Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movement"

Michael Olanich

Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movement"

Post by Michael Olanich » Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:10 pm

The “Movement”

Despite the commentary in the Membership Handbook and periodically in the BULLETIN, there are members who still have a fixation on something called the “movement” rather than on the Alliance. These “movement”-oriented members see the Alliance not as unique and irreplaceable, but merely as one organization among many, all working toward the same goal. “How much stronger our movement will be” they think; “when all these organizations are united. Now we are weak because we are divided, but if we all work together we will be stronger and more successful.” These members also tend to regard anyone who sticks his arm out and shouts “White power,” as a “comrade” much like a fellow Alliance member.

There can be no doubt that we are weak now compared to our enemies, but we will not become stronger by “uniting” with weak or defective organizations – and that includes virtually every “movement” group. The Alliance is not only far and away the strongest and most effective of all the organizations claiming to share our goals: it is the only organization in North America that has any prospect at all for effectively opposing the Jews and their allies in the future. I say this not to disparage any other organization or individual, but as a simple statement of fact.

The Alliance became what it is today by following its own course from its inception. It never saw an opportunity to become stronger by uniting with another organization, and it sees none now. If in the future a suitable organization with which the Alliance might unite comes into existence, then we can explore the possibilities for collaboration. That is not a likely prospect however, for the following reason: if someone decides to form a new organization, instead of becoming a member of the Alliance, it is either because he actually has a significantly different goal or ideology from the Alliance or is determined to use significantly different tactics, or because it is of personal reasons.

By far the most common personal reason is egotism: he wants to have his own organization: he would rather be a phone-booth Führer, with a letter head, a post office box, and three devoted but mentally challenged followers, than just another member of an effective organization. In that case he will have to give his organizational efforts to try and see what he can accomplish by himself.

I am not willing to compromise in any significant way the goals or ideology of the National Alliance. The examples that come to mind of other organizations or individuals that had similar goals but significantly different tactics are those that were too impatient to follow a course of legality and were determined instead to move ahead faster than the Alliance by using illegal tactics. So far such a course has not been successful, and it is my carefully considered judgment that such tactics are not likely to be successful prior to a major weakening or disruption of the government.
I am not willing to compromise in any significant
way the goals or ideology of the National Alliance.
A member who disagrees with this rather dim view of the “movement” should choose a “movement” organization and join it, or he should start his own organization, but he should resign his membership of the Alliance.

For the guidance of members, the following is the policy of the National Office governing interactions with “movement” organizations.

The Alliance will continue to follow its own course and will act independently of other organizations.

The Alliance will not engage in joint activities with other organizations.

Individuals who are members of other organizations and who are prospects for recruitment into the Alliance may be invited to attend Alliance meetings or participate in Alliance activities strictly as individuals, not as representatives of the other organization to which they belong.

The Alliance does not comment publicly on other organizations, either positively or negatively. We do not respond to attacks from other organizations or engage in feuds with other organizations. We have on occasion helped other organizations with extraordinary problems, as when we donated to the legal defense fund of Richard Butler during the time he was being attacked by Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center, but ordinarily we do not become involved in the problems or activities of other groups. We wish them well, but they are on their own.

In evaluating prospects for recruitment, we do not disqualify a prospect simply because he belongs to or has belonged to another organization, but we usually will regard his membership or former membership in another organization negatively rather than positively and will be especially alert for signs of hobbyist tendencies.

In general, the Alliance is not competing with “movement” organizations for members. A person should join the organization for which he is best suited, and if he is at all tempted to join a “movement” group, then he probably lacks the seriousness, maturity, and good judgment expected of an Alliance member.

The text above is Dr. Pierce's commentary from the internal National Alliance BULLETIN for January, 2002. Below Dr. Pierce reemphasizes his Alliance policy message to members in the February, 2002, BULLETIN:

More "Movement" Comments

As I expected, my comments about the “movement” in last month’s BULLETIN elicited complaints from a few members of the hobbyist persuasion. It elicited louder complaints from a phone-booth Führer or two who had been hoping to ride on the Alliance’s coattails by means of various “unity” schemes.

