More Gibs

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4538
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:13 am

Douglas Mercer
April 2 2022

Those of us defending the realm from the ever growing darkness took a hit the other day when Jews, blacks, and Jew inspired psychopaths took a decisive step towards robbing us of our resources and sending us spiraling into an abject third worldization from which we won't be able to return. It seems that California is going to go whole hog on reparations.

More gibs.

The blacks are brandishing the begging bowl.

The irony is that the vast majority of these bucks and boons don't even know who their father is but you watch, now that dollar bills are being flooded into the trough they'll stand up straight (or as straight as they can stand up) and their family trees and their lineages will be as immaculate as any blue blooded French Aristocrat. Their pedigrees will be entirely made up but they will be impeccable. After all is any green eye shaded bureaucrat going to deny a negro money by saying that his negro status is suspect? Hell no, he won't! He doesn't want to make the evening news as the man who denied a negro his money. You say you just came in from African as part of the massive wave of immigration from the continent? Get in line son and get your money! You are a light skinned quadroon from Belize who is just here traveling? Get in line and get your money! You're a full blooded Indian whose great great great grandmother squaw got raped by a buffalo soldier! You get some money! You are a code writer from India whose skin is daker than any American spook? You qualify! As a matter of fact any dark skinned person will be eligible because it's literally raining dollar bills from the White man now. Why, even Hector from Tijuana can put a little black leather kiwi shoe polish on his face and get in on the action. You can be sure that they won't be asking too many questions.

Come get your money!

More gibs.

How would they even in theory be sure? Birth Certificates? Don't be silly, these are people they assure us are much too stupid to get an ID to use to vote, you think they have birth certificates? And it's more than safe to assume that the wider family has more history with crack than with crack genealogists, so it's doubtful they can rely on any careful researcher to fill in the gaps at all those giant question marks on the paternal lines. No, in the end no one will want to be discourteous to a negro and they'll just take their say so.

You daddy was so and so? You daddy' daddy was who?

Don't know? No problem!

Line up and get your money.

More gibs.

You see the once great state of California has continued on its long slide into utter lunacy but this time they've struck a chord. Some small cities have given gibs but this is the grandaddy of states: and they're giving gibs on a grand scale. That they've moderated it somewhat is no point in their favor, this is an idea that not ten years ago would have seemed impossible to accomplish but here it is. And ten years from now? Whatever brakes they've put on it now will all be gone.

Make no mistake about it: this is the dam breaking. All the burning cities, all the "protests", all the seminars on Whiteness, all the statues toppling, all the names changing, all the erasing of history, all lead up to this point: a straight up cash transaction. When Civil Rights were granted to the negros we made startling admission: we were wrong. Don't think they've forgotten that or that they can't smell weakness. This is just some pretty big chickens coming home to roost.

After all how much is black suffering worth? Can you put a price tag on it?

Unsurprisingly, it turns out they can.

More gibs.

"On Tuesday, California's reparations task force voted that only black Californians who can prove a direct lineage to enslaved ancestors will be eligible for the statewide — and first-in-the nation — reparations program. The task force voted 5-4 in favor of the proposal after six hours of debate. A failed proposal would have provided reparations to the state’s entire black population regardless of slave lineage."

This is the current state of play; seemingly moderate when in fact it is radical; formally and institutionally catering to black grievance and backing it up with billions of dollars in hands outs. Not that the blacks were ever slouches in queueing up for the giveaways they never have been and never will be. They can smell ripple and weaves miles away, lawdamighty the White man sure is rich. Sticking out their black paws is the only thing (other than crime and abandoning their children) that they are past masters at. Indeed when it comes to holding out the begging bowl they could give a master class on it.

Trust me they are not worried that their wings were clipped a little bit, they know this will make it go down somewhat easier with the general public, it's like easing an old man down to the euthanasia table, and eventually that won't matter a bit---eventually they'll make it rain cash at all times on the backs of slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, Emmett Til or any of the black men who have met their just end after resisting arrest.

This is highway robbery in broad daylight.

This is but the thin edge of the wedge and it's already pretty fat.

