SPLC is Hate Group

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:42 am

This piece about SPLC "journalism" is worth a bump. My oh my, how the leadership at the SPLC hate group has changed since this was written.

This SPLC professional photographer is credited with taking the photo that appears on the front of my new book. Thanks, Mr. Kim. We don't have a half-billion dollar endowment with which to hire professional shutterbugs. Those who paid you for that photo won't like my book.

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:10 pm
Will Williams wrote:Here's their latest fiction: https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/201 ... g-employee.. .

Here's the "investigative reporter" that writes for both the SPLC and the Associated Press. That's convenient for SPLC to spread its "stories" to so many lazy MSM fake news outlets that reprint their smears unquestioningly. His "investigation" turns up in his opening sentence that I describe myself as a "tough guy." :lol: Mrs. Williams got a big laugh out of that.
Brett Barrouquere
Louisville, Ky.
Investigative Reporter — Southern Poverty Law Center
Crime and Justice, U.S. Regional
As seen in: Southern Poverty Law Center, HuffPost, MSN, ABC News, Associated Press, SFGate, Houston Chronicle, Boston.com, Washington Times, Yahoo, Newsday and more...

Here's a recent SPLC Intelligence Report piece Brett coauthors with self-described hate expert, Heidi Beirich.
Confronting Hate
By Brett Barrouquere, Heidi Beirich
splcenter.org — It's past time to combat all the ways hate morphs into violence and crime in the U.S. In this issue of the Intelligence Report, we shine a light on those facing hate who are often overlooked, in our special section Confronting Hate. We also share stories to help our readers understand the scope of the hate problem and provide actionable suggestions for how to address it.

Here's the SPLC photographer who took the photo of me that appears at the top of this particular hit piece. He took that picture from a distance with his big telephoto lens, outside the Glouscester County, VA, courthouse the day I was appointed NA Chairman nearly four years ago.
Leo Kim, Korean-American by way of China
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:50 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:42 am
This piece about SPLC "journalism" is worth a bump. My oh my, how the leadership at the SPLC hate group has changed since this was written.

This SPLC professional photographer is credited with taking the photo that appears on the front of my new book. Thanks, Mr. Kim. We don't have a half-billion dollar endowment with which to hire professional shutterbugs. Those who paid you for that photo won't like my book.

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:10 pm
Will Williams wrote:Here's their latest fiction: https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/201 ... g-employee.. .

Here's the "investigative reporter" that writes for both the SPLC and the Associated Press. That's convenient for SPLC to spread its "stories" to so many lazy MSM fake news outlets that reprint their smears unquestioningly. His "investigation" turns up in his opening sentence that I describe myself as a "tough guy." :lol: Mrs. Williams got a big laugh out of that.
Brett Barrouquere
Louisville, Ky.
Investigative Reporter — Southern Poverty Law Center
Crime and Justice, U.S. Regional
As seen in: Southern Poverty Law Center, HuffPost, MSN, ABC News, Associated Press, SFGate, Houston Chronicle, Boston.com, Washington Times, Yahoo, Newsday and more...

Here's a recent SPLC Intelligence Report piece Brett coauthors with self-described hate expert, Heidi Beirich.
Confronting Hate
By Brett Barrouquere, Heidi Beirich
splcenter.org — It's past time to combat all the ways hate morphs into violence and crime in the U.S. In this issue of the Intelligence Report, we shine a light on those facing hate who are often overlooked, in our special section Confronting Hate. We also share stories to help our readers understand the scope of the hate problem and provide actionable suggestions for how to address it.

Here's the SPLC photographer who took the photo of me that appears at the top of this particular hit piece. He took that picture from a distance with his big telephoto lens, outside the Glouscester County, VA, courthouse the day I was appointed NA Chairman nearly four years ago.
Leo Kim, Korean-American by way of China

Since many WB and NA members are relatively recent, it doesn't hurt to bump this topic to compare the powerful, but now disgracesd anti-White SPLC that had a $500,000,000.00 war chest with which to fight "hate," with today's National Alliance that the Jewish SPLC had vowed to destroy.