I did not expect my comments to straighten out any hobbyists remaining in the Alliance, because hobbyism does not come from a lack of understanding but instead from a personality defect. Members are hobbyists because their principle motivation is self-gratification. They care more about getting lots of different newsletters and having more people to gossip about than they do about real accomplishments. They are not sensible people.

For the sake of those members who aren't hobbyists but who may have been confused by hobbyism on the part of other members, I offer here two further comments on the subject. First, we are not interested in “uniting” with “movement” organizations because none is significant or serious. Most are make-believe organizations, which do not exist except in the imaginations of a few hobbyists. The few that actually have members are heavily loaded with freaks, hobbyists and other defective people who like to wear uniforms and give Roman salutes to TV cameramen while shouting, “Sieg, Heil!”

Second, it is very important for us to maintain our own image as a serious organization so that we can continue to recruit the serious men and women we must have in order to continue building our capabilities. These men and women are not favorably impressed by the sort of silliness that characterizes virtually every wannabee “movement” organization.

Another item in last month’s BULLETIN that caused some unhappiness was the announcement that henceforth all internet activity that purports to be associated with the Alliance in any way will be coordinated and required to adhere to guidelines. There are several reasons for this new policy, but as with avoiding “movement” entanglements, the most important reason is the maintenance of the sort of image that the Alliance needs in order to accomplish its mission. We must not present to the public an image of illiteracy, incompetence, foolishness, poor judgment, immaturity or disarray.

Find the hobbyist in this group

Most members who have commented on the new Web Activity Guidelines (WAG) have agreed that they are needed, but a few think that they go too far and impose too many limitations. Perhaps so. The current WAG are subject to modification and the Web Activity Coordinator will value any constructive criticism from members.

One misimpression on the part of a few members is that they are no longer permitted to represent themselves as Alliance members except on an approved website. This is not so. Members are free to identify themselves as members in discussion groups, “chat rooms,” bulletin board postings, etc., as long as they make it clear that they are speaking only as individuals and not as spokesmen for the Alliance.

The views I have expressed in the past about discussion groups and similar internet entities have been largely negative, for two reasons. First, the anonymity and lack of accountability in discussion groups lead to irresponsibility and foolishness. Much of what goes on in discussion groups is beyond silly.

Second, the internet becomes a make-believe, alternate world for many people. Instead of using their time to disseminate our message and recruit in the real world, they escape into the more agreeable, make-believe, world of discussion groups and “chat-rooms” where they can feel themselves safely among friends. Indeed, the internet is like a habit-forming drug for many of our members. As soon as they come home from work they turn on their computers, and they stay glued to the screen until bedtime. As so often is the case in this soft, emasculated society, chatter takes the place of action.

A few members whose opinions I respect have tried to persuade me that internet discussion groups do have some potential redeeming value after all – provided that the members using them do so in a disciplined, purposeful way, keeping their minds focused on the objective instead of succumbing to the drug. Perhaps in the near future the National Office will offer some useful guidance to such members.


http://williamlutherpierce.blogspot.com ... iance.html

David York

Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movemen

Post by David York » Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:44 pm

Michael Olanich wrote:
We must not present to the public an image of illiteracy, incompetence, foolishness, poor judgment, immaturity or disarray.


http://williamlutherpierce.blogspot.com ... iance.html
Hmm.. a certain group comes to mind when I think of a 'movement' that presents to the public an image of illiteracy.. oh yeah it's Narrg. That was proved by their last article "The Emperor's New Clothes", and also with their misspelling of the word Alliance when they first launched their website.

