The Saxons Fight Back

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4635
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The Saxons Fight Back

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon May 15, 2023 1:46 am

Douglas Mercer
May 14 2023

It looks like the wrath of the Saxons is awakening and that’s always a barometers of good thing coming. All across White Europe they want to pick off the small towns and villages and flood them with the drillas and the hittas from Africa, and the Muslims from wherever. They house them in makeshift containers, or in unused schools, or warehouses, and soon they’ll kick those White grannies to the curb and the smelly silverbacks will waltz right in, toss the accumulated memories of the ages away, sit right down, turn on the television, and make themselves right at home. The latest ground zero for the invasion is the state of Saxony; this is a state that had the inestimable advantage of being behind the Iron Curtain; so despite the tyranny and the bread lines it was shielded from the too numerous to count social and cultural revolutions of the postwar years, the Coca-Colas, the harridan feminists, the dark fists thrust in the air, and the Stonewall inheritors, and thus it remained on the sane side of the great divide. And now that legacy of stalwart health is paying dividends, and when they try to plop countless dark skinned mongrels on them they balk, and so the battle begins.

“The German state of Saxony is one of the most immigration-skeptical states in Germany and known as a stronghold for the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which actively campaigns against mass immigration. However, the fact that such a large share of people in Saxony are generally opposed to foreigners flowing into their homeland is a major point of consternation for the left and the immigrants who want to settle in Germany.”

Consternation is a polite word in this context, more like they crank up the hysteria machine to brain cracking and crackling decibels, they wail and they caterwaul, and they wring their hands and they rend their garments. You mean some nice White people is a remote corner of Germany aren’t over the moon about racial subversion? Well, they say, that cannot stand. They want nothing more than as they stick it to the White man and seal our demise good and hard that we submit meekly and go gently into what won’t be a good night. They want us to be wholly resigned to our fate, and take it on the chin (and everywhere else) sans complaint. The fact that the Saxons are not making any bones about wanting to survive and survive forever as a racial unit is part bad manners and part total outrage and they will send in their men to see that such thinking does not abide.

“Now, at the start of International Week Against Racism, the Refugee Council criticized the German state of Saxony, and in a paper signed by 40 pro-migrant and refugee associations, it called for a radical overhaul in migrant benefits and even voting rights. Many of these organizations are lavishly funded by the German federal government and even local authorities in Saxony.”

A week against racism? Just a week? That’s a laugh. They do this day in day out, 24/7/52/365 and twice on leap day. Around the clock they fight against racism, because they know it is the fail safe of White people, our last, only, and best hope on earth. Not sure if it’s the same thing but the UN (created by Alger Hiss and Eleanor Roosevelt) sponsors something called the “week of solidarity with the peoples struggling against racism and racial discrimination.” This criminal anti-White farce and travesty is observed annually from March 21 to March 27 and says it opposes all form of racial injustice that is “heaped” upon people. So you can see why they thought the Saxons picked a bad time so they decided to heap some coals on their heads, the blacker the better, though in truth that anti-racism week is more honored in the breach than the observance.

“A spokeswoman for the Committee of Migrant Self-Organizations, Syrian-born Hamida Taamiri complained about alleged racism in Saxony, according to German news outlet . She referred to an unnamed Syrian refugee child who claimed she experienced daily racism at school. The refugee claimed that racism in Saxony is harder to bear than the everyday war in Syria.”

Sometimes things just write themselves and this is one of them: if war torn Syria is so great then get the f*** out. And if the door should hit that little mongrel on her way back to her native hell hole, well, that’s just gravy.

“Such emotional appeals may be designed to drive support for the proposals being pushed by the array of pro-migrant organizations. The paper calls for an electronic health card granting migrants automatic access to the overburdened German Health Care System, and German language courses should be made available from the first day migrants arrive along with access to the labor market. All this at a time when Germany’s education system is struggling to find enough teachers and dealing with issues related to multiculturalism in the classroom. The executive director of the Saxon Refugee Council, Angela Müller, described Saxony as potentially a laboratory for asylum policy.”

A laboratory? What, are we rats? Yes, that is what we are to them: rats in maze to be subjects in an unprecedented experiment, to be subject to racial replacement. They don’t have beakers and Bunsen burners and those clear goggles, no; they have politicians in their back pockets, they have interlocking directorates of NGOS at their beck and call, they have lobbies to pressure, and Jew media conglomerates to persuade; but make no mistake about it--it is an experiment and they are experimenting; nothing like this has ever happened in the world before and their preferred outcome is the death of our race.

“In addition, the organizations are also pushing for a right to vote after living five years in Saxony for all migrants, regardless of their citizenship status, which would certainly be a boon for Germany’s left-wing parties. The paper is also pushing for a range of benefits for migrants, many of who travel through multiple safe countries on their way to Germany. These migrants should be provided housing away from centralized migrant centers, according to the paper, even at a time when Germans are struggling to find affordable homes. The paper additionally calls for multilingualism to reduce institutional racism in the public authorities of Saxony.”

The way they demand and the way they talk about it is almost like they are seeking reparations. Their entitlement knows no bounds and they feel like they are owed. They want to stick their hand in and raid the German cookie jar, and take take take. And then when it’s not enough simply to empty the treasury they also go after the cultural patrimony of the Saxons: let it no longer be a German place, let it no longer be a Saxon place, let it no longer be a White place: let it be “multicultural.” Let the mongrel horde have sway over the culture, let the Germans accede to the dark skinned; otherwise the poor black-brown migrants might be offended and not feel at home in a place which is (after all) not their home. And just so you know their definition of racism is not being given complete and total run of the place so they can ruin it and run roughshod over the White natives, and when they don’t get enough goodies to satisfy their insatiable material greed and lust.

