[N]egro History Month: Dispelling the [N]egroes' Ludicrous Claims About Inventing Anything.

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[N]egro History Month: Dispelling the [N]egroes' Ludicrous Claims About Inventing Anything.

Post by White_Vengeance » Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:35 pm

[N]egro History Month: Dispelling the [N]egroes' Ludicrous Claims About Inventing Anything.

In all their pathetically sorry history on Planet Earth, the subhuman, cannibalistic, feral negroes have invented nothing: not a language; a building (unless one considers the prehistoric mud-hut a building, and one that the more-advanced beavers construct far better), a road, a sidewalk, an alphabet, a means of transportation, a rudimentary educational system, a numerical system, medicine and medical treatment (excluding the tribal witch doctor), speech or even simple words, clothing (excluding the primitive grass skirt), hygiene and hygienic products and hygienic care, a basic bridge, writing instruments, a simple form of government, a basic monetary system, a rudimentary business, basic communication system, laws and a legal system, a simple form of footwear, a primitive piece of art, growing a crop or even attempting a menial form of farming, a simple storage device, a basic fixture, a rudimentary tool (excluding the primitive spears fashioned out of broken tree branches that the negro uses in a fitful attempt at hunting)—nothing!

Despite those incontrovertible facts that I have briefly outlined in the foregoing paragraph, every year during [N]egro History Month, we are relentlessly assailed with non-stop diatribe and hyperbole about all the colored "geniuses" in our midst. White people are tortured with this idiotic lunacy. We hear ridiculous insanity such as if it weren't for negroes inventing traffic lights, we would be involved in fatal accidents at intersections. We White people burst into uproariously side-splitting, tear-welling, hysterical laughter while negroes oook and eeek in their thuggish ghetto Ebonics that if they had not invented elevators, White people would be stuck on the first floor. White people...White geniuses—more than intelligent enough to create, design, and develop super-high technology automobiles, semiconductors, the procedure for the doping of silicon substrate for the development of intricate integrated circuits and chips, wireless technology and transmission of super-high-speed data, space exploration, brain surgery, heart transplants, the Internet, laser technology, supercomputers, worldwide wireless networking systems, precision mass-manufacturing, Advanced Calculus, paved roads, earth-moving equipment, massive bridges spanning miles-and-miles, and an intricate, colossal interstate highway system—would do even much better without the parasitic negro creature sucking the lifeblood from our high-technology, advanced White European societies and culture.

Look negroes, please try, for once in your miserable lives, to pay strict attention: it is the brainpower and genius of the White European mind that designed, developed, and built skyscrapers all over the world, so your moronic argument about Whites not being able to get to the top floor of a skyscraper without the "engineering genius" of negroes who you falsely claim invented elevators does not hold up to scrutiny. Now I realize that the phrase "does not hold up to scrutiny" sails right over your case-hardened, thick-skulled, massive coconut heads much as all negro baby daddies sail right out the front door of the Section 8 ghetto tenement hell-hole when the feral simian jungle savage learns that its latest baby mammy is pregnant.

Even if a minuscule, infinitesimally tiny percentage of negroes had actually contributed to society (which they have not) by inventing anything, I am still absolutely certain that our high-technology, advanced White Western societies would still have no need for any negro anywhere, at any time—unless we want to revert back to the Stone Age. Unfortunately, though, a large part of the fault for this ridiculous posturing about negroes inventing anything lies with White people, many of whom are too fearful of speaking the truth about the abysmally worthless negro species for fear of being branded with the dreaded "r-word"—racist.

When White people who are racially conscious--and that would predominately be the White Nationalists who are reading these comments, along with guests and visitors to the White Biocentrism Site--give great pause to think about the entire failed negro species the images that come to mind are: extremely low IQ; shiftless; indolent; ignorant; lifelong violent criminals; hood rats; welfare recipients; bloodsucking parasites; subhuman creatures; unhygienic; desperately irresponsible; destroyers of all that is good, positive, valuable, and morally upright; and a total blight upon the White European culture and our White Western societies—all of them. What is missing from that lengthy list of descriptors are terms such as: creators; inventors; intellectual beings; law abiding; upstanding; responsible; honorable; sensible; motivated; decent and dignified; wise and erudite; and builders and contributors to society. So, it is inconceivable that a species of abject failures—the lowly, barbaric negro—could ever rise to even the lowest level of humanity and invent a simple, primitive artifact, let alone invent something that would truly benefit the prosperity and well-being of humankind.

The crucial and critical facts are that the subhuman negro species is trapped in an inescapable biological paralysis due to its perpetual genetic inferiority. The facts are inarguable that negroes are much closer biologically and intellectually to bi-pedal mammals—orangutans, chimpanzees, apes, gorillas, bonobos, monkeys, silver-backs, etcetera—than they are to White people—actual human beings. The 200 + year experiment that the White race in America has carried out—an attempt to civilize a species of biologically deformed creatures that, due to the constraints of natural law, evolutionary stasis, and genetic inferiority, is incapable of being civilized—has met its metaphorical brick wall and been declared a massive failure by no less than the brilliance and genius of the entire scientific community.

For the preservation of the heritage, history, European culture, and societal mores of the White race and to ensure and safeguard our future and our eternal destiny, the only sane, rational, and logical solution is one I have preached to my fellow White Nationalist sisters and brothers, ad nauseam: a total, unconditional, and complete repatriation of every last negro who is illegally and unlawfully domiciled within the borders of America to their true mother-land and sanctuary, the jungles of sub-Saharan Africa. Anything less will result in the total collapse of our White European race into the dustbin of history, leaving behind an incredible history and legacy of unsurpassed human accomplishments as the greatest race of people, ever, in the lengthy recorded history of the world; but for reasons not totally incomprehensible it failed to completely purge itself of the barbaric, subhuman negro species—a parasitic, bloodsucking miasma of cannibalistic, murderous jungle savages—and the failures of the White race to solve this most solvable problem thus caused it to inexplicably commit racial suicide, and the entire White race was thus obliterated from Planet Earth through genocide.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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Will Williams
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Re: [N]egro History Month: Dispelling the [N]egroes' Ludicrous Claims About Inventing Anything.

Post by Will Williams » Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:45 pm

White_Vengeance wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:35 pm
[N]egro History Month: Dispelling the [N]egroes' Ludicrous Claims About Inventing Anything.

In all their pathetically sorry history on Planet Earth, the subhuman, cannibalistic, feral negroes have invented nothing:....

But, but, don't forget the claims of the Harriet Tubman Black History Museum down in Macon, Georgia. Dr. Pierce featured this 26 years ago in one of my favorite ADVs: https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/07/br ... -children/

[The museum] had a lecture on the history and accomplishments of Negroes, and each was handed a sheet headed “African American Inventor’s” (sic) listing 120 or so things supposedly invented by Blacks.

Here are the first six items on the list of Black inventions: the pyramids, paper, chess, the alphabet, medicine, and civilization.

After this start the rest of the list is a bit anticlimactic, with such items as the doorknob, the mop, the curtain rod, peanut butter, and the helicopter.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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