Russian News

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:25 am

Reply to Will Williams

Yes, the overpopulation is the key problem. Actually, it was the underlying cause of both World Wars. Even back then there were not enough resources to provide European population with. Britain and Germany were too dependent on external sources, which was the main objective cause of their conflict. And those were the times when world population was about 1.5 billion before WW1 and 2.5 before WW2.

But now, when we rapidly approach the 8 billion mark, all those problems increased manyfold. It is not a four-time increase (from 2 to 8 billion), because such matters are non-linear. The doubling of population increases all sorts of problems, maybe four times or sixteen times. Therefore, quadrupling of world population in 80 years’ time had increased global problems to the extent of their insolvability. It is impossible to sustain such a great number for a long-term period. It is insolvable even without considering the factor of ever-increasing expectations for living standards (each generation hopes to live materially better than their parents). Our planet is on the path of assured self-destruction.

Everyone understands this dire situation (except of mainstream pop-corn munching cattle). The globalist rulers too understand this problem and want to solve it according to their insane vision. The whole global vaccination campaign is probably the part of their solution. But whatever they attempt is destined to failure, because based on false assumptions. They try to deny the obvious reality of fundamental differences between races and all implications of this key civilizational factor. They try to build a society where majority would be the non-whites. But this is misnomer. Either there is an organized civilized society or non-white majority; it is impossible to have both at the same time. Driving the modern world toward the “multicultural” and multiracial global society, the insane rulers by their own hands destroy their main source of power, which is the White homogeneous society. The only possible long-term outcome of these policies is a downfall of White society and slide into global chaos.

There are two ways to solve overpopulation: 1) the organized way of birthrates reduction among non-white peoples; 2) the natural way, when the ensuing chaos itself reduces global population to the normal level.

The first way would be preferable and would be accomplished in case NS Germany won. It would preserve civilization and assure its long-term survival and development. But this way is impossible in the current circumstances. The non-white masses would never voluntarily reduce their birth levels. They wouldn’t be able even if wanted; their beast-like mentality excludes any conscious self-control above instinctive impulses.

Therefore, the only remaining option is the Natural Solution, which will be much harsher than anything a man could conceive. After inevitable collapse of the modern society, the whole overcomplicated system of food production and delivery would collapse too, plunging billions of people into hunger. The ensuing social chaos would even more reduce sources of food; cannibalism would become the new normal, especially in places where Africans are numerous.

Under such circumstances all traditional moral restraints would be lost and the most atrocious wars would start all over the globe. All centuries-long grievances would surface and find the most bloody expressions.

We can even surmise the Natural level to which global population would decrease. The number of people that lived on the planet before industrial revolution is the quantity that could be supported through natural way, without resort to various artificial means, such as chemical fertilizers and GMO. The 1 billion mark was passed at the beginning of 19th century. Probably, it is the maximum that this planet can sustain indefinitely. Everything above this number is sure to undermine this sustainability.

But I doubt that the fall in global population number would stop at this point. This number made sense for the planet as it was back then. Now, it is much more depleted and polluted. And humans are much weaker, both in physical and mental terms. Therefore, when civilization collapses, in a few decades time the global population is going to decrease to something between 0.5 and 1 billion. And I suppose that it is an acceptable level. And the structure of this number should be such as to prevent any future demographic explosions, threatening the very existence of intelligent life on this planet. Therefore, all bipedal creatures whose genetic composition excludes the ability of self-control, should be removed from any future society.

The possibility to have a posterity isn’t a right for everyone but an honorable privilege given to worthy members of community. An organized community must have the final say about who is to have this right and who is not. There is no other way to safeguard civilization. Those who are not able to live according to high standards of White Civilization should be resettled into wilderness where their existence will be governed exclusively by natural laws of survival. There, the levels of any animal populations are balanced by natural factors, which prevent any long-term explosion of numbers of any species.

