Don’t Be a Collaborator: Secede from the System

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Don’t Be a Collaborator: Secede from the System

Post by Grimork » Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:17 pm

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 July, 2022 ... he-system/

by Kevin Alfred Strom

BEFORE I BEGIN today, I’d like to clarify some things I said last week for which I was criticized.

I said last week that it is “valuable to consider also, in light of what is my main point today, how successful autistic people are at having and raising children.” Some misinterpreted my words as meaning that autistic people were quite successful at having and raising children. Well, no, that’s not what I meant, and no, they’re obviously not — and that was related to my main point, which was that the System which misrules us is actively hostile to the birth and successful raising of White children. With minuscule exceptions, profoundly autistic people do not form families or have children.

I was also making the point that neither the epidemic of autism nor the epidemic of sex perversion that our people are experiencing can possibly be genetic in origin, since gene frequencies don’t, and can’t, change as fast as the incidence of these diseases/defects have changed in recent years. I stand by my statement, which wasn’t speculation.

Yes, it has been proved that some family lines seem to have a greater susceptibility to autism. Yes, it has been shown that some inherited mental characteristics — such as inborn talent for mathematics or engineering — tend also to dispose their bearers to have an increased likelihood of autism. Yes, it is indubitably true that being male — a genetic characteristic, of course — vastly increases the chances of being stricken with the disease. But all that is not evidence that autism is a genetic disease. Not at all. It merely means that some people have a higher inborn, genetic susceptibility to whatever it is we are doing to our children now that has caused the near-vertical spike in autism cases.

Think of it this way. Suppose that some bureaucrat gets the idea that hitting the exact center of every single kindergartener’s skull with a three-pound hammer before classes every day helps “cure racism” or some such nonsense, and then proceeds to institute the policy. I am sure that some of the helpless children would die, and massive numbers of them would have their brains damaged and their personalities destroyed beyond all recognition. Concussive syndromes of all kinds, once nearly restricted to boxers and football players, would become more common. Amidst all the carnage, we would find that some children, say those with genes for somewhat weaker skulls, would suffer from these syndromes far more than others. Does this mean that these concussive syndromes would be “genetically caused”? Preposterous. They would be caused by hitting our children’s heads with hammers. The genes resulting in somewhat weaker than average skulls wouldn’t have caused a single problem in most cases, if the hammer-hitting had never caught on.

So it is also with autism and sex perversion. The near-vertical rises in these sicknesses indicates that it is something we are doing to our children which is causing them.

Yes, there are undoubtedly people who are genetically predisposed to an unnatural sexuality. But the incidence of perversion is rising too fast for that to be the explanation in most cases today. The Jews who control our media laud and praise sexual freaks. Being a freak, and coddling and promoting the freaks, gets you praise and recognition from the Jew-dominated academic and government and corporate establishments. Being pro-freak has been cast as unquestionably “moral” and “good.” It has all been made very fashionable. Opposing the freaks, even mildly, is cast as “immoral” and “wrong” and turns you into an instant outcast. This is intentional abuse of our children by Jews and their collaborators and is, I believe, the main “thing we are doing” to them that is causing them to become avowed and practicing perverts today. Don’t be a collaborator. Letting the TV or social media platforms babysit your children is being a collaborator. Sending your children to public schools is being a collaborator. Letting the System’s military or government, or some “woke” corporation, benefit from your time and talents is being a collaborator. The National Alliance is building a community in Upper East Tennessee which is free of such poisons. Soon, I believe, we will have reached the critical mass necessary to start our own school.

In the most recent issue of the National Alliance BULLETIN, we read:

As this issue of the National Alliance BULLETIN goes to press, our Tennessee Cosmotheist community is in the process of purchasing a very nice parcel of land in addition to the purchases already mentioned here in prior months. This new property is adjacent to the National Alliance’s 50 acres — and constitutes yet another outstanding expansion of our holdings. Details of this and other improvements to our property will follow in the July issue of our BULLETIN.

The caption to the picture in the text version of this broadcast — which also graces page one of the new print BULLETIN, reads:

Everything beyond the asphalt entrance in the foreground and to the left of the hardtop road on the right, and back to the white house at the center, that we purchased in March, is in the prime parcel discussed below. A couple more wooded acres that adjoin the Alliance’s property are to the left, out of the picture. Note the prized spring-fed, stocked fish pond.

Did you know that the area where the National Alliance community is being built — where Chairman Williams has been adding to our property holdings several times in the last year alone — once seceded from North Carolina, declared itself the State of Franklin, and for a while in the 1780s was an independent republic, the Republic of Franklin? What was done once can be done again — and better next time.

