Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 14, 2024 7:45 am

For some reason this comment had not appeared but it had been saved in my email Drafts so was put up today.

Will Williams: May 14, 2024
I’m not sure why this comment did not appear when I prepared it, but I’d saved it and even with Mothers Day having passed, some may find it interesting.
Kök Böri: UN Chinese Language Day. I suppose, one or two years later you would officially forced to celebrate this day…

I don’t know about that, but many racially conscious Whites already commemorate, even solemnize the 4/20 birthday of the greatest fighter against Jewish Marxism — for reasons quoted above — the same man that the Jew and his collaborators claim is the most evil man in history.

As for official holidays, think of this tender poem this weekend as you honor your own dear mother:

When your mother has grown older,
When her dear, faithful eyes
No longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks –
Then lend her your arm in support,
Escort her with happy pleasure.
The hour will come when, weeping, you
Must accompany her on her final walk.
And if she asks you something,
Then give her an answer.
And if she asks again, then speak!
And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.
And if she cannot understand you properly
Explain all to her happily.
The hour will come, the bitter hour,
When her mouth asks for nothing more.

-Adolf Hitler, 1923
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 14, 2024 8:26 am

A frequent commentator at C-C liked the latest comment I'd made, above, so I returned the "Like" and explained why I am commenting at C-C where many nominally pro-Whites gather. I also linked to another strong Dalton essay at NV.

Will Williams: May 11, 2024
kolokol: May 10, 2024 I have never read the National Vanguard, but now I might. I like your quotes from both Thomas Dalton and William Pierce. I should read their work...

You are already quite Jew-wise, kolocol. I see my job is to educate and further radicalize the few Whites like you who can be radicalized even further by introducing them to the works of some of our best leaders, like Pierce and Dalton. For instance, those who consider themselves pro-White should not be supporting either side in the brothers’ war — Whites killing Whites — in Ukraine. To disabuse Whites from supporting the Jew-backed, Jew-led Ukrainians. See Dalton’s fascinating, fact-packed "The Jewish Hand in World War Three" at

Dalton and Russian Alliance member Wolf Stoner will provide just as compelling reasons for why racially conscious Whites should neither support Putin’s neo-Bolshevik Kremlin regime.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 14, 2024 6:48 pm

Radicalization is a slow but necessary process. It might begin by just capitalizing the word White when referring to our race. A review of a new book, The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart : ... waking-up/

Will Williams: May 15, 2024
Devon: May 13, 2024 Graduate of Yale and Harvard plus senior fellow at the Claremont Institute are major red flags.

Agree. The pointy-headed intellectuals in their ivy-covered towers will never do a goddamned thing for radicalizing the White man, though they occasionally will find for us a useful stat.

In the 1960 Census, nearly half of US states were 95% white [sic]. 14 states were 98% white [sic]. Today the whitest [sic] state is Maine, at 90% white [sic]. Only 23% of children in California are white [sic].

In just 64 years American Whites have lost their collective backbone and are well on their way to lose their living space, with barely a shot fired. The environmentalists call it “habitat succession” when one sub-species follows Nature’s imperative and takes over the traditional habitat of another that won’t or cannot fight to survive.

Dave Chambers: May 14, 2024 Obviously, I’d much prefer Jews to start championing White interests instead of opposing them at every turn, but the normalization of White Identity politics, while necessary, is a means to an end and not an end in itself.

White preservation is the end, Dave.

Do you really expect Jew parasites to ever champion interests of their White hosts? Should White hosts then also champion the interests of parasitic Jewry? That would only be equitable, free from dreaded bias.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri May 17, 2024 10:27 pm

I can't help myself when I see such bilge as this being spouted on a supposedly pro-White site: ... entalists/ Another opportunity to introduce readers at C-C to National Vanguard.

Will Williams: May 18, 2024
Simply put, we have to meet fundamentalists where they’re at, even when our own personal beliefs differ. We need to respect their religious views if we’re going to get anywhere with them.

We? Speak for yourself, thanks.

I and other realists, particularly Cosmotheists, don’t have to respect superstitious, gullible, Bible thumping herd animals. If salvageable, they must come our way or be left behind with the other deracinated rabble; we certainly will never be buying their Jewish spookcraft or pretending to.