There are two sides to the SPLC vs. NA story -- theirs, which, for example, is here from 3 February 2016, by SPLC's "Hatewath staff," and ours, that will not defend SPLC's lying smears with all of it's weasly qualifiers like "allegedly," "if true," "reportedly," "it is said," "may have," etc. that are seen throughout, from beginning to end. The Alliance's defense is in my book, Pocahontas Show Trial, that features the SPLC and its sorry cast of collaborators, with gobs of documentation, including three trial transcripts, in its appendices, and even a Website for documents that wouldn't fit in the book.


February 03, 2016 Hatewatch Staff
Yet another coup appears
to be unfolding within what
was once America’s most professional and profitable racist organization.

Only bumbling neo-Nazis would try to save a sinking ship by adding more leaks.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of sensitive email exchanges between National Alliance (NA) chairman, William White Williams, and his small inner-circle of supporters have been mysteriously leaking to donors and decision makers in the embattled organization.

Freefall: The National Alliance’s flagship propaganda site nationalvanguard.org’s Alexa Web rankings plummeted early last fall after it was revealed that Kevin Alfred Strom, the NA’s “media director,” recorded a telephone conversation with triple murderer Frazier Glenn Miller that amounted to a jailhouse confession. Strom’s recording was used by prosecutors to convict Miller of capital murder in September.

The leaked, confidential emails being forwarded and discussed include several disturbing exchanges between Williams and his attorney, Timothy Kalamaros, regarding Williams’ mental state. One email reportedly includes Kalamaros encouraging Williams to stay on his medication and to continue seeing his therapist. Williams allegedly replied he is off his meds and not seeking any further treatment for his psychiatric disability.

Williams also reportedly emailed Kalamaros that sometimes he gets so frustrated he feels like he should just put a gun to his head and “pull the trigger.” Kalamaros is said to have angrily replied that Williams should never send another email to him talking like that again.

If these emails are indeed authentic, Kalamaros, as a member of the Indiana bar, may have been legally obligated to document and immediately report these conversations with Williams to authorities. By allegedly claiming he is off his meds and considering suicide, Williams may meet the criteria threshold as a “dangerous person” under Indiana statute § 35-47-14-1.

Other leaked email exchanges suggest Kalamaros is blah, blah, blah...
More here: https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/201 ... infighting

The fact is that our "embattled" organizatiom has weathered the storms and prevailed over all of those who tried to take us down, including the crooked Jewish** so-called "law center." What is it doing now that all of its top Jews and queers were either fired or "ewtired.?"

**Franklin Ryckaert wrote (in Show Trial):
Of the twenty-two (22) SPLC senior program staff members, fifteen (15) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 68%. Of the thirteen (13) SPLC directors, eight (8) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. Therefore Jews are over-represented among the SPLC senior program staff members by a factor of 34 times (3,400 percent), and over-represented on the SPLC board of directors by a factor of 31 times (3,100 percent).
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Sieg » Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:57 am

I spoke with Beirich at some length back in 2010. She called my office, using an unblocked caller-ID, and thinking I was an unnamed supervisor, let me know what a terrible person I was.

After I told her what I thought of her and the splc in general, she was rather miffed. Ah well.

As with all haters, the best thing to do with the splc is to cautiously ignore it. Obviously, take all prudent measures to defeat their efforts at surveillance and disruption, but don't give them the satisfaction of guiding your efforts.

Old friend once told me that all communication should be parsed in terms of two guys sitting in a bar. Some things one has to say to the other can be said right there, doesn't really matter who else hears. Other things one should ask the other to step over to the end of the bar and whisper to him, still others, you should both leave the bar, walk down the alley, and THEN whisper to him.

Basic guidelines, don't ever, ever, no matter what, write down, type, whatever, anything that you wouldn't want repeated in court, under oath. Never. If you have something sensitive to communicate, it needs to be done verbally, and it needs to be done securely. That means you can't just whip out your handy-dandy cell-phone, but drop back to prehistoric stuff...yup-the good ol' standby, the payphone. Need to be careful about those as well, a payphone in front of the building you work in probably isn't the best bet-FedCoats and local-yokels have been known to monitor those as well. Hell, they've been known to plant listening devices on parking meters and lampposts in an effort to entrap those they have targeted.

Just my idle thoughts, surely they aren't worth the .02, but for what they ARE worth...