Didn’t we fight a civil war once over the issue of secession? Well, today pollsters are learning that a plurality of Americans now believe a new civil war is coming. The Washington Times, the Daily Mail, and the Brookings Institution are all talking about it:

A 2021 national survey by pollster John Zogby found a plurality of Americans (46%) believed a future civil war was likely, 43% felt it was unlikely, and 11% were not sure….

The survey, taken in late April and covering 1,500 adults, also found a distressingly high level of support for assassinating politicians whom the respondents believed were “harming the country or our democracy.”

Young Democratic men were the most agreeable to the idea, with 44% saying they could countenance such an assassination. Younger Republican women ranked second, with 40% approving of the idea.

Nearly seven in ten agreed that left wing politicians were deliberately driving economic changes to gain power by ‘replacing more conservative white voters’ – terminology that suggests people are being ‘replaced’ by non-white voters coming into the country.

The anti-White SPLC — who deny that replacement of Whites is happening in the face of overwhelming evidence that it is — even conducted their own poll and discovered that a huge percentage of both Republicans and Democrats disagree with them (and agree with the National Alliance) on the Great Replacement:

The group, founded in the early 1970s to combat hate against Black Americans, now serves as one of the chief critics of what’s known as “Replacement Theory” — a belief that there’s an intentional effort to shift demographics to alter the country’s culture or political power structure.

SPLC’s polling found widespread acceptance of the tenets of the theory, with 48% of respondents believing that “progressive and liberal leaders” are “actively trying to leverage political power by replacing more conservative white voters.”

That included two-thirds of Republicans, but also a surprising 35% of Democrats, and 42% of independents. Young Democrats were particularly inclined to believe the demographic changes are being orchestrated by liberal leaders for political power.

There are many, many White people in America who know that the federal government is a deadly enemy — many more, I believe, than in past decades.

In neo-Communist Third World California, there is a strong movement in the saner and Whiter parts of the state to secede from the central government.

All over America, thanks to the 2020 “election” that installed Resident Biden, many millions of Americans now know that there is no political solution — know that our elections are fake — and know that the media lie to us massively and without compunction. They also know that the legal system is now heavily used to persecute patriots, not prosecute actual criminals.

All over America, thanks to the draconian imposition and ceaseless promotion of the very questionable “Covid jabs,” millions upon millions of Americans now know that the System does not care about their lives and health and will risk both to enrich themselves and increase their control over us.

All over America, thanks to the rush to embrace and promote sexual perversion, millions and millions of Americans now know that the public schools are a cesspit of vipers preying on our helpless innocents.

All over America, thanks to the insane push to apostheosize feral, dangerous Negroes like George Floyd and sanctify Black rioters as “noble” and “good” and any opposition to them as “evil” and “racist,” many millions of White Americans now know that they are hated as a race and marked for persecution, torture, and extermination as a race.

The new poll results would have encouraged Dr. William Pierce:

…[A]bout one in five said they at least somewhat approved of assassinating a politician whom they believed was ‘harming the country or our democracy.’

… Republicans were more likely to agree that ‘some violence may be necessary to get the country back on track.’

These results would have encouraged Dr. Pierce, not because the National Alliance is planning to assassinate any politicians, that’s not happening, but because they indicate a great change for the better in the attitudes of millions of White Americans — a change to a more realistic view of the realities of modern American life. When I joined the Alliance in 1982, a very, very tiny percentage of Americans would have realized the federal government was in the hands of deadly enemies who want to kill us — now a large percentage realize that’s true. In 1982, only a minuscule fraction would have admitted that there was no political solution to our problems and secession is necessary, even if that secession means civil war — now a large percentage can see that truth.

What the National Alliance is doing is laying the groundwork for the survival of our people, building a successful community with core elements such as our own media, our own church, our own religion, our own leadership structure, our own businesses, our own marriage ceremonies, our own real estate holdings — both public, owned by the Alliance and the church, and private, owned by White families who come to the area to work with us — and all the rest of the things a growing community needs to project itself into the future successfully and without compromising its values.

If you’d like to be a part of our community, which we have every intention of making into a White racial state one day, please write to us today.

