Opposed Ideologies

Fundamental ideas
R. Bryant

Opposed Ideologies

Post by R. Bryant » Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:46 am


The National Alliance is not a religious organization, in the ordinary sense of the term. It does, however, have to concern itself with religious matters, because religions influence the behavior of people, society, and governments. The doctrines of various religious groups—Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, et al.—deal with the temporal as well as spiritual matters and therefore often conflict with National Alliance doctrine.

Christian doctrines are of much greater concern to the National Alliance than the doctrines of other large religious groups, because Christianity is the most influential religion in the United States, Europe, and the rest of the White world. Most members of the National Alliance come from families which are, or a generation ago were, at least nominally Christian, and very few come from families which practice or practiced, Islam, Buddhism, or other religions. Furthermore, the history of our race for the last thousand years has been inextricably bound up with Christianity. The National Alliance really cannot avoid taking positions regarding Christian beliefs and practices, despite the complications this causes our work.

The immediate and inevitable fact which forces us to come to grips with Christianity is that the mainstream Christian churches are all, without exception, preaching a doctrine of White racial extinction. They preach racial egalitarianism and racial mixing. They preach non-resistance to the takeover of our society by non-Whites.

It was the Christian churches, more than any other institution, which paralyzed the will of White South Africans to survive. It is the Christian establishment in the United States which is preeminent in sapping the will of White Americans to resist being submerged in the non-White tide sweeping across the land. Most Christian authorities collaborate openly with the Jews, despite the contempt and abuse they receive in return, and the rest at least follow Jewish policies on the all-important matter of race. The occasional anomaly—a Catholic bishop in Poland speaking out angrily against Jewish arrogance, a few Protestant groups in the United States expressing sympathy for oppressed Palestinians—does not invalidate the rule.

We are obliged, therefore, to oppose the Christians churches and to speak out against their doctrines. But we do not, as some groups have done, accuse the Christian leaders of being false Christians. We do not say, “We are the real Christians, because we stand for the values which the mainstream churches stood for a century ago, before they were subverted.” We do not reach for our Bibles and point to verses which seem to be in accord with the policies of the National Alliance and contrary to the present policies of the Christian churches. A diligent Bible scholar can find in the Judeo-Christian scriptures support for—or ammunition against—virtually any policy whatsoever.

Beyond the immediate conflict between us and the Christian churches on racial matters there is a long-standing and quite fundamental ideological problem with Christianity. It is not an Aryan religion; like Judaism and Islam it is Semitic in origin, and all its centuries of partial adaptation to Aryan ways have not changed its basic flavor. It was carried by a Jew, Saul of Tarsus (later known as Paul), from the Levant to the Greco-Roman world. Its doctrines that the meek shall inherit the earth and that the last shall be the first found fertile soil among the populous slave class in Rome. Centuries later, as Rome was succumbing to an internal rot in which Christianity played no small part, legions of Roman conscripts imposed the imported religion on the Celtic and Germanic tribes to the north.

Eventually Christianity became a unifying factor for Europe, and in the name of Jesus Europeans resisted the onslaught of Islamic Moors and Turks and expelled the “Christ-killing” Jews from one country after another. But the religion retained its alien mind-set, no matter how much some aspects of it were Europeanized. Its otherworldliness is fundamentally out of tune with the Aryan quest for knowledge and for progress; its universalism conflicts directly with Aryan striving for beauty and strength; its delineation of the roles of man and god offends the Aryan sense of honor and self-sufficiency.

Finally, Christianity, like the other Semitic religions, is irredeemably primitive. Its deity is thoroughly anthropomorphic, and its “miracles”—raising the dead, walking on water, curing the lame and the blind with a word and a touch—are the crassest superstition.
We may have fond memories of the time before the Second World War when pretty, little girls in white dresses attended all-White Sunday schools, and Christianity seemed a bulwark of family values and a foe to degeneracy and indiscipline.

