Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

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Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by Grimork » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:43 pm

Lately in my parenthood journey I've encountered some difficulties. My previously vaccinated daughter had issues with her last batch at the 4 month appointment.
I am NOT anti vaccine. But, I am well aware of the risks, however unlikely, that can happen when we vaccinate and I believe it should be up to the parent to decide what's best for their children not the government, or any other entity.
My son is fully vaccinated with no problems, however his sister scared me and I decided I didn't want to continue with her vaccines.

Now, the interesting part at this point is that even if you decide to homeschool unless you live in a nice homeopathic community, you quickly realize that your options for a pediatrician when you decide not to vaccinate become slim to null.

I've been searching frantically for an alternate doctor before my daughter's 6 month check up arrives and wanted to give some tips to parents who may be in the same boat.

Firstly I found out insurance companies punish doctors to force them to follow the CDC schedule.
Secondly most pediatricians because of above won't take patients who don't vaccinate or want to follow an alternate schedule.

Instead of looking for a traditional pediatrician who would take my daughter I found hope in a DPC, that is Direct Primary Care. A DPC doesn't take insurance therefore they are free to practice how they want (of course within the law). For a yearly membership fee (usually lower than what it costs for your typical yearly deductable) they will see your child and with luck will not FORCE you to vaccinate, but make sure they continue to be monitored during these important months and years.

Granted with a DPC, you will still need to have some form of emergency insurance in case of hospitalization or severe illness, but it's encouraging that there are doctors working outside the system, so to speak.

I wasn't aware of a DPC until today and wanted to share this information with the rest of you and hope that it helps you find what you need.

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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by bwhelan91 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:28 pm

I'm so sorry about your vaccine scare! I hope your daughter is safe and healthy!
When Donny & I were still in MA (before we moved to WV) we were going through hell with Dr's! We got kicked out of the first one because we were still doing our research and were postponing the shots untill we were sure.. I was torn between getting them or not getting them. It's not like I could go back on my decision if I decided to get him injected. It's a hard thing as a Mama!! When everyone is telling you do it- but you know putting high amounts of toxins in a newborn is terrible. Why on earth would a baby two hours old receive a hepatitis b shot, especially if the mother is clean? Will the child be doing drugs and having sex? UGH. I don't think so!
They eventually kicked us out because we waited too long!! So the next DR was nice untill we mentioned we are not getting them. So we looked around- we had state insurance which covered only the crap Dr's. So Donny found a GREAT holistic Dr. online. We had to pay out of pocket which was fine- can't put a price on your baby's health.
He told us to keep a file of everything for the child, because they could say we are neglecting him. How disgusting. If you put any of the ingredients in vaccines in your childs baby bottle, they will remove your child from you. Yet they can inject it.
But anyways- we still had insurance incase he needed to see a dermatologist or go to the hospital.
I also read you can see a chiropractor for your baby! Im not sure how that works, but it's something to look into.
I put a picture here of how much aluminium is in each vaccine. Interesting.
Good luck and message me if you want to chat!

-Barbara :)
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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by Grimork » Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:39 am

Thanks Barb for posting that information and your testimony. Yep I think the baby is ok, but I'm not going to risk a worse reaction as from my understanding it tends to get worse with each set. I think momma's can tell when something is not right!

Yes her old pediatrician was a great person however would not deviate from the holy CDC schedule for ANY reason and told us, if we ever decide to that we would have to leave her practice. So, we are. I'm glad you guys found someone. Yes it's more expensive to pay out of pocket, but I am not being made to vaccinate her. Which is worth it to me. It's odd because my son didn't struggle at all with the vaccines, he was born in 2008 and had almost the same schedule, but all kids are different?

We are going to see a DPC on Friday to make sure she's getting all her check ups still. Good point about keeping records.

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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by White Man 1 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:20 am

I remember the doctor reassuring me pretty well about vaccines when my daughter was born. I asked some tough questions and got good answers, none of which I remember any more. With my 2nd almost here I guess I'm going to have to re-learn all of it again :?

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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by Grimork » Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:59 am

White Man 1 wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:20 am
I remember the doctor reassuring me pretty well about vaccines when my daughter was born. I asked some tough questions and got good answers, none of which I remember any more. With my 2nd almost here I guess I'm going to have to re-learn all of it again :?
There's loads of information. I am not sure of the truth of it all because a lot of it is biased in one way or the other. I'd like to see some independent controlled studies on vaccines but that seems like a pipe dream.

Have fun! :lol:

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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by bwhelan91 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:03 pm

Yes its tough and Mama's sure do know whats best! Can't deny that. I have seen too many parents that wish they never vaccinated and can't change what happened. I'm SO glad your daughter is ok!!

