June 18 2023
Douglas Mercer
If there is a spitting image of the Eternal Jew, the Jew whose rank and rancid visage and physiognomy sums up the entirety of Jew evil it’s California Senator Scott Wiener. First off his name his Wiener, which is a little too on the nose, and he could not be more gay if a particularly nasty strain of the AIDS virus was crawling spider like along his vest (the one with no shirt underneath) while he is the acting major domo in a Pride parade, or if he had a Progress Rainbow shirt emblazoned with the words Pro Sodomy. If there’s a pervert or a pedophile movement he doesn’t get out in front of and lead I for one have never heard of it. He never thought the gay marriage decision was any kind of ending, it was just taking the finger out of the dike for a Harvey Milk fantasy world of new laws and new rights for the queers. There’s nothing heteronormative about him, he’s as abnormal as they come, and he thinks you’re a bigot if you object to a man dressed up as a bewigged multi-colored garish clown woman flashes his johnson at a minor at the school library. And now he’s got a law that says it’s child abuse—child abuse!—if you don’t let little Johnny call himself Zoe, paint his nails, prance and mince around in a dress and scout the Mega Store for tuck friendly undergarments. The CPS lady will make that knock on the door, or maybe the FBI will take you out Randy Weaver style. But either way up at Justice Merrick Garland has you on his s*** list. Oh, you betcha.
“Assembly member Lori Wilson, California's only member with a child who transitioned from female to a transman, and Senator Wiener, a man with no children, co-authored Assembly Bill 957. This bill will be the gateway by which Child Protective Services, the police, and courts will find a parent who does not affirm their child's gender identity, abusive in order to remove and cut off all ties from the child from that parent's custody and control.”
It was the notorious sodomite Andre Gide who infamously said: Family, I hate you! Earlier, the Jew who got it all rolling (Karl Marx) said the family must be abolished and consigned to the compost heap of history, and don’t get the average blue haired bone through her nose antifa activist on the subject of the patriarchy because she’ll talk your ear off until she’s blue in the face. You can bet those Henry Moore sculptures, the ones that show the man-wife-child nuclear family unit welded together in one strong and wholesome whole are on the Jew radar, they don’t want the wrong message getting out. They want a fractured society comprised of atomized and alienated people bent on aggressive and expressive individualism but in reality anxious and loaded up on psych drugs. And with this bill they are heading into the heart and inner sanctum of the family, to knock parental rights off their pedestal and to mandate the acceptance of your barely post tween daughter deciding to call herself Bob and lopping off some anatomical parts with the help of the friendly Jack The Rippers in the medical establishment. It takes a village to raise a child after all, and it’s best when that village is led by witch doctors in the form of technocratic Open Society psychopaths.
“A California bill to decree gender affirmation part of a child's health, safety, and welfare in the context of custody disputes advanced Tuesday (June 13 2023) in the California Senate. Under the bill, which passed the State Assembly in March, judges in custody dispute cases involving transgender-identifying children would be required to favor a parent who affirms his or her child's gender identity. The bill's authors updated the language last week to specifically make non-affirmation a violation of health, safety, and welfare in California's family code."
A decree comes from high, the Temple High Priest and the head rabbi plucked it from burning bush and carted it down on a tablet: back off bigots. They know with this gender ideology they are sailing rather close to the wind, indeed are on the windy side of sanity, and putting this one over on the average Joe won’t be as easy as getting him to accept that an African is the same as a White man. So you have your Targets and your Bud Lights, the faint glimmerings of the beginnings of some Boomer Waffen activism. And they want to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand and people put their foot down when they show an obese Mulatto on the cover of Cosmopolitan and the cosmopolitan scum try to palm him/her/it/they off as being big with child. Deep in the bowels of the Justice Department the green eyeshsade bureaucrats pore over comments made at a protest at a family friendly grooming operation and the fine print of federal law. And Israelite Merrick Garland is compiling a to the gulag list; for the Jews the list was life but for us it spells doom. And when the Child Protective Service lady, a plain looking Latinx in a Honda and carrying a clipboard, pulls up she’ll want to know if you’re fully in agreement with that make up kit you’re son just got and if not you’re a father no more.
“California lawmakers in the State Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday moved forward with a measure that would require courts to consider a parent's acceptance of their child's gender identity in custody or visitation cases. As the mother of a trans child, it is jarring to know that TGI youth are at a higher risk of depression, mental health crises, self-harm and suicide than their cisgender peers, said Assembly member Lori Wilson, the bill's author. The TGI Youth Empowerment Act provides California the opportunity to take one step closer to building a safer, more dignified, and equitable world for TGI youth and their families.”
Do you affirm that weirdos have rights? Do you solemnly swear? Do you take the mark? Do your place your right hand on a box set of Queer Eye and your left raised to pledge allegiance to the New World Order? To be a denier is to be the worst thing possible, whether it’s the jab, the climate, or the holocaust. You must agree that your children are the property of the state to do with as they see fit, lest you are deemed one of those homophobes they detest so much. So the gay man has an African as a sidekick, she spawned one of those mixed up youths whose confusion has been exalted into a holy relic; and this is the final frontier and final logic when it comes to the rainbow world view; they say that to be anti-trans is to put the pink triangle and a target on the front and back of the gender fluid youth, is nothing short of genocidal. When those corrupted youth hear the big meanies in the cheap seats call out the insanity they get suicidal; when a mega store hides away the tuck friendly items they pout and begin to wonder if there is something wrong with them, their anxiety is elevated, and dark thoughts occupy their addled brains. So the Leviathan state is required to step in and take their part, to be the big daddy to replace their thought criminal father; to soothe and smooth away the rough edges that might have set them on the straight and narrow.
