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Will Williams
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Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:20 am

Fact: "The sinking of the Lusitania was a clear false flag perpetrated by Winston Churchill and the British Admiralty to draw America into the war. The blame should have been placed on Churchill’s orders and not the German government. It was probably no coincidence that the ship was owned by J.P. Morgan’s competition in shipping."


To all Friends of Willis Carto

April 20, 2024


On May 7, 1915, the German U-boat U20 torpedoed the largest passenger ship in the world at the time, only a few miles off the southwest coast of Ireland. The Lusitania, under British ownership and control, lost 1,200 lives within 18 minutes of being attacked. Among them were 128 Americans, men, women, and children. This precipitated the United States’ entry into World War 1 (WW1), which was British-controlled from the very beginning. On August 4, 1914, Britain declared war on Germany.

On April 6, 1917, the U.S. House passed a resolution declaring war on Germany, approved by the U.S. Senate with a vote of 82-6.

I recently came across a book written in 1972 by English journalist Colin Simpson, who located records of all who were involved with the Lusitania, planning the illegal use of it, and finally, its destruction. It became the world’s biggest disaster in nautical history.

The author proves the Lusitania was badly designed and poorly staffed, exposing the secret that had been kept for many years: The Lusitania, with high American complicity, was created as a ship that could be sunk by a German U-boat.

It was built as the largest passenger ship at that time and was turned into an armed cruiser for the British Royal Navy. It was loaded with tons of military materials and many personnel. The British and American governments later denied this. Originally, under cruiser rules, passengers were given time to disembark before a ship was sunk. Churchill issued inflammatory orders to his ships which would result in depriving timely benefit to non-combatants to leave the ship under cruiser rules. For example, lifeboats would take declared passengers off the ship. Churchill, as the First Lord of the Admiralty, did whatever he wanted without asking questions. Saving passengers was not on his mind, but transporting illicit heavy ammunition and tons of war material to be used by Britain, was. Starting in October 1914, the United States had been shipping dangerous material in the form of cordite, mercury, and other explosive materials to Britain in faked containers labeled “nonexplosive in bulk.” They had no trouble packing heavy equipment on this great passenger ship, without any passengers having a clue they were sitting on explosives. Churchill always got what he asked for.

The British had broken the German naval code and knew the locations of German U-boats around the British Isles. Germany was winning the war on the seas with the 88 superboats they had, double the number of the British.

Cruiser rules were observed by combatants, and private passengers were allowed to leave the ship before the battle started. The whole civilized world agreed to that law. In order for the system to work, safety zones were set in motion first, then the passengers could disembark in those zones. These safety zones were extremely important when announced by the appropriate support on land and were acknowledged by all. When the Lusitania approached the coast heading for the area of Kinsale by the Irish Sea, it had received the “safety zone” message. Then, without warning, it was withdrawn. The U-20 shot its torpedoes and it took only 18 minutes for the ship to sink with 1,200 lost souls. Just 795 human beings made it out alive.

A couple of years later, German Admiral von Tirpitz, who had developed the submarines, and his English counterpart, had conversations about the inexplicable loss of life. Britain’s schemers were delighted, no doubt, as it worked out as planned beforehand. There is no doubt the Lusitania carried “contraband” from New York to Ireland. The head of the British inquiry, Lord Mersey, later remarked, “It was a damned dirty business.”

U.S. Senator Robert M. LaFollette gave a speech in Minnesota on September 20, shortly after the Lusitania disaster. Four days before the Lusitania sailed, President Wilson was warned in person by his secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan, that the Lusitania had 6 million rounds of ammunition on board, besides explosives, and that passengers who proposed to sail on that vessel were sailing in violation of law of this country. LaFollette wanted to enlighten his colleagues. His speech was read all over the United States. It got senators angry and they tried to ban LaFollette from the Senate.

Not to be dropped into the memory hole is the fact that elements in England were extremely active through their connections with their counterparts in the United States. Jewish bankers and politicians needed to get the U.S. into the war because England was losing it. Having their counterparts in the U.S. come over to the British side was not difficult. Money talked and promises were fulfilled. In Britain, Jewish-Zionist elements clamoring for land in Palestine finally managed to have the British promise them parts of the Muslim homeland. The bargaining chip, to get the United States behind this move and into the war against Germany, was to pacify the Jewish forces in both the U.S. and Britain. President Wilson was not opposed to helping out, but it would be another 30 years until the deal for the land was done. The United States won WW1 for Britain against Germany, which had overtaken the world trade that Britain was losing. At the same time, Britain also managed to support the Zionist movement in the U.S. and Europe with promises made, and in 1948, Palestine was delivered to the Zionists, signed for the United States by President Harry Truman.

Thank you.

Elisabeth Carto
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Will Williams
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Post by Will Williams » Fri May 03, 2024 6:48 pm

To reinforce this truth about the Lusitania is this from a review of Dr. Thomas Dalton's book The Jewish Hand in the World Wars: ... s-to-wars/
During the 1912 election, Jews working at the various banking firms on Wall Street financially supported all three of the candidates who ran for President: William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and Theodore Roosevelt. In this way, Jewish interests were going to be served no matter who won. Woodrow Wilson ended up the champion and packed his administration with Jews. Thus, the dispossession of Anglo-American Whites starts in 1913.

