Fake Squaw Gets Caught

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
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Fake Squaw Gets Caught

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri May 19, 2023 5:51 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 19 2023

What made them first suspect that this woman was not an Indian (other than the fact that her name was Elizabeth Hoover) was that that there was no evidence that she drank whiskey, beat her kids, or lived off the government. And lacking even one of those three would have been enough to arouse deep questions about her claimed Indian Heritage, but all three being absent taken together sent them on the warpath. You see a lot of this lately, deracinated White people whose granny once told them they were big heap ‘em squaw and they ran with it to society’s goodie basket as they basked in the adulation and glow of everyone thinking they were among the sainted red race. The Indians don’t know what to do because it seems that even when it comes to being an Indian White people always beat them and get those grants and professorships. First you had that Italian who posed as the Indian with the tear drop telling people not to litter. Then you had Marlon Brando send up a beaner to whine about the Trail Of Tears; and then lately you had a White woman who pretended to be a merciless savage, made nondescript but giant murals about broken treaties, and sold some to cosmopolitan scum for 30 K a pop. No, really, someone paid that much for one, though now that the former red artist Scams-A-Lot was outed as (wait for it) White they had to pay someone a hundred of dollars to cart the “artwork” off to the dump. Now you have a bona fide Berkeley anthropology professor who donned the squaw mantle and reaped all the rewards flowing therefrom having to admit she is White (the shame!); and she has tucked her tail between her legs and will now never be accepted into the society of White hating mavens ever again.

“An anthropology professor at the University of California, Berkeley, whose identity as Native American had been questioned for years apologized this week for falsely identifying as Indigenous, saying she is a white person who lived an identity based on family lore. Elizabeth Hoover said her identity was challenged after she began her first assistant professor job. She began teaching at UC Berkeley in the Fall of 2020. At the time, I interpreted inquiries into the validity of my Native identity as petty jealousy or people just looking to interfere in my life, she wrote.”

She sings a new tune now, boy. Now she’s on her knees begging for any kind of forgiveness they can offer though in her heart she knows she deserves none. She’s done the worst thing possible: she has culturally appropriated an entire indigenous identity. She was “just” a White woman and then she said she was an Indian. As a result she was met with an avalanche of status and advantages which were really just ill gotten gain. Imagine her chagrin! Imagine her mortification! To be the red toast of the town, to be looked up to as a sage Indigenous person, to be adulated across campus and academia, looked up to as the living embodiment of purity and grace and innocence and, of course, victimhood. And then to have it all come crashing down around your ears. To be just a White woman. Why, there’s no glamour in that. And no innocence either. Whatever else this does it sure shoots to s*** any notion of White Privilege, does it not? Indeed, all the headlines say that she “admitted” that she is a White woman as if she admitted guilt.

“Elizabeth Hoover said in an apology that she claimed an identity as a woman of Mohawk and Mi’kmaq descent but never confirmed that identity with those communities or researched her ancestry until recently. I caused harm. I hurt Native people who have been my friends, colleagues, students, and family, both directly through fractured trust and through activating historical harms. This hurt has also interrupted student and faculty life and careers. I acknowledge that I could have prevented all of this hurt by investigating and confirming my family stories sooner. For this, I am deeply sorry.”

No apology to Whites for being race traitor, of course. She’s embarrassed to be White. She got “caught” being White. It’s all about the Indian, and now she is a woman without a race. The red man will never accept her again, will never accept her apologies; the White man should never accept her again but cast her out on the hot coals of hell; not that she would ever want to be back in the White fold; Whites to her are the colonizers and the oppressors, they are the ones who measured the skulls and put the remains of the red man on display. Whites for her are everything she is fleeing; and so she will exist in a guilt ridden trance, in a racial no-man’s land, between two worlds, hating one and revering the other. And all she can do is hope the Great Spirit in the sky will drop a tear or two for her so she knows that not all is lost.

“Hoover’s alleged Indigenous roots came into question in 2021 after her name appeared on an Alleged Pretendian List. The list compiled by Jacqueline Keeler, a Native American writer and activist, includes more than 200 names of people Keeler says are falsely claiming Native heritage. Hoover first addressed doubts about her ethnic identity last year when she said in an October 2022 post on her website that she had conducted genealogical research and found no records of tribal citizenship for any of my family members in the tribal databases that were accessed.”

200 names! That’s a lot of people playing “red like me” with the world. Back in the day the coloreds would have given anything to “pass” as White. White was then the privileged race, the marquee race, the race of status, as well it might have been. If one could convince the world that one was White (even if one was not) it was a great boon. Suffice it to say that no White people back then were pretending to be black or red, unless they had a book contract and were going to buffalo the world into feeling sorry for the black or red man. But back then no White man in his right mind (and nearly all of us had White right minds back then) would charade as a colored; it would have been a shameful thing to do. But back than all the racial crossings was colored to White, never the other way around. And thereby hangs a tale.

“Her statement caused an uproar, and some former students authored a letter in November demanding her resignation. The letter was signed by hundreds of students and scholars from UC Berkeley and other universities along with members of Native American communities. It also called for her to apologize, stop identifying as Indigenous and acknowledge she had caused harm, among other demands. As scholars embedded in the kinship networks of our communities, we find Hoover’s repeated attempts to differentiate herself from settlers with similar stories and her claims of having lived experience as an Indigenous person by dancing at powwows absolutely appalling the letter reads.”