For you Trumpsters out there, consider this fundamentalist Shabbos goy who is still quite likely to be tapped as The Donald’s running mate, considering the other lesser lights on the GOP short list:

“Video: Christian Crazy Watch — Mike Pompeo Says Trump Possibly Sent by God to Help Jews” at
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri May 17, 2024 10:59 pm

Greg Johnson weighed in with an article about Derek Black transitioning into Dereka Black: ... postasy-2/ It later became a back and forth between me and Greg over his admiration for the crazyman Pastor Lindstadt.

C.E. Whiteoak: May 13, 2024
Yes Greg, I remember those things well. The odd clothing, the hair and that horrid, greasy leather hat. I hoped he would grow out of it and did not realize he was plunging down the path of darkness.

Will Williams: May 15, 2024
Thoughtful essay Greg. Thanks.

Joe Gould: May 10, 2024 Going trans is a horrible form of choosing what is fashionable over truth and reality…

Forget Dereka. Next he’ll embrace coprophilia and write a NY Times best-seller. Who cares?

Reminds me of William Pierce’s classic essay from 30 years ago “Truth Before Fashion” at

Then, enter the nutty pastor...

Pastor Martin Lindstedt: May 14, 2024
WhiteNationalism is a bigger scam than “Conservatism”

I don’t see why people are whining about Don Black’s gaywad sperg cumming out as a tranny after gettin some kikess pussy and leaving “White Nationalism” which is a failed scam like “Kosher KhannedServantism” and was first mentioned by David Duck after he got called out for selling the mailing addresses of Mississippi and Lousiana Klansmen to federal informants, and Republican government candidate Robert Fowler and left the Klan after being accused of being a crook. The old timers who were my mentors after the Ft. Smith Sedition trial rebuilding told me that the Duck didn’t care for anything other than money and pussy. The Duck got onto the Internuts in his sundry incarnations in the 1990s as a “White Nationalist” leader. The Duck pled guilty to being a crook and the rest of the so-called White Nationalist “leaders” signed a “New Orleans Protocol” to not speak ill of the Duck who gave his Klan to Thom Robb, whose lawyer spawn Jason is a member of Bryan Reo’s Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas/ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center as is your recent guest Jason Lee Van Dyke. Seems like you “White Nationalists” prefer to keep the “White Nationalist” scam up because I got blocked for posting embarrassing posts like the 2017 FMI/ZPLC 501 c3 IORS posting. ... 0501c3.pdf

Now my white supremacist mentors were never adverse to violence and civil warfare. I’ve lost my inheritance to Bryan Reo civil lawfare to the point I’ve suggested […] much like Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky as first head of the Cheka did to win the Bolshevik Revolution against the Russian Empire social parasites and predators. “White Nationalism” is merely a weak pussazoid reaction – a scam — to a Satanic mighty evil empire which is on the way out anyways.

In the case of Don Black he merely was a ZOGbot who like jewboy Linder is running a data-mining operation to hoover up the whiggaz-mites and geezer-gelt in a bowel Movement coonsisting of whiggers looking for “leadership” as ZOG falls apart. Don Black used to beg or $7500 a month for what he admitted in 2017 when he got his forum domain name back cost him $92 for hosting and $200 for cloud flare per month while begging for $7500 in part to host his sperg spawn on a nigger am radio station. Well, with the ZOGbux given by tards seking to save the whigger race Don Black had enough ZOGbux to send his gaywad spawn to a gliberal college where he learned to love jews and niggers and now the messed up gaywad spawn wants to cut off its nuts and had ghost-written another “I haet daddy the racist a-hole” book.

No great loss. Pity more of these tards and theys’ fucked-up spawn can’t r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. from our wonderfool bowel Movement.

In the past decade it has been “lone tards” such as Dylann Roof or Robert Bowers who have accomplished bigger blows against ZOG than Internuts Activists feeding newbie whiggers like David Duck, jewboy Linder, or See-Eye Dentists like Baal Finck who turne out to be jews or “white nationalists” like Dickie Spenthwer or Bi_Polar Bradifer Griffin / Cunthair Walrus or Greggie5G Johnson. ZOG biowar such as prion-poisoning or Covid-19 and the jewwkrainian war or Gazacaust wars have spellt the end of ZOG, not whigger nutsionist bitching for fun and profit.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryn Nations of Missouri
Candidate Newton County Eastern District Commissioner

Will Williams:
May 15, 2024
You are a certified nut, Pastor, but I have to admit I like much of what you have the say about the WN bowel movement.
Greg Johnson: May 15, 2024
I think he’s a brilliant surrealist writer. Our James Joyce. Our Captain Beefheart.

