An "Asylum Seeker" Tale

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An "Asylum Seeker" Tale

Post by Trenton » Fri Dec 22, 2023 5:54 pm

Today, I'd like to present to you all some of my favorite cases of why non-Whites cannot share our land. Obviously, I could quote crime statistics, or statistics about which races pay less in taxes than they receive in welfare (you can probably already guess who), but I find that individual stories can often be a lot more compelling than a bird's-eye view. This is a bit of a long story, so if you'd like, skip to the list of bullet points at the end for a summary.

Amos Yee Pang Sang is a Singaporean who first gained online attention for a short film he made aged 13. In addition to pursuing filmmaking further, Yee created over a dozen rant-style videos on YouTube, in which he, in varying degrees of satire and seriousness, riffs on various topics, including Singapore's ban on homosexuality. Aged 17, he dropped out of school to continue his career. The same year, he uploaded a video mocking the late prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew, who had recently died. I won't repeat Yee's profanity-laden, profoundly inarticulate ramblings, but in addition to insulting the prime minister, religion, Singapore itself, and its population, he actually managed to get himself charged with obscenity-related criminal offences. Yee also posted a picture he claimed to have drawn of Lee Kwan Yew and Margaret Thatcher engaging in sexual acts. Nathan Heller of The New Yorker wrote that "Yee's arrest doesn't just underscore his complaints about Singapore's backwardness on rights and freedom. It shows the country's dire need for cultural education through intelligent dissent." Yeah, sure, 'intelligent' let's go with that.

Amos Yee was arrested and charged in April of 2015, and violated the conditions of his bail by crowdfunding for it online. The bail was eventually paid by Vincent Law, a well-meaning family and youth counsellor. He was tried in a high-profile tribunal, in which he was defended by lawyers Alfred Dodwell, Chong Jia Hao and Ervin Tan, who had volunteered to take on the case pro bono. He violated the terms of his bail again by posting two additional rants, in which he decried the "ridiculous terms of [his] bail," and labeled his father as "violent and abusive." Yee was taken into custody again, and his bail increased to $30,000. Vincent Law again applied to pay the bail, but Yee refused the offer. Law stated in an interview that he did not regret attempting to assist the 17 year old in his legal troubles, but that he had conversed with Yee, and found him to be "childlike, and lacking empathy."

Yee was found guilty. The verdict handed down in the end was that Yee would attend counselling for his erratic behavior. He was also ordered to unpublish the video and blog post which had resulted in the sentence, and while he did comply, 9 days later, he reuploaded the video. Just a day after the verdict, however, Yee chose to accuse Vincent Law, his bailor, of "molesting" him. Law denied the allegation, threatening legal action, which led Yee to write a short apology, promising that a more in-depth apology was on its way. The 6,000 word blog post that Yee then produced stated that Law had "molested" Yee in the traditional sense of the word (ie 'bothered'), and accused him of being a "molester," a "hypocrite," and a "mentally unsound person." He goes on to state that "it was stupid of people to believe that he would actually issue a sincere apology." He attributes this "inherent stupidity" to "the mindset inherent in that of religion." Law told the press that he was not considering legal action, and that he felt that Yee should not be engaged with. Law's son, Francis Micah Law defended his father publicly, by saying that Vincent had meant only to help the public perception of Amos Yee, who he felt had made a mistake in attacking the memory of Lee Kuan Yew.

After being called into court again for an assessment of his counselling, Amos Yee's sentence was again criticized, this time by the United Nations Human Rights Office, and again by the Human Rights Watch. At this time, Amnesty International called Yee's treatment "A dark day for freedom of expression." Not long after, in 2016, he would be convicted again for a similar crime, this time for a Facebook post in which he (for some reason) mocked Islam while saying that ISIS militants should not "be killed." He was given a 6 week sentence and a $2,000 fine. Yee was visited in prison by an activist, who by her own admission, gave him documents that would facilitate his escape to the United States. Arriving in Illinois, Yee declared that he was seeking "political asylum," which was granted by a Chicago judge. By leaving the country, Yee also breached Singapore's mandatory military service law.