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Will Williams
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Re: Don’t Be a Collaborator: Secede from the System

Post by Will Williams » Sat Aug 06, 2022 4:28 pm

Grimork wrote:
Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:17 pm
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 July, 2022 ... he-system/

by Kevin Alfred Strom
Didn’t we fight a civil war once over the issue of secession? Well, today pollsters are learning that a plurality of Americans now believe a new civil war is coming.
Indeed, we did fight that fratricidal war, but there was nothing "civil" about it. The issue for the secessionists was self-determination. Their cause was lost; our cause this time around, our last chance at self-determination for the racially responsible segment of our race, cannot meet the same fate. It is not a regional battle, nor economic this time, but biological: for the preservation and long term welfare of Nature's Finest creation: our unique gene pool.

I like how Mr. Mencken looked at "Dishonest Abe" Lincoln and his take on the revered Gettysburg Address: ... m-lincoln/

[L]et us not forget that it is oratory, not logic; beauty, not sense. Think of the argument in it! Put it into the cold words of everyday! The doctrine is simply this: that the Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg sacrificed their lives to the cause of self-determination — “that government of the people, by the people, for the people,” should not perish from the earth. It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers in that battle actually fought against self-determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of their people to govern themselves. What was the practical effect of the battle of Gettysburg? What else than the destruction of the old sovereignty of the States, i. e., of the people of the States? The Confederates went into battle an absolutely free people; they came out with their freedom subject to the supervision and vote of the rest of the country — and for nearly twenty years that vote was so effective that they enjoyed scarcely any freedom at all. Am I the first American to note the fundamental nonsensicality of the Gettysburg address?

You may have been the first, Henry, but you certainly not the last. :)
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Will Williams
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Re: Don’t Be a Collaborator: Secede from the System

Post by Will Williams » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:15 am

Grimork wrote:
Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:17 pm

Did you know that the area where the National Alliance community is being built — where Chairman Williams has been adding to our property holdings several times in the last year alone — once seceded from North Carolina, declared itself the State of Franklin, and for a while in the 1780s was an independent republic, the Republic of Franklin? What was done once can be done again — and better next time.
It's happening, and along racial lines as predicted:

Bill that could let Buckhead split from Atlanta advances

February 27, 2023
Georgia state Sen. Randy Robertson, R-Cataula, presents Senate Bill 63, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023, at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta. Robertson is sponsoring two bills that were passed by a Senate committee on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, that would let the Buckhead neighborhood secede from Atlanta. (Matthew Pearson/WABE via AP)
ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia Senate committee has approved two bills that could allow the Buckhead neighborhood to secede from the city of Atlanta, the first time that an issue freighted with fears about crime and racial and economic division has moved forward in the General Assembly.

The Senate State and Local Government Operations Committee’s Republican majority pushed Senate Bills 113 and 114 through on 4-3 votes Monday, sending them to the full Senate for more debate.

Despite the step forward, prospects remain uncertain for the measures, which are bitterly opposed by Atlanta’s business community and the city’s overwhelmingly Democratic [read: Black] lawmakers. If they succeed, residents would vote on forming a new city in a referendum.

In a statement, city spokesperson Michael Smith said Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens “is disappointed by the committee’s vote to advance this short-sighted legislation,” saying it would have “disastrous consequences” and that the city is making progress on reducing crime and improving services.

Some residents of the city’s whitest, most affluent area [read: Whitest] are trying to pull out of Atlanta and form Buckhead City, saying Atlanta isn’t doing enough to control crime and that affluent Buckhead residents aren’t getting their money’s worth from municipal services.

Kelly Rodts, a Buckhead City supporter, told the committee last week that “Atlanta taxes us to the nines” but that city police have failed to stop both petty and violent crime.

“This violence has reached a tipping point, and that is why we are all here today,” Rodts said. “Buckhead is a target. We’re a target for criminals in the city, and Atlanta has not been able to protect us.”

But opponents say a new city wouldn’t be able to stop criminals from coming to the area. [Duh!] They also say the plan doesn’t deal with major issues and could make crime worse by weakening the remaining parts of Atlanta.

“What is happening today is my constituents are being forced to eat a half-baked pie,” Sen. Jason Esteves, an Atlanta Democrat, said Monday.

He and others argue that although supporters of a new city are organized and noisy, they represent a minority of residents in the area. They pointedly note that none of the sponsors represent the city of Atlanta.

But Sen. Randy Robertson, a Cataula Republican sponsoring the bills, says he’s championing the rights of citizens unfairly being ignored. He’s pointedly called on Dickens to meet with leaders of the Buckhead City Committee.

“Too many times inside this building and especially outside this building in local communities, elected officials forget who they work for. So when movements happen that remind elected officials who the real bosses are, then I have to support that,” Robertson said.

Robertson likens creating Buckhead City to incorporating any other city. Suburban Atlanta has seen a wave of incorporations since 2005. While the legislation was bottled up last year, new Republican Lt. Gov. Burt Jones supported it while serving as a state senator and has allowed the bills to move forward.