Also since Narrg rejects the NA's Cosmotheist Ideology, I think it is best for them to start their own organization. William Pierce spells it out quite clearly in that article above: any person who disagrees with the National Alliance's goals or ideology should start their own movement. Narrg's anti-Cosmotheist remodeling of the National Alliance, should they ever have gotten control of the organization, would have completely compromised the organization that Dr. Pierce built.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movemen

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Nov 19, 2017 2:05 am

I am not willing to compromise in any significant
way the goals or ideology of the National Alliance.
Well worth reiterating. Methods can change when circumstances dictate, but we must remember our destiny is godhood. This should be remembered always.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

David Pringle

Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movemen

Post by David Pringle » Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:13 pm

an act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed.
"a slight movement of the upper body"
synonyms: motion, move; More
a group of people working together to advance their shared political, social, or artistic ideas.
"the labor movement"
synonyms: political group, party, faction, wing, lobby, camp
"the labor movement"

I've always hated when those not understanding OUR movement lump us in with those who merely swim in the same political current. Anyone who listens (or reads) Our Cause, Cosmotheism Wave of the Future, America the Sleep Walker should understand that we are a movement unto ourselves.

The current we are in is the idea of race. It isn't like a river or a stream but more like a Tsunami which catches everything and moves it in a similar direction. The current is filled with a variety of individuals in life preservers, individuals in speed boats, those who work together and build ships and then there is the Cosmotheist religion and The National Alliance.

Individuals by themselves only bob up and down sending out small ripples that rarely make it very far or influence anything outside a small circle. The other type of individual is in a speed boat. They are fast, loud and leave a defined wake behind which others can see. The problem with the speed boats is their lack of fuel. They speed and make noise and get attention, but because they are essentially a one or two man show - they don't change much.

Caught in the current with us are smaller craft, piloted by various groups who all argue about who should be at the helm, change their course regularly and never really build up enough momentum to leave a sizable wake. These vessels might chug on for years but all eventually stop moving or sink.

We, however, are an Aircraft carrier. Even with several Captains who issued orders which drove our vessel into shallow waters we never fully stopped moving or leaving a large wake. Unlike individuals, speed boats etc our vessel can launch aircraft, landing craft and smaller vessels. Our Units and Cadre launch from our deck armed with the weapon of truth. Our ideology is the nuclear fuel which drives our forward progress.

For a time, because of poor leadership, many abandoned ship and got in life rafts of their own only to be washed away by the uncontrollable current. Our ability to launch aircraft is barely restored. We've only been able to launch a few fighters at this point - but the fighters we have launched are making a difference. Because, our wake carries to the shore and flattens the wakes of other lesser craft.

Since a competent Captain took over the helm and was backed up by experienced and motivated crew our vessel is gaining momentum and some of the former crew are climbing back on board to work with us once again. As our momentum grows slowly and steadily we must always be on guard for those who do not, or cannot, fully understand what we are and what we are not.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movemen

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:29 am

I agree with you, David, especially with respect to having a competent captain at the helm. It's my belief his 2 predecessors did not have the basic Cosmotheist foundations Will has, and it showed in the disastrous results that came about. The NA's dismemberment, it's "big tent" style of acceptance of differing and usually opposed (to ours) life-affirming philosophies (or religion if you will) caused fractures and weakness.

That the NA is now a wholly Cosmotheist organization once again is a huge turnaround and puts our race back on the right path, even though we progress only slowly at this time. But there is progress!
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

David Pringle

Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movemen

Post by David Pringle » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:18 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:I agree with you, David, especially with respect to having a competent captain at the helm. It's my belief his 2 predecessors did not have the basic Cosmotheist foundations Will has, and it showed in the disastrous results that came about. The NA's dismemberment, it's "big tent" style of acceptance of differing and usually opposed (to ours) life-affirming philosophies (or religion if you will) caused fractures and weakness.

That the NA is now a wholly Cosmotheist organization once again is a huge turnaround and puts our race back on the right path, even though we progress only slowly at this time. But there is progress!

Since I knew both of them fairly well...

Shaun Walker is a sociopath. Gliebe is a salesman - a flim-flam man. Both are Merchant minded.