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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:46 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:50 pm

The fact is that our "embattled" organizatiom has weathered the storms and prevailed over all of those who tried to take us down, including the crooked Jewish** so-called "law center." What is it doing now that all of its top Jews and queers were either fired or "retired.?"

**Franklin Ryckaert wrote (in Show Trial):
Of the twenty-two (22) SPLC senior program staff members, fifteen (15) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 68%. Of the thirteen (13) SPLC directors, eight (8) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. Therefore Jews are over-represented among the SPLC senior program staff members by a factor of 34 times (3,400 percent), and over-represented on the SPLC board of directors by a factor of 31 times (3,100 percent).

Here's what the Jewish "law center" is doing today 17 December, 2022, under new management:


Thanks to a special $1,000,000 Matching Gift from a generous group of donors, your contribution today will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, and go TWICE as far. That means if you donate $50 it will be matched with an additional $50, equaling $100 — contribute before midnight on Dec. 31 to double your impact!

The SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.

Help our legal staff advocate louder against institutional discrimination. Help our Intelligence Project dig deeper to expose violent hate groups. And, Help our Learning for Justice program empower even more young people and their communities with equity and civic engagement lessons. Will you make a matched, tax-deductible gift today to help the SPLC fight for justice and equity in courts and combat white supremacy?

Learn more about other ways you can support our mission. The best way to support us is by giving a modest amount each month – creating a steady, reliable source of funds to help us make a real difference in the fight for justice and human rights for all people. Click "give monthly" below and a new window will open.

Field Is Required
This gift is a tribute.
https://support.splcenter.org/site/Dona ... mfc_pref=T


So, that's one waythe Jews and their "Social Justice Warriors" keep building SPLC's $500,000,000 warchest to destroy our National Alliance.

What our Alliance could do with just $1,000,000 from a group of generous anonymous donors.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:58 am

Will Williams wrote:
Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:46 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:50 pm
The fact is that our "embattled" organization has weathered the storms and prevailed over all of those who tried to take us down, including the crooked Jewish** so-called "law center." What is it doing now that all of its top Jews and queers were either fired or "retired.?"
**Franklin Ryckaert wrote (in Show Trial):Of the twenty-two (22) SPLC senior program staff members, fifteen (15) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 68%. Of the thirteen (13) SPLC directors, eight (8) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. Therefore Jews are over-represented among the SPLC senior program staff members by a factor of 34 times (3,400 percent), and over-represented on the SPLC board of directors by a factor of 31 times (3,100 percent).

That was then. What follows is the SPLC under new Asian management today:

Here's what the Jewish "law center" is doing today 17 December, 2022, under new management:
DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT TODAYThanks to a special $1,000,000 Matching Gift from a generous group of donors, your contribution today will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, and go TWICE as far. That means if you donate $50 it will be matched with an additional $50, equaling $100 — contribute before midnight on Dec. 31 to double your impact!
The SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.
Help our legal staff advocate louder against institutional discrimination. Help our Intelligence Project dig deeper to expose violent hate groups... [blah, blah, blah]

Current President/CEO of the SPLC, Margaret Huang, 
front center, with her co-racialist fifth column

I couldn't help but think of that photo of leadership of the formerly Jewish "law center" as I read my favorite author's latest article, published yesterday, 31 December 2022:  https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/th ... ge-county/

"... The Asian poses an even greater threat to us than the lower types [Blacks and Browns]. They appear to be adding competency to the anti-White coalition — nothing we should welcome!"
"... Why, just the other day 70 Asian groups demanded (demanded mind you!) that President Biden form a commission to give reparations to Negroes. Apparently, all those assaults on Asians by the Blacks are forgiven in the name of the hatred of White people. The race war makes for strange bedfellows."

The anti-White coalition of so-called "minority" races now forms a powerful majority, led by more competent Asian "hate watchdogs" than by denounced Jews like Dees, Cohen, Potok, Brownstein, lesbian Beirich, et al.

Racial separation is the only solution
and hope for long term preservation
of the White race!
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Dan » Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:52 pm

I'll post this here, because it's related to the SPLC. Below are some quotes from articles I've read up on about the verdict that came down on Tom Metzger back in the early 1990s.

