Jew Media Smear NA, Are Refuted

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Will Williams
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Jew Media Smear NA, Are Refuted

Post by Will Williams » Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:52 pm

More Media Lies About
the National Alliance

4 DECEMBER, 2021
by National Alliance Chairman Will White Williams

EVERY RACIALLY conscious White person reading National Vanguard, especially members and supporters of the National Alliance, should be familiar with the Hebrew word sayan (plural sayanim). It simply means helper or assistant. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of sayanim in the US alone, all 100% Jewish and carefully vetted by the Mossad to be, among other things, its (and the US-based ADL’s) eyes and ears, reporting anything potentially important to Jewry and Israel, especially anything perceived to relate to Jewry’s enemies. Our organization, the National Alliance, is considered an enemy of Israel and Jewry because of the truths we tell about both.

Their sayanim constitute an extraordinary secret network of Jew spies working against their Gentile hosts. The ultra-cohesive Jews are highly organized, through this intelligence network and in many other ways. We Aryans, on the other hand, are not organized in the same regard or to anywhere near the same extent, but we can learn to be; we can learn from the Jews’ example.

Any time there is information concerning Jews, especially information that could impact our people, it should be reported to our Alliance for evaluation. Our members, supporters, and followers do not do this nearly enough today. In Dr. Pierce’s day, certain resourceful members would, for example, would subscribe to and monitor closely the Jew’s various English-language publications intended mainly for a Jewish audience, reporting items of interest to our National Office. I’d like to hear from those of you willing to do that, and similar intelligence-gathering efforts. Just drop us a line via our contact form. (For those of you who prefer to use postal mail, write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683.)

An Alliance member in West Virginia recently alerted the National Office to an anti-Alliance series that aired recently on the NBC TV affiliate WVVA in the Bluefield-Beckley viewing area. This is an excellent example of a member using her eyes and ears to spot something that is useful to us, and sending it along to us for evaluation. What she sent, quoted below with my commentary interspersed between sections, is not untypical of the Jew-controlled media’s smears of the National Alliance.
WVVA “multimedia journalist”
Ms. Annie Moore
Being a multimedia journalist who enjoys her private life, the biography of the series’ author, Ms. Moore, is deliberately spare. It is revealed, however, that she is in a “loving marriage to attorney Dennie Morgan.” it doesn’t take much searching to discover that, when the couple married, husband “Fingers” Morgan, had had his law license suspended for a year by the West Virginia Lawyer Disciplinary Board for multiple instances of theft of his clients’ funds. More about that can be found here: ... Itemid=100

That fact is not revealed in Ms. Moore’s available biography.

As National Alliance Chairman I will not allow what amounts to a three-part smear of our organization to stand unrefuted. We do not have a TV station that can counter this Jewish propaganda in Ms. Annie’s region, but we do have National Vanguard and we will use it. I don’t wish to come off as too defensive in the following, but my justified outrage will show through as I refute the disparaging claims made in the series. The record will be set straight, point by point, by the leader of the organization that WVVA has attempted to tarnish. What follows is the three-part series by the NBC affiliate, WVVA TV that attempted to influence negatively those in its viewing area against our National Alliance...

More here: ... -alliance/
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Jew Media Smear NA, Are Refuted

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:20 pm

They're refuted.
On top of that, propagandists in the pay of the Jewed media have long been shown to be liars, and it's well they've been caught again. It's well because day by day, the lies pile up and their credibility among the small, thinking portion of the population is reduced.

That doesn't mean our job is done, we must continue to build up our voice and stay the course when it comes to telling things truthfully.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
Posts: 4522
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Re: Jew Media Smear NA, Are Refuted

Post by Will Williams » Sat Dec 11, 2021 1:23 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:52 pm
More Media Lies About
the National Alliance

An Alliance member in West Virginia recently alerted the National Office to an anti-Alliance series that aired recently on the NBC TV affiliate WVVA in the Bluefield-Beckley viewing area...
WVVA “multimedia journalist”
Ms. Annie Moore
More here: ... -alliance/

Of course those Whites viewing the anti-NA smears in the Bluefield-Beckley viewing area of West Virginia will not be exposed to my refutation of the lies, but everyone on WB shoud read the rest of my report to understand this example of what we are up against, and be on the lookout for anything like it in their own regions.

Like they say, if you see something say something (to us).
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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