To the Merchant minded man everything in life is monotised. To them, everyone's value is based on how much money they either have or can contribute or make. If you don't have a large bank account or if you have rejected mercantilism they have nothing but disdain for you. I remember Shaun Walker's amazement when I told him that I didn't use credit cards because I believe that the credit debt cycle makes us slaves. Slaves to Jews, and slaves to Merchant minded men and slaves to consumerism.

When Merchant minded men talk about objects, every object has a price tag. Men who believe that everything can be commodified will always lean towards money over men. Industry instead of Nature. The now instead of the future.

The Merchant minded man loves the city lights -- and a good sale. He has given himself fully to modern life and everything it represents. This type of man, AKA mass-man, is a bred-down version of White. They are dependent, on society for everything. They buy all their food at large chains. Not shopping at a WalMart is almost a crime. They love a sale and they love to show off their possessions. Mass-man, Merchant-man's self esteem comes from the display of his possessions - his self esteem is external, not internal. Just like the Negro who loves to show off shiny objects like his wheels, his gold teeth, flashy clothing.

The farmer, the craftsman, the welder etc. their self esteem usually comes from with-in although that is changing more and more. Our race will never reach the stars, or be saved, by city dwelling men who are dependent on WalMart.

"Big Tentism" is WalMartism/Corporatism and not much else. What is the essence of the "big tent" mindset? That everything and everyone is to be used until empty, then discarded quickly and forgotten.

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Will Williams
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Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movemen

Post by Will Williams » Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:35 pm

[Uncalled-for harsh criticism of Christian patriot, Dr. Ed Fields, removed as inappropriate for WB. WW 7 September, 2018]
White Biocentrism is not a forum for criticizing past Alliance members or Christian patriots like Dr. Fields. Ed Fields did much for raising the racial consciousness of Whites for more than sixty years; we should honor him for that and look to the future!

Criticize the Christian belief system as entirely unsuitable for serious White race-thinkers without bashing the individual White Christian. We work with those who are attracted to the Alliance's ideology, not with those opposed to our hard line Cosmotheist beliefs. It's simple. NA always worked with people like Fields before WLP died. Fields promoted some of our literature and bought The Best of ATTACK! and National Vanguard by the caseload for distribution to readers of his Thunderbolt tabloid, later changed to The Truth At Last.
Alliance members will receive their August, 2018, NA BULLETINs in the mail during the next couple of days to see that I harp some more about how reluctant NA is to "Unite [with] The Right," and that, like Dr. Pierce said, we're not part of the "Movement" he described. I was reminded this mornig of a nine-year-old post I'd made at the Creativity Alliance's Web site that's still there: https://creativityalliance.com/forum/in ... 985.0.html The Creativity Alliance folks are definite allies of our National Alliance to a certain extent, just as the group mentioned in this month's BULLETIN has become our ally in the UK.

Check out the linked thread at CA's forum. 2009 was was one of the darkest years for NA, but Cosmotheism was still being promoted and compatible alliances were being forged for the National Alliance's later renewal, despite the mismanagement at the time of the organization WLP left us in 2002. Who knew how things would shake out later?
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movemen

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 09, 2019 11:09 am

David Pringle wrote:...I've always hated when those not understanding OUR movement lump us in with those who merely swim in the same political current. Anyone who listens (or reads) Our Cause, Cosmotheism Wave of the Future, America the Sleep Walker should understand that we are a movement unto ourselves...

This Activism and Alliance-Building post below, made yesterday, is already buried in the important 21-page "Somebody is in the news" topic thread that mostly features news reports of the pamphleteering of "movement" groups who are not associated with our National Alliance, but from whom we can learn by their experiences. viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3775&start=190

There are important points made here about the rights to distribute National Alliance literature, the sort of rare attorney we need to have in our corner to protect those rights, and the extent to which some local town councils, their law enforcement officers and courts will go to treat selectively anything pro-White from being exercised -- even to obtain fingerprints from scotch tape on a flier to prosecute the pro-White pamphleteer. Lessons learned: be extra careful!; have a competent attorney in advance, and be familiar with our piece, here: https://natall.com/printable/Our%20Righ ... ribute.pdf.