Summary: Jim 'Mac' McElroy was a San Diego lawyer, hired by the SPLC to collect on Metzger. And McElroy became "smitten" (timesofsandiego words not mine) with the son of the man that died, and McElroy brought him to the US and adopted him. It sounds like grooming to me as I read between the lines, he honeyed up to the mother.

Then the daughter of the man that died, McElroy (SPLC lawyer) brought her over too. Sounds like he didn't adopt her though. Hmm. She's "living with him at the moment" "and is in her third year of college". He sounds just like Woody Allen. Ha!

“What Metzger didn’t know was that I was so smitten with Mulugeta’s young son that I brought him to San Diego for a summer vacation and then at the end of the summer, with his mother’s permission, put him in school here,”

“Just before he turned 16, his mom very graciously allowed me to adopt him so he could continue to go to school here and pursue his dream to become a pilot.”

"Henock’s half-sister Gelila now lives in the States with Mac and is in her third year of college."

"Today, McElroy is also helping to raise one of Henock’s half-sisters, who attended high school and is now attending college in the U.S.
“I’d like to thank Jim and God very much for raising Henock to be successful and to have a family of his own,” Aynalem said. “I’d like to thank Jim again for also taking care of my daughter Gelila, who is living with him at the moment."


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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:42 pm

SPLC ties to Antifa thugs and to the Jew billionaire Soros:

Alleged Antifa Member Arrested Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Used to Be Prominent Board Member
By Patty McMurray
Mar 6, 2023

A Southern Poverty Law Center staff attorney Thomas Jurgens has been arrested in connection to last night’s violent attack on the Atlanta Public Safety training center...

More here: https://100percentfedup.com/alleged-ant ... e-promine/

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:58 am
Will Williams wrote:
Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:46 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:50 pm
The fact is that our "embattled" organization has weathered the storms and prevailed over all of those who tried to take us down, including the crooked Jewish** so-called "law center." What is it doing now that all of its top Jews and queers were either fired or "retired.?"
**Franklin Ryckaert wrote (in Show Trial):Of the twenty-two (22) SPLC senior program staff members, fifteen (15) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 68%. Of the thirteen (13) SPLC directors, eight (8) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. Therefore Jews are over-represented among the SPLC senior program staff members by a factor of 34 times (3,400 percent), and over-represented on the SPLC board of directors by a factor of 31 times (3,100 percent).

That was then. What follows is the SPLC under new Asian management today:

Here's what the Jewish "law center" is doing today 17 December, 2022, under new management:
DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT TODAYThanks to a special $1,000,000 Matching Gift from a generous group of donors, your contribution today will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, and go TWICE as far. That means if you donate $50 it will be matched with an additional $50, equaling $100 — contribute before midnight on Dec. 31 to double your impact!
The SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.
Help our legal staff advocate louder against institutional discrimination. Help our Intelligence Project dig deeper to expose violent hate groups... [blah, blah, blah]

Current President/CEO of the SPLC, Margaret Huang, 
front center, with her co-racialist fifth column

I couldn't help but think of that photo of leadership of the formerly Jewish "law center" as I read my favorite author's latest article, published yesterday, 31 December 2022:  https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/th ... ge-county/

"... The Asian poses an even greater threat to us than the lower types [Blacks and Browns]. They appear to be adding competency to the anti-White coalition — nothing we should welcome!"
"... Why, just the other day 70 Asian groups demanded (demanded mind you!) that President Biden form a commission to give reparations to Negroes. Apparently, all those assaults on Asians by the Blacks are forgiven in the name of the hatred of White people. The race war makes for strange bedfellows."

The anti-White coalition of so-called "minority" races now forms a powerful majority, led by more competent Asian "hate watchdogs" than by denounced Jews like Dees, Cohen, Potok, Brownstein, lesbian Beirich, et al.