“Her coauthor, Sen. Scott Wiener (D.), dismissed the public outcry as a result of a massive misinformation campaign about this bill by the right-wing media. He claimed the opponents were part of an effort to erase trans kids and an attack on gay and lesbian kids.”
The entirety of this man’s “Personal Life” section on Wikipedia is: “Weiner is gay and Jewish.” No more need be said, unless he had been born in New York City. But we are old enough to remember the day before yesterday when Wiener went into convulsions and conniptions when Texas was trying to make it child abuse to affirm gender affirmation. Which only goes to show that nothing will make a Jew madder than when the White man plays on the Jews' terrain. But it makes you think that the Texans were on pretty solid ground on that one, to collude in the delusion of a child surely will earn you a spot somewhere in the lower rungs of hell.
“California Senator María Elena Durazo (D.) declared that she has two transgender family members and that she was looking at the proposal through the eyes of unconditional love. Senator Anna Caballero (D.) said affirmation is about parents accepting and helping their children through whatever transition that they're going through.”
Looks like the spics want to get on this action as well; they don’t want to end up like that Mexicana Los Angeles politician who got kicked to the curb for suggesting that the Emperor of Political Correctness might not be fully attired; after all now that Mexico has been absorbed into California there will be some plum assignments for the Caballeros of the world and no Latinx wants to miss out on that golden calf of a cash cow.
“This bill easily passed the Democrat majority Assembly in recognition of Trans Day of Visibility. The bill will make it child abuse NOT to affirm your child's gender identity regardless of the age of your child. The all-important words ‘health, safety and welfare’ are not defined. However, if AB957 passes, health, safety and welfare will include a parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity that can include social transition (a name, a pronoun, a haircut) and/or medical transition (puberty blockers, wrong sex hormones, castration, and surgical procedures) of minors.”
Are you sodomy skeptical? If so they want you to have another thing coming. This is no fooling around, this is no emo oddball misfit adjunct professor crawling around spider like across the quadrangle at Bryn Mawr preaching Queer Theology to a select group of morons. This is no kosher certified journalistic shill-slash-toady toeing the company line decrying for the umpteenth time that poor trans kids are being scarified daily on the altar of bigotry and despair; no, this is the long arm of the law, this is the fully authorized power of the state, this is the business end of Judaism. This Scott Wiener fellow is such an obvious caricature of a Jew, his Jewishness is so outsized and outlandish, that if he did not exist, someone in the White Nationalist movement would have invented him in a meme. And now his bony hands tremble so close is he to ultimate victory; but now that they are out of the closet on their tyrannical designs on the rainbow recalcitrant they best watch their step; for if they continue with this moral effrontery long enough, if they continue to press their luck by pushing the envelope, by erecting an abomination of desolation, more and more people will get wind of it and then the age old whiplash will transpire yet again; and then all bets will be off and hell with come to high water for them; and they will need to hang on to their tiny hats for dear life.
Legislative Grooming
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5157
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: Legislative Grooming
What a lovely picture you've painted of this San Fransissyco poofter. I had to find a photo of him, and did.Douglas Mercer wrote: ↑Sun Jun 18, 2023 6:20 pmJune 18 2023
Douglas Mercer
If there is a spitting image of the Eternal Jew, the Jew whose rank and rancid visage and physiognomy sums up the entirety of Jew evil it’s California Senator Scott Wiener. First off his name his Wiener, which is a little too on the nose, and he could not be more gay if a particularly nasty strain of the AIDS virus was crawling spider like along his vest (the one with no shirt underneath) while he is the acting major domo in a Pride parade, or if he had a Progress Rainbow shirt emblazoned with the words Pro Sodomy. If there’s a pervert or a pedophile movement he doesn’t get out in front of and lead I for one have never heard of it. He never thought the gay marriage decision was any kind of ending, it was just taking the finger out of the dike for a Harvey Milk fantasy world of new laws and new rights for the queers. There’s nothing heteronormative about him, he’s as abnormal as they come, and he thinks you’re a bigot if you object to a man dressed up as a bewigged multi-colored garish clown woman flashes his johnson at a minor at the school library. And now he’s got a law that says it’s child abuse—child abuse!—if you don’t let little Johnny call himself Zoe, paint his nails, prance and mince around in a dress and scout the Mega Store for tuck friendly undergarments. The CPS lady will make that knock on the door, or maybe the FBI will take you out Randy Weaver style. But either way up at Justice Merrick Garland has you on his s*** list. Oh, you betcha...
The entirety of this man’s “Personal Life” section on Wikipedia is: “Weiner is gay and Jewish.” No more need be said...

Senator Weenie is on the left. I'm not sure what those things are that he and his husband are holding for the camera. Butt plugs?
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