Peak Aesthetics

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
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Peak Aesthetics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:42 pm

Douglas Mercer
August 27 2023

From the sleek, sharp, and elegant looking Hugo Boss uniforms, to the gasp inducing Cathedral Of Light to the hushed intimacy of the Honor Temple even the National Socialist’s worst detractors from time to time admit they had an exquisite artistic sense, they representing the high-water mark of peak aesthetics. Hitler himself was obsessed by the arts, he’d monitor an exhibition in Vienna at the height of the war and tell his curator to take down a painting of a green dog, it being an example of degenerate art. When he went to Bayreuth as the Chancellor he would sign the guest book under occupation as “artist, writer” and that’s certainly how he saw himself. Indeed there was an odd sense of justice in Hindenburg’s jibe that Hitler was a “Bohemian Corporal”; not in the geographic sense but in that Hitler led a Bohemian existence—late to bed and to rise, without a rigid schedule, and surrounding himself with selected artists and intensely dedicated to the artistic experience.

“An auction house has come under fire (August 21 2023) for selling a collection of Nazi memorabilia including daggers and a belt buckle. Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood in Exeter will sell the collection which features a bronze Goethe medal for Arts and Sciences presented to Dr Emil Haselhoff with an estimate of between £300 and £500. Swastika and eagle armbands have an estimate of between £50 and £70 while a belt buckle is expected to fetch between £100 and £2. A yellow metal Swastika brooch inset with pearls has an estimate of between £40 and £60 whilst a dagger from a serving former Luftwaffe officer has an estimate of between £300 and £400.”

This is what drives the Jews mad and galls them—some eighty years after they thought they consigned the National Socialists to the ash heap of history—they keep coming back. Indeed the fascination with them is endless, and for very good reason. In a paltry age of fake and hollow art, in a degenerate age of mutually assured obsolescence, in a decrepit age of meretricious celebrities, vapid journalists, bought politicians, and burbling intellectuals, there is no other possibility than that those Germans will emerge as the gold standard because for them in all things quality was always job one. What they did has and will continue to pass (with flying colors!) the only test that matters—the test of time. During the war Gerdy Troost took to creating a cottage industry of certificates that Hitler handed out to the worthy. In our day they’d just give you a faded mimeograph with your name and a date on it—but back then she lovingly labored over it and set up a system whereby she turned them into veritable High Art. As was his wont Hitler himself—somewhat busy with the evil bombs falling--oversaw her and worked with her every step of the way. And so these various purely made artifacts (not memorabilia, this is no hobbyism) of the noble regime have attained the status of culture icons themselves. And whether or not the buyers are willing to advocate for the total stripping of the Jews of their civil rights they know the real McCoy when they see it and are willing to pay for the great privilege to own it.

“But antisemitism campaigners have criticized the sale, arguing the items should be withdrawn immediately. Although it is illegal to sell Nazi memorabilia in some European countries - including France and Germany - the practice is not prohibited in the UK. The Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) has urged the Exeter-based auctioneer to withdraw the items from sale after being approached by concerned members of the Jewish community.”

Given the serious and serial sycophancy that England displays to the Jews (see that coming eyesore of a Jew Monument they are putting next to Parliament) it’s shocking that they even allow such a thing. It must be a loophole they forgot to rectify and you can bet these kike whiners and wailers have their paid for pols on the phone and they are working on legislation to close it. And concerned members of the Jewish community misrepresents it, it makes them sound so high minded and civic oriented, when in fact they are red faced and livid that such a thing could occur in the Age Of The Jews. Why, a respected auction house is selling “nazisim” in broad daylight right under their notoriously large noses, they are acting like it’s just another transaction when in fact we all know it’s another Shoah in itself. In public they are grave and serious and like the Magical Mulatto they aver that there is a lot more to be done. But behind the arras you can be sure they have a symbolic baseball bat in hand and are telling everyone who will listen (they all do) from their members of parliament to the dot headed wogs who run the place that they have a decent little career here—be a real shame should something happen to it. After all they all know how puts the schmear on their bagels.

“In a letter to the auctioneers seen by the JC, Stephen Silverman, director of investigations and enforcement at the CAA, wrote: We have been approached by concerned members of the Jewish community regarding the sale of Nazi memorabilia at your auction house, particularly in an upcoming sale on 22nd and 23rd August. We would expect you to be fully aware of the disgust likely to be aroused by your sale of these items, which are forever associated with the genocide of the Jewish people, and are in demand by individuals and groups who believe that the failure of the Nazi regime to succeed in that endeavor is something to be lamented. We urge you to withdraw them from sale immediately and ensure that similar items will not be sold at Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood in the future.”

The keys word here is “enforcement”: these Jews protect their clan tooth and claw in ways that make the Sicilian Mob look like meek and mild-mannered Sunday school teachers who have Hate Has No Home Here signs on their lawns. Indeed the Jews are nothing if not clannish vipers and they use the long since trademarked “genocide against the Jewish people” as a cult and as a cut and paste job they can trot out when events seem to be slipping beyond the control of their grasping and greasy hands. And for the objective observer (rarer and rarer these days) that sickening statement obviates itself, for anyone who thinks about it long enough, and listen to the Jews kvetch and caterwaul long enough, will straightway join the ranks of those who regret that the Germans didn’t take the bull by the horn and wipe the Jews from the face of the earth when they had the chance. Had they we would not be forced to listen to the preachy maunderings of anyone named “Silverman.”