Racial separation is the only solution
and hope for long term preservation
of the White race!
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Jim Mathias
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:13 am

Apparently, all those assaults on Asians by the Blacks are forgiven in the name of the hatred of White people. The race war makes for strange bedfellows."
We must go at our survival and turning the direction of our race around to a Life-oriented one alone, there are no non-White allies that can be relied on. All non-Whites are busy doing their best to take us down forever. Only we can accomplish what our purpose is, and each of us should expect that our effort should be performed for the rest of our lives.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Mon Apr 24, 2023 9:00 am

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:58 am
I found another photo of SPLC'a new leadership. Should we be fearful?
Current President/CEO of the SPLC, Margaret Huang, 
front center, with her co-racialist fifth column
I couldn't help but think of that photo of leadership of the formerly Jewish "law center" as I read my favorite author's latest article, published yesterday, 31 December 2022:  https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/th ... ge-county/
Racial separation is the only solution
and hope for long term preservation
of the White race!
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 02, 2023 6:31 pm

The Jewish hate group that had targeted our National Alliance for decades, vowing to "destroy" us, is running out of time to do so and is falling on hard times as a fraud. :lol:

Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘hate’
list suffers ‘monumental’ legal setback

Immigration group wins first round in challenge

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, May 1, 2023

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s famous list of “hate” groups is under fire in a courtroom in Alabama, where a judge has opened the door for a group that opposes illegal immigration to challenge the SPLC for slapping it with the Scarlet H.

The Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society and founder D.A. King say they work against illegal immigration but have no problem with legal immigrants. Indeed, some legal immigrants are on the organization’s board, and Mr. King’s adopted sister is an immigrant.

He says it’s defamation for the SPLC to call him an “anti-immigrant hate group.”

The SPLC asked a judge to toss the case, but U.S. District Judge W. Keith Watkins refused in a ruling last week.
He said Mr. King should have a chance to develop his case and seek more evidence against the SPLC through discovery.

“Plaintiffs have ‘nudged’ their defamation claims — premised on SPLC’s designation of DIS as an ‘anti-immigrant hate group’ — ‘across the line from conceivable to plausible,’” Judge Watkins wrote.

But Tyler O’Neil, author of “Making Hate Pay,” an examination of the SPLC, called the judge’s ruling “monumental.”

“This is the very first defamation lawsuit specifically challenging the SPLC’s ‘hate group’ accusation to make it to discovery,” Mr. O’Neil said. “Conservatives who have faced routine defamation may finally get some justice, and the American people may finally see behind the curtain how the SPLC runs its ‘hate group’ scam.”

The SPLC holds itself out as the ultimate arbiter of domestic hate groups, and those on the political left widely cite its list as evidence that some groups deserve to be silenced. The FBI has cited the SPLC’s work in its decisions about whom to target — including a recent memo from the FBI’s Richmond, Virginia, office urging agents to keep an eye on those who ascribe to “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology.”

After it came to light, the bureau was forced to recant the memo.

The SPLC’s work used to be universally praised, but it has become more controversial as the organization has expanded its hate label beyond traditional violent racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis to snare conservative Christian outfits and groups that advocate for stricter limits on immigration.

In its legal briefs in Mr. King’s case, the SPLC has acknowledged that its labels are less science and more a political argument.

SPLC attorneys said the First Amendment’s free speech guarantee protects opinions, so the organization cannot be held liable for defamation.

“SPLC’s anti-immigrant hate group designation is not capable of being proved false, but is an opinion expressed as part of a political debate,” the organization argued.

The SPLC questioned whether there can be a fixed definition of hate or being “anti-immigrant.” If there is no definition, then there is no standard to judge the SPLC’s argument as false.

But Judge Watkins, appointed to the bench by President George W. Bush, said that doesn’t wash, at least for the anti-immigrant label. He said there is a fixed definition of “immigrant” in federal law, so it’s easy to figure out what anti-immigrant means. That should be clear to “SPLC’s attorneys, who encompass some of the brightest legal minds in the country,” he wrote.

So the inference of the anti-immigrant label is that the Dustin Inman Society and Mr. King hate legal immigrants, including those who have become citizens.

Mr. King says that’s ridiculous for many reasons — not least of which is his adoptive immigrant sister, the immigrants who are on the society‘s board and his organization’s repeated statements that its chief goal is to reel in illegal immigration.

In an email to The Washington Times, Mr. King said he and the Dustin Inman Society already have achieved something with the lawsuit by getting the SPLC to acknowledge that its vaunted hate list is a statement of opinion, not fact.

“They have already told a federal court that their ‘hate group’ designation doesn’t mean the designation is factual. We hope to allow the SPLC to expose themselves in court,” he said. “We want an apology and a retraction. We hope one of the violent SPLC followers doesn’t get to us before the trial.”

