The Leadership Principle

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Will Williams
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The Leadership Principle

Post by Will Williams » Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:25 am

Ben Klassen wrote the following in his 1972 book, Nature's Eternal Religion, with the intention that the organizational strategy for Creativity be based on this time tested principle:

Chapter Seven
The Leadership Principle

There should be no great mystery as to the meaning of the
Leadership Principle. It is as simple as it sounds. Yet thanks to all
the brain pollution we have been deluged with about “democracy,”
our great “republic” and other deceptive clichés, the average
American is completely confused about this term.

The Leadership Principle is older than civilization itself and goes
back to the very beginning of mankind’s organized tribal society.

It is as modern as General Motors, The Bell Telephone Company
and IBM. The first tribal organization used the Leadership
Principle and the above- mentioned industrial giants use it today.

It means simply organized society having a leader at its head to
lead, direct and plan the best interests of the whole group. Such
leader has authority to command, and on the other hand, must also
be totally responsible to the group.

A perfect example of the Leadership Principle is the Kehilla, the
Jewish master organization described in a previous chapter. At the
head is the “Prince” or the “Sponsor.” He has seven powerful
Jews under him who take orders from him and pass them down the
chain of command to the seven subordinates each has under him.
This is repeated in seven echelons, until there are 824,543
subordinates at the lowest level, each supervised and carrying out
orders from their immediate superior.

In very short order the idea and the command from the highest
leader is transmitted throughout the organization to its lowest level.
The army is organized the same way. Starting with the
Commander-in-Chief, there is a chain of command through the
generals, to the colonels, etc., down to lowest private. Through
such chain of command there is unity of purpose, there is a rapid
execution of orders, and therein is exemplified the most efficient
and effective organization devised by man.

Let us speculate, for a moment, about the relative merits of two
armies, one organized under the above efficient Leadership
Principle and the other under “democratic” principles. Let us
suppose the sergeants of the latter put it to a vote to each of their
companies as to what action they should take. “Boys,” he might
say, “should we go over the top and engage the enemy, or should
we go on a picnic?”

Can you imagine what a useless mob such an army would become?

Doubtlessly they would be slaughtered by the enemy who
employed the Leadership Principle. It is the same way with the
ship of state, or any other organization that departs from this
time proven principle. The Jew espouses “democracy” in glowing
terms and deceives us that we are governing ourselves. All the
while he knows what a treacherous game he is playing. Skillfully
he uses this fraud to divide, confuse and conquer the White Man
for his own gain and our detriment. When it comes to his own
organizations, he full well knows better and resorts to the
Leadership Principle as in the Kehilla.

We have been so terribly confused by Jewish propaganda that the
Leadership Principle is synonymous with tyranny and all
dictatorships are tyrannies. They point to Adolf Hitler, begin
frothing at the mouth about what a terrible man he was.

As we have seen in a previous chapter, this was one of the biggest
hoaxes perpetrated upon the White Man since Christianity
confounded and confused the Romans nearly 2,000 years ago.

Actually Adolf Hitler, ruling under the Leadership Principle,
provided the German people with the most constructive, most
benevolent, most beloved and most popular government the
German people ever had. They had a higher standard of living,
had more freedom, and were happier than they ever were under
any democracy.

History shows that leaders who are of their own people (in contrast
to some traitor fronting for an alien race) are most often dedicated
to their people. When Rome changed from the Republican form of
government to the Emperor system, they enjoyed the longest span
of peace and prosperity the world has ever known. From Emperor
Augustus reign through the next two centuries was known as “Pax
Romana,” Roman peace, a period of continuous peace and
prosperity never again equaled.

Unfortunately, not all the Roman Emperors were good men. The
trouble was, as it is today, the Jew was there, in the background,
manipulating the intrigues of the court. Nero had a Jewish wife
named Poppeai, and so it went.

Nevertheless with all the weaknesses of some of the Roman
Emperors (most of them were good men), Rome faired better
under the Empire than she did under the Republic, until
Christianity took over and destroyed Rome.

What Rome needed and did not have was twofold; (a) she needed a
racial religion that would have completely immunized her from the
Jew, and (b) she needed an orderly program of succession.
The latter is not really too difficult to come by and the Jews
themselves suggest the format for their “King of the Jews” in
Protocol No. 24. He will be well trained, carefully selected by the
Elders who decide the line of succession. Such a format, or a
similar one, makes sense. Determining the line of succession is by
no means an insurmountable problem, as we have so often been
told by the Jews themselves.

As the Protocols show, they are masters at employing the effective
Leadership Principle for themselves, but work feverishly at
preventing the White Race from having any leadership of its own.