“I’ve been down here 10 years and we’ve voted on referendums to create new cities around the state,” Jones said in a statement. “I’m not going to shut down the conversation.”

Opponents say taking apart an existing city is much more complicated than creating a new one, and that it’s even more complex to dismember Atlanta, which has its own school system and extra layers of local taxes and debt. Buckhead City proponents want a system whereby the new city would collect taxes and send them to Atlanta Public Schools, and the school system would continue to serve Buckhead. However, it’s unclear such a setup would be legal or feasible.

The legislation calls for the new city to be able to buy parks, fire stations and other city-owned assets including schools and water and sewer lines for cheap prices, on the theory that Buckhead taxpayers have already paid for the assets. Buckhead would get a head start in paying because the legislation would give Buckhead City a share of Atlanta’s cash. The new city would take on some bond obligations.

Opponents warn the divorce will give bond investors heartburn that could hurt every Georgia city’s ability to borrow money. When the Eagles Landing area was allowed to vote and ultimately rejected seceding from Stockbridge in 2018, bond rating agencies warned that splitting up cities was a risk for investors in all Georgia city bonds.

“Credit ratings and the municipal bond markets would be severely harmed in the state of Georgia,” Ruchi Patel, a lobbyist for the Georgia Municipal Association, said Feb. 16.
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Victor Arminius
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Re: Don’t Be a Collaborator: Secede from the System

Post by Victor Arminius » Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:52 pm

I think mental secession always predates political secession. If you watched the Super Bowl you have not yet mentally seceded from this whole anti-White system under which we live. That is what bothers me about Trump fans. The lesson we ought to have learned from the Trump interlude was that the system can no longer be reformed from within. It is time to separate. In the decades to come it will be self-evident for those who can't see it now as it will be separation or extinction! We must get off the USS Titanic before she drags us to the bottom with her or conversely gets us all vaporized in a nuclear exchange with Russia over Ukraine. Think not of red and blue on the state level. See a map of the United States broken down by counties during presidential elections. Many liberal mega-blue cities are surrounded by red enclaves. Regardless of when and where nature has afforded us a unique opportunity to observe and analyze the toxics that is killing (and will kill) the United States so that said toxins do not take root and grow in a future White Ethno-State. If we just turn around and build the United States 2.0 we have learned nothing! We must avoid both the Retarded Right an the Lunatic Left in that regard. To each his own!

PS: John Locke would have been on the side of Confederate secession had he been alive. Anything you cannot leave voluntarily is either a toxic relationship, a criminal enterprise, a psychotic cult, or a tyrannical government!

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Don’t Be a Collaborator: Secede from the System

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:14 am

Victor Arminius wrote:
Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:52 pm
I think mental secession always predates political secession. If you watched the Super Bowl you have not yet mentally seceded from this whole anti-White system under which we live. That is what bothers me about Trump fans. The lesson we ought to have learned from the Trump interlude was that the system can no longer be reformed from within. It is time to separate. In the decades to come it will be self-evident for those who can't see it now as it will be separation or extinction! We must get off the USS Titanic before she drags us to the bottom with her or conversely gets us all vaporized in a nuclear exchange with Russia over Ukraine. Think not of red and blue on the state level. See a map of the United States broken down by counties during presidential elections. Many liberal mega-blue cities are surrounded by red enclaves. Regardless of when and where nature has afforded us a unique opportunity to observe and analyze the toxics that is killing (and will kill) the United States so that said toxins do not take root and grow in a future White Ethno-State. If we just turn around and build the United States 2.0 we have learned nothing! We must avoid both the Retarded Right an the Lunatic Left in that regard. To each his own!

PS: John Locke would have been on the side of Confederate secession had he been alive. Anything you cannot leave voluntarily is either a toxic relationship, a criminal enterprise, a psychotic cult, or a tyrannical government!
Truly said, Victor. The men and women of the National Alliance are building a sort of 'lifeboat' against the Titanic sinking under the waves to save who we can save for our future White Imperium. It's our genes that matter most in order to bring about the Creator's Purpose. This isn't for every White though; committing to Our Cause by joining us or at least becoming a supporter in more than name is required as we have work to do and resources to collect and use.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: Don’t Be a Collaborator: Secede from the System

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:49 pm

Bump this about Buckhead city Whites wanting to secede from mostly Black Atlanta. Don't mind that Douglas Mercer's piece today isn't copy edited yet, it doesn't have to be to get the essence of what he reports, here: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=5694
Will Williams wrote:
Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:15 am
Grimork wrote:
Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:17 pm