We may cherish the tales of medieval valor, when Christian knights fought for god and king—if we can overlook the Christian church’s bloodthirsty intolerance, which stifled science and philosophy for centuries and sent tens of thousands of Europeans to the stake for heresy.

We may even find Christian ethics congenial, if we follow the standard Christian practice of interpreting many of its precepts—such as the one about turning the other cheek—in such a way that they do not interfere with our task. But we should remember that nothing essential in Christian ethics is specifically Christian. Any successful society must have rules of social conduct. Lying and stealing were shunned in every Aryan society long before Christianity appeared.
Our pagan ancestors did not need Christian missionaries to tell them how to behave or to explain honor and decency to them—quite the contrary!

Historians may argue the pros and cons of Christianity’s role in our race’s past: whether or not the unity it provided during a period of European consolidation outweighed the loss of good genes it caused in the Crusades and the bloody religious wars of the Middle Ages (and through the Church’s policy of priestly celibacy); whether the splendid Gothic cathedrals which rose in Europe during the four centuries and the magnificent religious music of the 18th century were essentially Christian or essentially Aryan in inspiration; whether Christianity’s stand against the evils of self-indulgence—against gluttony and drunkenness and greed—was worth its shackling of the human mind in superstition or not. One thing already is clear, however: Christianity is not a religion that we can wish on future generations of our race.

We need ethics; we need values and standards; we need a world view. And if one wants to call all of these things together a religion, then we need a religion. One might choose instead, however, to call them a philosophy of life. Whatever we call it, it must come from our own race soul; it must be an expression of the innate Aryan nature. And it must be conducive to our mission of racial progress. Christianity, as the word is commonly understood, meets neither of these criteria.

The fact is that, completely aside from the racial question, no person who wholeheartedly believes Christian doctrine can share our values and goals, because Christian doctrine holds that this world is of little importance, being only a proving ground for the spiritual world which one enters after death. Christian doctrine also holds that the condition of this world is not man’s responsibility, because an omnipotent and omniscient deity alone has that responsibility.

Although some Christians do believe Christian doctrine wholeheartedly, however, most do not. Most instinctively feel what we explicitly believe, even if they have repressed those feelings in an effort to be “good” Christians. Because of this many nominal Christians, even those affiliated with mainstream churches, can, under the right circumstances, be persuaded to work for the interests of their race. Other nominal Christians—especially those who stand apart from any of the mainstream churches—have interpreted Christian doctrine in such an idiosyncratic way that the contradictions between their beliefs and ours have been minimized.

For these reasons we want to avoid conflict with Christians to the extent that we can. We don’t want to give unnecessary offense, even when we speak out against the doctrines of these churches. We don’t want to ridicule their beliefs, which in some cases are sincerely held. Some of these people later will reject Christianity’s racial doctrines. Some will reject Christianity altogether. We want to help them in their quest for truth when we can, and we want to keep the door open to them.

Members who want to study the subject of Christianity and its relationship to our task in depth should read Which Way Western Man? by our late member William Simpson. The book’s initial chapters describe the spiritual odyssey of a man of exceptional spiritual sensitivity, who was far more intensely a Christian than nearly any Christian living today and who eventually understood the racially destructive nature of Christianity and rejected it.

A more concise study of the difference between the Christian world view and ours is given in Wulf Sörensen’s The Voice of Our Ancestors, which was reprinted in National Vanguard No.107.


There they hang on the wall, one hundred ninety-six little plaques in oval, gilded frames. And there are still far fewer than there ought to have been. All the frames in the upper rows show only a name with a couple of dates on white paper. But in the lower rows they become alive. The portraits begin about the time of the Thirty Years War. They are fine miniatures, carefully painted with a pointed brush on ivory, which has long since yellowed. One cannot but think of the difficulty the artist must have had in capturing those stern, proud features with his soft, marten-hair brush. All of the white ruffled collars, the lace, the puffed sleeves and on the "gentlemen," the jabots have a frivolous effect on these portraits dating from the beginning of the eighteenth century. "Ladies"? "Gentlemen"? No, indeed! In spite of the velvet and silk there is not a "lady" nor a "gentleman" among them.