Our Right to Distribute Literature is Guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution should be carried by Alliance activists at all times. It is also recommended that we use the buddy system if possible: at least two of us at a time when fliering, one of whom should have video capability if and when confronted by law enforcement. Brighton, NY, is not the only municipality that will trample on our rights.

Constitutional protection of free speech: use it while we still can or lose it!


Re: Somebody from Brighton has been in the news
Fri Mar 08, 2019 4:13 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
https://www.wxxinews.org/post/ur-studen ... acy-fliers

UR student accused of violating Brighton Town Code in connection with white supremacy fliers

Follow-up: https://www.democratandchronicle.com/st ... 065765002/

Lawyer for UR student: Citations for Identity Evropa flyers 'selective enforcement' of town code
Georgie Silvarole, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Published 7:03 p.m. ET March 5, 2019 | Updated 5:56 p.m. ET March 6, 2019

By using a town code violation to penalize an individual for posting flyers on behalf of a pro-white, anti-immigration group, a Rochester attorney said, the Brighton Police Department violated his client's First Amendment right to free speech.

"The problem is there's selective enforcement here of the town ordinance based upon a constitutionally protected exercise of speech," said Donald Thompson, an attorney who specializes in cases involving civil rights violations. "This is not anywhere close to the line. It is really equivalent to a lost dog poster."

Brighton police cited 23-year-old Christopher Hodgman, a senior at the University of Rochester, with three separate violations of the town code for posting the flyers to public utilities and property last fall. The violations each carry a $250 fine and up to 15 days in jail.

Thompson, Hodgman's attorney, said if the ordinance prohibiting the posting of flyers to public spaces was uniformly and constantly enforced, there would be no issue. But in this situation, he said, that is not the case.

"Why, in this particular instance, is that violation being enforced?" Thompson said. "Well, it’s because of the content of the speech, as they perceive it, and that’s the problem. It's an attempt to chill speech based up on constitutionally protected content."

Police were able to pull fingerprints from adhesive tape used on three separate flyers to identify Hodgman — an endeavor that Thompson said seems largely out of proportion to the mildness of the violation itself.

"(This is) an investigation heretofore never seen for a town ordinance violation," Thompson said. "I've had murder cases that were not investigated as thoroughly."

Thompson said that the flyers, which featured the name and logo of a white nationalist organization called Identity Evropa, were no more unconstitutional in nature than a lost dog poster or a flyer advertising an apartment for rent.
"If you research the group that’s represented on the posters, you might agree with their stand, you might disagree with their stand, but it's not inflammatory," Thompson said. "They just really like white people. ... Some people translate that, probably appropriately, as white supremacist-type messaging. But you’re like two steps away from speech that would fall outside of the First Amendment where you're calling for some type of violence or some kind of targeting of a particular group."

Though its messaging and marketing tactics give it the illusion of being largely harmless, Identity Evropa is one of two pre-eminent white supremacist groups in the country, said Keegan Hankes, a senior research analyst for the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project.

That group, along with another called Patriot Front, has mastered using social media and online chat forums to create virtual communities, Hankes said. In recent years, white supremacist groups have focused on rebranding their image — the term "alt-right," he said, is a modern example of that — and recruiting on college campuses to combat their aging membership.

Using terms like "identitarian" and "pro-white" allows groups such as Identity Evropa to appear polished and benign, but Hankes said the age-old objective of promoting white separatist ideologies and belief of the inherent inferiority of nonwhite people is the same.

"If you can obfuscate the inherent racism, you can make it more palatable to a wider audience," Hankes said. "Patrick Casey, (Identity Evropa's current leader), has worked very, very hard to rebrand them as an Identitarian movement: 'Whites should be able to organize around white identity politics, and that this has nothing to do with racism.'"

Posting flyers or stickers is a common first step outside the digital communication had within white supremacist circles, Hankes said. It's relatively low-risk, but when news organizations cover the appearance of white nationalist propaganda, it creates a positive feedback loop for the poster — and a sense of purpose.

