A Nigger Cellist Opens Up His Pie Hole

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4877
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A Nigger Cellist Opens Up His Pie Hole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 22, 2024 11:24 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 22 2024

Is Rule Britannia out of bounds? Well, of course it is; England used to rule the waves and brought the world everything it has that his worth having in the first place; had the mother country been allowed to move on this course, in conjunction with America and Germany, they would have eventually brought benevolent rule to the benighted; we might have tossed them a banana or two now and again just because we were good guys; and thought it funny how they shuffled, shucked and jived; we would have woken up in paradise every morning to work out our destiny along our own lines unhindered by ankle biting miscreants: but the dark races at the insistent prompting of the Jews had to destroy the hand that fed them; and now we have to feed them anyways as they over run our countries; and you can bet that the benevolent rule is no longer on the cards; more the back of the hand now and the heel of the boot later; no Mr. Nice Guy as has been said: and no nigger cellist will be allowed to pop his nigger mouth off; of that you can be most assured.

“Rule, Britannia! will remain part of the Last Night of the Proms because millions of license fee payers tune in to hear it, the boss of the BBC music festival has said. Sam Jackson rejected calls from star cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, who said the song should be scrapped because its colonial associations made people uncomfortable.”

I never knew that White homelands were meant to make a nigger cellist happy. That is a new one on me by the gods. No one named Sheku should be allowed in England and the hell of it was this nigger was actually born there, in Nottingham of all places which only goes to show that a new Sheriff in town is required. If you search a little you can see this curly headed monkey grimace as he plucks the string and plays White music—this too should be disallowed. No black man should be permitted to even hum White music on pain of punishment. But this dark and loathsome congoid has something called an MBE, which is some kind of big award from the government thought, to be fair, at this late date they now hand such things out like the tawdry baubles at the bottom of a cracker jack box. But for all the misbegotten laurels and largesse the White man has stupidly rained down on this ugly gorilla the monkey has no gratitude. It’s not that we want gratitude--we want expulsion at the point of a bayonet---but from a merely human perspective you might think that some would be forthcoming. But the mistake here is a kind of misprision, to make the wrong assumption that this orangutan is human. He’s not. So he will tour the world and speak wildly of colonial associations. Colonizing just so you know was the White man bringing order and civilization to a backward world, it was the White man making the world a springboard to the stars. And now with his kind ruling the world the stars look farther away than ever, and though Rule Britannia can still be played—for the time being mind you---these apes won’t let up until the last vestiges of its greatness is thoroughly expunged from the world.

“The mother of a cellist who called for Rule, Britannia! to be axed from the Last Night of the Proms has told of her horror after he was targeted with racist abuse. I think, maybe, some people don’t realize how uncomfortable a song like that can make a lot of people feel. Replying to the barrage of racism against my son this week. Too many feel it’s OK to call for deportation, flogging, sending him back to Africa’ and to use ****** against someone trying to engage in a conversation about music and inclusion. Horror, rage, heartbreak."

Horror of horrors—the horror! These people more than anything have a lot of guts. In their own homelands they’d be digging in the mud for grubs, they’d be lucky to outrun the roaming gangs who’d sooner put a bullet in their heads for a few measly bucks as look at them, they’d be lucky if they didn’t die of dysentery and a tetanus shot is the best they can hope for his in this cruel world, they’d lucky if when they were tossed in the lime pit some that some other nigger won’t dig them up, ground them up, and smoke their brains out with them. This “horrified” mother has a half dozen or so spawn who all play some instrument created by White men, they play it pretty mediocre, and because they are niggers they get feted and extolled by allegedly tasteful and appreciative audience. It’s safe to say that everything they have has been given was given to them by the White man; and some middle-class White people want to spend their declining years in the nostalgic glow of what their county used to be and they can’t even allow them that small pleasure. In truth those people should want to listen to the Horst Wessel song but either way it should not be allowed for a nigger to have any say or to be brazen enough to pop off about it. This nigger cellist who had the outrageous temerity to open his rancid pie hole has gone on and on about how in the world of classical music (which he has no right to be in) has too many White faces and he, as a nigger, feels like he is all along in being a nigger. I can tell you this much: when Britannia ruled they would have known what to do with the likes of him, snatched that cello from his soft hands and put him to work on the railroad, or in the sweltering sun to produce some comestibles until he dropped dead and they stuck him in a lime hole. Back then no one dug would have dug him up to smoke him and he would have just lied moldering in the grave. And, in case anyone was still wondering, or if anyone had become squeamish about the truth, or gun shy about saying it, that was how the West was won once upon a time: and how one fine day it will be won again, if we want it bad enough.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4877
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: A Nigger Cellist Opens Up His Pie Hole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 22, 2024 11:25 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4877
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: A Nigger Cellist Opens Up His Pie Hole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 22, 2024 11:26 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4877
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Re: A Nigger Cellist Opens Up His Pie Hole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 22, 2024 11:26 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4877
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: A Nigger Cellist Opens Up His Pie Hole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 22, 2024 11:28 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4877
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: A Nigger Cellist Opens Up His Pie Hole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 22, 2024 11:29 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4877
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: A Nigger Cellist Opens Up His Pie Hole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 22, 2024 11:30 pm


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