"The California reparations task force defined those eligible as someone determined by an individual being an African American descendant of a chattel enslaved person or the descendant of a free Black person living in the US prior to the end of the 19th century according to the motion. An earlier amendment to the motion pushed for a broader definition of eligibility that would have included all 2.6 million African Americans in California, with special consideration for those with direct lineage to slaves."

The notion that not just so called "legacy blacks" but all blacks, even if they showed up five minutes ago, should be party to this largesse and shakedown shows you where their heads are at on this. This is putatively about slavery but for them it's so much more: it's White evil in all of its alleged manifestations. Essentially what they want is what they have now but ramified beyond comprehension: they want White slaves toiling and then putting their money towards creating a leisure class of dark skinned people who are living off the White dole. What we call insanity they call justice. And they have a governor of California who agrees with them.

"Two years ago, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation giving special consideration to black Americans who are direct descendants of slaves. Among one of the bill’s requirements was the formation of a task force to study the distribution of financial compensation to the state’s black population."

Notice how they are to receive special consideration, not the only consideration, just massive consideration, but other blacks, blacks who just crossed the border illegally, blacks who hijacked a bus from ICE, and blacks from the depths of the Amazonian jungle, they get consideration too. If a four foot negrito showed and spoke his native babble they'd give him some Andy Jacksons and, eventually, some Tubmans.

Even giving them any money (for doing nothing after all) is ludicrous but to give it to anyone else is more than the larceny but larceny on a cosmic scale. It's the same way any Indian from the subcontinent, Mulattos from the Caribbean, or Juan from Tijuana, get affirmative action, under no theory of any case were there any historical wrongs committed against them by Americans, but they want to blur that, to our enemies just having dusky skin in America is an historical wrong committed against the dusky savages; just roll them into a pre-existing system and watch the advantages and the dollars bills roll in.

They are always waiting til their ship rolls in in the form of White cowardice.

Los Angeles-based lawyer Lisa Holder argued against a strict lineage approach and instead argued for payments to the state’s entire black population, including immigrants.

“We must make sure we include present day and future harms. The system that folks are advocating for here, where we splice things up, where only one small slice benefits, will not abate the harms of racism.”

Future harms means it's not about slavery per se; and of course it's not about slavery at all. The sorrow over slavery is just a convenient fiction, a fig leaf to cover up what is really going on; they see that the they have White people in a corner and are going to press their advantage to the limit; there will be no limit to it; and remember even though California is a far left lunatic asylum other than Texas California had more Trump voters than any other state; that means there are millions of hard working White people in the state that form the bulwark of it, that keep the lights on, and now this fertile field will be plucked and sucked dry for all they are worth--and then some.

"Cheryl Grills, a committee member and a clinical psychologist at Loyola Marymount University, also said a lineage-based approach would be divisive and another win for white supremacy

Any more wins like this and we're done for

"The two-year task force is expected to release a California reparations proposal in June 2023 with recommendations for the state Legislature. In addition to financial payments, task force members said the state will be issuing a formal apology for the nation’s practice of slavery. Additionally, members said that the latest eligibility determination will help economists tasked with quantifying a dollar amount for reparations owed

The formal apology is key, is the touchstone; you might as well inscribe it in stone on the capitol steps in Sacramento: White Men Are Sitting Ducks. Once this apology escapes the lips of our "leaders" everything else follows. How then can they deny anything? And as for those economists they will be experts at adding serial zeros like a serial killer piles up the bodies. It will be an amen chorus as all things will work together for our destruction.

They want to proletarianize us, and pauperize us; deny us the means to thrive and flourish, deny us the means to reproduce ourselves.

You can read all about it in the Protocols.

"The decision, which passed by a vote of 5-4 on Tuesday night, has sparked widespread debate about who should be compensated for the continuing impacts of slavery, and how the state should factor in systemic racism that remains pervasive in society."

