Blood Is Thicker than Water

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Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by RCavallius » Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:35 pm

Blood Is Thicker than Water
Douglas Mercer
January 25, 2021

BEING AGAINST IDENTITY POLITICS is like standing in the middle of the freeway and being against cars.

The newly issued 1776 Report, made at the behest of Trump, says that “formally speaking” there was no American People before the existence of the United States Government. A people is blood and soil; an organic development. A people does not speak formally. There was an American people from the first time an Englishman set foot in Virginia.

In his book The Rise and Fall of Anglo America, Erik Kaufmann argues that from the Founders to at least 1900, all American leaders had what he termed a “double consciousness,” that is, they fully believed that only Anglo-Saxons created or even could create a nation like America, and only they could sustain and perpetuate it. Yet they also subscribed to the principles of the rights of men, democracy, etc. Then, from 1900 onwards, the latter came to predominate over the former until slowly the original people of the nation faded back into the woodwork, and a new people came to rule. By the 1930s, settler ideology had been supplanted in high school textbooks by cultural pluralism. And after the Second World War, the “American Creed” became the dominant ideology, and Civil Rights and the Hart-Celler Act put the final nail in the coffin of Heritage America. The label “America” existed as before, but was fully under new management, and then quickly these new rulers sought to extirpate any remaining vestiges of the dark and dirty past.

Ideas come and go just as people come and go, and new people have new ideas. Only race lasts forever – making it the only safe thing to build a country around.

In his final days in office, Donald Trump took on Critical Race Theory. A good idea, but that's all it was, and it will have no effect. Look at the guy who is really taking on Critical Race Theory, Christopher Rufo. It's good what he says until you look at his Twitter page and the picture shows his mixed-race marriage and his mixed-race children. Read a little of what he says and he is a strict, color-neutral ideologue; a true believer in the moral rot that all men are created equal. He may bite around the edges of the Beast, but in the end, he'll fall too. Because he accepts in his heart the nominal predicate of his enemies (that all men are equal), he's already lost. So much for him.

In his final days as President, Donald Trump proposed a “National Garden Of American Heroes” – which sounds good until you realize that among some decent folk he includes White-hating Jew Hannah Arendt, communist community organizer Rosa Parks, and a person around whom an entire mythical story was concocted to beat up the White man (Harriet Tubman). Hell, even when they do throw sops to the right they pick a big bag of gas like Bill Buckley, a man who started out life defending apartheid in South Africa and ended it by throwing White people to the wolves. And, of course, they picked low impulse control Negro “Martin Luther” King, the god of the moderate, color-neutral right. They love to say, “see we lionize a Negro, don't hurt us too badly.”

As mentioned above, in his final days as President Trump commissioned a 1776 Report, which is now out. It was intended to combat identity politics and woke-ism. Having read it, I can say for certain that by rights it should have been strangled in the cradle, for a larger bunch of wishy-washy cuckservative nonsense and trash and insane racial folly can not be imagined. It was written by the race-cucks and White race-criminals at the apex of the Institutional Intellectual Right, that is, the timid and meek folk at Claremont and Hillsdale. From these airy and ineffectual redoubts, those obsequious egg heads routinely and ritually get on their knees in front of Negroes and nicely ask them if they might not like to have them shine their shoes. These sellouts of their own race truly believe, in their heart of hearts, that the most dark-skinned savage from the darkest part of Africa, millions of Asian coolies, and the horribly mixed-race hordes from the genetic grab bag of the global South want nothing more than to say the Bill of Rights backwards and forwards, put on Adam Smith ties, and read John Locke's turgid Second Treatise Of Government.

In the last days of the Trump Administration, paid-up member of the Color-Blind Civic Nationalism bandwagon, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, called the 1619 Project a “disturbed vision.” Actually, it's a cynical and tactical vision, one augmenting the power of power-hungry Black elites. Of course, Pompeo would see the kaleidoscopic genius of Revilo Oliver as many, many times more disturbed. Why, reading a paragraph of Oliver would frighten him and make him lose his lunch. Pompeo also sought to take the ‘high road’ when he criticized Voice Of America for its anti-American bent and said “woke-ism must be put to sleep.” Aside from the lame, cornball joke, Pompeo has no idea that woke-ism is nothing other than a Jewish ideology stemming ultimately from the Jew-ridden and Jew-rotten Frankfurt School and is anti-White to the core. No, that would not be polite and the country clubs of Johnson County, Kansas would not have it.

