Someone Said Nigger

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
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Someone Said Nigger

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:42 pm

Dougls Mercer
April 22 2024

Some March sadness for some niggers happened at the recent NCAA tournament for women; it’s bad enough that anyone would want to watch or patronize a bunch of said niggers tossing a ball into a hole when it’s men; but the idea that anyone would get passionate over observing a lot of baboon like negresses awkwardly run meaninglessly run around like gorillas simply beggars belief. But in the America of today the low road is their royal road and what will get millions of mind numbed zombies sitting staring at the television in the moral equivalent of shell shock is anything that is even mildly entertaining, something which serves to quell the nagging sense of self inconsequence and utter worthlessness in their soul. And these viewers are shocked to their core when a bit of reality is injected into their soulless life; so it was that when a female basketball team traveled to Idaho and got met with some holdouts from the consensual hallucination termed the current American Experience who called the orangutans “niggers”—well, you had a lot of shock and a lot of chagrin. That is all hell broke loose as usual.

“Utah coach Lynne Roberts said her team experienced a series of racial hate crimes after arriving at its first NCAA Tournament hotel and was forced to change accommodations during the event for safety concerns. Roberts revealed what happened after Utah lost to Gonzaga in the second round of the of the NCAAs on Monday night. Roberts didn’t go into detail but said there were several incidents that happened Thursday night after the team arrived in the Spokane, Washington, area for the tournament and they were disturbing to the traveling party to the point there were concerns about safety. Utah was staying about 30 miles away in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and was relocated to a different hotel on Friday.”

Ah good old Coeur d’Alene, one of the last beating hearts and bastions of good old America. It’ll probably get knocked off soon enough in the rolling tide of race mixing, the powers that are hunt down places like this, hell the city is already down to 88 percent White which is not bad by today’s low standards but it’s vertiginous when you think of the future. Luckily there’s only a smattering of niggers (.4 percent) but recall the old Anglo Saxon saying that one nigger is precisely one nigger too many. No, it’s the beaners that are the mortal threat, they are up to five percent, and the always unwanted “more than two races” has a second five percent as well. But for now 88 percent is downright magisterial but even with such numbers you will notice that they have a police chief in town (ironically named White) who is leaving no stone unturned to find the “lawbreakers”; for as always those who get elevated to positions of power must bow and scrape and toady and cringe or some higher up in the echelons will come down on them to toe the standard line of all men being equal. It’s always the way in a degraded age, is it not?

“We had several instances of some kind of racial hate crimes toward our program and it was incredibly upsetting for all of us, Roberts said. In our world, in athletics and in university settings, it’s shocking. There’s so much diversity on a college campus and so you’re just not exposed to that very often. Tony Stewart, an official with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, said Tuesday that two teams were walking from the hotel to a restaurant when a truck with a Confederate flag drove up. The driver began using racist language, including the N-word. After the teams left the restaurant, the same driver returned now reinforced by others.”

And there is the magic word of hate they hate: nigger. You now a country has fallen on hard times when you can’t say nigger. Hell, you know a country has fallen on hard times when things such as a Task Force On Human Relations sprout up like poisonous mushrooms and in Idaho of all places. First off the niggers are not human so strictly speaking the relationship between those Confederate Flag toting White men and the basketball playing chimps does not fall into the category of human relations; and second, you know such a task force’s sole purpose is to keep the White man from maintaining his self-respect; hell, it’s got so bad that a man who appears to be a White man (his grandfather was the “Idaho Sheep King”), the Idaho governor named Brad Little opined with the ludicrous proposition that there is no place for racism, hate or bigotry in the great state of Idaho. Such a position is plainly preposterous. Indeed it would not be going very far at all to go so far as to say it was precisely racism, hatred, and bigotry which once made the great state of Idaho great; that it was an all-White enclave where overgrown negresses would not have been given the time of day let alone be kowtowed to and catered to; but such is the world we find ourselves in; and which we must defeat at all costs.

“We all just were in shock, and we looked at each other like, did we just hear that? Everybody was in shock — our cheerleaders, our students that were in that area that heard it clearly were just frozen, Utah deputy athletic director Charmelle Green, who is Black, told Coeur d’Alene police Chief Lee White said about 100 people were around the area that night, but investigators still need to interview those affected. He said there are two state charges that could be enforced — malicious harassment and disorderly conduct — if someone is arrested. White also said he was working with the FBI. Until we get all the facts and the investigation is complete, what charges might actually be brought against the perpetrators is yet to be determined, White said.”

Shock mind you! Why, in this day and age of simps and simpletons there are still people with the fighting spirit of the White past. Well, that just blows their mind and sends them into tizzies and conniption fits so much so that you figure they are ready for the straitjacket and the rubber room. And you know once ensconced there they will suffer anxiety attack upon anxiety attack and will be shaking in and quailing in their shoes with a million-yard stare in their eyes as those eyes begin to twitch and the drool slowly rolls from their mouths and onto the floor. Racism is something they have been taught is so evil, so beyond the pale, so much ten thousand bridges too far, so around the bend evil, that when they are confronted with it in situ it reverberates in their minds as a portent and talisman of evil which it will take them a long time to recover from. Of course it was really just a few high-spirited White men chanting nigger at them, a thing which use to be the small change of life. Welcome to the bigs as has been said. And despite their trauma they had best get used to far worse than that because the word nigger will be the least of it when the time draws near---because not only are we not going softly into any bad night—we shall prevail.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Someone Said Nigger

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:42 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Someone Said Nigger

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:43 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Someone Said Nigger

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:44 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Someone Said Nigger

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:44 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Someone Said Nigger

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:46 pm


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