They are all women and men - and that says far more than the "gentleman" of today. For they, there on the wall, living again in their portraits - were free! This is what we have come to, that we must banish our ancestors to pictures or vital statistics on the wall in order to give them a faint presence in our dim memories. Ancestors?

People today do not even know the birth dates and death dates of their own parents. Of course, they are written down somewhere. It is a wonder if one knows even a little about his grandfather, not to mention his great-grandfather. As for great-great-grandfather, one does not think about him at all. as if he had never existed.

Earlier - much earlier - things were different. That was before words had become but mere merchandise, used to concoct lies, when a man still lived by his word; then it was not necessary to write down and record one's ancestors.

That was a time when the living flow of blood from son to father, from father to grandfather and great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather still had not been choked off. It had not yet sunk, as it has today, so deep beneath all of the alien values within mind and soul, that most of us can no longer hear its rustle, even in the stillest hour. Once the whole past dwelt in the hearts of the living. And from this past the present and the future grew upward like the strong limbs of a healthy tree.

And today? They laugh at the fables of our Folk, They do not even understand them. Nevertheless, that which remains with us from the "Once upon a time" of our fables, serves as a reminder, a finger showing us the way back into the millennia of our great past. You believe that we have no use for what is past and gone? Nonsense! The man in whose breast the "Once upon a time" of his race is no longer awake - has no future which truly belongs to him. How timely would be the appearance of a man who would teach us again the meaning of our fables, and show us that our struggle for the freedom of the earth which has borne us was, also, the struggle of our ancestors a hundred and a thousand years ago!

Did you know that when you read about Snow White and the Wicked Queen who came over the mountains, that those mountains she had to cross each time she came to kill Snow White were the Alps, and that the Queen came from Rome, the deadly enemy of everything Nordic? Think about the Queen's Daily query: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest of them all?" When you think of this saying think about Rome, which could not rest until everything Nordic, bright and joyful was exterminated, and only darkness remained - dark like the Wicked queen in the fairy tale, so that she could be the fairest in all the land, after everything white was dead. That which came over the southern mountains to us tolerated no peers.

Everything had to kneel before it and kiss its feet. When the queen came over the Alps the first time, dressed as a peddler from a distant land, she offered Snow White a bewitched corset - bewitched because it was alien. Then she pulled the laces so tight that Snow White fainted and fell. The emissaries of Rome bound the Nordic spirit in the suffocating bonds of alien concepts and deceitful words. But the queen's ruinous plan did not succeed, The dwarves - the good spirits of the Folk - came and freed Snow White. The Frisians crushed the Roman emissaries who tried to break the strength of our people with their doctrines of misery and servitude, For nearly a thousand years the Nordic tribes struggled against the poison from Sinai, which gradually fouled their blood. And when the vain queen again asked her mirror, the answer was: "... but Snow White, over the seven mountains with the seven dwarves is a thousand times fairer than you." Driven by her restless jealousy, the queen came over the snowy wall of the Alps with a new deception. She offered Snow White a magnificent glittering comb, the most exotic thing she had ever seen.

The "Holy Roman Empire" diverted the Nordic will-of-action away from its natural course; one after another, Nordic leaders have gone off to Rome and the consequence has been turmoil and Roman law in our land, which has enchained our Nordic pride. It began with Karl, the eternally cursed Frank, murderer of Saxons. From Aller to Verdun, the blood of the most noble or our people is on his hands. In recognition for his deeds, the Roman priests bestowed upon Karl the title of "The Great."Silent forever are the lips of our Folk who named this wretched Frank, "Karl the Saxon slayer"!