And for the folks at Hillsdale and Claremont who penned this monstrosity, it's always morning in America and sweet-tempered Ronnie Reagan is always riding horseback with his beloved Nancy in the low mountains of Santa Barbara, California. But it's more true to say what Reagan said when he hadn't yet become a genial, senile, old coot:

“We’re at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars.”
Jews, that is – though he would never have thought it, let alone said it.

And it's not morning in America, it's a few minutes to midnight. The stars have never felt so far away, and the swamp, it’s rising.

But cuckservatives are always fighting the last war: the wrong war. They have produced in this report a suicide note and a death warrant – or a love note to the non-White races.

As for the execrable report itself, it begins badly off the beam by splashing a big picture of Black buck and communist sex predator “Martin Luther” King. They think that the ritualized paean to the despicable King is their big ticket to the Big Dance; their ante to join the confines of respectable opinion. But it's really their admission to perdition. They wet themselves when they hear “content of their character,” not realizing that like all Black activists, King was a Black Supremacist who said “we just want equality” when what he (and they) want is dominance. By floating the idea that all should be judged individually, King was just playing off and preying on White guilt and the overly-refined sense of “justice” found in White liberals.

And after that, it's said to be easier to run downhill than walk downhill. And the authors make a torrid sprint for the bottom of the barrel.

As if to nip truth in the bud, they quote in full John Jay's justly famous encomium to White racial consciousness and the strength of White racial unity in a White ancestral homeland:

“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people—a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.”

Now, either the authors of the report didn't read this, didn't understand it, are liars, or are comprehensively obtuse, because their comment on it amounts to a non sequitur:

“Yet, as Jay (and all the founders) well knew, the newly formed American people were not quite as homogeneous—in ancestry, language, or religion—as this statement would seem to assert. They were neither wholly English nor wholly Protestant nor wholly Christian. Some other basis would have to be found and asserted to bind the new people together and to which they would remain attached if they were to remain a people. That basis was the assertion of universal and eternal principles of justice and political legitimacy.”

Neither Jay nor the Founders knew any such thing. The authors here are promoting the risible idea that because in America in 1776 there were some Ulster Irishmen (Englishmen in any case), or some French Huguenots (Nordic in any case), or some Germans (close genetic kin for sure), that this infinitesimal level of “diversity” meant that the Founders were down for the entire program of Diversity, Inc., up to and including importing black-as-night Somalis and random street defecators from India.

This is, of course, the height (or really the depth) of perversity.

They then quote the insidious Lincoln, saying that America’s founding principles were applicable to “all men and all time.” No, they were for “ourselves and our posterity.” What part of “our” do they not comprehend? They say the bedrock of the American system is something called the rule of law. But the rule of law is an acquired taste. It arose only in the small northwest corner of Europe, and it begat the Magna Carta and the immemorial rights of an Englishman. That is, the king's writ did not everywhere run. It was created by us, it was for us, and it was only for us. It is derivative of the White race, the actual bedrock of the original American system. It is the only foundation that can last: race.

They then call fascism the ideological cousin of communism, when in fact the system they extol, democratic capitalism, is the cousin of communism, if not its actual brother in arms. Fascism is related to those two only as it's mortal enemy. And of course, they then label Hitler as the promulgator of a “pseudo scientific Aryan supremacy.” So they buy into the post World War 2 myth of the “American Creed.” And what they don't perceive is that the values they cherish are Aryan values, but meant for Aryans alone, and that far from fighting “woke-ism,” they are more than ideological cousins to the woke, they are squarely in the same camp, they are its very kith and kin. And, as such, they are our enemies, pretending to fight for us. Insidious, indeed.

And when they laud the civil rights movement but lament that it devolved into a spoils system, they don't see that it was such a thing from the beginning. And when they trot out the canard about how “the Dems is the real racists,” they show that the bottom is indeed a long way down.

