Greetings from Buncombe

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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:52 am

Welcome, Leopold. Your introduction is interesting. Three enlistments!

To have earned a Master's in Criminology, then to say it is worthless is intriguing. Is that because you would be expected to work in the law enforcement field and found that to be distasteful? It would be for me because for the most part it attracts authoritarian types who view racial dissidents as bordering on criminality. I would think that such a credential might help establish work as a PI perhaps -- a valuable vocation for our cause.
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by White Man 1 » Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:39 am

Welcome to our little forum. I'm sure you have already familiarized yourself with our Statement of Purpose and Rules. I appreciate your reference to the "chicken pluckers".

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:49 am

Welcome to White biocentrism, Leopold.

I see that others have greeted you already in their own fashion, and Will Williams stressed to you the needs of the National Alliance for those with useful education, skills, talents, and who can assist our organization with time and/or resources. I second that, and invite you to understand the program of the National Alliance by going here: ... -alliance/ reading about us, then making an application to join if you qualify. You would be well advised to and are invited to dwell in our archives, especially in our Provenance subforum in the Dr. Pierce section to get the best feel as to what we're about.

You're already familiar with the National Vanguard online magazine that the Alliance operates, returning there and using the search feature to bring up archives is how that's done. An especially important topic from National Vanguard is "Cosmotheism" which is covered extensively there. To understand the life-philosophy of the National Alliance, educating yourself on this subject is required as it forms the basis of our purpose.

These past two paragraphs are written to help you as you participate in this forum, as you'll be interfacing with Cosmothiests and NA members extensively here and desire that we all be on the same page so to speak. We aim to make you one of us, a racial patriot with a higher purpose in life!
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:07 am

leopold buncombe wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 5:13 pm
Thanks W3 and WM1 .. Not familiar with tools here , but ld like to delete my initial INTRO (mr nice guy) .. site administrator 'little help' please .. and in response to W3 , pertaining to my 'worthless Masters in Crimimlogy' ; sir , l went to college as an afterthought , decades after my HS graduation .. as you know , years ago , college was the 'golden ticket' and attending nearly guaranteed success .. this changed when we were forced to let the nigroes in starting in the late 1960s .. the majority were flunking out and rather than let that happen and risk being called 'racist' , (now theres a word you seldom hear anymore huh?) , they lowered the standards as we all know .. well , they dumbed it down about a dozen times since then , from primary grades to PhD , so l figured the time was ripe for me to attend .. l was 'awarded' a Masters in 2015 .. l could barely keep a straight face when they handed it to me .. and the anti-american , anti-White , pro-sexual deviant , pro-jew lens on every subject made me furious .. (they sent me to the principal several times , sususpended my registration priviledges and otherwise harassed me trying to run me out) .. if l didnt have a good lawyer and a few bucks they would have succeeded .. l could tell you some stories bout college but , suffice to say , inclusion doesnt include NATIONAL ALLIANCE minded people .. but enough about me .. glad to be here ! .
Thanks for your explanation, LB. I like that you are a fighter! You got your hands on the Rule Book, retained an attorney and defeated the bastards, even though you didn't really care for the Master's degree they had to grant to you. Bravo!

When I attended university in 1970 after four years in the military I could already see, especially in required PC "humanities" curricula, how worthless a degree would be for independent-minded me. Majoring in Architecture was helpful but not the career path I wanted to get locked into.
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by White_Vengeance » Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:55 pm

Greetings, Leopold, and welcome to the White Biocentrism White Nationalist Site. Actually, there are few Master's Degrees that are worthless and that is because of the studiousness, diligence, persistence, and dedication it takes to earn a Master's Degree. I completed my Master's Degree in the extremely valuable field of Human Performance and Training/Instructional Technology/Science of Adult Learning in April 1999 as an adult learner--a part-time night student in an upper division university. I have since put that Master's Degree to use in the corporate world (several times), in private enterprise, and in the world of White Nationalism.

All told, I have four college degrees and every single one has been put to use in extremely valuable and worthwhile ways. Like my Master's Degree, I earned the other three college degrees as a part-time night student. So, cumultatively, I spent sixteen years in college as a part-time night student. Above-and-beyond the college degrees themselves, the worldly-wise and enlightened education I received in earning those four college degrees is invaluable beyond words.

I feel strongly that a Master's Degree in Criminology could easily be put to use in many ways in service toward the White race and, even more so, in service toward the White Nationalist movement.

You will probably cringe when I say this but many adult learners who earned Juris Doctoral degrees (i.e., law degrees) first earned a Bachelor's Degree or a Master's Degree in Criminology. I happen to be good friends with a few old buddies who earned their Juris Doctoral degree after first earning their Bachelor's Degree in Criminology or Criminal Justice. The field of law is a natural extension of the field of criminology; and the White Nationalist movement is crying out--nay, screaming--for members who are attorneys. The White Nationalist movement needs fiercely proud White folks from all disciplines, all professions, and all walks of life. So, do not ever sell short your education nor your Master's Degree. Earning a Master's Degree places you in some very select company; when I last checked, less than nine-percent of the American population had earned a Master's Degree.

As for the rest of your background, it is unique and impressive in a number of ways; and especially the fact that you reside somewhere in the "sunny South." From one Dixie-Rebel-Confederate-Southerner to another it is always an honor and a pleasure to welcome and greet another White Nationalist who is also a proud Southerner. I am not just a fiercely proud White Nationalist but I am also an equally fiercely proud Southern Nationalist. I will not inquire into which Southern state you reside because that would be prying and we TRUE Southerners still comport ourselves with honor, dignity, respect, and real down-home gentlemanliness.