“The Board of Deputies said in a statement: Those with loved ones who suffered or died in the Holocaust would find it distressing, disturbing and hugely disrespectful that sales of Nazi memorabilia are appearing at auction. While the trade in Nazi and other wartime memorabilia is legal, vendors should show sensitivity when handling this kind of merchandise and not put it on general display.”

Here they pull they pull on the saccharine and syrupy heartstrings of sentimentalism—the tiny hat brigade whips out the tiny violin and plays tear-jerking music like they are soulfully playing for time at Auschwitz-Birkenau. One must at all times be “sensitive” to Jews and their special pleading over their special plight, one must gingerly don the kid gloves and handle them with extra loving kindness and care—after all it’s not every race that has been booted out of every country they have ever lived in for absolutely no reason whatsoever, have been pure and sacred innocents hounded and harried and harassed across all space and all time—at least that’s the top line on the propaganda machine they put out and, as is said, they are sticking with it. After all who wants to distress, disturb, or disrespect a Jew in this day and age—not because the Jews are a particularly fragile folk but because everyone knows and lives in mortal fear of the fact that if you do they’ll be hell to pay. Which makes even those with glimmerings of courage stop short and wonder if it’s worth it.

“It comes just weeks after the Canterury Auction Gallery (GAG) was criticized for selling a similar collection earlier this year. The collection included flags, medals, helmets, daggers and Hitler Youth uniforms bearing swastikas. At the time in May, Godrey Fischer, president of the Thanet and District Reform Jewish Synagogue in Kent, said the items belong in a museum, where their place in history can be properly explained.”

Explained away is more like it. The museum and the memorial are the Jew go to venues to deposit anything that appears hateful or hurtful to them, it’s the place where they have their directors and curators to obfuscate and lie, and they have their paid journalists to blast out the news of the exhibit to pass along the party line. The museum or memorial is a hushed and awe-filled place away from the hurly burly of the world where art and history are frozen—and they have their big images of the daggers and the Goethe medals and the blood flags, and the helmets, the deftly crafted propaganda posters, the Fips cartoons, and anything else that appeals to the normal sensibility. And then they have their Jew or Jew controlled writers write a suitably lugubrious deception about its nature and provenance all of which amounts to a flashing deep blood red sign that reads: Danger—High Voltage—Don’t Touch. Or only touch it here, in the Jew sacred place, where it can be filtered and faked, not in the eternal marketplace of ideas where the truth might just prevail. In this way the Jews can fence and ring in the works of their adversaries and tell a tall and tawdry and tearful tale about them and be sure to have the paying public nod in open-mouthed credulity. And the stakes are so high for them because they know that what they are dealing with is the quintessence of pure dynamite, something so beautiful and wholesome and so wondrous and magnificent and pleasing that it’s always liable to escape beyond the curated confines of their discrete curtain and again take on a life of its own. Peak aesthetics, of which the National Socialists were past and present masters of, is always bound to do that. Which why when they do slip the Jews’ always surly bonds it makes them so anxious—and fit to be tied. And it’s then that they say---there really ought to be a law.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Peak Aesthetics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:43 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
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Re: Peak Aesthetics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:43 pm


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Peak Aesthetics

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Aug 28, 2023 12:43 am

While I'm not a memorabilia collector, a friend once gifted me this after finding it at a gun show. I believe it's a replica, and a good one as the blades are made of high carbon steel. It has no markings identifying it. Since we're on the topic of National Socialist war trophies and other materials, I'd like to auction this item off to the highest bidder with all the proceeds being donated to the National Alliance. Will has a library to build from what I hear. Send me a PM with your bid, auction ends September 15th, 2023.
A good quality pocket knife, that's all it is
A good quality pocket knife, that's all it is
Jewish pig sticker.jpg (2.16 MiB) Viewed 331 times
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

Supremely White
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Re: Peak Aesthetics

Post by Supremely White » Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:27 pm

Cool knife there, Jim!
And yet another very excellent article from the talented and quite prolific Doug Mercer.
It’s been far too long since the kikes were ever kicked out from anywhere. Too many of our people have failed to realize that purpose of our lives is not to appease Yahweh’s chosen tribe.
When they tirelessly kvetch about their alleged victimhood, it makes them sound really pathetic.
But there’s no business like Shoa business and they’ve been laughing all the way to their banks.
Hitler was right.

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Will Williams
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Re: Peak Aesthetics

Post by Will Williams » Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:15 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Mon Aug 28, 2023 12:43 am
While I'm not a memorabilia collector, a friend once gifted me this after finding it at a gun show. I believe it's a replica, and a good one as the blades are made of high carbon steel. It has no markings identifying it. Since we're on the topic of National Socialist war trophies and other materials, I'd like to auction this item off to the highest bidder with all the proceeds being donated to the National Alliance. Will has a library to build from what I hear. Send me a PM with your bid, auction ends September 15th, 2023.
Jewish pig sticker.jpg
That is a very nice forbidden memento, Jim. Try auctioning it on eBay. You'll have a much better chance to sell it there than on White Biocentrism.

Another excellent essay by the prolific Mr. Mercer! Thank you again, sir.
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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
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Re: Peak Aesthetics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat May 25, 2024 1:09 pm


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