“The village of Rosenthal in eastern Saxony has only 150 citizens, but its population may soon double if a planned migrant center with capacity for 150 is built in the vicinity of the village. Now, citizens are turning to the conservative Alternative for Germany (AfD) party for help. The tranquil village is located in a little-known corner of Germany and the village’s obscurity may be exactly why the federal government and the state of Saxony may have thought they could relocate migrants there without much opposition.”

Double means racial swamping on an exponential scale; were it to happen and with the rabbit like breeding habits of the foreigners soon the Whites there would be a minority, one by one those dark babies would be dropped from the dam and soon enough that tranquil, peaceful White paradise would be transformed overnight into third world sordid swamp. The proposed migrants would be a variety of mongrel stew: Afghans, Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis—a witches brew of melting pot stirred to become race chaos. This would change the demographics and then the culture of the place in a trice; it’s no wonder the Saxon natives are furious and are fighting this move tooth and nail. After all they are fighting for their life and the life of their own people.

“At the beginning of April, when Thomas Gampe, the head of the social affairs department of the district of Görlitz, presented plans for the construction of a migrant home in the village, he was met with boos. Citizens appealed to District Administrator Stephan Meyer (CDU) to block the project. Meyer is being accused of rushing to find new asylum accommodation with his plans to make migrant homes out of a former vocational school in Boxberg as well as a former apprentices’ dormitory in the Hirschfeld district of Rosenthal.”

How on the money that is, they take places which will teach and train the native Whites into useful professions (vocational school, apprentice dormitory), places that unlike college won’t teach them an anti-White doctrine, but now they have been abandoned and will house migrants. That’s like taking your seed corn, the thing which will secure your future, and flinging it into a cesspool. No wonder that guy got hooted down when he wanted to put a migrant home in the sleepy little beautiful backwater that the people there know and love. He’s lucky they didn’t tar and feather him and run hit out of town on rail, though in the future if he keeps pressing for this suicidal endeavor no one should rule that out.

“Now, the topic appears to be the only one the villagers want to talk about. The AfD has also forced the issue to the forefront. On Tuesday, the Görlitz district council will meet in a special session after the AfD requested the meeting to address asylum seekers being moved into the town. The AfD has gone even further and proposed that no asylum homes be built in the district of Görlitz. Although the district itself cannot make such a decision, the motion indicates that the federal government and the Saxon state should come to an agreement on the issue.”

Why would you want to talk about anything else? Is there any other topic? You are a small, quaint, and peaceful White village and have been so for longer than anyone can remember. And then the so-called authorities present a plan to dump planeloads of race aliens in your so far pristine community—and then they have the gall to tell you that if you object you are some kind of racist monster—well, once that happens no one wants to talk about anything else, that’s for sure. After all the future, and the future of our people, is the one and only subject that should be forever on all of our minds.

“The influx of potential migrants in Rosenthal comes at a time when Germany is dealing with a spiraling migrant crisis. In cities and towns across the country, local governments are grappling with a problem that has seen politicians and administrators take extreme measures, including evicting elderly citizens from their homes to make way for migrant. The AfD has long argued that the country’s exploding immigration population has resulted in billions in taxpayer money going into housing, education, social benefits, and unemployment benefits for millions of newcomers.”

Yes, we hear unbelievable stories out of Germany, where they are evicting grannies and grandpas in order to make way for some mongrel mud people. What the actual? What the hell? What on earth are they thinking. Well, you know what they are thinking. Nothing is so symbolic of the replacement than an actual replacement, taking elderly White people, kicking them unceremoniously to the curb, and putting in twenty year old Otowumba and giving him the run of the place. You can be sure he’ll get rid of those old “musty” knick knacks, toss the lederhosen, put on a soccer Jersey, and watch television all day, and scream bloody racism when he thinks anyone looked at him funny while he was on his way to pick up his government check.

“Many of the rural villages in Germany feature little to no investment, and Chrupalla noted that there is no public infrastructure in the Hirschfelde district of Rosenthal. Now, citizens are asking why money is going into housing more migrants when it could have gone into improving their quality of life, schools, and infrastructure.”

And so that time honored thing is happening, is happening again: the Saxon is beginning to hate. More than enough counts have been proved to know what this means. When the Saxon begins to hate he will brook no opposition, and a berserker rage is in the offing. Strong ancestral memories arise when it’s all on the line, and it’s realized that there is no survival without victory. And then the stuffed shirts of Germany who operate in the glaze of green eyeshade offices, and put these migrants here, and these migrants there, who pontificate on television about Germany’s need to atone, and come to terms with its past, that it needs to become an “immigrant nation”; well then those traitors and misfits simply won’t’ know what hit them; and it won’t be migrants who are then coming but another thing entirely.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4635
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: The Saxons Fight Back

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:49 am


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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Saxons Fight Back

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:59 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:49 am
Move over, tiki-torches! Those hand-flares burn exceptionally bright and can be seen from miles away. I have a supply of them myself, in case of emergency. Since they also burn hot, it's best to keep it away from touching flesh.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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