Greetings from Buncombe

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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:33 pm

leopold buncombe wrote:
Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:26 pm
... l stand corrected sir .. JOG it is and l see the reason for the change .. l admit lm a little behind the time ; hell , boys still kiss GIRLS round here where l live .. and as far as my areas hesitancy , some of it l would ascribe to the raids on some of the well-meaning but somewhat moronic OATHKEEPERS in west georgia 'bout 10 yrs ago under the monkey administration ...
Ah, the moronic OATHKEEPERS. What a bunch of losers. But SPLC and JOG like to lump NA in with losers like them. ... sh-family/ ... -security/

I can't understand why racially responsible Whites will not join the organization William Pierce founded, unless it is moral cowardice.

If they believe what he was telling us then, why not join with us instead of simply telling us to "keep up the good work." His serious calls to arms against SPLC vampires and those in SPLC's "hate Whitey" corner, including DHS, FBI and the rest of JOG's alphabet agencies sure motivated some of us 22 years ago with his courageous "Feasting on the Sheep" -- and is what set NA apart from the moronic, alleged "extreme right-wingers" like OATHKEEPERS.

You know, some people criticize me because I am not polite enough in talking about the Jews. They believe that it is very vulgar of me to refer to the Jews as vampires or bloodsuckers or parasites. They remind me that most Jews wear nice suits and drive nice cars and live in expensive condos — so they couldn’t really be as bad as I say. Many Jews are polite, well-educated people — lawyers and businessmen — and I really should just stick to the facts, they say, and not resort to name-calling. That’s not polite. That’s not gentlemanly.

Well, listen, I just wish that some of these gentlemen who think I’m not polite enough would talk about the Jews themselves. They can be as polite as they want. They can stick to the facts and avoid name-calling. I’d love to hear them do that. There are thousands of gentlemen out there who know the facts and also have access to the media. But they’re all keeping their mouths shut. They’re all afraid that they may be kicked out of the country club if they say anything the Jews don’t like, no matter how politely they say it. And since that leaves the burden on me, I’m obliged to try to get the message out as effectively as I can.

I deliberately use colorful language. I deliberately use provocative phrases that I hope will stick in the minds of my listeners. It may be offensive to the gentlemen when I refer to Jews collectively as deceivers and destroyers and bloodsuckers, the way the Great Reformer Martin Luther did, for example. But I believe that the language I use is appropriate and accurate, even if it is colorful sometimes. Anyway, I’ll just give you a few facts and let you decide whether or not “deceiver” or “destroyer” or “bloodsucker” is an accurate description of the Jews as a whole, as a race.

...[S]eeing that the shepherds had left their posts or fallen asleep, the vampires moved in to feast on blood. The Jews took over Hollywood, over Madison Avenue, over television, over our popular music industry, over our principal newspapers and magazines; and, using this media weapon to control the lemmings and corrupt our government, our courts, and our other institutions, they began feasting. We need to begin shooting vampires. ... the-sheep/

Have things improved for White American sheep now, 22 years after Pierce's admonitions in "Feasting?" What will it be like in 2045, 22 years from now if serious White separatists don't get off their duffs and resist the vampires.
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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Thu Dec 14, 2023 8:57 pm

Our friend leopold asked us to delete his account, then went back and deleted the text of all of his comments. that strikes me as rather cheesy.

Oh, well, I suppose he took offense at this part of my last reply to him:

I can't understand why racially responsible Whites will not join the organization William Pierce founded, unless it is moral cowardice.
Just calling it as I see it. Even WikiJews define cowardice, though they don't distinguish between physical cowardice and moral cowardice -- failure to say out loud what one believes and will say in private or anonymously, out of fear -- which is much more prevalent among our people these days:
"Coward" redirects here. For other uses, see Coward (disambiguation).
The Cowardly Lion, from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Cowardice is a trait wherein excessive fear prevents an individual from taking a risk or facing danger.[1][2] It is the opposite of courage. As a label, "cowardice" indicates a failure of character in the face of a challenge. One who succumbs to cowardice is known as a coward.[3]

As the opposite of bravery, which many historical and current human societies reward, cowardice is seen as a character flaw that is detrimental to society and thus the failure to face one's fear is often stigmatized or punished.
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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:35 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Thu Dec 14, 2023 8:57 pm
Our friend leopold asked us to delete his account, then went back and deleted the text of all of his comments. that strikes me as rather cheesy.

