing belief system.
So Pierce dedicated his life to creating that belief system, a real one, that is much more suitable for Aryan peoples, geared for the long-term preservation of the best of our precious gene pool.
Drs. Oliver and Pierce and other unnamed titans of our race are no longer with us but their bodies of work are preserved and live on. We have many new titans in training to take their places. One of my favorites is Dr. Thomas Dalton. We currently offer 28 of his books titles in our online bookstore, with four out of stock but reordered, here: Thomas Dalton – Cosmotheism
Speaking of Nietzsche and Christianity, Dalton’s essay: Nietzsche and the Origins of Christianity | National Vanguard An excerpt:
OVER THE COURSE of two thousand years, Christianity has grown from nothing to the largest religion on the planet. Some 2.1 billion people now consider themselves Christian, about one third of all of humanity. It significantly outnumbers Islam, in second place with 1.5 billion members.(1) America is among the most religious of all industrialized nations; about 77 percent are Christians, and most of these are regular church-goers. And yet few people, even Christians themselves, understand the origin of this most influential religion. In one sense, we will never truly understand exactly what events transpired two millennia ago, in that land of shepherds, nomads, and dusty villages of the near Middle East. Archeology tells us some things, ancient documents others. But these give us only an outline of the facts of that place and time. If we wish to comprehend early Christianity and its implications for today, many gaps must be filled in—by analysis, probability, guesswork, and faith.
Friedrich Nietzsche took a great interest in Christianity and its allied religion, Judaism.(2) This interest was strikingly—shockingly—negative. The title of his final book, Antichrist, gives a good indication. For Nietzsche, Christianity was decadent, weak, and nihilistic. It led to a sickly, subservient herd morality and suffocated the quest for human excellence. Worst of all, it replaced a life-affirming naturalness with an otherworldly, life-denying negativism. It has become, in fact, “the greatest misfortune of mankind so far” (Antichrist, sec. 51).(3) This disaster of Christianity is impossible to understand, he said, without grasping its Jewish roots. Thus it is not simply Christianity, but Judeo-Christianity, that must be examined with brutal honesty, if we are to overcome its weaknesses…