It is my conclusion that history has shown from time immemorial
that the Leadership Principle is by far the best and most effective
organization, not only for government, but also every other type of
organization. This whole business of democratic government was
invented by the Jews. It results in mob rule, with the mobs being
steered by Jewish propaganda and trickery. It results in bickering,
in stalemate, in waste, in cowardice and paralysis. People need
leaders at their head, not followers who try to appease those that
elected them. We can learn something further from the Jews when
they say in Protocol No. 10 that programs must be directed from
one central mind. If a plan is split into fractional parts from the
minds of many, it leaves a confused conglomeration. In this they
are right, as experience has proven.

In summary, what the White Race desperately needs today (as it
will in the future) are real leaders. Imbued with the Creativity
religion, which holds that the good of the White Race as the
highest virtue, both leaders and followers will want to combine in
pursuing the same constructive path. Organized, united and with a
constructive creed and program in its possession, nothing can stop
the White Race from reaching the highest pinnacle of success.
Organized and united, the White Race is ten times more powerful
than the rest of the world combined.

It is the objective of this book to supply the White Race with the
necessary programs and the fighting creed to accomplish what we
must— to populate all the good land on the face of this earth. Let
all the good leaders of our great Race now come forth and organize
their areas. From such beginnings will come the great leaders of
our race— leaders who will free us from the Jewish yoke, and then
lead us ever onward to ever-higher plateaus of accomplishment
and excellence.
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James Mac

Re: The Leadership Principle

Post by James Mac » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:32 pm

Chapter Seven: The Leadership Principle. :) ... ciple-.mp3

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Leadership Principle

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:29 am

what the White Race desperately needs today (as it
will in the future) are real leaders. Imbued with the Creativity
religion, which holds that the good of the White Race as the
highest virtue, both leaders and followers will want to combine in
pursuing the same constructive path.
This quote made me reflect upon Cosmotheism and the path towards the Creator's Purpose, the self-fulfillment of the Creator as our highest virtue and how each of us displays our leadership abilities through service towards this ultimate goal. In a sense, Ben Klassen's words were a small step towards Cosmotheism though expressing it in a way nearer to us Whites individually in holding as virtue what is good for the White race.
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White Man 1
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Re: The Leadership Principle

Post by White Man 1 » Tue Aug 23, 2022 12:03 pm

Bumping this topic, and adding the following article from Martin Kerr.

by Martin Kerr

THERE ARE different leadership doctrines or theories. That which we National Socialists embrace is known as the “Leadership Principle,” or in German “das Führerprinzip.“ As with much else relating to our Movement and our Worldview, it has been the subject of deliberate distortion and misrepresentation by our enemies, so much so that even some National Socialists misunderstand it.

The Leadership Principle is an authoritarian leadership doctrine, in which power or authority rests in the hands of those in command. Leaders are appointed rather than elected. Instead of governing by committee, consensus or majority vote, an appointed leader makes all decisions for the field of operations under his command by himself. Likewise, along with absolute authority, a leader also bears absolute responsibilty for the decisions he makes; there is no passing the buck if something goes wrong.

As it is commonly (if falsely) portrayed, the Leadership Principle is synonomous with absolute dictatorship. That is, we are told that it means that all power in a given organization is concentrated into the hands of a single person at the top of hierarchal pyramid. He has all of the power (or 99 percent of it) and no one else has any. The leader is answerable to no one, and he can wield his power in any way that he chooses, for good or for ill. Anyone who dares to contradict this supreme leader or who goes against his stated desires faces punishment, which, in the popular imgination frequently means execution.

This description is a gross misrepresentation of the Leadership Principle, which is, in fact, a nuanced and efficient manner of leading men. Far from being capricious and unjust, it is a balanced and judicious method of command, that allows each person in the organizational chain to operate at his maximum potential.

The four cornerstones of the Leadership Principle are authority, responsibility, obedience and loyalty.

Authority and Responsibility

Although the person at the top of the leadership hierarchy is vested with the ultimate authority, that person is not the only leader. Rather, he has subordinates immediately beneath him who are also leaders. They, in turn have subordinates of their own and so it goes down to the lowest level of membership. All of these subordinates are leaders themselves and they also operate according to the leadership principle.

Each leader — at every level — has complete authority to fulfill the task assigned to him but at the same time he also has complete responsibility for seeing that the task is completed successfully and in the most efficient manner. A leader is given a job to do, along with the relevent instructions and parameters. Then he is left alone to do his work without interference. By “interference,“ we mean both outside interference from elsewhere in the organization but also from interference from above by superior officers who seek to micromanage what he is doing. Except in extraordinary situations and emergencies, micromangagement is not part of the Leadership Principle.

A superior leader is supposed to oversee the tasks of his subordinate but he should not take command and control from his hands unless that subordinate has taken his task off in the wrong direction or is bungling its execution. Care must be taken to distinguish between unimportant details and important ones. A superior leader should get involved if an important detail has been overlooked or is being done incorrectly, but not if he disagrees with his subordinate over something trivial.