Will Williams: May 16, 2024
Just goes to show there’s no accounting for tastes. Some prefer surrealism; I like realism.

Lindstadt is entertaining but not rational. However, some of his criticism of the greater WN bowel movement is right on, so he might make some people think. I’ll read him here as long as you allow his scribblings. He believes his resurrected Church of Jesus Christ Christian, that should have died with Richard Butler years ago, is the answer. That’s surreal enough for the pastor’s followers, I suppose; I’m sure you’re not one of them.

I wouldn’t follow him to a worm wrestle but to ease back on-topic, I have to agree with him when he writes this:

I don’t see why people are whining about Don Black’s gaywad sperg cumming out as a tranny after gettin some kikess pussy and leaving “White Nationalism” which is a failed scam…
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 18, 2024 8:17 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Fri May 17, 2024 10:27 pm

I can't help myself when I see such bilge as this being spouted on a supposedly pro-White site: ... entalists/ Another opportunity to introduce readers at C-C to National Vanguard.

Will Williams: May 18, 2024
Simply put, we have to meet fundamentalists where they’re at, even when our own personal beliefs differ. We need to respect their religious views if we’re going to get anywhere with them.

We? Speak for yourself, thanks.

I and other realists, particularly Cosmotheists, don’t have to respect superstitious, gullible, Bible thumping herd animals. If salvageable, they must come our way or be left behind with the other deracinated rabble; we certainly will never be buying their Jewish spookcraft or pretending to.

For you Trumpsters out there, consider this fundamentalist Shabbos goy who is still quite likely to be tapped as The Donald’s running mate, considering the other lesser lights on the GOP short list:

“Video: Christian Crazy Watch — Mike Pompeo Says Trump Possibly Sent by God to Help Jews” at

Things have heated up nicely since I posted the comment above yesterday. See for yourselves here: ... entalists/. So far it's pretty much me, promoting Cosmotheism, against the ones who are satisfied with our cause remaining mostly Christian. Over my dead body, gentlemen. :roll: Managed to put up several of our links and promote the Cosmotheist Bible:

Will Williams:
May 19, 2024
Jim Goad: May 18, 2024 …[The] “movement” was invaded around six or seven years ago by people who insist you become a religious dogmatist…

Interesting. I have no idea who those “movement” invaders were and look forward to your next feature to learn about them. Whoever they were they could not invade either the Cosmotheist Community Church nor the National Alliance without coming through me. I have finely-tuned radar for detecting dogmatists who try to tell us what we need to believe.

Cosmotheism was officially founded by Dr. William Pierce nearly 50 years ago, separate from the “movement” of the day which was still mostly right-wing conservative and nominally Christian, and still is.

Many “movement” folks despise Cosmotheists because we refuse to accept their mythical “king of the Jews,” Jesus, as our personal savior. That dogmatic requisite is their problem, not ours.

I’m pleased to report that our bookstore just sold four more copies of Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future in the past two days, offered here”: New religions are slow to build.

“Deep inside all of us, in our race-soul, there is a source of divine wisdom, of ages-old wisdom, of wisdom as old as the Universe. That is the wisdom, the truth, of Cosmotheism. It is a truth of which most of us have been largely unconscious all our lives, but which now we have the opportunity to understand clearly and precisely.”

Thus William Pierce bids men and women of the European race to understand ourselves and our purpose.

Dr. William Luther Pierce’s Cosmotheism is not a revealed religion, but is instead what he called a natural religion: It rejects all of the claimed supernatural “revelations” which find their way onto shining golden plates or ancient scrolls, instead having its basis in the realities of Nature that our eyes — and the investigations of science — have confirmed. In the drama of the evolution of life from non-living matter, and of higher and more conscious beings from lower forms of life, William Pierce sees a path of purpose and destiny for us.

This new, definitive book provides the reader with the only guide to Cosmotheism published by the Cosmotheist Church itself. In effect, it is the Cosmotheist bible. It contains all of William Pierce’s important Cosmotheist works, including the Cosmotheist Trilogy, his essays from internal National Alliance and Cosmotheist Community publications, and his lectures at the Community’s first gatherings in Arlington, Virginia in the 1970s…

JG: That’s why my next feature will be called something along the lines of “The Other Great Replacement: Religion for Race.”

My two favorite subjects — the primacy of race and promoting a suitable spiritual philosophy for the Aryan race.

Cosmotheism is neither exotic, nor pagan, or neo-pagan (Wiccan?) as some here at C-C have suggested, nor is it a “requisite” for joining the NA. Though Jews and other non-Whites are ineligible, Christians are eligible to apply.