Therefore, the eventual separation of humans with high mentality from those of lowly mentality is inevitable. And the coming chaos would accomplish this separation in the most uncompromising way and in shortest time (on historical scale).

There was an alternative presented by NS Germany. The same goal could be reached through much milder ways, but this offer was rejected by majority of other countries. Therefore, the toughest and bloodiest path to this final goal is to be imposed by Nature itself.

Old Aardvark
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Re: Russian News

Post by Old Aardvark » Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:55 am

This is a reply to Wolf and to Will. I believe I saw in some population projections by 2050 (you may have posted them, Will) that China is projected to have slightly fewer people in 2050 than they now have. India will move from second place behind China to well ahead of it by mid-century. With this in mind there may not need to be a Chinese invasion of Siberia. Russia is happily supplying China with energy and minerals now, and food, too. I guess the Chinese trade consumer goods to Russia in exchange for raw materials and commodities.

Also, there are only two civilized peoples on the planet: whites and East Asians. These are the only two races who have ever created advanced civilizations. Also, these are the only two races who have a sense about limiting their own populations. I believe all of the East Asian nations have declining birthrates, certainly Japan and Korea. Perhaps China, too. I don't see why two civilized races cannot work out a plan to share the planet. And btw, the problem is not the East Asians. It is the brainwashed whites -- especially the Christians -- who want to win "crowns in heaven" by bringing Jesus and all the white man's wealth and technology to uncivilized peoples who could never create these things themselves. East Asians revere their ancestors and are highly race conscious. They do not try to "save" niggers and Mexicans and other sub-humans. For that reason I believe East Asians are a lock on holding onto all territory they now occupy. But I believe that once things begin falling apart and the killing begins, white people will wake up or perish. I think whites will explode into racial radicalism.

Here is another prediction. Life in the US, Canada, Britain and Australia as well as Western Europe is becoming so bad that I believe intelligent and sensitive whites will be drawn to National Socialism. When you look at the existing video clips of life in NS Germany before the war, you see strength, order and security -- all the vital things that are disappearing in the West. There is also purpose in the NS way of life. Every white person alive right now sees NO PURPOSE in life as it now is in the United States. This is why white birthrates are cratering.

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Re: Russian News

Post by Old Aardvark » Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:11 am

Reply to Wolf Stoner: Thank-you for taking the time to write another informative post about Russian/Soviet history. I learned a lot, and I appreciate the time you spend on these replies. The history you offer about political undesirables being dumped in the wilderness of the far north was amazing. This is much how the American continent was slowly conquered from the natives and turned into a great nation. But American settlers usually did have firearms, an axe or two and a few other basic hand tools.

I believe Alaska is colder than Kamtchatka. A lot of whites live in Alaska now. The natives do not fare well once civilization arrives. They get soft. Just as there was going to be no giving Native Americans vast expanses of the best lands in North America, I think the same thing will eventually happen in Kamchatka.

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Will Williams
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Re: Russian News

Post by Will Williams » Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:28 am

Old Aardvark wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:55 am
This is a reply to Wolf and to Will. I believe I saw in some population projections by 2050 (you may have posted them, Will) that China is projected to have slightly fewer people in 2050 than they now have. India will move from second place behind China to well ahead of it by mid-century...
Yes, OA, China's population is projected to slow somewhat. I don't know about India. What I posted were alarming statistics about projected African fecundity in the 21st century, and the effect that will have on traditional White habitats on this planet if not checked and reversed. I posted that to NV, here: What I posted there a couple of days ago got no further commentary and will soon scroll off and be buried, so I'll repost that here, off topic under "Russian News," then cross post to where it is a better fit, under "Overpopulation: too damned many humans.":

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman

Reply to Jim
4 August, 2021 11:09 am
Jim: The Orange Sticker only tells the result, but not the CAUSE of the problem. The sticker should read something like ABOLISH JEWISH GENOCIDE OF THE WHITE RACE or it must contain just W H O and W H A T is the cause of white Genocide...