The remainder of the report is well-nigh unreadable. It's got tedious and turgid prose about the ins and outs of the social contract and positive and negative liberty, things that will make your eyes glaze over by their irrelevancy. Here we are locked into an existential struggle for the survival of the White race, hand-to-hand combat with our racial enemies, and they retreat into arcane arguments that are jaw-lockingly dull. When we need rip-the-bark-off-them prose, powerful polemics, clarion calls, and stirring words, the best they can do is – nerds. There is a reason that the word “academic” has come to mean “moot.”

The truth is that a report like this is an ideological scandal; an intellectual scandal. That these are the pick of right-wing “scholars” should make us all deeply worried. And I can say this with supreme confidence: these people are too stupid to live. So much for the report. As indicated, it approaches our enemies not with a bang, but with a craven whimper. And for us who are seriously thinking about how to win this race war, this will never do. Blood is not only thicker than water, it's thicker than watered-down conservatism.

The reason for this intellectual dead-end on the right is that the Civ Nats are frightened to death by the prospect that the Founders (by the modern left's light, at any rate) were fearsome racists. They were, of course, and they were damn proud of it, too. Once they got the Enlightenment rhetoric out of the way for posterity (say cheese for history's camera!) and the point-by-point charter of freedom which is the Bill of Rights, they got down to business and brass tacks. They didn't fool around or mince words, nor appeal to a gallery of faggy philosophers. No, sir, they picked up their whip and put on their jackboots and got to it:

“The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress limiting naturalization to free White persons of good character.”

No one else need apply. This is White man's country.

So much for the 1776 Report. Consign it to the flames.

While Thomas Jefferson had a fatal weakness for grandiose and high-flown rhetoric (“all men are created equal”), these lawmakers were steely-eyed men with the eye on the main chance, the only chance. It's time-honored wisdom: keep it White.

Later, that lying sack of shit Abraham Lincoln would try to twist it around, saying that this nation was dedicated to a proposition that all men are created equal. No, sorry. It was dedicated to White men; it was for themselves and their posterity, no one else.

The lying 1776 Report can't admit or countenance this, because it sends the whole worldview of high-toned conservatives spinning to its gave.
And as for 1619, that was the year, too, when the first cohort of White women was brought to Virginia, with the people there realizing that this was not going to be a quick score and they needed to people that land.

Where you send your women is to land you mean to possess. And you mean for your posterity to possess it as well.

So maybe that should be our 1619 project, or maybe it should be the 1620 Project.

Or the 1607 project.

When the first Englishman set foot on this continent.

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Will Williams
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Re: Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by Will Williams » Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:53 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:35 pm
Blood Is Thicker than Water
January 25, 2021
In his final days as President Trump commissioned a 1776 Report, which is now out. It was intended to combat identity politics and [political correctness]. Having read it, I can say for certain that by rights it should have been strangled in the cradle...
I didn't have to read this entire unsourced piece to agree with whoever wrote that one sentence. Someone mailed me a copy of the Report so I saw for myself what should have been strangled in the cradle.

The Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission that put out this 2021 Report is an anti-White revisionist view of American history that I won't get into. The Negress Carol Swain is listed as Vice Chair of the Commission. Of the 13 members, mixed in with some recognizable Jews and a Gonzales is Victor Davis Hanson, the TV expert twerp who has the only name I recognize. Ex-officio members include Trump's Negro HUD Secretary Ben Carson, the celebrated brain surgeon, and his then Secretary of State, and likely 2024 Republican presidential candidate, Mike Pompeo.

Those who are interested in Pompeo should put that name in the search box to find several articles that expose this Christian evangelist, Israel-first war hawk for what he is: dangerous -- like this one: ... n-treacle/
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Douglas Mercer
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Re: Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:02 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:03 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:19 am

A statue of Sacagawea in Salmon, Idaho. While many existing public statues of Sacagawea currently exist, her likeness has been suggested to the Department of the Interior for inclusion in the planned National Garden of American Heroes.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:19 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:23 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:26 am

President Donald Trump signed an executive order naming Whitney Houston to his National Garden of American Heroes

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Blood Is Thicker than Water

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:29 am

Harriet Tubman, the abolitionist who had a base in Cape May is on Trump’s list for the garden.

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