Cosmotheism can be considered heathen, perhaps, in the sense that our belief system is not Semitic (Judaism, Christianity, nor Islam), but is more an expansion of pantheism — further developed by William Pierce for our race as the alternative to Christianity which has had our people worshipping their racial enemy’s imaginary deity. How stupid is that?

WikiJews will not mention Cosmotheism favorably in their entry for pantheism, of course, but mention this about Giordano Bruno

…an Italian friar who evangelized about a transcendent and infinite God, was burned at the stake in 1600 by the Roman Inquisition. He has since become known as a celebrated pantheist and martyr of science.

Would not a more fitting biography of our race’s hero Bruno be that by Robert Green Ingersoll from 153 years ago? Here: “Julian the Apostate and Giordano Bruno” on

WikiJews cannot mention (or even capitalize) Cosmotheism without citing their ADL and SPLC coreligionists — our watchdogs — in a requisite smear of Dr. Pierce, claiming it is a “tax dodge”:

In the 1970s, Pierce adopted the religious philosophy of cosmotheism, based on a mixture of German romanticism, the Darwinian concept of natural selection, and Pierce’s interpretation of George Bernard Shaw’s play Man and Superman. The Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center both allege that Pierce utilized cosmotheism in order to acquire tax-exempt status for the National Alliance after he had failed to do so earlier.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon May 20, 2024 12:41 pm

Margot Metroland writes a review of a biography of Robert Welch: I point to Kevin Strom's Oliver Website.

Will Williams:
May 20, 2024
…National Review, which published Revilo P. Oliver’s book reviews throughout this period. Prof. Oliver had been with NR since its founding, and did not break with the JBS until 1966.

Read about Dr. Oliver’s 1966 break with JBS, here: “Revilo Oliver on the John Birch Society” (

I was not astonished, although I was pained, by the discovery that Welch was merely the nominal head of the Birch business, which he operated under the supervision of a committee of Jews, while Jews also controlled the flow, through various bank accounts, of the funds that were needed to supplement the money that was extracted from the Society’s members by artfully passionate exhortations to “fight the Communists.” As soon as the investigation was complete, including the record of a secret meeting in a hotel at which Welch reported to his supervisors, I resigned from the Birch hoax on 30 July 1966 with a letter in which I let the little man know that his secret had been discovered….

I never met Dr. Oliver but corresponded with him briefly around 1992 and recall having a dictionary handy to look up some of the words he used.

My only brush with JBS was a couple of years later at a gun show where both JBS and our National Alliance had tables, featuring our books and other material. I wandered over to their table and had a little fun, innocently asking three questions of the JBS representative.

1.) What is JBS’s position on race?

What do you mean? JBS has no position on race.

2.) What is JBS’s position on Jews?

What do you mean? JBS has no position on Jews.

3.) OK then. Does JBS have a position on Christianity?

No, why would JBS have a position on Christianity?

So, I’m paraphrasing, but that was the gist of our short dialog. I had made my point and had a couple of Alliance members witness it.

Not only had Oliver been a JBS member, but so had Ben Klassen, Dr. Pierce, even Bob Mathews and Kevin Strom as teenagers. Strom was a close friend of his mentor, Dr. Oliver, and maintains the site linked above.

Everybody had to start somewhere back then. There are entry level organizations today that White newbies follow or join, then move on to more serious ones when they realize that the entry level ones don’t address either race, the JQ or Christianity. Pierce had moved on by the mid-’60s to work with Rockwell who certainly addressed race and the JQ, but not Christianity. It wasn’t time. Klassen addressed all three issues more than 50 years ago, as did Pierce around the same time, independently.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed May 22, 2024 8:46 am

Alleged race-mixer Fred Reed writes another article on Counter-Currents: ... r-promise/ John Sobieski questions why he is being published on the "supposedly White Nationalist website." Good question, John, and an opportunity for me to link to an NV article about Mr. Reed's alleged race-mixing.

Fred's significant other, Violita Gonzalez
(in comment at linked NV article)

Will Williams: May 22, 2024
John Sobieski: May 21, 2024 Fred Reed lives in the nice tourist parts of Mexico and has a Mexican wife and mixed kids, so he’s a shill for latinos and mass immigration… Why is no one talking about this? Why is he being published on this supposedly White Nationalist website?