In 1916, Wilson ran on an isolationist platform during the First World War. But Wilson had already maneuvered the United States into war with Germany in 1915, when he recklessly condemned Germany after the sinking of the Lusitania – a passenger ship that was carrying contraband war materiel bound for Britain.
More details by Dr. Oliver about Shabbos goy Woodrow Wilson and the Lucitania:
Wilson’s success as a politician seemed incredible to contemporary politicians who were not in the know. They, noting his record in New Jersey, knew better than to trust him, and throughout his life, as his principal bodyguard, Colonel Sperling of the Secret Service, had ample opportunity to observe, he was always uncomfortable in the company of men, who might guffaw when his prating became too absurd, and he avoided them (except his supervisor, ‘Colonel’ House) as much as possible, preferring to flounce about before an audience of sentimental women, who would listen raptly while he orated about the beauties of democracy (which the American Constitution had been designed to avert), the “New Freedom”, “World Peace,” and similar niaiseries, and they would then, round-eyed with admiration, exclaim, “Oh, Mr Wilson, what big ideals you got!” (There was the further advantage that the more attractive and impressionable young matrons might consent to hear more about his ideals in bed; there was the slight disadvantage that some of them might believe and preserve the promises he rashly made in writing, but that was no great risk. When a disappointed lady demanded $250,000 for his letters, he had only to appoint a Jew to the Supreme Court and her attorney, Mr. Untermeyer, found that his compatriots in the United States were glad to apply golden balm to the lady’s broken heart and assure the future of her inconvenient son. If his owners had other expenses to keep Fido in trim, there is no record of them, so far as I know.)

Although Wilson, inspired by his high ideals, had not hesitated to stab in the back the men who made him Governor of New Jersey, he knew better than to fail in obedience to the aliens who made him President of the United States. With the aid of the venal press and thoughtless intellectuals entranced with humanitarian verbiage, the Federal Reserve swindle, the White Slave Act (euphemistically called the “Income Tax”), and the Seventeenth Amendment were speedily put over on the starry-eyed victims in 1912 and 1913. The war in Europe came on schedule in 1914, but some time was needed to condition the American cattle for a stampede thither, and the Jews preferred to wait until the desperate British bought American troops with the Balfour Declaration, promising Palestine as the future capital of the International Empire.

The conditioning of the Americans was, of course, not neglected. Expert professional liars cudgeled their brains to invent tales about German “atrocities.” The famous lie-factory operated by Lord Bryce, with the assistance of Arnold Toynbee, developed such expertise with a razor-blade and paste that a photograph of a German iron foundry with loaded coal-cars in the foreground was converted into a picture of a soap factory with gondolas loaded with the bodies of soldiers in the foreground. And British ingenuity could do better than that.

In February 1913 Winston Churchill (who had divined that the great war was scheduled to occur, to everyone’s astonishment and dismay, in September 1914) had the British liner, Lusitania, converted to an auxiliary cruiser, armed with twelve six-inch naval cannon — a fact that was known to the publishers of the authoritative naval handbook, Jane’s Fighting Ships, in which the Lusitania was so listed in the volume for 1914. But while copies of the British publication were on the desks of the commanders of every warship and of the larger merchant ships in the entire world, and in the reference libraries of our major newspapers (it was the source of pictures of warships in the news), the average American did not even know that such a publication existed.

The Lusitania was accordingly advertised as a passenger liner, loaded with munitions (in violation of both American and international law) and with stupid Americans who elected to take a passage on the ship and ignore the formal warning published conspicuously by the German Embassy in the newspapers of New York. Thus what Churchill had earlier described as “45,000 tons of livebait” was dangled before the German submarines, care being taken to make sure that the Lusitania had no naval escort when it entered the zone of the blockade that the Germans had officially announced in keeping with the recognized rules of warfare. A German submarine took the bait, and the British Admiralty took the action necessary to ensure the maximum loss of life. In this country there was an epidemic of frenzied shrieking about the “barbarity” of submarine warfare and especially the “frightful” and “savage” conduct of the German commander of the submarine, who had torpedoed the ship without first corning to the surface to be destroyed by the concealed naval guns with which, his copy of Jane’s informed him, the Lusitania was equipped. But that minor detail was discreetly omitted when whipping up the passions of the suckers.

Wilson, doubtless after conferring with higher authority, dispatched a stern note of protest to Germany, although, as he may or may not have known, the staff of his own State Department had officially reported that, even assuming that the Lusitania was an unarmed passenger ship, “the British had obliterated the distinction between merchantmen and men of war; therefore Germany had every right to sink the Lusitania.” When Germany returned a mild and conciliatory reply to the impertinent American note, Wilson officially accused the Germans of lying, and the Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, resigned rather than be a party to such a fraud. An inconvenient witness, who had somehow glimpsed the armament of the Lusitania, was kidnapped by the Secret Service and eventually deported to Switzerland. The efficiency of organized crime, when directed from the White House, is noteworthy. The one incident I have mentioned is merely typical of the conduct of Wilson and his masters during the two years that were needed after the sinking of the Lusitania to get the Balfour Declaration signed and the Americans ready for a Declaration of War...
More here that every White American school child should be required to study and be tested on in his American history course: ... ar-part-3/
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