Rittenhouse Trial

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Rittenhouse Trial

Post by PhuBai68 » Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:52 am

Maybe by the end of the day the jury will decide the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse.
While the right leaning news media are saying it's a "slam dunk" I'm not so sure, *some people* have been taking pictures of the jurors as they exit the courthouse.
Are these *people* news reporters or are they antifa or a scum that want to dox the members of the jury to later harass and threaten them?
Will the jury be affected by the thinly veiled threat of being doxed?

If the case rules in favor of Kyle will that decision slow the BLM/antifa nonsense or just make them more violence prone?

I was talking with another Stormfront senior moderator a few days back and said if either one of us ever had to defend ourselves a liberal prosecutor would be salivating finding out "who" we were.

https://nypost.com/2021/11/15/kenosha-b ... use-trial/
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:31 am

This trial isn't about Rittenhouse so much as it's about racial interests. Sure, the kid's life is going to be decided and that's a big deal to him though it's about sending Whites a message also: defending ourselves with firearms is forbidden to us.
"You lose the right to self-defense when you're the one who brought the gun."
--Prosecutor Binger addressing the jury in closing.
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Will Williams
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Will Williams » Thu Nov 18, 2021 2:37 pm

PhuBai68 wrote:
Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:52 am
I was talking with another Stormfront senior moderator a few days back and said if either one of us ever had to defend ourselves a liberal prosecutor would be salivating finding out "who" we were.
Your fear is irrational, PB. Being an SF moderator, even a senior one, is hardly an actionable offense by any stretch -- not yet anyway. Your best protection as a serious dissident is to, first, stay legal, and never fear to be outspoken with our truths, even using your given name. The more of us doing this the stronger we become. Remember Dr. Pierce's words: one determined, honorable White truth-teller can defeat thousands of our lying, anti-White enemies. He sure did so! Introduce others to his vital teachings. https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/02/ne ... -powerful/

Fight false charges by corrupt prosecutors and never plead guilty to anything that you are not guilty of. The much corrupted justice system may win an occasional political battle against White dissidents but not the larger war as long as we fight back with all we've got and don't compromise truth. You may enjoy my book on the subject: https://cosmotheistchurch.org/product/p ... -williams/

Hopefully young Mr. Rittenhouse will be acquitted of "murder" with his sound self-defense argument. A hung jury ruling opens the possibillity for a second circus trial. Jury nullification is called for if the jurors have the moral courage to ignore the Jew-controlled media and threatening Antifa/BLM mob.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by PhuBai68 » Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:45 pm

Being an SF moderator, even a senior one, is hardly an actionable offense by any stretch -- not yet anyway. Your best protection as a serious dissident is to, first, stay legal, and never fear to be outspoken with our truths, even using your given name.
I know it's not an offense BUT that magic offensible word would be hammered out there at the jury - racist !!!! - over and over and over and lord have mercy if any blacks, browns or mush headed white liberals were on the jury if one of us ever had to shoot a black/brown assailant in self defense.

It would be the O.J. Simpson trial all over again where it ended up that the detective Mark Fuhrman was the one on trial for using that dreaded word every man from our generation has used, "nigger", which then somehow became the whole focus of the trial.
If the lead detective used that dreaded word then he had to frame poor, innocent O.J. of course.
Also, I believe that the white jurors were intimidated by the black jurors - actually "kind of" what's happening with this Rittenhouse case, the jurors (@ least some) are afraid of being doxed then later of being maybe harassed at the least or physically assaulted &/or home &/or vehicle vandalized.
Mob rule and it's not our mob by any means that are doing the arresting, prosecuting and having their opposition rotting away in prison, look at this QAnon Shaman guy getting 41 months when the Capitol police let him just stroll into the building but meanwhile look at all the violence and destruction caused by antifa and BLM most of 2020.

It doesn't look promising for whitey right now and especially White Nationalists.

Final Jury Composition
The Jury By Race: 9 Blacks, 1 Hispanics, 2 Whites

The Jury By Sex: 10 Women, 2 Men
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Will Williams
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Will Williams » Sat Nov 20, 2021 2:07 pm

PhuBai68 wrote:
Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:45 pm
Being an SF moderator, even a senior one, is hardly an actionable offense by any stretch -- not yet anyway. Your best protection as a serious dissident is to, first, stay legal, and never fear to be outspoken with our truths, even using your given name.
I know it's not an offense BUT that magic offensible word would be hammered out there at the jury - racist !!!! - over and over and over and lord have mercy if any blacks, browns or mush headed white liberals were on the jury if one of us ever had to shoot a black/brown assailant in self defense...
That is quite a hypothetical, PB, thinking you might someday shoot a non-White, even in self defense, and that the prosecution would trot out inadmissable evidence to prejudice a jury of your alleged "peers" that you have been a <horrror! :o> SF moderator.

It's great that the jury in Kenosha found young Rittenhouse not guilty of murder. Contrast that result with the trial of George Loeb a couple of decades ago. He was also clearly defending himself and his wife from an imminent threat but was charged with 1st-degree murder and found guilty at the hands of a Jew posecutor who introduded some of Loeb's previous writings, proving that he ws "racist." His "victim" was a Negro. Dr. Pierce covered that trial from our point of view, here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/06/th ... son-trial/

Let me tell you about just one such case with which I am familiar. In May 1991 a young White man, George Loeb, and his wife drove into a supermarket parking lot in Jacksonville, Florida, to buy groceries. As they entered the parking lot a car driven by a Black male almost struck their car. The two drivers exchanged angry insults, with the Black calling Mr. Loeb a cracker and a honkie. Then the Black drove off, and the Loebs did their shopping. They had bought their groceries, were back in their car, and were ready to go home when the Black returned — this time with another Black male and a brick. The Black got out of his car and advanced toward the Loebs’ car with the brick in his hand. He announced loudly to Loeb, I’m gonna smash your motherf–ing head in.