Because groups like Identity Evropa exist largely on the internet, it's impossible to estimate membership totals, Hankes said. But just because these groups have shied away from frequent public activism doesn't mean that they're not present in many communities — Brighton included.

"It's not that these people didn’t exist, it's just that they were invisible," Hankes said. "The truth of the matter is that white nationalism is a very violent ideology. :lol: ... This is the ideal that they're striving for, and there's no path to that without some version of ethnic cleansing."

On Tuesday, Jose Fernandez, the president of the University of Rochester College Republicans chapter, released a scathing statement condemning Hodgman's alleged actions.

"It would be irresponsible for our chapter to do anything but assert in the most certain, forceful possible terms that we fully repudiate Mr. Hodgman’s actions and beliefs," Fernandez said in the statement. "Just as important, however, on behalf of our chapter, I deeply apologize for the harm done by our previous president."

Hodgman briefly served as the chapter's president during the 2017 fall semester, according to a separate Facebook post, but had "entirely abdicated his duties" by the middle of the semester.

In the statement, Fernandez said he felt disgusted to learn of Hodgman's alleged actions and felt compelled to make clear that his actions do not represent the beliefs or morals of their College Republicans chapter.

"Rather than implicating us, he obligates us to openly and forcefully reject the ideals he cowardly promotes," Fernandez said in the statement. "We hope the Republican Party chooses to purge itself of the Christopher Hodgmans of the world, just as our chapter has."

[email protected]

Thompson has it right, but I object to his use of the term "White supremacist."

Should we have an activist in the Brighton, NY, area harassed by their authoritarian cops, Thompson is the man to contact.


Keegan Hankes is a new watchdog in the SPLC stable.

Goofball Pussyboy Hankes

The National Alliance is not alt-right, not White supremacist, not Identitarian, whatever that is. We are White racial nationalists, racial separatists! We advocate geographical separation of our race from the other races that claim we are the cause of all of their problems. We have no desire to be supreme over them, or to exploit them as with segregation or apartheid of old.

I've been hearing about the "anti-Semitic tropes" in the news as the Jews just got passed a resolution in the Congress opposing "hatred." What in hell is a trope? I guess that's like a meme, or a dog whistle, or hate messaging or some of those silly new words/terms that are being thrown around like Identitarian or cuckservative. Dr. Pierce predicted that this type of move and the Jew's "model statutes" would be the precursor to legislation making pro-White speech and organizations illegal, subject to fines and jail, like they're trying to do to poor Christopher Hodgemen, Imagine these goddamn cops taking fingerprints off of fliers Chris posted. :lol:

Like my friend Paul L. says, "There is some sick shit out there." The NA is an island of sanity in a world gone stark craving mad!
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Jim Mathias
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Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 pm

Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movemen

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:30 am

Will Williams wrote:
David Pringle wrote:...I've always hated when those not understanding OUR movement lump us in with those who merely swim in the same political current. Anyone who listens (or reads) Our Cause, Cosmotheism Wave of the Future, America the Sleep Walker should understand that we are a movement unto ourselves...

This Activism and Alliance-Building post below, made yesterday, is already buried in the important 21-page "Somebody is in the news" topic thread that mostly features news reports of the pamphleteering of "movement" groups who are not associated with our National Alliance, but from whom we can learn by their experiences. viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3775&start=190

There are important points made here about the rights to distribute National Alliance literature, the sort of rare attorney we need to have in our corner to protect those rights, and the extent to which some local town councils, their law enforcement officers and courts will go to treat selectively anything pro-White from being exercised -- even to obtain fingerprints from scotch tape on a flier to prosecute the pro-White pamphleteer. Lessons learned: be extra careful!; have a competent attorney in advance, and be familiar with our piece, here: https://natall.com/printable/Our%20Righ ... ribute.pdf.

Our Right to Distribute Literature is Guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution should be carried by Alliance activists at all times. It is also recommended that we use the buddy system if possible: at least two of us at a time when fliering, one of whom should have video capability if and when confronted by law enforcement. Brighton, NY, is not the only municipality that will trample on our rights.