Did you know that the area where the National Alliance community is being built — where Chairman Williams has been adding to our property holdings several times in the last year alone — once seceded from North Carolina, declared itself the State of Franklin, and for a while in the 1780s was an independent republic, the Republic of Franklin? What was done once can be done again — and better next time.
It's happening, and along racial lines as predicted:

Bill that could let Buckhead
split from Atlanta advances

February 27, 2023
Georgia state Sen. Randy Robertson, R-Cataula, presents Senate Bill 63, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023, at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta. Robertson is sponsoring two bills that were passed by a Senate committee on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, that would let the Buckhead neighborhood secede from Atlanta. (Matthew Pearson/WABE via AP)
ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia Senate committee has approved two bills that could allow the Buckhead neighborhood to secede from the city of Atlanta, the first time that an issue freighted with fears about crime and racial and economic division has moved forward in the General Assembly.

The Senate State and Local Government Operations Committee’s Republican majority pushed Senate Bills 113 and 114 through on 4-3 votes Monday, sending them to the full Senate for more debate.

Despite the step forward, prospects remain uncertain for the measures, which are bitterly opposed by Atlanta’s business community and the city’s overwhelmingly Democratic [read: Black] lawmakers. If they succeed, residents would vote on forming a new city in a referendum.

In a statement, city spokesperson Michael Smith said Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens “is disappointed by the committee’s vote to advance this short-sighted legislation,” saying it would have “disastrous consequences” and that the city is making progress on reducing crime and improving services.

Some residents of the city’s whitest, most affluent area [read: Whitest] are trying to pull out of Atlanta and form Buckhead City, saying Atlanta isn’t doing enough to control crime and that affluent Buckhead residents aren’t getting their money’s worth from municipal services.

Kelly Rodts, a Buckhead City supporter, told the committee last week that “Atlanta taxes us to the nines” but that city police have failed to stop both petty and violent crime.

“This violence has reached a tipping point, and that is why we are all here today,” Rodts said. “Buckhead is a target. We’re a target for criminals in the city, and Atlanta has not been able to protect us.”

But opponents say a new city wouldn’t be able to stop criminals from coming to the area. [Duh!] They also say the plan doesn’t deal with major issues and could make crime worse by weakening the remaining parts of Atlanta.

“What is happening today is my constituents are being forced to eat a half-baked pie,” Sen. Jason Esteves, an Atlanta Democrat, said Monday.

He and others argue that although supporters of a new city are organized and noisy, they represent a minority of residents in the area. They pointedly note that none of the sponsors represent the city of Atlanta.

But Sen. Randy Robertson, a Cataula Republican sponsoring the bills, says he’s championing the rights of citizens unfairly being ignored. He’s pointedly called on Dickens to meet with leaders of the Buckhead City Committee.

“Too many times inside this building and especially outside this building in local communities, elected officials forget who they work for. So when movements happen that remind elected officials who the real bosses are, then I have to support that,” Robertson said.

Robertson likens creating Buckhead City to incorporating any other city. Suburban Atlanta has seen a wave of incorporations since 2005. While the legislation was bottled up last year, new Republican Lt. Gov. Burt Jones supported it while serving as a state senator and has allowed the bills to move forward.

“I’ve been down here 10 years and we’ve voted on referendums to create new cities around the state,” Jones said in a statement. “I’m not going to shut down the conversation.”

Opponents say taking apart an existing city is much more complicated than creating a new one, and that it’s even more complex to dismember Atlanta, which has its own school system and extra layers of local taxes and debt. Buckhead City proponents want a system whereby the new city would collect taxes and send them to Atlanta Public Schools, and the school system would continue to serve Buckhead. However, it’s unclear such a setup would be legal or feasible.

The legislation calls for the new city to be able to buy parks, fire stations and other city-owned assets including schools and water and sewer lines for cheap prices, on the theory that Buckhead taxpayers have already paid for the assets. Buckhead would get a head start in paying because the legislation would give Buckhead City a share of Atlanta’s cash. The new city would take on some bond obligations.

Opponents warn the divorce will give bond investors heartburn that could hurt every Georgia city’s ability to borrow money. When the Eagles Landing area was allowed to vote and ultimately rejected seceding from Stockbridge in 2018, bond rating agencies warned that splitting up cities was a risk for investors in all Georgia city bonds.

“Credit ratings and the municipal bond markets would be severely harmed in the state of Georgia,” Ruchi Patel, a lobbyist for the Georgia Municipal Association, said Feb. 16.
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