Oh, well, I suppose he took offense at this part of my last reply to him:

I can't understand why racially responsible Whites will not join the organization William Pierce founded, unless it is moral cowardice.
Just calling it as I see it...

Leopold has my email address and sent me this today. I won't be responding to his email

,,,,,, come on W3 , thought you were more than that ... engaging in petty attacks is beneath your position sir and cheapens the organization ... blocking my shitphone IP is fine with me as its already met the firepit but Im having trouble differentiating your editors from the jews who control their media and the idiots who believe their lies ... we here remain committed to the ALLIANCE nonetheless , but your respect rating has taken a hit ... did you really need another $25 THAT much ? ... lm no coward sir ... infighting in the open embarrasses the ALLIANCE and others who look in, are members , or are/were considering becoming members ...

..... reminds me of the end of the Orwell novel where the pig and the jew look each other in the eye and couldn't tell no difference ...

..... you may recall YOU invited me to the forum ... the only person who was cordial and worth talking to was/is [name deleted] ... unless your ego necessitates it , how bout deleting all my posts as you are embarrassing yourself sir ...

..... thats all l got for now ... will check my email sometime next year ...

.... harassing people aligned with you is counterproductive to OUR cause , whether members or not ...


Who's "infighting?" "Petty attacks?"

I guess leopold took what I said about moral cowardice personally. Too bad. We'll leave the door cracked for him should he ever decide to join the Alliance:

Listening to Kevin's quote by Dr. Pierce in this morning's ADV, I will offer no apology for saying what I quote here from NA Founder Pierce about the lack of moral courage in our people: ... nomic-man/

...[W]e need more than a valor based only on toughness, cleverness, and ambition. The West has no shortage of tough, clever, ambitious men. And we still have many who are physically strong and courageous — although perhaps not so many these days as we would like.

The valor we remember — and the valor we must have again — depends at least as much on moral courage as on physical courage. Even more, it depends on the inner sense of direction which must guide the man of valor, if his courage and strength are to be used to a worthy end.
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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:19 pm

Will Williams, quoting WLP:
...[W]e need more than a valor based only on toughness, cleverness, and ambition. The West has no shortage of tough, clever, ambitious men. And we still have many who are physically strong and courageous — although perhaps not so many these days as we would like.

The valor we remember — and the valor we must have again — depends at least as much on moral courage as on physical courage. Even more, it depends on the inner sense of direction which must guide the man of valor, if his courage and strength are to be used to a worthy end.

This problem of widespread moral cowardice among European-Whites when it comes to seriously addressing issues that impact our race is nothing new. Dr. Pierce sounded that alarm repeatedly, like with this from a quarter century ago: ... vidualism/ Listen to his speech, here: ... vidualism/
... I’d like to talk about our problems with ourselves, with European-Americans: about what’s wrong with White people.

Actually, this is such a huge subject that I can deal with only a tiny part of it. In the organization which I head, the National Alliance, I’ve been talking with members about two aspects of the White problem: White cowardice and White selfishness. Here are some of our thoughts.

If most White people weren’t such terrible cowards, we wouldn’t have problems with Blacks, mestizos, Jews, or anyone else today. We would have solved all of those problems long ago. There are plenty of people who agree with us about the type of society we want, the type of future we want for our people. There are many people who are disgusted with the rotten politicians and the rotten political system we have in Washington, people who are angry about what non-White minorities have done to our schools and our cities, people who are sick and tired of seeing television and the other mass media promote everything which is sick, perverse, and destructive. Many people don’t feel guilty when the media tell them to feel guilty. There are plenty of people who want a clean, decent, White society for their children to grow up in. But these people are afraid to say or do anything. Many are terrified even to have other people know what they are thinking. Why is that? What are White people afraid of?
Really! What's to fear?

When a relatively small critical mass of American Whites -- who, BTW, outnumber American Jews 30:1 -- finally find their backbones and listen to what Dr. Pierce had been telling them for decades, and is still telling them here on NV, and agree with his simple truths, their Jewish masters and those who cooperate with them against their own kinsmen, will crawl back under a rock where they belong.
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