The Cult + Mazzy Star/Hope Sandoval and More!

Works that stir the soul
Benjamin Bice

The Cult + Mazzy Star/Hope Sandoval and More!

Post by Benjamin Bice » Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:49 pm

After seeing The Cult in concert a couple of months ago, I have no doubt that they are the greatest white boy rock'n'roll band to ever exist. The lyrics to "White" belie that some spiritual-racial thinking was going on when this song was written, whether admitted or not.
Lyrics to White
Shining brightly
Pure crystal snow
Oh virgin
Shining brightly
Snow is crystal the fire is cold
I sit back watch the sun turn gold
In the morning love is healing
Warm the frost deep in my bones
The hunter sits on a pure white stallion
A hawk in flight bow in his hand
A deer approaches at the end of the forest
The arrow flies blood on the snow
Snow is crystal
Love is pure
I look out see a hawk in flight
The forest awaits me
I reel back watch the sun turn to gold
Earth in the mother
Said white
Sure crystal clear virgin white
Wilderness lost to us
Wilderness we reach out
Wilderness we must embrace you once more
Shining brightly snow is pure
When the barbarians approach on the frontiers
Of a civilization it is a sign of crisis in
That civilization when the barbarians come
Not with weapons of war but songs and
Icons of peace it is a sign of crisis is one
Of a spiritual nature that a spiritual nature
We have forgotten our spiritual nature
'Cause we are wrapped up in too much shit
All day all night
Kiss the earth I said mother said white
Earth motherfucker said white
White white
Shining shining bright
Shining shining brightly earth mother
Pure cool crystal virgin
Natural earth mother white
The snow virgin crystal white
City draggin' me down that's grey
Life is grey
Got to get the rhythm
Don't tell me what I'm feelin'
White white funky white
Please watch the video; there is plenty of art mostly involve beautiful white women.
I would love to hear any of your opinions on it!

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Will Williams
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Re: The Cult

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:27 pm

Benjamin Bice wrote:After seeing The Cult in concert a couple of months ago, I have no doubt that they are the greatest white boy rock'n'roll band to ever exist.
'Cause we are wrapped up in too much shit
All day all night
Kiss the earth I said mother said white
Earth motherfucker said white
White white[...]
Please watch the video; there is plenty of art mostly involve beautiful white women.
I would love to hear any of your opinions on it!
Read the lyrics and watched most of the video and guess it just goes to show there's no accounting for others' tastes in music. I believe we should leave gratuitous foul language to the Negro rappers and offer our own youth more uplifting lyrics and music.

As for Rock & Roll my personal tastes sort of end with Tom Petty and his heartbreakers. My wife and I like singing this one to each other: :D

Tom Petty got lucky when he found Mike Campbell.

Edit: I don't know why the YouTube link doesn't play the video
[Will, it works now, only once you delete the "s" in the url after http]--Cosmotheist
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Benjamin Bice

Re: The Cult

Post by Benjamin Bice » Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:48 pm

I posted the song because it was basically a tribute and kind of a spiritual homage to all things white. I agree that foul language can sort of damage some songs. I think this particular song could have been better without such language for sure.
As always, Mr. Williams, your opinion is much appreciated, and I thank you for allowing the post to remain up even though it doesn't quite suit your own personal tastes. I do like Tom Petty, btw.
I really do think the Cult has a great lead vocalist. And, like other true white rock'n' roll bands, you'll see over 99% white faces in the crowd. That's good enough for me. But, then again, I am a rock'n'roll guy.

Benjamin Bice

Re: The Cult

Post by Benjamin Bice » Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:55 pm

Is this it, Will?
That is a really good song.

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Will Williams
Posts: 4549
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Re: The Cult

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:01 pm

Benjamin Bice wrote:Is this it, Will?
That is a really good song.
Yep, that's it. Thanks, Ben. That "youtube" box in the tool bar above doesn't work for me, and you posted the link without using it. Oh, well.

