Hello, I'm new here

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Hello, I'm new here

Post by Ruffy_Newgate » Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:09 pm

Hello to all awakened and racially conscious people in this forum,
I’m Rafael, 17 years old, currently living in Germany. My ethnic background is German-Ukrainian but my general identity is White. I joined this forum in order to find like-minded friends and people to organize with.
My awakening looked like this:
When I was younger I played lots of video games and surfed on the Internet. During the Covid-Plandemic I found some videos with right-wing positions on subjects like the refugee invasion and George Floyd, exposing the criminality of third-world-invaders and the myth of „racist police violence“. Then I found videos being critical of the Corona-narrative and the measures being forced on us. I started looking many things up for myself and found out that many things being told us by the controlled media are wrong. After spending some time with this subject of Corona I finally was awakened by the documentary „Europa - The Last Battle“ and by William Pierce’s Broadcasts. I researched a lot online on subjects like Jewish Bolshevism, Jewish control over the mass media, White Genocide and demographic replacement and was shocked by what I found out. I started feeling somehow lonely because the people around me, my family, teachers and classmates, are totally brainwashed repeating all kinds of propaganda. I have to say that I’m afraid to speak out in public because at the moment I’m very much dependent on other people and I would get kicked out of home if my parents knew what I’m actually thinking. Another point is that I don’t have any like minded friends and by that no emotional support for my view points. In this forum I want to get in contact with people with similar views that I can talk to and organize with.

A project that I have in mind is a website with mostly videos but also some other media that have pro-white and Jew-exposing content. It should be similar to popular streaming services like Netflix but of course with different content. I have already downloaded some videos by people like William Pierce, David Duke, Mark Collet, Lana Lokteff and others and now I’m searching for some helpers especially when it comes to programming and launching this website. I already searched for people on WhiteDeal.net but only a few people got in touch with me.

I really believe that it’s time now for Whites in America, Europe and Australia to get reconnected with their roots and prepared for the future battle which will decide whether we will be replaced and die out or if we will experience the greatest rebirth of our White Western Civilization.

Besides that there’s not that much to say about me. In my free time I enjoy reading (especially classical European adventure stories), doing sports and researching on the Internet, especially for my website-project. In the long run I also think about emigrating to the US in order to have Free Speech since Germany hasn’t and you always have to be careful about what you are saying.

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Will Williams
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Re: Hello, I'm new here

Post by Will Williams » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:31 pm

Ruffy_Newgate wrote:
Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:09 pm
Hello to all awakened and racially conscious people in this forum,
I’m Rafael, 17 years old, currently living in Germany... I started feeling somehow lonely because the people around me, my family, teachers and classmates, are totally brainwashed repeating all kinds of propaganda. I have to say that I’m afraid to speak out in public because at the moment I’m very much dependent on other people and I would get kicked out of home if my parents knew what I’m actually thinking. Another point is that I don’t have any like minded friends and by that no emotional support for my view points. In this forum I want to get in contact with people with similar views that I can talk to and organize with...
Welcome to WhiteBiocentrism.com forum, Ruffy. Learn to use the search feature here as well as at nationalvanguard.org and you will be amazed by what you learn.

It's a shame that you can't share your newfound views with those around you. You are young and dependent on others so just keep what you're learning to yourself for now and keep studying, expanding on your knowledge until the time is right for you to discretely share the new truths with others. You're confidence will grow and you'll eventually be emboldened as a truth-teller rather than merely a truth-seeker.

I recall years ago when my mother was concerned for my reputation and safety because I was vocal about things I'd learned from Dr. Pierce and from others I had met before I'd found him.

"Son, just because others don't share your beliefs does not mean you are wrong."
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Hello, I'm new here

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:10 am

Welcome Ruffy.

Be sure to read our forum's rules, they're essential to understanding what's expected of all participants here.

To learn more about us, come to understand the program of the National Alliance as can be found here: https://www.natall.com/about/what-is-th ... -alliance/ This program is based upon our life-philosophy called Cosmotheism, feel free to use the search feature at https://www.nationalvanguard.org and enter the word "Cosmotheism" in the field for searching. There you'll find a considerable amount of material on this topic that is made available to all without charge. National Vanguard online magazine is a great resource for Whites to better understand the world around us and our path in general without Jewish perversity of thought.

The last but most important action item I'd like to mention is this, join the National Alliance if you agree with our program so as to support our Path and outreach to serious and sincere fellow Whites.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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