TMI, Jim (Too Much Information).

The Orange Sticker is meant to quickly grab the attention of Whites who see it with that alarming truth, not try to explain how it happened. Those who then go to our Websites, or who send the $3 for more information, will not only get an understanding of what’s behind that simply stated truth but the solution in the booklet we’ll send them, or they can read it for free, here:


Do those lying enemies of the endangered White race (subspecies) explain their lie in that billboard? South African author Dan Roodt counters their lie with facts in his essay “The African Planet”:

“Thanks to Western healthcare, food, aid and technology, infant death rates have declined dramatically in Africa. The result is that Africans are proliferating. A population that was 200 million in 1950 is already over a billion. It is expected to be over 4 billion by 2100. Almost half of the population of the world will be African by the end of this century.

“Already unable to sustain a billion people, Africans will be increasingly desperate to make it to White and other non-Black nations. This could mean a Camp of the Saints scenario for the end of the White world. In other words, a declining White population simply overwhelmed by masses of poor Africans. This is what is happening in his own nation of South Africa.” Source: the July/August 2021 issue of Heritage and Destiny magazine, in its review of New Century Books’ 2020 A Dissident’s Guide to Blacks And Africa (that contains Roodt’s essay).

Knowing the facts, ask yourself which race is most endangered, Black or White? Then ask yourself how can the White race guard against its extinction? The Orange Sticker leads one to the answer of that second question.

You would think Whites would see the urgent implications and be joining our Alliance in droves once they see we are the one organization working hardest to preserve and advance their race. Unfortunately, that is not the case. They accept what the environmentalists call habitat succession: that our race will be replaced in its habitats WIHOUT A FIGHT, by competing subspecies (races).

Mother Nature is not impressed with those of her creatures who violate Her Highest Law and will not fight for their continued existence and advancement. Let them be replaced by those who will, She says.

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Aug 16, 2021 9:35 am

Commentary under the NV article "Afghanistan: The Greater of Two Evils Has Fallen" by Thomas Cole ... as-fallen/

In the last month I was somewhat detached from world events having too many small things to do. Therefore, the events in Afghanistan have somehow slipped my attention. But today in the morning I have occasionally heard from other people that Taliban have entered Kabul. This news struck me as something very special and significant. Afghanistan was some kind of a showcase of the “war on terror” (the globalist attempt to impose its will on the whole world). It means that failure to hold on in Afghanistan signifies the unraveling of the whole globalist scheme. And this fact is very inspiring.

The following thought struck me: “we need our own Russian Taliban-like nationalist movement”. The main truth is that it is impossible to succeed in the existential struggle if you don’t adopt the most radical and uncompromising ideas. Some kind of unconcerned, all-accepting soft-flesh liberal can’t succeed. Nitzsche had caught perfectly the essence of this truth in his parable about coal and diamond.

“For all creators are hard. And it must seem blessedness to you to impress your hand on millennia as on wax.
Blessedness to write on the will of millennia as on bronze - harder than bronze, nobler than bronze. Only the noblest is altogether hard.
This new tablet, O my brothers, I place over you: Become hard!”

Later in this day I have read this wonderful article on NV. It is amazing to what extent it resonates with my vision of these events. It proves that politics and history are subject to precise mathematical logic and, having the same input data, you come to the same answer (provided that you are equipped with the right mental program), even if expressed in different forms.

The main conclusion is that we can wait out any enemy. But the main condition for success of this long-term struggle is to preserve our own identity, our set of fundamental values and to create our own ethnic/racial space. The primary factor is not the size of this community but its quality. Even if at present there are very few from among mainstream people who accept our vision, in the time of social collapse there will be no alternative except of following ethnic/racial groups. When everything comes down, the only thing that remains is one’s own biological identity. It is the most powerful and decisive factor in Universe.