In 2012, a mentally ill gunman inspired by the SPLC’s list attacked the Washington office of the Family Research Council, wounding the building manager who wrestled the man to the ground.

SPLC has apologized for some of its work, including a 2015 listing of Republican Ben Carson as an extremist and a 2018 settlement with a Muslim activist, Maajid Nawaz, whom it oddly labeled an anti-Muslim extremist. SPLC acknowledged that it didn’t do enough to learn about Mr. Nawaz’s organization before using the label.

The Times contacted the SPLC for this report and got a response in an email intended for internal use.

“I thought we are not commenting and we shouldn’t for the Washington Times. I met with Sybil yesterday and we are working on a communications plan,” SPLC Chief Communications Officer Julian Teixeira wrote in an email to a colleague — which he also sent to The Times.

Sybil Hadley is SPLC’s general counsel.

A key part of Mr. King’s case is the SPLC’s changing narrative on the Dustin Inman Society.

In 2011, the SPLC specifically said the society didn’t meet its definition of a hate group. Heidi Beirich, who ran the SPLC’s intelligence project, told The Associated Press the organization saw Mr. King as a “nativist” but not a hater.

“His tactics have generally not been to get up in the face of actual immigrants and threaten them,” she said. “Because he is fighting, working on his legislation through the political process, that is not something we can quibble with, whether we like the law or not.”

In 2017, though, Ms. Beirich told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the SPLC would take a new look at the group after the newspaper told her that the society had ties to U.S. Inc., a group founded by John Tanton to advance immigration restrictions.

By 2018, the hate label had been applied.

Mr. King argues that the only change was that the SPLC began lobbying in Georgia against legislation cracking down on illegal immigration, which meant it was now going toe-to-toe with Mr. King and the society. The anti-immigrant “smear” came soon afterward, he said.

“This came as a big surprise to the immigrants on our board and our immigrant donors,” he said.

Ms. Beirich, who left the SPLC and founded the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, didn’t reply to a request for comment for this report.

Other groups targeted by the SPLC are watching the case.

Among them is the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based think tank that argues for stricter immigration limits, which the SPLC labeled an anti-immigrant hate group.

“That happened, literally, right after Trump was elected. In other words, it was a clear political decision on their part,” said Mark Krikorian, the center’s executive director.

He said the SPLC’s hate designation can take a toll on fundraising and exposure and that some news outlets are now reticent about seeking out the center’s perspective on issues.

Mr. Krikorian said that if Mr. King prevails, “every other group that has been attacked with this label will be able to use the ruling to jujitsu SPLC and delegitimize it.”

Stephen Dinan can be reached at [email protected].

I'd like the SPLC to please publish its hate list so I can plan my charitable giving.

The SPLC has been given great berth to get way over their ski's and bully people for way too long. It's about time they got their ears clipped.

Aw, what a shame, boo hoo sniffle...

The SPLC is nothing more than a cabal of Soros funded anti-white racists shaking down anyone who they think they can. They use the labeling of "hate" as a fund-raising tool and a way to advance their Marxist ideology. Only morons take them seriously, but then, you have the media and the Democrat party...

The SPLS is a left-wing hate group. Who are they trying to kid. One of them just got in trouble for domestic terrorist over there in Atlanta shooting the police. They were wrecking things in Atlanta committing terroristic acts with that fascist group antifa.

From the article; “every other group that has been attacked with this label will be able to use the ruling to jujitsu SPLC and delegitimize it.”

God, let's hope so. It's about time that there is some push back with these people. The ACLU should be next.

Surely only the Woke among us could ever consider the SPLC as a decent, credible source of anything that might be considered objectively rational. They are the BLM mob wearing suits, no more, no less.

A hate group identifying other hate groups. Seems like a funny sideshow.

May 1
I once placed some stock in SPLC's hate group list .. until I noticed that the SPLC was not on it!

May 1
This group is a paid prostitute for liberal advocates and politicians that seek to destroy political enemies. You make a huge contribution (and maybe a deposit to a Cayman Island account) and suddenly your foremost political enemy of a left winger is labelled a "hate group".
More comments, here: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... fers-lega/
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