Despite this, the Nordic spirit remained unbroken; the Wicked queen still was not the fairest in the land. And so, for a third visit she came and presented Snow White with a rosy-cheeked, but poisoned apple. The first bite stuck in Snow White's throat and caused her to faint as if dead. This apple symbolized the rejection of our own nature, the abandonment Of tribal ways. "As if dead," the fairy tale says, acknowledges the enormous strength which slumbers in our people, recognizing that one day will come the great hour, when that strength will mightily throw off the chains of Sinai. Has it yet come, this long awaited hour? "Snow White" is but one of the hundreds and hundreds of age-old Nordic tales which remind us, with as many different images, of the difficulties, the oppression and the deep wisdom of our ancestors.

And as Rome cracked its whip over our land, mercilessly annihilating every genuine manifestation of our own nature, our wise forebears wove into these tales, using colorful symbols and allegory, a legacy of our heritage. But Rome's influence extended over our tales and sagas, falsifying them, giving them new meaning and made advantageous to Roman domination. Thus, it was that our people no longer could understand the voice of our ancestors, that we went astray these many centuries, becoming more and more alienated from our own ways and enslaved to Rome, and thus to Judah.

Only he who bears his own soul, living and burning in his breast, is an individual - a master. And he who abandons his own kind is a slave. The key to freedom lies within us! Now we must hearken again to the voice of our ancestors and protect our essence from alien influences, protect that which wants to grow out of our own souls. Stronger than any army is the man who wields the power which resides within him!

Reflectively, i look over the long rows of my ancestors. The last members reach so far back that hardly more than a name and a date on a sheet of paper remain. Yet their voices come alive in my blood, because their blood is my blood.I think of how the French-speaking monks came from Switzerland to convert our forefathers, the Goths and the Vandals. Even their deadly enemies, the Romans said: "Where the Goths are, there virtue rules. And where the Vandals are, there even the Romans become chaste." And to such men the commandments from Sinai were offered as guiding lights for their lives! Can one understand why these men laughed when they heard those commandments, which demanded that they not commit acts they never would have dreamed of committing?

Can one understand that they raised their swords in wrath when the monks told them that they were "born in sin" - these best of the Goths, whose very name means "The Good Ones"? Cannot one understand the unspeakable contempt with which these noble men regarded those who promised them a reward in heaven for abstaining from doing things which, according to their own nature, were beneath the dignity even of animals?

To such men the commandments were brought; men infinitely superior in human dignity and morality than the monks who brought them. For countless generations they had lived far above the moral plateau on which the commandments from Sinai then operated. Thousands of years before the time of the "Christ" the monks claimed to represent, our ancestors had sown the seeds of culture and civilization throughout the world on their fruitful voyages and wanderings.

When I contemplate the small portraits and see in their firmly composed faces the expressions of my ancestors, which compel no more notice of these times, it seems as if we have descended from a high, high ladder - a ladder which we must yet again climb. Nowadays, it is seldom that we can even appear to be like they were. They were on intimate terms with Allfather and did not need to call on halo-wearing intermediaries when they wished to speak to him. And even then, they did not know how to beg; they were too strong, too proud and too healthy for supplication. Blessings prayed for are not true blessings!

They wanted nothing of gifts; either they already had everything they wanted or, if they lacked something, they got it for themselves. Their creed was a saying as brief as a wink and as clear and deep as a mountain stream: "DO RIGHT AND FEAR NO ONE!" As for their religion, there was no necessity to put it into words, which suited a people who were naturally frugal with their words anyway. They carried their spiritual consciousness deep within their souls; it served them like a compass needle which always steers a ship on its proper course.

Was that not a better religion than one which must be written down in a thick book, lest it be forgotten - and which one cannot properly understand until a priest comes and interprets what is written there? And even then, an act of faith is required to believe that this intricate interpretation is correct. In their day, faith grew from the blood and it was knowledge. Today it must be learned, for it is an alien faith, unable to strike roots in our blood. It is dogma and doctrine which none can know and which most of us silently renounce, because it is contrary to nature and reason. Tell me - have we become better since taking on this new religion? A great wordless sorrow resides in the breast of most of us, a boundless sense of homelessness, because the way of our ancestors lives on eternally in our Nordic blood like a dream. We want, once again, to be free of sin - like our ancestors were.