In his recent biogaphy of Adolf Hitler, Ullrich Volker notes concerning the Führer’s leadership style:

He demanded of all his underlings that they spare him from unwelcome, banal, everyday details. “The best man is for me the one who burdens me the least by taking responsibility for himself ninety-five out of every one hundred decisions,” Hitler declared in October 1941. “Of course, there are cases that I ultimately have to decide.” In other words, Hitler claimed the solitary right to decide only on fundamental issues, not on routine matters he considered ancillary; it was then that he made use of his function as coordinator.

Seen from this perspective, it is clear that a National Socialist leader is a team captain rather than an Oriental despot.

If a leader is unable to perform his duties in a satisfactory manner, he should be replaced and assigned a task that he can manage properly. Because he is given absolute authority to complete his task, the leader must bear absolute responsibility if he fails. This should not be viewed as punishment but rather as organizational realignment to ensure that every person in the hierarchy is assigned a job that best suits his abilities.

By way of example, as chief of staff of the NEW ORDER, I have appointed one comrade to design and produce the NS BULLETIN as managing editor, and I have appointed another comrade as webmaster. I give each man general instructions on how I want a page of the website or of the newsletter to look and then I step aside and let him do his job. If I notice an error or if something is way off, I have it fixed — but I do not tell these comrades how to do do their job down to the smallest, tiniest detail. To do so would stifle creative ability and growth, and it would violate the Leadership Principle, one aspect of which is to enourage and train junior personnel so that one day they can assume a more senior role.

A subordinate officer must likewise take his responsibilities seriously. If he is successful, then he gets the credit for a job well done. If he is unsuccessful, he must own his failure and not try to put the blame on someone else. To do so would be dishonorable.

It is not true, as our oppoents charge, that the one on the top of the leadership pyramid has only authority and no responsibility — that there are no limits or controls on what he can or cannot do. In the first instance, the ultimate leader (whether he is called Führer or Commander or something else) is responsible to himself as a National Socialist and as an Aryan. Someone who is corrupt or venal — as most or many politicians are today — will not be able to rise to the senior-most position, as his character deficiencies will have been spotted long before he reaches the top. And even then, he will be surrounded by subordinates who are comrades of unassailable character who would serve as a brake on any illegitimate actions he might take.

But this is all hypothetical. As National Socialists, our main concern is not how to get a bad supreme leader out of office but rather how to put the best-qualified man into the post in the first place. And by best-qualified, we mean not just someone who has the technical ability to do the job but who likewise has the character and spiritual reserves required of the Movement’s leader.

Obedience and Loyalty

Along with absolute authority and absolute responsibility come the principles of obedience and loyalty. Each comrade must follow the orders he is given to the best of his ability, even when he has personal doubts or misgivings.

This does not mean that debate or critical analysis are forbidden or suppressed. Quite the contrary! Every comrade has the duty to speak his mind while a decision is being made, even if he finds himself in sharp disagreement with other comrades or even with his superior officer. In fact, not to speak in opposition when a wrong course of action is being considered is a sin not just against the Leadership Principle but against the Movement itself. However, once a decision has been made, all debate and criticism must cease, and every comrade must enthusiastically suppport that decision, without any hesitation or holding back.

Running parallel to the practice of willing obedience is the practice of loyalty. This one of the key elements of the National Socialist worldview. A National Socialist is loyal to his Race, to his Movement, to his superiors within the Movement and to his fellow comrades. But loyalty runs in both directions within the organization: just as a subordinate must show loyalty to his superior officer, that officer must show loyalty to those under his command.

In this manner, trust is created that allows the Movement to be resilient even in times of crisis, for if we trust the comrades above us, below us and beside us, our enemies have no chance of creating internal splits through rumor-mongering or by articially creating factions within the Movement which fight one another.

Being loyal to the Movement and its leaders, and being obedient to their commands, does not mean that one should be loyal and obedient only when things are going well, or only when one is in agreement. To have any meaning, loyalty means remaining loyal in “good times and in bad, whatever may come,“ to quote Rudolf Hess. I will not name names here, but in the past there were men who took the ANP/NSWPP “Stormtroopers Oath,“ in which they “irrevocably“ pledged their loyalty to the party’s commander — only to scurry away when things did not go the way they wanted. The Leadership Principle cannot function properly when comrades place their own egos before the good of the Movement!

A Tactical Advantage

The Leadership Principle served the Hitler movement well in Germany and it has well-served our Cause in America since the War. It is one reason why we have survived for 61 years and have endured two changes in leadership without missing a beat, whereas many other racialist formations have come and gone without leaving a trace. We note that the Leadership Principle is used by every military formation in the world, and that the Roman Catholic Church — the oldest institution in the world — also runs on its precepts.

So let the Republicans and the Democrats and their imitators have their elections and their committees. Let them run their organizations on consensus and majority votes — and let them see where that leads them in the end. The Leadership Principle, as an integral part of National Socialist theory and practice, gives us a tactical advantage that allows us to project strength far above our actual numbers. Our enemies may describe it as one of our weaknesses but in truth it is one of our hidden strengths.

* * *

Source: New Order

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