As the Black approached, Loeb responded by tearing open the glove compartment of his car, seizing a pistol his wife kept there for her protection, and firing two shots at the Black, killing him. Loeb was arrested and put on trial. At the trial both the defense witnesses and the prosecution witnesses recounted nearly the same sequence of events. The prosecution witnesses — the slain Black’s friend and a White woman who had been in the parking lot — both admitted that the slain Black had threatened to smash Mr. Loeb’s head with the brick he carried. They claimed, however, that he had dropped his brick just before he was shot, whereas the defense witnesses said that he still had the brick in his hand when he was struck by the bullets.

The key to the outcome of the trial, however, was the charge made against Mr. Loeb by the Jewish prosecutor that he was a White racist. The prosecutor introduced into evidence books and personal letters seized in the Loebs’ residence, indicating that Mr. Loeb strongly disliked Blacks and believed that they should be sent back to Africa. Mr. Loeb was then convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Does that sound incredible? A conviction for premeditated murder, when the shooting clearly was neither murder nor premeditated but instead was an act of self-defense? Life in prison for a family man, a university graduate with a stable marriage who had never been in trouble with the law and was merely defending himself and his wife against an armed attacker? Does that sound like American justice?..
It's a little off-topic to be discussing moral cowardice along with Mr. Rittenhouse, but I'm glad Jim Mathias bumped another of Dr. Pierce's talks this morning that does address that problem of cowardice in our people: Jim posted the text of "Cowardice and Individualism" from a 1998 issue of NA's long out of print Free Spech periodical, but today one can listen to Dr. Pierce reading the program here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/24UVMlUSwIYB/

BTW, the Loeb trial was the first televised trial on the Jew-owned network COURT TV (Later changed to TRU TV), elevating that program/network/genre, and spawning numerous other trial shows.

I had watched the trial and told Dr. Pierce that he needed to order the videotape of it, that he would not believe his eyes. :o He was as shocked as I had been and this ADV resulted.

Old Aardvark
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Old Aardvark » Mon Nov 22, 2021 2:58 am

This is the black rapper who is being held as the prime suspect in the mass murder terror event in Wisconsin. At this time not even Fox News is releasing information about the suspect.


YouTube will probably pull this video quickly.

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Will Williams
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Will Williams » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:50 pm

Old Aardvark wrote:
Mon Nov 22, 2021 2:58 am
This is the black rapper who is being held as the prime suspect in the mass murder terror event in Wisconsin. At this time not even Fox News is releasing information about the suspect.


YouTube will probably pull this video quickly.
Yep. "Video unavailable." And comservative Fox News won't even call the perp a suspect, only a person of interest.

So he's a rapper, eh? Figures.

The main fact I wanted to hear reported by so-called "journalists," who certainly have known the answer, was is the killer of these White innocents in their traditional Christmas parade (not "holiday parade") non-White? I figured he is since investigative media have been withholding his race. How about others who were allegedly in this killer's car with him during the deed? Will they be charged with accessory to 1st degree murder?

Is this him? It's all I could find so far.

We'll know soon enough, I suppose. Will WhiteLivesMatter and Anticom Nazis now loot and burn Waukesha to the ground in protest?

Old Aardvark
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Old Aardvark » Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:48 pm

National Public Radio spent much of the day examining stories about black men wrongly convicted and imprisoned. They spent about an hour discussing the recently released movie about Richard Williams, the father of Venus and Serena Williams, and his struggles against the Klan in his youth and the lily-white tennis establishment while his daughters were breaking into professional tennis. Oh, the white racism never ends on NPR, the totally Woke corporate backed radio station. But NPR had almost nothing of substance to say about the awful killings of innocent whites in Wisconsin. It's been pretty much the same from other Woke "news" outlets like CNN. They offer an emotionless bare-boned account of the major details, but make no mention of the race of anyone, certainly not anyone arrested yet, and then quickly move on to other more important stories. "Move along goyim. Nothing to see here or get yourselves worked up about. Move along."

Two weeks from now you will never know this awful thing happened. How this story is handled by the mass media will open the eyes of a lot of white people. I read a good bit on a Fox News discussion forum last night. A lot of people there fully understood how the present system works. They were outraged at what had happened and how it was not being reported. More than one person used the "N word." Quite a few called for revenge and even civil war. I was surprised.

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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Old Aardvark » Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:58 pm

If you want to see the mass murderer starring in his own rap-music video, go to YouTube and search for Mathboi Fly. That is his rapper name. I can still go there and watch his vulgar and violent ravings. It seems one isn't allowed to share it, though. I think people have copied it and keep reposting. Again, search on Youtube for Mathboi Fly. If you cannot find it on YouTube, I'm sure it is on BitChute.


Old Aardvark
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Old Aardvark » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:02 pm

Tucker Carlson admits that he cannot post or comment on a lot of the information (particularly video content) he is sent because it is so racially disturbing and would be too divisive. It would get people too worked up, he says.

On a much more positive theme, here are a couple of white people who have their basic priorities right.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/a ... i=10231937

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