We are tired of being humble and small and weak and all the other things demanded of us by a god who despises his own creations and looks on the world as a den of corruption. We want to be proud again, and great and strong, and to do things for ourselves! How different are those faces there on the wall from the faces of today! Only if one looks very closely does one still find a trace of that clarity of the features in the present generation. What lived so dominantly in our ancestors that it showed in their faces has disappeared back into our blood to dream. That is why faces so often deceive us today. Many a person whose hair color and eye color come from the south, still have the greatest part of their blood from Nordic fathers. And many who appear forgotten by the last two thousand years bear their bright hair and grey or blue eyes only as a deceptive mask, for their blood bears no trace of their fathers from the Northland. The one has only the appearance of the alien and retains his Nordic blood. The other has taken the blood of the alien and retains his Nordic face as an illusory mask.

Which is better? Today, one must look into a person's eyes and see whether or not they are still firm, shining and keen. The soul is illuminated through the eyes and it does not deceive. There were many a rebel among those there on the wall, and men who left home; many had refused to bend to those with power. They could not go crooked, these fellows. They preferred poverty abroad over submission at home. But they did not stay poor for long. Those who went abroad followed the restless stream of their blood, which gave them no rest until they had found themselves; rejecting that which was foreign to them and flowing into the bloodstream of their fathers, and so became conscious links in the chain of ancestors, closing the great kindred circle. When one of these came home again - and they all came home - he had become a calm, complete man. It is hard to describe this quality of completeness. If others are babbling in confusion, and such a man utters softly only a couple of words, then all the others will understand and become quiet and attentive. And such a man does not ask questions; others ask him! Look at their eyes; just as they mastered life, so they stood on intimate terms with death. To them death was life's trusted companion. Those same eyes show up among them even in the most recent generations.

There is one of them; Erik was his name and he fell at Kemmel. The steel helmet on his head seems to be a part of him. His mouth is a hard, straight line. But in his twenty-year-old eyes twinkles a silent laugh. And with this laugh, foreign to his mouth, and a wink, saluting with his fist against his breast, beckoning as he steps past, Erik greeted death. I cannot imagine this Erik, with bent knee and plaintive voice, begging some god up in the clouds for mercy and help.This is the way I picture him: leaping up from a crouch and with a fierce shout, plunging his great sword into a charging enemy - then, still in the same leap, being struck by an arrow and collapsing back to the ground with his final thought, "I gave my best for Germany!" Erik seized the bitter cup with a proud laugh and drank it down in a single draught without a grimace. And he likely rapped the cup with a fingernail, so that all could hear it was empty. He did not pray, "Father, let this cup pass from me." He reached out and seized it for it himself, for he knew... everything necessary is good! Beneath Erik's portrait is his motto, written in his own firm, clear hand: "Let a man be noble, benevolent, loyal and good."

Does that not say far more than those commandments Moses had issued to the depraved rabble in the desert, in order to make that horde grasp the rudiments of humanity? The Commandments were appropriate for that Hebraic bunch. Even the Egyptians had driven them out of their lands. Even as slaves the Hebrews were too wicked and infected Egyptian life. The Hebrews - the chosen people of god! It is ludicrous that anyone take it seriously. A commandment presupposes a transgression. One can recognize from the mere necessity for such commandments (which demand nothing more than the barest behavior required to claim the designation "human beings") to what kind of creatures they had been given creatures truly entitled to claim no more than a resemblance to human beings. To the men of the North these commandments were a slander, an unforgivable insult to their sacred blood. So, there rose out of the burning indignation of the Nordic blood a Wittekind, who returned again and again to lead his people into battle against the doctrines from Sinai. For these teachings are a deadly poison to our blood. You ask - when will Wittekind return no more? Hearken: Wittekind will die only with the last Northman! [Wittekind was Saxon Chief who lead resistance against Charlemagne, King of the Holy Roman Empire, who forced Christianity on the German people. Wittekind was symbolic of Northern Paganism and all out resistance against domination.] So long as a single Aryan lives, Wittekind is alive and the world is not safe from him! Seventy million Aryans on this glorious earth are more than enough for anything that comes from Sinai.

