National Alliance: Movement of the Future

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National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by RCavallius » Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:39 pm

National Alliance: Movement of the Future

The history of the pro-White movement in the United States is replete with organizations that have cropped up promising to lead our people to victory. Most of them accomplished very little, but a few made some respectable gains. Of those that still exist, however, only one has what it takes to be the vehicle our people really need to carry them into a brighter, Whiter future. That organization is the National Alliance. Because of its original ideology, viable plan of action and high-quality membership, the National Alliance is the preeminent pro-White organization in America and the best hope for our people in this darkening age.

Organizations that follow comprehensive ideologies are far more consistent than political parties which change their platforms to garner votes. Further, developing an ideology based on the needs and circumstances of the time is better than using a preset one, for there is a special power in the novel, the revolutionary, the never-before-seen. Alliance founder William Pierce knew this, and he gave our organization an ideological framework that starts from what is demonstrably real and true, and corresponds perfectly to our race’s current needs. The National Alliance believes that the world consists of a hierarchical natural order of which we are an integral part, and that our knowledge of this calls us to strict responsibilities to Nature, our people and ourselves. Alliance ideology is rooted in Cosmotheism, a unique spiritual philosophy that recognizes the importance of race and is a much healthier alternative to the Christianity practiced by so many Whites today.

To realize the goals demanded by its ideology, the National Alliance engages in activity carefully designed to produce tangible results, such as recruiting serious members and massing resources. We are not foolish enough to hope for an overnight victory, rather we follow a long-term plan that involves building a revolutionary infrastructure which will grow stronger as the social fabric of the United States unravels under the pressures of rapid third-worldization. As the system opposed to us weakens itself through its suicidal policies, we will become more powerful until finally we are able to deal the system its death-blow and establish an all-White nation. With this in mind, the Alliance does not squander precious time and energy trying to win political elections or ‘wake up’ Whites who are not responsive to its message. Instead, it strives to become completely self-sustaining so as to form the nucleus of the aforementioned racial state, and it sees as vital steps in this process the creation of a healthy media, the maintenance of its own tracts of land, and the geographical separation of its members from non-Whites.

A quality organization attracts quality members, and the National Alliance is comprised of some of the best men and women in America. It realizes that ten dedicated members of good character are worth far more than a hundred half-hearts, so instead of seeking the illusion of strength in numbers the Alliance maintains high recruiting standards and culls out those who are sure to weaken it. Members of the National Alliance consistently pay dues; supporters make donations as they can. This in itself serves as a filtering process by which most of the undesirables – hobbyists, freaks, constitutional losers, etc. – are weeded out of their own accord. Those who are unable or unwilling to add to the Alliance’s strength quickly find themselves out of place among its members and supporters, while at the same time those Whites stick around who like what they find in the Alliance: bright, disciplined and racially-loyal people like themselves.

As the situation continues to deteriorate for White people in the West, more and more of them will begin looking for a lasting solution to their problems. No doubt many organizations and self-styled leaders will appear who, as in times past, will promise to have that solution. But none of them will have the staying power of the National Alliance, which has already long understood the true nature of our race’s problems and taken steps to prepare for all contingencies. An ideology rooted in the deepest spiritual, cultural, political – and of course racial – wisdom known to man; a viable plan of action centered around building infrastructure and creating the base of a real racial state; a high-quality group of members and supporters who will stop at nothing to build a new White world: these are what define the National Alliance, and these are what guarantee its success. That is why the National Alliance is the movement of the future.

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Re: National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by RCavallius » Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:47 pm

I wrote this essay, but it's property of the National Alliance and I give my permission for it to be used, edited, shared or reproduced in any way that benefits NA.

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Re: National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by Richard_G_603 » Fri Jun 24, 2022 8:01 am

Good Job! I like it.

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Re: National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by FolkishFreya » Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:57 am

Very well written, I always appreciate your posts.

