Let's look at illegal immigration, seriously

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Will Williams
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Let's look at illegal immigration, seriously

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:50 pm

This is part of the transcription of a slideshow with audio by Dr. William Pierce, added recently to our National Alliance Bitchute channel. Listen to the entire speech by Pierce here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/V9hAYUKuHQYd/ The entire transcript will appear soon at NationalVanguard.org.

Excerpts below from this 25-year-old speech are actually more relevant today than back then. The situation is worse today with hundreds of thousands of non-White invaders flooding across our southern border into our once White nation with impunity.

The farce of the Negress Vice-President Camilla Harris's photo opportunity in El Paso, Texas, yesterday should be contrasted with William Pierce's common sense approach to end the invasion of non-Whites into our living space: https://nypost.com/2021/06/25/kamala-ha ... ce-leaves/

What's so funny, Bitch?

The Invasion of America 
by William Luther Pierce (circa 1995)

Hello all my friends across America and throughout the world. Today we'll
take a look into the future. A look into what the future will be like, if we all remain
spectators and simply let the present course of events continue, and we'll also
look at what the future could be if we choose to become participants in the
historical process instead of merely remaining spectators...

Asians and Mestizos have been pouring into the country, both legally and illegally.
Most of these non-White races breed much faster than Whites do. The result has
been a steady rise in the percentage of non-White minorities in America. If you live
on a farm in Kansas or the Dakotas you may not have noticed the change. If you
live in Florida or California or New York, however, you certainly have noticed it. In
fact, most of our people who live in America's largest cities have had their faces
rubbed in it. If things continue as they are going now, there is no chance at all that
this situation will become better. Non-White immigrants will continue pouring into
America because no matter how bad things get here conditions will be even
worse where these immigrants came from... 

The government will not even try to halt the illegal part of this non-White flood, 
because the government doesn't really want it halted, and the non-Whites already 
here will continue to have more children than the Whites. At some time in the next 
century Whites will become a minority in North America and the flood will continue, 
and the television propaganda telling us that the flood of non-Whites really is a 
good thing will continue too... 

We'll be submerged, that is our grandchildren will be submerged. That's
the way it has been planned, and that is the way it will happen. Not may happen, but
will happen, if we don't interfere. If we just keep watching TV, paying our taxes,
and voting for the Democrats or the Republicans. Right now I can almost hear the
hoots and groans from a million or so politically correct idiots: "What difference
does it make whether America is White or Brown?" they are saying, "What
difference does it make what color our grandchildren are? Color is only skin-deep.
After all we're all the same, we're all equal." Or, if they're onto the very latest
politically correct fad they are saying, "There really is no such thing as race."...

[W]e don't have to just sit back and watch. We know how to avoid that
dismal path of decay and ruin; we know how to solve every problem necessary to
get us back onto the upward path again. Consider illegal immigration for example,
which is responsible for so much of the darkening of America. The government
and the controlled media pretend that illegal immigration is an insoluble problem.
They show us on television all the holes which Mexicans have cut in the border
fence. They show us the groups of Mexicans wading across the Rio Grande; they
show us Mexicans climbing over the fence and running through the traffic in San
Diego to evade our border patrol, and they wring their hands and tell us that it's just
impossible to stop illegal immigration. The government says it's assigning another
100 border patrol agents in one place and it's building a stronger fence in another
place, but then the Mexicans just come across some other part of the border. The
government acts like it just doesn't know what to do, that it's just too big a
problem, that it would take too much money to solve. But, really, that's all just a
game calculated to fool the American people. The government knows perfectly
well how to stop illegal immigration, but it doesn't want to stop it. The government
just wants to make us believe that it's trying its best.
But, you know, any of you
listeners who've had any military experience understand that illegal immigration
can be stopped easily, quickly, and permanently.

Even I, who've never been in the Army, can guarantee you that if I were in charge of the border between the United States and Mexico I could completely halt illegal immigration within 24 hours, and I could keep it completely halted with far less expense than now required to operate our border patrol. All I would do is authorize border patrol agents to shoot anyone attempting to cross the border illegally. Two or three shootings in the first night, in each sector of the border where crossings are frequent, and the word would be out: “Don't try to cross the border unless you want to die.”