Yee appealed for asylum, and was held by ICE during the appeal process. Additionally, according to Reuters, although Yee was highly critical of the U.S. government abroad, he has stated that, "It is not going to the best country. This is about going to the country that most effectively promotes my political philosophy of anarchical communism and ending private property and wage labor." In September of 2017, Yee was released from custody and granted asylum, the presiding judge stating that Yee had a "well-founded fear" of "persecution" in his home country. Persecution? In what respect is this draft-dodger being persecuted? Obviously his "human rights" were violated by his being prosecuted for speech, but Singapore has much different laws and rights than the United States. If a man can't even obey the laws of his own country, and intentionally flouts court orders for no apparent cause, all while espousing an ideology hostile to the very concept of the United States of America, why exactly should he be allowed in? This gets worse though, trust me.

As if to mock the very country which saved him from his alleged "persecution," Yee told reporters after his release that he intended to criticize not only the Singaporean government in his videos from now on, but also the United States. Just two months later, Amos Yee uploaded a series of videos on YouTube entitled "Why Pedophilia Is Alright," "Don't Discriminate Pedophiles," and "Free Speech for the Pedophile." I think you can see where this is going. Obviously the social climate of 2017 was a lot different than it is today, and such opinions as were expressed without a trace of irony in these videos would have resulted in a substantial backlash from the general public (unlike today, when such opinions are becoming normalized). As such, YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms suspended Yee's accounts. In 2019, after 9 months without access to any of his public accounts, Yee was interviewed and chose to express that he had been at work creating more pro-pedo videos. In any sane country, Yee would have had his basement and his hard drive searched, and then been air-dropped over Singapore without a parachute. The saga continues, however!

In 2020, Yee was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Later that year, he was arrested and then convicted of child grooming, and child pornography. Anyone surprised? Yee was given a sentence of just six years, with 16 of the 18 charges against him being dropped. He was not deported, nor will this serve as a barrier to him applying for naturalization. Can you believe that? In October of this year, Yee was released (4 years early) on parole, and made blog posts NOT expressing remorse for his actions, NOR apologizing, but rather reiterating his views, and openly stating a desire to re-offend. Yee violated his parole in November, and was rearrested. His discharge date was pushed forward to 2025 without a reason given.

In summation:
1. Amos Yee is a narcissistic, compulsive troublemaker who continually violated his country's laws, his family's reputation, and his obligation to serve. He even accused his father of violent abuse, and a benefactor of his, Vincent Law, of molestation (which he later denied, while still insulting Law).
2. Yee received an outpouring of support from the controlled media stateside, and from the United Nations. He was praised as a free speech advocate and dissenter, even though his comments about the various topics he mentioned in his offending videos were not really political, but definitely obscene (for which reason he was charged).
3. Yee sought and was granted asylum in the US, as a draft-dodging delinquent with a record of anti-American diatribes, and a professed belief in "anarchical communism."
4. Yee expressed vile and unnatural views concerning pedophilia, and shortly after was convicted, in the US, of possession of child pornography, and grooming of a minor. Despite this, and despite his violation of his parole, AND his stated intention to reoffend, he will be released in less than two years from now, and will be able to apply for US citizenship.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: An "Asylum Seeker" Tale

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:45 am

An interesting and nicely written story. But one mentally ill scofflaw named Yee could just as easily be an agreeable, mostly sane, law abiding type and still be just as ineligible to be in any lands of the Aryans. Reason: pollution of the blood. None of them should be among us to wreck our race via criminal activities nor miscegenation.
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Re: An "Asylum Seeker" Tale

Post by Trenton » Sun Dec 24, 2023 12:48 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:45 am
An interesting and nicely written story. But one mentally ill scofflaw named Yee could just as easily be an agreeable, mostly sane, law abiding type and still be just as ineligible to be in any lands of the Aryans. Reason: pollution of the blood. None of them should be among us to wreck our race via criminal activities nor miscegenation.
Very much agreed. My main point in writing about Yee’s activities and the controlled media and legal system response to them was to highlight the extent to which traitors to that blood will lie through their teeth to get us to accept just one more immigrant. “We promise he’s one of the good ones, goy!” But as you’ve mentioned, it doesn’t matter if he’s one of the good ones. As the Chinese say, egg yolk is yellow, egg white is white. Mix them together, both are yellow.

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