I'm not much of a "rock'n'roll guy" these days, but grew up with it from its beginnings in the mid-1950s. I actually caught the Rolling Stones live in concert back in 1965 when I was in high school. Our once great nation took a horrible turn for the worse around that time. Change was gradual at first, then by the late 1960s the social order was turned on its head.

We can't look back nostalgically, hoping things will return to those days when White America was at its peak, we must look forward and deal with things they are today. I just don't see where the band Cult fits into the picture. No offense; I think our people can do better.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

Benjamin Bice

Re: The Cult

Post by Benjamin Bice » Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:17 pm

I think that we have many great musicians and other artists that would be EVEN BETTER if our society had never been injected with slow-acting but very effective Semitic poison that pollutes our people's minds. Whatever you think we need to do, I am here to provide whatever help I can.

Benjamin Bice

Re: The Cult

Post by Benjamin Bice » Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:21 pm

The Rolling Stones have some good songs, but I believe that Mick Jagger and gang are basically a bunch of degenerates. Also, naming an album "His Satanic Majesty Requests" was really darn weird.


Re: The Cult

Post by Cosmotheist » Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:42 pm

Hello Folks,

Saga is the kind of music that I find both "inspirational and educational"
for our White Race:



"Only he is lost who gives himself up for lost!"-Hans U. Rudel


Best regards,


David York

Re: The Cult

Post by David York » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:17 pm

I'm not much of a "rock'n'roll guy" these days, but grew up with it from its beginnings in the mid-1950s. I actually caught the Rolling Stones live in concert back in 1965 when I was in high school. Our once great nation took a horrible turn for the worse around that time. Change was gradual at first, then by the late 1960s the social order was turned on its head.
Hey Will, I think the advent of Rock n' Roll and the Degenerative turn the nation took in the 60's was not a mere coincidence. I generally think Rock n' Roll preaches degeneracy. The Term "Rock and Roll" was coined buy some Jew Disc Jockey named Alan Freed In 1951. Basically Rocking and Rolling was an analogy for sex, in particular sex in the back seat of car while the music plays on the stereo. I did get this information originally from a bible preaching website, now don't get me wrong, I am not endorsing Christianity by any means, but from their information, they pretty much called most of the modern music such as Heavy metal, Rock n' Roll, and even jazz as all Satan's music. I know that sounds superstitious but in some regards it is true that this type of music is bad for our people. Jazz for instance came from Hatian or African Voodoo rhythms, and Rock came from Jazz. So basically most of this modern music has roots in Africa. You can call it Satan or just bad I guess, but it's all the same. I think the main reason why the Christian's say Rock is Bad is because it encourages premarital sex, which is true judging by the way the music genre term was coined, and even if you are not a christian, I think keeping a sexual morality high is necessary for a civilized society, while encouraging sexual promiscuity is degenerative. I'm not really judging anyone's taste in music though, except for maybe gangster rap, which is bad for obvious reasons. I personally like Hard rock. My favorite band when I was growing up was Nirvana. But looking back on it that was a pretty degenerative band. And even though I don't believe in the devil per se, A lot of these heavy metal bands basically draw inspiration from the devil and degeneration. Oh I also want to point out that someone did an experiment where they grew plants in a room where they played classical music 24 hrs a day, and in another room plants were grown where heavy metal played 24hrs a day. the classical music plants grew well and towards the speakers, while the heavy metal ones pretty much died. Also I dont know what kind of music those hardcore Christians approve of , other than maybe bible hymns and maybe some classical music.. I think listening to only bible hymns is a little to extreme but classical music is pretty good. I also did like one of those Resistance Records Band's named Rahowa, even though the founder of that band, Mr. Burdi, abandoned the struggle, I still like their album "Cult of the holy war", and I do like a few of the pro white hard rock songs/bands, but not many, I think too many of them go overboard, and they just aren't that good at music..


Re: The Cult

Post by Cosmotheist » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:27 pm

Hello Folks,

Well, sometimes our people can do "rock and roll" with real class like these guys:


Best regards,


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