More Jew Worship

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
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More Jew Worship

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu May 18, 2023 7:38 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 18 2023

A month for Jews? Just a month is really a joke, you hear so much about Jews you know it’s really year round. It’s like when they have that Holocaust Remembrance day and it’s funny that they say it’s only one day a year, when we all know it’s each and every day. What is this Jew month (May) for exactly? Why, for Jewish Heritage. Of course the minute you say White Heritage you have the goons from Merrick Garland’s Justice Department swarming around your house ready to Ruby Ridge you (White people are the number one terror threat after all). You say White Heritage in this country and they conjure up “scary” images of chanting men with tiki torches and hoods and mounted men ready to string up a spook. You say White Heritage in this country and you’re liable to get loaded on a one way train bound for the Gulag, there to get a lot more than two minutes of hate and your life will be a neverending struggle session. That is White Heritage is verboten but Jewish Heritage? Why it’s as American as mom and apple pie.

“On May 16 2023 Pesident Joe Biden and second gentleman Doug Emhoff called for both celebrating Jewish American history, and tackling antisemitism head on, during an event marking Jewish American Heritage Month at the White House.”

What exactly is the Jewish Heritage of which they seem so proud? What is this history? The Jewish heritage is one of chaos and destruction, and of being a hostile and aggressive elite in which they always seek to topple the host people. The history of the Jews in America is tale quickly told: they leveraged fake pogroms in Russia to arrive here in their millions like out of control cockroaches, greasy haired and kaftan wearing; they immediately went in to opposition against the White majority, they quickly displaced the White elite and gained total power, which of course did not stop them from wailing and squealing all the time about their victim status. It certainly is nothing to be proud of, let alone celebrate.

“I want to thank all of you for joining us as we celebrate Jewish Americans whose values, culture, and contributions have shaped who we are as a nation, and that's not hyperbole. Over generations, a story of resilience, hope, faith of the Jewish people. And the promise of a better tomorrow has inspired people everywhere, everywhere around the world, Biden said.”

No, it is not hyperbole, it is actually understatement. The Jews shaped America by deforming and transforming it, to change it in their own image. Jews took over the finance, and the education, and the media, and the entertainment. As a small example Charlie Rose once asked Don Rickles how many of the comedians that he came up with in the 1950s and 1960s were Jewish. Rickles thought about it for a moment and then said: about half. Which is really astonishing if you think about it, a people who a hundred years previously had been so marginal in Europe that the even the Jews in Western Europe knew very little about them had in the course of a century not only moved en masse in to the greatest Anglo Saxon nation in the history of the world, but they had insinuated themselves in to a leading role in comedy (among everything else), a decent enough barometer of the tone and sensitivity of an age. In 1968 critic Walter Kerr said that after the Second World War the American sensibility had become part Jewish, perhaps “as much Jewish as anything else. He said that the literate American mind has come to think Jewishly, it has been taught to do so and was ready to. And then noted that after the entertainers and the novelists came the Jewish critics, the Jewish politicians, and the Jewish theologians, the people in these professions form ways of seeing, and the way we see now is a Jewish way. He did not oversell it.

That is the Jews in astounding short order took total control of the commanding heights of the American mind. Or as Joe Biden said about a decade ago the size of the Jewish role in the social revolutions that have rocked America has been “immense.” Indeed, it is hard to overstate how much they have done so. But to pretend that they have taken us on the path to the sunny uplands is bizarre; rather they have cast us down in to the lowest pit of hell.

“Retelling his story about how he decided to run for President after the Unite the Right march in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, where white supremacists chanted Jews will not replace us, Biden called for people to speak up about hatred and anti-semitism.”

Our current Resident Alzy Joe sure has got a lot of mileage out of the those tiki torchers made me do it line, he dines out perpetually on the notion that it was khaki clad Jew haters who caused him to run. Of course now that he’s a million and a half years old and senile to the point of drooling and safely in the crypt that hasn’t stopped him from placing his bony fingers on the lid of the coffin and trying to work his way out. That is he’s going to seek re-election and alongside living zombie Diane Feinstein’s decision to continue in office as a corpse it shows that these politicians are fatally addicted to power. The notion that absent the heroes of Charlottesville he would have sat on his hands is ludicrous, but his neverending claim that it was the cause shows the deep resonance of the charge of White Supremacy in the wider culture, in which the big bad bogeyman always has his cap on with the lightening bolt and the death’s head affixed to it.

