Civilizational Collapse

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 9881
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Civilizational Collapse

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:04 am

Douglas Mercer
March 12 2022

What can't last won't last, as America is about to find out in spades. Build your house on sand and it will wash away, when the storm comes you will have no chance. Build your house on what endures and what lasts---your people, your race, your country, hearth, and home---and you will last a thousand years and more.

America has built its house on money, materialism, individualism, freedom and greed. Suffice it to say that now that the storm has come it doesn't stand much of a chance.

Plutarch said if you want to destroy a country make it rich.

Do your own thing and don't tread on me are just two sides of the same coin.

There's a direct line between freedom and flooding communities with opioids for a fat profit--and not that long a line. There's a direct line between freedom and an insidious sexual revolution--and not that long a line.

Conservatives hoard their money and liberals flaunt their exotic sexual practices--no difference in practice. Ayn Rand used to wear a dollar sign brooch made of gold, and purple haired freaks walk our city streets waving dildos--no difference in practice.

These are just two sides of the same coin.

When you exalt freedom, the individual and his "rights" to a god like status you ruin the organic community. Fragmentation, alienation, and despair are the inevitable result. The family goes, morals go, spiritual values go, the race goes, and the foundations sink in the sand.

After his son was murdered Charles Lindbergh began to increasingly think that America had become a crime ridden, crass, vulgar, celebrity obsessed country with no soul, and so one night he slipped out of New York Harbor with his wife and children on a specially chartered passenger liner bound for England.

Now there is no place to escape to.

On long enough timeline everyone's chance of survival goes to zero, but not so civilizations. Ones that are not built on proper foundations will always wash away. Ones built to persevere, ones built on race, the community, the people, and the home--always stand a chance. China is currently taking its chance with eternity.

At their best the Romans were the most based people ever to live. They worshipped their gods but what they really worshipped was what was most near: the people, the city, the clan, the hearth, the home, the family.

The flourished for a while but soon power and greed supplanted the old verities, race aliens were incorporated into the empire and it collapsed of the weight.

Historians says that in the decades prior to Rome's collapse they noticed in letters among the upper classes increasing complaints about the roads. It seems that what used to be a smooth ride was becoming rather bumpy, and no one was fixing them.

We see the cracks in our road---the crime, the drugs, the worship of money, the untoward sex, the pouring of filth into the mind's of our youth for fun and money, the rampant chasing of pleasure.

Recently a Jew got up in public and said that the highest ethical principle is if it feels good do it. The corollary to this is that in the end the only standard of value is the price of a dollar at any given point because it's the last thing people can agree on.

They say that after this country was founded they asked a famous man what kind of country it was to be. He supposedly said "it's a Republic, if you can keep it."

But you can see the seeds were sown even then. It was a country after all that had been dedicated "rights" and the pursuit of happiness. As such it was built on sand--and never stood a chance.

In the movie No Country For Old Men an aged lawman is sitting at a diner in Texas with a man in a ten gallon hat. The latter is exasperated with the decadence he sees around him, says it's the goddamned money, the money and the drugs. Then he says that if you had told him twenty years before that on the streets of his Texas towns he would see young children walking around with green hair and bones through their nose, well, he flat out wouldn't have believed you. To which the aged lawman says that when they stop saying sir and ma'am everything else follows.

It's the dismal tide.

A popular meme among today's youth is that what a woman should look for in a man is not his impeccable educational credentials and his ability to rake in hundreds of thousand dollars a year, but whether or not he has post-Apocalyptic warlord potential.

It's not the pursuit of happiness, that's for sure, but then every movement towards liberation is a step towards slavery, and the price of freedom is death. And when the old verities go everything else follows.

Along once smooth roads expect a treacherous ride ahead.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 9881
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Civilizational Collapse

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:55 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 9881
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Re: Civilizational Collapse

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:58 pm


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Civilizational Collapse

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:02 pm

The bloody day of this Empire's most visible collapse does grow near, but it is our White bloodlines most at risk. Institutions, built by our ancestors, are now ruined by Jews who've opened them to takeover by themselves and other hostile non-Whites who cravenly serve them. Monuments have fallen, history re-written, the gates that kept the invaders out are now thrown wide-open. We're attacked openly and in broad daylight.

I fully expect we'll be forced into enclaves, separated from other similarly built ones by vast distances. Economic issues will affect us as they do the rest of the population, and desperate local governments may become overrun by more of our enemies that will attack us for what tax receipts that they can squeeze.

Yes, America became rich and fell because of affluenza among other vices sold to us by con-men that we've indulged in.

And all we in the National Alliance are asking for is for those who have an abundance of racial patriotism to step up and help us survive these times while building the foundation of a greater, Cosmotheist order among us.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 9881
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Civilizational Collapse

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:05 pm

Well Said, Sir.

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