Once again, welcome to the White Biocentrism White Nationalist Site--a very unique place on this vast, wireless, interconnected digital (binary) and hexadecimal world that we White people call the Internet. While certainly not the largest nor the most ubiquitous, the White Biocentrism Site prides itself on having some of the most well-read, intelligent, and assertively pro-White, racially-proud people in the entire wireless world of connectivity across this vast, endless expanse of non-stop, free-speech communication.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:46 am

leopold buncombe wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:30 am
... what would the reaction be if there were 3 million jews cornered in the desert and they cut the power and water and food shipments for 2 months and bombed them and killed over 15,000 people ? ...
Good question Leopold. It would be an updated version of what gullible Christian goyim see regularly on Faceberg, YouTube, etc., times 10 -- and especially on "conservative" Fox News: ... crosshairs. Also, here:
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:06 am

leopold buncombe wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:30 am
... what would the reaction be if there were 3 million jews cornered in the desert and they cut the power and water and food shipments for 2 months and bombed them and killed over 15,000 people ? ...
Reaction from whom? My reaction to 3 million Jews cornered with 15,000 dead is that there's 2,985,000 to go. As for what some Jewed media presstitutes would say, well, who cares?
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:04 pm

leopold buncombe wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:39 pm
.. thanks for the welcome all .. l am quite familiar with the ALLIANCE and have been ideologicly alligned since a friend let me read his copy of the TURNER DIARIER back in 1983 .. a neighbor of mine here in the buncombe community is an ALLIANCE member , and about a half dozen of us read his newsletter and distribute BANWW pamphlets and give out copies of the TURNER DIARIES books and CDs and the COSMOTHHESM books free of charge to what we consider to be suitable potential members .. l have always had COSMOTHEISTIC beliefs although l had never seen them consolidated and explained in detail until hearing DR PIERCE on the CD and later in the book .. in a fake man-made religon , science is the enemy as it exposes its lies .. but in a true , science based religion , science does its function and ENHANCES religion as the creator intended .. the creator gives us , as the inteligensia the duty as a race , to aspire to a higher level .. to be the highest version of ourselves , to ascend the path as is in the COSMOTHIEST AFFIRMATION ; of which my ALLIANCE member neighbor graciously gave me as a gift in a plaque purchased from the COSMOTHEIST CHURCH ..
I sounds to me like you and your half-dozen like-minded neighbors, including a current NA member, have the potential to form a NA Local Unit if you can convince the others to join. You are more efficient as an organized Unit, gathering together at least once a month, than you are as individuals. Discuss this with them. listen to this ADV together:
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. -Henry Ford
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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:31 pm

leopold buncombe wrote:
Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:25 am
.. looks like lve become the unofficial spokesperson for the group ; a modern day undashing version of paul revere .. they're already a 'de facto' unit W3 , and lm proud to assist .. l imagine theres a great number of supporters of the ALLIANCE who choose to remain unseen yet are very active .. all rivers to the same ocean .. they're thinking of sending a delegation to the national headquarters tentatively scheduled for next spring .. other than that , l can make no commitments ...
Understood, Leopold. It's good that NA has a loose knit group in your area promoting our organization.

What I other Alliance members have trouble understanding, though, is why y'all don't join with us since you distribute our recruiting booklet, What is the National Alliance?, that tells the potential recruit how we scrupulously protect our members' identities.

Anonymity: The anonymity of members is protected scrupulously; as a general policy, no member’s name will be publicized or revealed to any other person without the member’s explicit consent. Beyond this, a membership applicant who is concerned that his or her welfare, security, or effectiveness as a member might be jeopardized if there were any possibility at all that his or her membership in the National Alliance were revealed may, if he wishes, hold membership under a nom de guerre. Such an applicant should write to the Chairman stating his intention to use his nom de guerre on his application form and on all his correspondence about National Alliance matters. His membership card will be issued with that name on it, and he will receive all his mailings from the National Alliance addressed to that name. No records with his true name will be retained. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that mail addressed to his nom de guerre will be delivered to him by the postal service and to take all other measures required to protect his anonymity, such as paying his dues with cash or money orders instead of personal checks or bank cards. The National Alliance does not recommend that an applicant use a nom de guerre without a sound reason for doing so. It will not look favorably on any applicant who selects a frivolous nom de guerre.

We are engaged in a war, after all, though it's not a shooting war. Not yet. The term nom de guerre was literally the French translation of: "name of war," starting around the fifteenth century. We could have just used the word pseudonym, but nom de guerre seems appropriate, considering the challenges before us.
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Will Williams
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Re: Greetings from Buncombe

Post by Will Williams » Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:18 pm

Yes, Leopold, I am probably more aware than you are of the many reasons White people give for not joining our Alliance, but that doesn't mean that understand why. I count those who have joined, not those who don't for whatever reason.

For many it is cowardice/paranoia or selfishness, or both, but don't take that as an accusation of your crew by me. After all, one of you has joined and is known to me as an ace activist. I see that and your positive attitude here at WB as the start of something propitious for our race.

My favorite Alliance members are those who upon reading this, ... -alliance/, ask themselves, "Where have these people been all my life?" -- then pull out their pen and checkbook and send in their application for membership with the $25 application fee and their first month's pledge. They have no irrational fear that they will be on some phantom list for joining the National Alliance.

BTW, for reasons described here at WB for more than 10 years, we use the term JOG, not ZOG, that is so 1980s. Simply put "jog" in WB's search feature and learn why.

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