“Speaking about the reported rise in antisemitic incidents in America, Biden said, It's unconscionable. It's almost unbelievable. It's despicable. These attacks are a threat to other minority communities as well, but more importantly, it's literally a stain on the soul of America. Let's be clear: silence is complicity.”

Before the arrival of the mass of Jews from their filthy and stinking ghettos America of course was pure as the driven snow, a nice, White country on an ever upward arc, with beautiful and clean gleaming cities. It was a seamless tapestry of pure Whiteness. The stain on this country of course was the Jews; with their black hearts they began to rip it up and tear at the fabric until now it is a country of shreds and patches. But what they want you to believe is that (literally mind you!) the actual stain is us, the posterity spoken of in the preamble of the constitution, the people who remember the perfect past and want to restore it in order to create a viable future for ourselves. To say that this is the stain they have had to turn rightside down and get enough to believe that the actual “America” is the America of the so-called American creed where everyone is equal regardless of creed or color, but this is the creed which has enable the Jews to destroy it.

“The Talmud says, quote, it's not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it, Biden said, quoting a line from the corpus of Jewish legal thought. You know, the American story depends on not any one of us, not on some of us, but on all of us. The President pointed to initiatives he has taken and plans regarding antisemitism, including an upcoming plan to release a strategy on broadening awareness of Jewish American history and antisemitism, and reversing what he called the normalization of antisemitism.”

The American story? The Jews waylaid the America story, hijacked it and sent it careening in a totally opposite direction. It would actually be good if the public’s consciousness of Jewish America history were broadened for they know none of it. For instance Jew Leslie Fiedler wrote that by the early 1950s every gentile intellectual who made his way to Manhattan with the dream of hitting the big time began acting like a Jew, thinking like a Jews, writing like a Jew, taking on the accents and tones of a Jew, dressing like a Jew, having glasses like a Jew, looking like a Jew, being a Jew. Mailer, Malamud, Bellow, Roth, Heller, Salinger, Shaw—indeed what we think of as post World War 2 American literature and culture is really Jewish literature and culture-- which taken together was a stake aimed at the White heart. That is Jewish American history, that is the Jew Heritage in this country. And it’s nothing to have a month for or brag about.

“Emhoff, a lawyer by trade and the first Jewish spouse of any U.S. president or vice president, spoke to the long arc of Jewish American history and his own Jewish heritage. That history goes all the way back to our founding, when Jewish American patriots fought to help secure independence, and later help save our union during the Civil War, and have fought so valiantly in all subsequent wars. And throughout the eras there have been outstanding Jewish Americans who have achieved so much in their fields.”

You’ve heard of those parades of horribles but this is a parade (and a charade) on nonsense. It strains credulity but nonetheless they want us to believe that in all those patriot graves are Jews, that Jews fired the shots heard round the world; but it was not a Jew who said give me liberty or give me death, it was a Jew who said surrender your money and your country or you’ll get death. As for the idea that the Civil War “saved” our nation the opposite is the case—it set us on the long path to perdition and, if I remember aright, Grant had to kick the Jews out for their long standing practice of gouging.

“The packed event in the White House's East Room, attended by Jewish leaders, Congress members, and members of the administration, also featured a musical performance by Jewish actors Ben Platt and Micaela Diamond. Platt and Diamond currently star in the Broadway revival of Parade, a musical telling the story of Leo Frank, a Jewish man in Georgia in the early 1910s who was accused of murder and later lynched. The show faced anti-semitic protests during its first preview.”

Well, you have to hand them this: in order to ballyhoo Jewish history in America they trotted in two Jews to sing a song from a musical which celebrates the Ur-event in Jewish American history, the gruesome rape and then murder of an innocent White girl by the blood dripping from his fangs Jew Leo Frank. That is really on the money. It’s the event which led to the formation of the ADL and set the Jews irretrievably on their course of White Genocide. And only Jews would take what should be such a shameful moment in their past and launder it into a big Broadway spectacle replete with catchy show tunes. But that’s just the thing, once the Jews comes in in any numbers the days of your country are numbered unless you can be rid of them. Old Henry Adams knew this in his bones when he saw his first Jew walking along Beacon Street with his greasy curls, his black hat, his soiled kaftan and speaking a snarling Yiddish. In response to this horrifying vision the scion of American Royalty laconically noted in his diary that he now had empathy with the American Indian and the American buffalo, as one who had lost his home. This of course is what they were celebrating at the White House, and what that month is really all about.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: More Jew Worship

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:56 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: More Jew Worship

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:56 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: More Jew Worship

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:57 am


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