Constitutional protection of free speech: use it while we still can or lose it!


Re: Somebody from Brighton has been in the news
Fri Mar 08, 2019 4:13 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
https://www.wxxinews.org/post/ur-studen ... acy-fliers

UR student accused of violating Brighton Town Code in connection with white supremacy fliers

Follow-up: https://www.democratandchronicle.com/st ... 065765002/

Lawyer for UR student: Citations for Identity Evropa flyers 'selective enforcement' of town code
Georgie Silvarole, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Published 7:03 p.m. ET March 5, 2019 | Updated 5:56 p.m. ET March 6, 2019

By using a town code violation to penalize an individual for posting flyers on behalf of a pro-white, anti-immigration group, a Rochester attorney said, the Brighton Police Department violated his client's First Amendment right to free speech.

"The problem is there's selective enforcement here of the town ordinance based upon a constitutionally protected exercise of speech," said Donald Thompson, an attorney who specializes in cases involving civil rights violations. "This is not anywhere close to the line. It is really equivalent to a lost dog poster."

Brighton police cited 23-year-old Christopher Hodgman, a senior at the University of Rochester, with three separate violations of the town code for posting the flyers to public utilities and property last fall. The violations each carry a $250 fine and up to 15 days in jail.

Thompson, Hodgman's attorney, said if the ordinance prohibiting the posting of flyers to public spaces was uniformly and constantly enforced, there would be no issue. But in this situation, he said, that is not the case.

"Why, in this particular instance, is that violation being enforced?" Thompson said. "Well, it’s because of the content of the speech, as they perceive it, and that’s the problem. It's an attempt to chill speech based up on constitutionally protected content."

Police were able to pull fingerprints from adhesive tape used on three separate flyers to identify Hodgman — an endeavor that Thompson said seems largely out of proportion to the mildness of the violation itself.

"(This is) an investigation heretofore never seen for a town ordinance violation," Thompson said. "I've had murder cases that were not investigated as thoroughly."

Thompson said that the flyers, which featured the name and logo of a white nationalist organization called Identity Evropa, were no more unconstitutional in nature than a lost dog poster or a flyer advertising an apartment for rent.
"If you research the group that’s represented on the posters, you might agree with their stand, you might disagree with their stand, but it's not inflammatory," Thompson said. "They just really like white people. ... Some people translate that, probably appropriately, as white supremacist-type messaging. But you’re like two steps away from speech that would fall outside of the First Amendment where you're calling for some type of violence or some kind of targeting of a particular group."

Though its messaging and marketing tactics give it the illusion of being largely harmless, Identity Evropa is one of two pre-eminent white supremacist groups in the country, said Keegan Hankes, a senior research analyst for the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project.

That group, along with another called Patriot Front, has mastered using social media and online chat forums to create virtual communities, Hankes said. In recent years, white supremacist groups have focused on rebranding their image — the term "alt-right," he said, is a modern example of that — and recruiting on college campuses to combat their aging membership.

Using terms like "identitarian" and "pro-white" allows groups such as Identity Evropa to appear polished and benign, but Hankes said the age-old objective of promoting white separatist ideologies and belief of the inherent inferiority of nonwhite people is the same.

"If you can obfuscate the inherent racism, you can make it more palatable to a wider audience," Hankes said. "Patrick Casey, (Identity Evropa's current leader), has worked very, very hard to rebrand them as an Identitarian movement: 'Whites should be able to organize around white identity politics, and that this has nothing to do with racism.'"

Posting flyers or stickers is a common first step outside the digital communication had within white supremacist circles, Hankes said. It's relatively low-risk, but when news organizations cover the appearance of white nationalist propaganda, it creates a positive feedback loop for the poster — and a sense of purpose.

Because groups like Identity Evropa exist largely on the internet, it's impossible to estimate membership totals, Hankes said. But just because these groups have shied away from frequent public activism doesn't mean that they're not present in many communities — Brighton included.