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Will Williams
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Re: National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:55 am

RCavallius wrote:
Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:47 pm
I wrote this essay, but it's property of the National Alliance and I give my permission for it to be used, edited, shared or reproduced in any way that benefits NA.
Very good! You have come a long way in your understanding of our organization, and in a relatively short time.

I'm considering putting this in our June BULLETIN for the benefit of our other members and supporters.

Thank you.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Re: National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by AATT » Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:35 am

Great post. Well said.

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Re: National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by RCavallius » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:55 pm


Hail Dr. Pierce!

Albert Pike
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Re: National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by Albert Pike » Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:45 am

Great insight and direct given
Kinsmen die and cattle die,
And so must one die one’s self,
But there is one thing I know which never dies
And that is the fame of a dead man’s deeds.

Supremely White
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Re: National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Post by Supremely White » Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:21 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:39 pm
National Alliance: Movement of the Future

Organizations that follow comprehensive ideologies are far more consistent than political parties which change their platforms to garner votes. Further, developing an ideology based on the needs and circumstances of the time is better than using a preset one, for there is a special power in the novel, the revolutionary, the never-before-seen. Alliance founder William Pierce knew this, and he gave our organization an ideological framework that starts from what is demonstrably real and true, and corresponds perfectly to our race’s current needs. The National Alliance believes that the world consists of a hierarchical natural order of which we are an integral part, and that our knowledge of this calls us to strict responsibilities to Nature, our people and ourselves. Alliance ideology is rooted in Cosmotheism, a unique spiritual philosophy that recognizes the importance of race and is a much healthier alternative to the Christianity practiced by so many Whites today.

To realize the goals demanded by its ideology, the National Alliance engages in activity carefully designed to produce tangible results, such as recruiting serious members and massing resources. We are not foolish enough to hope for an overnight victory, rather we follow a long-term plan that involves building a revolutionary infrastructure which will grow stronger as the social fabric of the United States unravels under the pressures of rapid third-worldization. As the system opposed to us weakens itself through its suicidal policies, we will become more powerful until finally we are able to deal the system its death-blow and establish an all-White nation. With this in mind, the Alliance does not squander precious time and energy trying to win political elections or ‘wake up’ Whites who are not responsive to its message. Instead, it strives to become completely self-sustaining so as to form the nucleus of the aforementioned racial state, and it sees as vital steps in this process the creation of a healthy media, the maintenance of its own tracts of land, and the geographical separation of its members from non-Whites.

A quality organization attracts quality members, and the National Alliance is comprised of some of the best men and women in America. It realizes that ten dedicated members of good character are worth far more than a hundred half-hearts, so instead of seeking the illusion of strength in numbers the Alliance maintains high recruiting standards and culls out those who are sure to weaken it. Members of the National Alliance consistently pay dues; supporters make donations as they can. This in itself serves as a filtering process by which most of the undesirables – hobbyists, freaks, constitutional losers, etc. – are weeded out of their own accord. Those who are unable or unwilling to add to the Alliance’s strength quickly find themselves out of place among its members and supporters, while at the same time those Whites stick around who like what they find in the Alliance: bright, disciplined and racially-loyal people like themselves.

As the situation continues to deteriorate for White people in the West, more and more of them will begin looking for a lasting solution to their problems. No doubt many organizations and self-styled leaders will appear who, as in times past, will promise to have that solution. But none of them will have the staying power of the National Alliance, which has already long understood the true nature of our race’s problems and taken steps to prepare for all contingencies. An ideology rooted in the deepest spiritual, cultural, political – and of course racial – wisdom known to man; a viable plan of action centered around building infrastructure and creating the base of a real racial state; a high-quality group of members and supporters who will stop at nothing to build a new White world: these are what define the National Alliance, and these are what guarantee its success. That is why the National Alliance is the movement of the future.

A very comprehensive and very well written article.
Although some people like myself were shown the way to the National Alliance from stormfront, and there are a good deal of decent White Folk there who have taught me a lot, the majority over there are Bible thumping conservatives. I don’t post over there anymore, but if I did, I’d put a link in to WLP’s speech on how conservatism is not helpful for us.
Hitler was right.

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