Thomas Cole has found the best way to express the essence of the events happening in Afghanistan. Usually, there are shortcomings in any article (even in the best ones); but in this case I agree with all turns of his thoughts. It is the best analysis from among all analytical papers that were written by multiple thinktanks and in media on this topic. I have followed the events in Afghanistan since 1995, when Taliban tried to take Kabul for the first time, and I have read countless number of magazine and newspaper articles about those events. The invasion of 2001 I monitored too, emotionally being always on the Taliban side (not because I like them, but because they fought forces of globalism). And each military setback of American-led coalition I perceived as my own victory. The worse for US military machine the better for all of us. I am especially glad that there are wise people in America who understand the deep essence of these events, instead of following the stupid conservative “support of our flag” fashion. We, the White People, have nothing to do with all those insane wars of US administrations. The same is applicable to all other White countries. Currently, we have anti-White state structures in all White countries (with different degrees of hostility); therefore, it is not in our interests to support any of their efforts, especially military ones. Everything that they do goes against our interests; therefore, it is natural for us to wish their failure.

As I said, politics is the science that is subject to precise mathematical interrelations. These laws can’t be “bad” or “good”. They are objective and applicable for all. You either follow them or fail.

The idea of wishing military defeat of your own country belongs primarily for Lenin. He was the one who expressed it absolutely openly and unambiguously. And this mindset proved to be very effective. In present circumstances we are in the situation when the existing state structure is so hostile to us that we can’t wish for it nothing except of total destruction. And in this existential struggle we should not be averse to use practical experience of either Islamists or Bolsheviks. What matters is the final result; an excessive squeamishness about employed methods would be very unproductive. Good methods are those which are effective. Effectiveness is the only measuring scale of “good” and “bad”.

Two books about Soviet-Afghan war that I advise everyone interested in this matter to read: ... 41-4121204 ... 121204-937

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Russian and USA the same problems

Post by ZNULL » Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:15 am

Who wants to know about the situation with migration in Russia There is a website you can use a translator to read it. lately, nomadic animals literally kill Russia. Caucasians Asians arrange the second great yoke in Russia. The situation is no better What is happening now in America. Migrants are aggressive stupid do not spare anyone, neither small nor old. The population is passive and supports Putin who brings tons of mobs.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian and USA the same problems

Post by Wolf Stoner » Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:37 am

ZNULL wrote:
Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:15 am
Who wants to know about the situation with migration in Russia There is a website you can use a translator to read it. lately, nomadic animals literally kill Russia. Caucasians Asians arrange the second great yoke in Russia. The situation is no better What is happening now in America. Migrants are aggressive stupid do not spare anyone, neither small nor old. The population is passive and supports Putin who brings tons of mobs.
Yes, you are absolutely right. In the period of 8 months of this year the Russian citizenship was granted to 486 thousand migrants (mainly Asians). Kremlin continues its anti-Russian ethnic replacement policy inherited from Soviet past. But it is a mistake to think that all Russians love Putin and United Russia ruling party. Far from it. The level of hatred toward the system is constantly growing. The last Parliamentary elections were fraudulent more than ever before. The level of actual support of United Russia party is far less than the official results of almost 50% of the votes. Actually, there are not more than 20% who could have really voted for Putin’s party. These are mainly people who immediately benefit from the system (law-enforcement agencies, military, state officials and members of their families). All other categories of people in Russia have no reason to support Kremlin’s political line. But the discontent is harshly suppressed by the system. People are jailed for saying or writing something that the system dislikes. The silent majority is fearful to express any discontent. But despite of this seeming social tranquility and political apathy, tension is growing. At some point this kettle is bound to explode.