Here it comes. Of course the only systemic or institutional racism today is against White people, we are discriminated against legally in every corner of this country. But they will elide right by that and slip in "facts" which far exceed their remit: if the "sin" is slavery than pay for that (or don't pay as it was no sin); but no sooner does slavery leave their lips then they are talking about the "evils" of today and how that must be remedied financially; it's not even a shall game because the magician is clumsy and his hand are moving slowly; only the slow witted could fail to see it

But the obviousness of it all will not be able to stop them from forcing us to shell out our hard earned.

The argument is the argument of the suffering entailed in being black and far exceeds their charge:

"Some on the taskforce had pushed for reparations for all Black residents, regardless of lineage, arguing that they continue to suffer from inequality in housing, education, employment, criminal justice and other arenas. They’ve also raised concerns about the difficulties of proving lineage, noting that enslavers often shipped people to work in various plantations across the US and outside of the country."

You great to the nth power daddy was a slave in Jamaica? Or he wa just smoking a lot of dope their in the seventies?

Come get your boodle.

More gibs.

“Black people continue to deal with racism and discrimination in every aspect of this country, whether healthcare, juvenile justice or the wealth gap. Black residents who are not descendants of slaves have still been harmed by the legacy of slavery, whether from Jim Crow laws or the prison system, and also deserve restitution."

Not slavery but the legacy of slavery, and that fiction can of course redound on any negro, whoever they may be, any person of "color" whoever he is, and once the sluices are opened don't even try to stick your finger in the dyke because you will already have been washed away by the dark flood.

There is no limiting principle here because there is not principle.

"The taskforce has note yet decided how residents would prove eligibility and what kind of reparations they could receive; the state would need to pass a new law to dole out compensation."

Here's how they'll decide? Are you White? No? Get in line and get your money.

More gibs.

"Two million Black Californians are estimated to be descendants of slaves, out of 2.6m total Black residents in the state, the taskforce said in a meeting on Wednesday, citing estimates that a reparations bill to support those descendants could cost $672bn. The taskforce also discussed possible frameworks that would consider specific harms and atrocities to prioritize, such as unjust property takings by eminent domain, segregated education, police violence and housing discrimination."

The litany and the laundry list is never ending. You can see the next pivot. You are black and your shiftless grandpappy ran out on the granny and you couldn't pay the mortgage and you lost the house?

Say it with me: you qualify, come get your money.

"The taskforce has collected testimony on the continuing inequalities in the state, noting that while Black residents make up 5% of California, they are significantly over-represented in jails, prisons and unhoused populations, and that Black homeowners continue to face significant discrimination in home appraisals."

So because no one wants a negro for a neighbor for excellent reasons, because blacks punch so high and hard against their weight in crime, because they are unstable and live on the streets, because of this they should be awarded? It's for a good reason that there's an old saw that goes you should never be able to benefit from your own wrongdoing.

“We must be aggressive in our efforts to be honest and direct and to figure out what we need to do in California and be an example to the rest of the nation in how we begin to reckon with ourselves,”

No, they are reckoning with us. When it comes to us and them there is only us and them, there is now "we" here.

"The task force meets again to hear expert testimony on the criminal justice system and anti-black bias Some of that testimony will appear in the task force's first report, which is expected to publish June 1 and include findings to help prove the existence of state-sanctioned racism rooted in slavery from before and after emancipation to the present day."

To the present day. This is a sweeping if false indictment which opens the door for opening the door to one come and come all and come get your money if you're black or brown, of anything other than White. Trust me, it's the plan in their back pocket. And so ends the noble dream of a White America. We said we were guilty and they took us at our word. Backfooted and on the defensive any defense mechanism has been rooted out. First they got the admission, then they burned our cities, then they took down our statues, deleted our names, erased our reputations. Now they go for the money, and bereft of a history and poor as church mouse enough of us we will cower in the corner and speak to them of justice. But despite their words they don't and never have believed in justice. When on the mat one may lift a hand to them hoping for magnanimity but it will not be forthcoming. If you gave them your guilt and you gave them your gibs don't be shocked when they finish you off.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4538
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:28 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4538
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Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:28 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:29 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:30 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:33 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4538
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Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:33 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4538
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Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:34 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4538
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:36 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4538
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: More Gibs

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:36 am


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