It happened at Beserkeley of all places. Back when Franz Boas was sending communists as heads of all the Anthropology Departments thereby to spread the Jewish gospel, and turn Anthropology from what it had been, the study of races (Whites being preeminent), to the study of pottery shards and promoting cultural relativism, back then he sent his ardent acolyte Alfred Kroeber to Berkeley. Kroeber was a fanatical opponent of Nordicism and a gung ho anti-hereditarian anthropological environmentalist, but (alas!) he was a White man of his time. And it was he who promoted the most famous Indian of all time: Ishi. And, apparently, he did not treat Ishi with the respect due a sacred race and so a few years ago his name was with great fanfare removed from the building that houses the Anthropology department at Berkeley. Thus the revolution ate its fathers in order to take a “first step toward healing tensions with tribes and Indigenous students.” Hell, a few years before that they even put a play on at Zellerbach called Ishi: The Last of the Yahi, a play which was filled with scenes of prejudiced White men (of course!), massacres, Indians for a $5-a-head state bounty, gunfire, rape, murder, cannibalism. Standard fare, but you can see that given this background a fake Indian never stood a chance. Wounded Knee and the Trail of Tears and all of that.

“Janet Gilmore, a UC Berkeley spokesperson, said in a statement she couldn’t comment on whether Hoover faces disciplinary action, saying discussing it would violate personnel matters and/or violate privacy rights, both of which are protected by law. However, we are aware of and support ongoing efforts to achieve restorative justice in a way that acknowledges and addresses the extent to which this matter has caused harm and upset among members of our community, Gilmore added.”

You bet the Berkeley brass is taking this one dead serious. They know they got a problem on their hands and the White woman got caught red-handed; and they are going to nip this White lady in the bud. They hired her amid great fanfare, it boosted their colored numbers (is anything more sacred to the modern university?), it got them in good with the merciless savages, and they could gloat and preen that they are on the right side of history, which is the red-black-brown-side. Back in the day it was a White man who donated all that land on which the school sits, but then wasn’t that land stolen from the red man? Isn’t this just one big giant land acknowledgment by now? You bet it is and that’s why Elizabeth Hoover, fake Indian, is now persona non grata at the People’s Republic of Berkeley, and why some of that great big restorative justice, which means no justice for the White man, will be barreling down the pike.

“Hoover said that she grew up in rural upstate New York thinking she was someone of mixed Mohawk, Mi’kmaq, French, English, Irish and German descent, and attending food summits and powwows. Her mother shared stories about her grandmother being a Mohawk woman. She said she would no longer identify as Indigenous but would continue to help with food sovereignty and environmental justice movements in Native communities that ask her for her support.”

No one is going to ask for her support; she’s on the proscribed list, the s**** list. Turns out she’s Euro all the way and in a better age might just have been a credit to our race; but it looks like she got bamboozled by her mother who made up some cock and bull story about Mi’kmaq (whatever that is, right?) ancestry, and feeding her a bunch of lies. Right there in White upstate New York the family was having big heap ‘em powwows, and doing ritual rain dances, and putting up tee pees in their back yard, really doing everything but drinking whiskey, beating their children, and living off the government.

“In her apology issued Monday, Hoover acknowledged she benefited from programs and funding that were geared toward Native scholars and said she is committed to engaging in the restorative justice process taking place on campus, as well as supporting restorative justice processes in other circles I have been involved with, where my participation is invited. She noted that she had claimed her Native American heritage her whole life and benefited from her self-identified Indigenous background in the forms of academic fellowships, opportunities, and material benefits that I may not have received had I not been perceived as a Native scholar.”

No one will invite her. And the real scandal is how many goodies there are for people of color. Unfortunately expect more of this, all the institutional advantages are squarely in their corner, and the gravy train is dripping with money. This is the real reason why they get in such high dudgeon about the pretendians, for their existence highlights the boondoggle and discredits it; and anything which tends toward shutting off the spigots at the hands of the bigots they will fight tooth and nail. Their sinecures as well as their ascendant ideology depends on it.

“Hoover’s concession fits into a continuum of white Americans co-opting for personal gain and claiming tribal heritage in what critics call Pretendians at a time when Americans are increasingly self-identifying on the US census as Native American. Members of Indigenous communities argue that this phenomenon capitalizes on their tribal ancestry for personal gain and acts as colonialism by another name.”

Outside of Kroeber no Berkeley anthropologist received so much academic renown as Tim White, he of Lucy and Leakey fame. But it turns out White was just one of those bad old Whites as well, following in the footsteps of those bad old “Nazis” who (they say) measured those future Holocaust survivors and then took their bodies, dipped them in decompositional acids, and spirited away their skeletons to a Berlin museum run by the Ahnenerbe so a smart looking Himmler could inspect them with his pince-nez. For nothing sends shivers up the already shaky spines of the indigenous than a White man with calipers and face mask putty, they envision the charnel house of their ancestors’ bones being on display in an exhibit. What White did was uses a “vast collection of indigenous remains sorted by body part and stored in wooden bins” to teach his anthropology students at Berkeley. The parts had been handed down by his forebears at the school and back in the 1970s and 1980s he likely thought nothing of it despite the Dead White Maleism that was even then rearing its ugly head. This was a “dark history” that post Floyd in 2020 the running scared administrators at Berkeley acknowledged, along with the fact they worked on stolen land. Safe to say those bones are no longer there, and Tim White has been knocked from his perch. The malign spirit of the Jew Franz Boas is fully triumphant now at Berkeley Anthropology. And now Elizabeth Hoover, who is “just a White woman,” is the newest sacrificial victim tossed on the funeral pyre of the White race they have raging on Sproul Plaza. And you can be sure the misfits in People’s Park are doing a rain dance and getting ready to toss more White bodies on the gears of White Colonial Civilization.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fake Squaw Gets Caught

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:07 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fake Squaw Gets Caught

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:09 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fake Squaw Gets Caught

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:09 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fake Squaw Gets Caught

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:10 pm


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