After that, I would spend a couple of months erecting a simple fence from San Diego, California to Brownsville, Texas. I'd erect it in two rows, 100 feet apart with mines and electronic sensors planted between the rows. I'd have Jeep patrols along our side of the fence, patrolling at unpredictable times but with never more than an hour between patrols, and I'd have helicopters patrolling above. I'd do it all with a permanent border patrol force along the Mexican border of 5,000 men and no illegal immigrants would get through None. The lemmings of course, would be screaming that I am blood thirsty, that I am a murderer and so on. But, really, fewer Mexicans would have to be shot trying to come across the border that first night than law-abiding Americans are now being murdered each year, by illegal alien criminals in California and Texas...
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Let's look at illegal immigration, seriously

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:54 pm

Its all a matter of political will to do this and anything else under the sun. Building our own institutions and making them powerful enough and always free from Jewish corruption to where our values and goals are instilled in all Whites that our messages can reach is the method.

National Alliance members know or ought to know this. Newcomers should understand this as well because members are the foundation of our institutions.
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Re: Let's look at illegal immigration, seriously

Post by PhuBai68 » Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:10 am

I've be on an occasional rant about ~~ When is enough ENOUGH?

I'm not only talking about the illegal invasion but (so called) legal immigration.
Just try driving up I-95 or I-81 with the traffic or better yet anywhere in northeast New Jersey during rush hours.
More people mean we need more electricity, more drinking water, more sewage treatment plants, more landfills, more congested roadways, more schools, more law enforcement, more doctors, more nurses, more prisons SO, When is enough ENOUGH?

Do we want the whole damned country to end up like northeastern New Jersey?
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Will Williams
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Re: Let's look at illegal immigration, seriously

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jun 27, 2021 6:41 pm

PhuBai68 wrote:
Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:10 am
I've be on an occasional rant about ~~ When is enough ENOUGH?

I'm not only talking about the illegal invasion but (so called) legal immigration....
Pierce talks about non-White immigration, both legal and illegal, in this piece, but the part that I highlighted refers to a real solution to stop invasion of non-Whites illegally across the southern border. I'm contrasting what he said 26 years ago with the babble from VP Harris who is more concerned with "causes" of the invaders invading, like she doesn't know it's her administration's open border policy.

Northern New Jersey is lost territory for now, a sanctuary for Jews, Blacks, and other non-Whites. You escaped in time.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: Let's look at illegal immigration, seriously

Post by JDS92 » Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:00 pm

This is why I tell people " It's not hate, it's survival" . The media portrays anyone who is opposed to illegal immigration as a bigot who looks in to the eyes of migrant children and mothers with disgust. In reality, we look in to the eyes of our own wives and children and realize they are worth fighting for. I don't want my child to be subject to the degenerate lifestyles of most American minorities. I wouldn't let the walk through a black or Latino neighborhood because I know what they are capable of. I wouldn't let her spend time with Muslims because they groom and rape children. This is common sense. Do you want America to look like Mexico, Iraq, or South Africa? If the answer is no, then your biology and ancestral spirit is speaking to you clearly about how you should view foreign invaders.
We are one collective Aryan body, and one of our limbs is infected with mesegination. We must cut it off so the rest of the body does not become infected and die. We are entering stage 4 multiculturalism and we need treatment before we shrivel up and die.

Old Aardvark
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Re: Let's look at illegal immigration, seriously

Post by Old Aardvark » Sun Oct 24, 2021 2:13 am

I shared this and another of Dr. Pierce's broadcasts with ten friends and family members. People would not accept Dr. Pierce's words when they were spoken. Perhaps they will now... though, it is much easier now to share his spoken words than it was 25 years ago.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Let's look at illegal immigration, seriously

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:20 am

Old Aardvark wrote:
Sun Oct 24, 2021 2:13 am
I shared this and another of Dr. Pierce's broadcasts with ten friends and family members. People would not accept Dr. Pierce's words when they were spoken. Perhaps they will now... though, it is much easier now to share his spoken words than it was 25 years ago.
In what way did you mean that it is easier now to share Dr. Pierce's words than it was 25 years ago?
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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