"It's not that these people didn’t exist, it's just that they were invisible," Hankes said. "The truth of the matter is that white nationalism is a very violent ideology. :lol: ... This is the ideal that they're striving for, and there's no path to that without some version of ethnic cleansing."

On Tuesday, Jose Fernandez, the president of the University of Rochester College Republicans chapter, released a scathing statement condemning Hodgman's alleged actions.

"It would be irresponsible for our chapter to do anything but assert in the most certain, forceful possible terms that we fully repudiate Mr. Hodgman’s actions and beliefs," Fernandez said in the statement. "Just as important, however, on behalf of our chapter, I deeply apologize for the harm done by our previous president."

Hodgman briefly served as the chapter's president during the 2017 fall semester, according to a separate Facebook post, but had "entirely abdicated his duties" by the middle of the semester.

In the statement, Fernandez said he felt disgusted to learn of Hodgman's alleged actions and felt compelled to make clear that his actions do not represent the beliefs or morals of their College Republicans chapter.

"Rather than implicating us, he obligates us to openly and forcefully reject the ideals he cowardly promotes," Fernandez said in the statement. "We hope the Republican Party chooses to purge itself of the Christopher Hodgmans of the world, just as our chapter has."

[email protected]

Thompson has it right, but I object to his use of the term "White supremacist."

Should we have an activist in the Brighton, NY, area harassed by their authoritarian cops, Thompson is the man to contact.


Keegan Hankes is a new watchdog in the SPLC stable.

Goofball Pussyboy Hankes

The National Alliance is not alt-right, not White supremacist, not Identitarian, whatever that is. We are White racial nationalists, racial separatists! We advocate geographical separation of our race from the other races that claim we are the cause of all of their problems. We have no desire to be supreme over them, or to exploit them as with segregation or apartheid of old.

I've been hearing about the "anti-Semitic tropes" in the news as the Jews just got passed a resolution in the Congress opposing "hatred." What in hell is a trope? I guess that's like a meme, or a dog whistle, or hate messaging or some of those silly new words/terms that are being thrown around like Identitarian or cuckservative. Dr. Pierce predicted that this type of move and the Jew's "model statutes" would be the precursor to legislation making pro-White speech and organizations illegal, subject to fines and jail, like they're trying to do to poor Christopher Hodgemen, Imagine these goddamn cops taking fingerprints off of fliers Chris posted. :lol:

Like my friend Paul L. says, "There is some sick shit out there." The NA is an island of sanity in a world gone stark craving mad!
Indeed, we should be using our right to free speech like our race depends on it! Leaving it to others doesn't work. Being a passive observer doesn't work. We're facing enemies with a radical, genocidal agenda with us right in their crosshairs and each and every one of us must become not as radical and dedicated as they are, but more so. Our children's future depends on what you and I do now.

If there's one thing I've learned from all those stories in the "Somebody is in the news" topic thread, it's that any Whites, be they individuals or part of groups of Whites organized on the basis of our common blood are seen as enemies and are treated accordingly. Some "news" outlets go so far as to label all of us as "domestic terrorists" for simply exercising our rights. This seems to have had a huge impact on police forces around the country as in a large preponderance of the stories, the police were called and often follow up with investigations to find out who was exercising their rights. When an activist is found, police then look for something to cite activists with. Harassment? Sure, that's the idea.

Will Williams is correct, be careful out there but also be bold. Things are changing in the minds of Whites and if sitting on our hands is how we act in our communities, apathy and despair are what will result, which in turn leads to our genocide. On the other hand, outreach activities are examples to others that we exist locally and are willing to act. I ask myself, do I want to die having done nothing and be forgotten or can I do at least something and be remembered well by future generations?
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Jim Mathias
Posts: 3358
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 pm

Re: Dr. Pierce distances National Alliance from the "Movement"

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:06 am

There were many good points addressed in this thread that newcomers may want to visit this and experienced members can reread as reminders about how we conduct ourselves.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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