On whistleblowing and hearsay

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Will Williams
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On whistleblowing and hearsay

Post by Will Williams » Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:56 am

Moved to here from another section of WB to avoid confusion.
"Will Williams" Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:20 pm]
...Our old Alliance comrade Fred, who worked on the mountain with Dr. Pierce for 11 years, and was named President of the Alliance board of directors and executor of Dr. Pierce's estate when he died, takes on the usual, cowardly anonymous critics on the VanguardNewsNetwork discussion forum quite eloquently in your defense..

Fred Streed
Join Date: Jan 2004


The female mind is concerned with appearances, how they are perceived by others... The female mind loves gossip... The female mindset tends to lead them to meddle in affairs that are none of their business... That doesn't make the female mind bad, they have some very sound evolutionary programming that was necessary for racial survival... But anyway, just sayin'.
Fred wrote that in February of 2015, answering critics of our freshly reconstituted National Alliance. Fred is a wise and honorable man who doesn't care much for lies or liars.

When Fred realized a little over a year later that a woman had told malicious lies about me in an effort to have me jailed, while she and her co-conspirators attempted to take over the National Alliance, he took on the role of whistleblower and submitted a sworn affidavit to the court that was trying me for the misdemeanor battery for which I'd been accused. See that affidavit, (thanks to our mutual friend, Hadding Scott), here: http://noncounterproductive.blogspot.co ... liams.html

With whistleblowing so newsworthy lately because of the mysterious anonymous one who tattled on Donald Trump and his so-called quid pro quo phone call to the president of Ukraine, I've drawn a legal parallel between my whistleblower, Fred, who is neither anonymous, nor providing hearsay evidence to the court, and Trump's protected, anonymous tattletale with his second-hand or third-hand hearsay "evidence" of a crime. I'm no fan of Donald Trump, but I feel for him, being under attack as he is by crooked Democrat politicians and Jew-controlled media who are determined to remove him by hook or by crook from his duly-elected position.

Once submitted to the court Fred's sworn affidavit was not admitted because the judge and prosecutor and my own defense attorney kept saying that a piece of paper cannot be cross-examined. Fred was in Oregon by then so couldn't appear in person in West Virginia as my defense witness where he could be cross-examined. His affidavit certainly raised reasonable doubt that my accuser was a malicious liar and her charge of battery against the NA Chairman was baloney. Any reasonable person reading the affidavit should be able to conclude that much.

So, the affidavit can't be cross-examined in a court. OK. But, the judge, the so-called "investigators (Sheriff office and WV State Police)," the County Prosecutor, as well as my own defense attorney, could have contacted Fred by telephone to ask him about his sworn statement -- just as Judge Judy would have done in a search for truth. None bothered, though I had provided them with Fred's phone number, email address and street address.

I was found guilty, sentenced to six months in jail by the female Magistrate, so appealed the wrongful conviction to Circuit Court. Again, the new female judge, her new special prosecutor -- the County Prosecutor had been "disqualified" at the demand of my accuser -- and his "investigator" who were brought in to convict me at my appeal, as well as my new female defense attorney -- I'd fired the other one -- all ignored Fred's affidavit. None of them ever bothered to call Fred, over my repeated protests. Fred was even willing to travel from Oregon to testify on my behalf, had his airline ticket in hand, but was unable to fly the day before my trial due to a health issue.

So I was convicted again and the six month sentence upheld, though the judge and her "special" prosecutor expressed that they would have preferred to sentence me to the one year maximum. They were limited by the Magistrate's earlier six-month sentence.

The fix was in. :|

I went directly to jail, did my time, paid my debt to society, but also managed to appeal my guilty verdict to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals pro se, without an attorney. I'd been denied bond while I prepared my appeal because the court never expected that I'd be able to prepare the complicated appeal.

The brief was submitted to the WVSCA in late August this year. As of today, 6 October, the Assistant Attorney General of WV who is representing the state in WV v. Williams, has four more days to respond to my brief: 10 October, 2019 -- more than four years after the alleged battery was supposed to have taken place in September of 2015. I'll have another 30 days after that to respond to his response. Hopefully, at some point after that I'll be allowed to present an oral argument before the five justices of the WVSCA.

Note: Though neither court in the 11th Judicial District of WV would admit Fred's affidavit as an exhibit at trial, in my brief it is attached as an exhibit for consideration, among other exhibits that were either sealed by the court or requested by the Circuit Court Judge to be stricken from the record like they never existed.
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