I'd love to see some studies too but sense they are exempt from being sued and you have to go through VAERS - makes me way too uneasy knowing they could hurt my baby and it gets swept under the rug. They even have a chicken pox vaccine now!!! I heard they are going trough hell to try to get rid of the episode of The Brady Bunch when they all wanted to have a chicken pox party. Trying so hard to cover up the truth!
The CDC tries to make everything scarey- they even try to make woman think child birth is a medical emergency.. Even though we WERE MADE FOR IT!!!
For the next baby I'm thinking about a possible home birth.
Good Luck White Man 1. Do so much research it hurts- you won't regret it. 😊

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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by Grimork » Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:00 am

Wish I had the option of home birth where I'm at, but it's illegal in NC. Ain't that something? I learned with the last baby I had to have an epidural anyways. I tried to have birth without it, but had complications due to a scar tissue band in my cervix from where they did a LEEP procedure on me to remove pre-cancerous tissue.
Basically I was 100% effaced and only at a 3 for dilation and my water had broke (baby had also pooped her water) that being said they kind of forced the labor issue since I had already come in to be checked.
So basically they gave me pictosin(?) to force contractions the baby is hitting that band of scar tissue (which ain't moving). They kept upping the dose and I didn't want to be medicated with the epidural (I had problems with a poor epidural in 2008) and I'm puking my guts out every time I have a contraction in a bucket. I was up to a contraction every 20 seconds or so.

It was a very undignified labor. Needless to say I finally relented to the epidural when I couldn't take anymore because the most I dilated to was a 5 and I was becoming dehydrated and worried they'd give me a C-section.
Once I had the epidural, I guess the scar tissue relaxed and she came right out. Luckily the anesthesiologist was very good this time.
However I wonder if things would've been different had I not been rushed into labor, or if I truly have to have the epidural now to have a vaginal birth? Did they have to rush my labor because the baby pooped? I don't know, I'm not a doctor.

I had a rough pregnancy with her in general I acquired hyperemesis gravidarum in my 2nd to 3rd trimester. Had vomiting so bad I lost 20 lbs TWICE during my pregnancy. It was really out of control, they blamed hormones.

Super off topic but, kind of about medical intervention anyways.

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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by bwhelan91 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:25 am

Thats so terrible! I hate to say this after hearing your story, but my birth was so "easy" that if I was giving birth in the wild, I'd have been 100% fine! I did get an epidural- & don't regret it. I was in labor for only 8 hours. My body could have done w out. But let's be honest, it made things SO MUCH EASIER!! :lol:
Every Mama is different & its so hard to tell whats right/wrong when there are Drs and nurses blabbing in your ear. All you think about is that baby. They told me my sons heart beat was slowing down and to "push like you're getting him out of a fire". Within 4 minutes i was holding him. Would I have held him 2 hours earlier if they said that to me 2 hours earlier? We'll never know!! Let's all be glad we have healthy babies. <3

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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by Grimork » Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:26 am

bwhelan91 wrote:
Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:25 am
All you think about is that baby. They told me my sons heart beat was slowing down and to "push like you're getting him out of a fire". Within 4 minutes i was holding him. Would I have held him 2 hours earlier if they said that to me 2 hours earlier? We'll never know!! Let's all be glad we have healthy babies. <3
Definitely. Well I am certainly glad yours went smoothly, it's very strenuous on our bodies even if everything goes right. That's a funny expression they told you. Is anything better than the feeling of holding that baby in your arms? I'd say not. I feel certainly sorry for people who aren't able. I'd do it all over again.

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Re: Finding a Doctor that Doesn't Force Vaccines.

Post by Will Williams » Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:32 pm

White Man 1 wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:20 am
I remember the doctor reassuring me pretty well about vaccines when my daughter was born. I asked some tough questions and got good answers, none of which I remember any more. With my 2nd almost here I guess I'm going to have to re-learn all of it again :?
It's great to see our young Alliance couples having White babies and sharing information here about your experiences with doctors. As for these vaccines, WM1, you may be lucky to reside in Tennessee where some of our state legislators are looking out for us, despited government-mandated/enforced Chinese virus vaccinations. Note this Senate Bill (SB 0187) and House Bill (HB 0013) ... 187&GA=113

Co-Prime Sponsors:
SB 0187 by *Bowling
(HB 0013) by *Hulsey

Public Health - As introduced, prohibits state and local authorities from forcing, requiring, or coercing a person to receive an immunization or vaccination for COVID-19 against the person's will. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 49; Title 50 and Title 68.

Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee 02/10/2021
Introduced, Passed on First Consideration 02/08/2021
Filed for introduction 01/15/2021
Placed on s/c cal Health Subcommittee for 2/23/2021 02/17/2021
Meeting Canceled 02/16/2021
Placed on s/c cal Health Subcommittee for 2/16/2021 02/10/2021
Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee 01/27/2021
Ref. to Health Committee 01/13/2021
P2C held on desk. 01/13/2021
Intro., P1C. 01/12/2021
Filed for introduction 11/30/2020
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