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Re: Russian News

Post by ZNULL » Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:44 am

The main problem in Russia now is the Russian people. or rather, that part of the population that has retained the Soviet consciousness. rednecks basically go to vote and support Putin in all directions. Cattle is in Russia a side effect of the existence of the USSR. They are passive, undemanding, indifferent to each other and conflicting in relation to their own. Mostly rednecks live for themselves by their petty interests. Of course, Putin's entire program is aimed at this part of the population. He offers free money in return for receiving sheep submission. The system in Russia sponsors the trash stratum of the population. She often does what the Jews want to see in the Kremlin. Suppresses the activity of active people. The obedience of cattle has no boundaries and sometimes amazes with stupidity. The Muslims, seeing this cattle, have recently begun to rule it like cattle. Directly . Recently, there have been two prominent cases in which Muslims took advantage of the passivity of the cattle. In one case, a Muslim kicked people out of a bus to perform namaz. I think an Orthodox Christian, having done the same, would have paid with his work, or they would have gotten his face filled with it. The Muslim in this case remained essentially unpunished. The second case when a Muslim forced teenagers to do namaz at school Nobody is resisting the Muslims. In rare cases, the rest of the cattle are completely obedient to their conquerors. As you said there is resistance but it merges successfully. Mostly the population is pushed into communism, various garbage parties such as new people or the growth party It is the population that is now the main obstacle to resistance.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri Oct 01, 2021 2:20 am

Yes, I agree with everything you say. You are definitely a native Russian speaker (your writing style suggests it). Do you live in Russia?

Yes, the majority of Russian population is trash, human waste, the product of the insane Soviet experiment. Looking at modern Russians we should understand that they are, mostly, the progeny of those scoundrels who were successful in USSR (labor-camp guards and all other personnel of multiple security agencies; state bureaucracy). They were able to have children, provide them with good education, thereby securing for them good social positions. In the same time, the “enemies of the people”, who were the best Russians, were annihilated in labor-camps, shot on the spot or, in the best case, compelled to live out their lives in the most unfavorable conditions. Certainly, those “undesirable elements” had much less opportunities to have children and to provide for their future. As a result we have a society now that embodies the worst human qualities. Yes, at least half of the now living Russians are the progeny of scoundrels and outright criminals. Therefore, how we can expect from this rabble anything noble? Russia is falling apart, for good. It should not exist in this form. The progeny of scoundrels should pay for the crimes of their grandfathers whom they like to mention proudly (спасибо деду за победу). Eventually, they should taste the fate of East Prussia. The rate of approval of Stalin among modern Russian population is about 70%. It is not a joke; it is the result of sociological polls. 70% of Russian population are scum. I am glad that this scum was emboldened so much that they don’t conceal it anymore. It will be easier to deal with them lately. I don’t think that these 70% deserve to live. If they consider that 60 million of people murdered by Soviet system is a justified measure, then, these Stalin-lovers themselves should be subjected to similar measures.

Muslim savages become ever more restive and arrogant. They see that modern Russians are cowardly scum unable to resist, therefore, why no to take an opportunity? Especially aggressive are Muslims from Caucasus. They behave like masters and Russian cowards are happy to submit to this ethnic tyranny. Why not if they worship Stalin/Dzhugashvili who was a native of Caucasus? The modern Russian population is a contemptible lowly crowd. They have neither ethnic consciousness, nor personal honor, nor morality. They are the product of Soviet social engineering. Only about 5% of modern Russians could be reckoned as real Russians. It is enough to enact fundamental changes if the leading group emerges that would be able to lead this conscious part. The stupid majority would follow anyone strong enough to kick out other competitors for power

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Re: Russian News

Post by ZNULL » Sat Oct 02, 2021 3:43 am

Yes, I live in Russia . it often seems that this is northern Brazil but not a European country.
This is a dump in which a normal person is unbearable to live. where parents siphon money from children by disfiguring them
This is not a country, this is not a people, this is rubbish that dishonors the earth. To be convinced of this, it is enough to visit this trash
Now Russia is a wretched country with a rotten people. Who is ready to lick slippers to anyone who gives money for living These people do not care about everything, he is not independent.
These people always require help in those things in which they themselves must understand.

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