Good questions, John? This has been discussed before: “American Renaissance and Fred Reed Cuck on the Jewish Question” at

Perhaps Fred will put the allegation of his race-mixing to rest here.

He makes a very good case for why mass deportations will not work at this late stage in multi-racial America. OK, so what will work if serious Whites are serious about preserving our gene pool? Simple: We withdraw our consent to be governed by rules that protect invasive sub-species into our living space and we exercise our freedom to associate only among our own. We self-separate.

Fred says:
Latinos are quiescent. They seem preoccupied with making money while keeping their heads down. They are assimilating.

No, Fred, they are not assimilating with Whites. They are mixing because Whites allow them to mix but they cannot make White babies any more than you have allegedly created with your alleged Latina down Mexico way.

I’m no Trumpster nor a deportista, thank you, and there are others like me. We see the only logical solution for preservation of our race to be determined geographical separation of eligible Whites from Jews and other non-Whites, including from your non-White Latinos, beginning at community level. What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 25, 2024 11:27 am

My comment below Hunter Wallace's positive report about last weekend's gathering, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the radio show Political Cesspool, may or may not appear at C-C since it was awaiting moderation there, but it will appear here at WB unmoderated: ... onference/

Will W Williams: May 25, 2024 Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Hunter Wallace a/k/a Brad Griffin represents the greater big tent “movement” and the recent gathering of its leaders well with this piece. My wife and I had dinner with one of the attendees a couple of days after Political Cesspool’s 20th anniversary celebration and heard a similar upbeat report. One thing he told us was how likeable and what a unifier James Edwards is: “He’s been in business for 20 years and has managed to piss off no one.” James is perfect for that job and I’m told he is moving on to a higher position than radio personality.

No one will be saying that about me. A reason for that is that the National Alliance and Cosmotheism that I represent and promote are the alternative the greater big tent movement. We hold the necessary, uncompromising hard line rather than try to be popular. We don’t “shoot to be mainstream and normal,” as Hunter apparently sets as a goal.

We’re not for everybody, only for a minority of a minority that understand and agree with the program and ideology in Founder William Pierce’s Alliance, primarily strict geographical separation of the best of our race from other races and the “mainstream,” and rejection of the Semitic belief system — Christianity — that so many in the mainstream, and, unfortunately, also in the greater big tent movement either, still embrace or refuse to address. Holding that hard line tends to make one unpopular with the mainstream rather than appeal to it.

So, anyway, enjoy our American Dissident Voices broadcast of this morning, “Memorial Day: What Is Worth Fighting For” at

[W]e need a racial movement and a racial community which is as explicit in its principles as the Founding Fathers should have been in our Constitution, with its members and leaders sharing a deep and scientific understanding of the issues we face as a people. This racial community will be the vanguard which leads our people to freedom and self-determination. This racial community, of which the National Alliance represents the bare beginning, could operate political parties, or alternatively provide the seedbed from which the leaders of those parties are selected, but neither the political parties — nor any mass outreach program — should be ends in themselves.

The hyperlink the vanguard which leads takes the reader to one of our cause’s most forward-looking writers, Andrew Hamilton, and his 2011 article “Types of Courage” at
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 25, 2024 7:11 pm

My comment above eventually passed moderation several hours later. So, I posted another under Dr. Johnson's latest article about something Jared Taylor wrote: Incidentally, Taylor attended the Political Cesspool conference last weekend and Hunter Wallace described the speech he gave there.

Will Williams: May 26, 2024
Greg Johnson: May 25, 2024 Wonderful quote. I love Schopenhauer.

He was Mr. Hitler’s favorite philosopher so you’re in good company.

The Jews are the scum of the earth, but they are also great masters in lying. ― Arthur Schopenhauer
Greg Johnson: May 25, 2024 Why are they [Russians] invading Ukraine then?

Maybe because those in Eastern Ukraine, like those in Crimea, consider themselves to be Russian, not Ukrainian.

A better question might be why in Hell are so many Americans supporting Jew-run Ukraine in that far away border dispute, to the tune of more than $100 billion, while their own southern border is wide open to Third World invaders?

Not that Americans should be supporting the neo-Bolshevik Kremlin regime in that brothers war either. That’s not American Whites’ business any more than is the never-ending Israeli/Palestinian Semite v. Semite border dispute. America is technically bankrupt and throwing worse money after already bad money.

I’m sorry but I can’t take Mr. Taylor seriously and won’t be watching his videos. Jews didn’t “look White” to Mr. Schopenhauer.
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