The last remnant who are still pure will still be poised when swords resound on shields and the bugles sound for the last, great battle of this wretched millennium. He who slumbers still, whose blood is dull and sour, no glory for him! He will be thoughtlessly trampled underfoot by the valiant who rush into battle down every street of Aryan homelands. An ancient custom among our kind has remained alive even to the present day in most parts of our Northland. There was a time when it seemed that this practice, handed down to us from our forefathers, would die out. But it has been revived - and the time is at hand when all our great and beautiful people will again recognize the significance of this custom and be made sound by it. Our ancestors gave to each child a powerful name, full of joy and vital energy.

Actually, they only lent him this name. And it became a shining hope for the child, far ahead of him on his life's course.The child bore this name in his soul like his most precious treasure, for it was to him both a goal and a sacred responsibility. This name strengthened the child's soul as he developed into a conscious, mature individual. When the child had become a youth, the elders of the kindred gathered for a celebration, at which they decided whether or not the developed character of the young man suited the name which had been given to him. If the man and the name were found to be in harmony, then his name was given to him for life. Otherwise, the young man chose a suitable name for himself one which characterized his nature. So it came to be that our ancestors were like their names and their names like them. And so their name carried weight like a rune-carved sword, like their word and a handshake, like yea and nay. In Christian times our ancestors were compelled by the new law from abroad to adopt still another name; it was written down in the church register, primarily for the benefit of the census taker. The authorities were obliged to write the living heathen name of a man beside his characterless Christian name in his register, lest it become nothing but a list of phantoms. In those times the most upright men and the proudest women sprung forth from our race. I step closer to the rows of pictures and read the names.

The oldest are: Helge, Fromund, Meinrad, Markward, Ran, Waltari, Eigel, Asmus, Bjoern. Peculiar names, are they not? They are names born from the great language of our people. There is nothing foreign in them, no spurious sound. They ring true to the ear. These names taste of the salty sea, of the heavy, fruitful earth, of air and sunshine - and of the homeland. Do you notice that? A few will notice - but all too few. Their own language has become foreign to them and has nothing more to say to them. After these first rows our ancestors began to name their sons Gottlieb, Christian, Fürchgott, Leberecht, Christoph (which mean: God-lover, Christ- worshipper. God-fearer, Righteous-liver, Christ-carrier) ... Still later came the names Paulus, Johannes, Petrus, Christophorus, Korbinianus, Stephanus, Karolus. By those times our forefathers had no other names.

Do you feel how something has been broken in these men, how they have become alienated from their own nature? Do you feel how steeply the ladder descends? A destiny is locked up in the transformation of these names. It is not the destiny of an individual or of a clan, but of a whole people - our Folk. But then something strange happened. Those who had been named Karolus and Paulus by their fathers suddenly regarded these names as annoying, alien, unsuitable, ridiculous. And now comes the generation that went into the Great War. The names with little iron crosses behind the dates on which they fell - a mere 20 or even fewer years from their birth dates, read: Jochen, Dieter, Asmus, Erwin, Walter. Roland, Georg... These are the names we still have today. And what are the names of our youngest, those who carry their names into the third millennium after the time of Nordic self-forgiveness? Gerhardt, Hartmut, Deitrich, Ingo, Dagwin, Guenther, Hellmut, Gernot, Dagmar, Ingeborg, Helga...Has the Great War done this? The names tell the story. A few men wear priestly garments. But the painter has given us a clue. And whoever is able to find this clue can see how little or how much the strong heart of the man is darkened by the shadow of the black robes he wears. The paintings are all bust portraits, nevertheless in one of them the artist shows a hand. It is a strong, sinewy hand, of the sort which could steer a ship through a storm. The black book in his hand looks like a frivolous toy. Such a hand does not bless an enemy; it crushes him.

His name is Frith. That is a strange name for a priest. "Frith" means -peace robber." Another portrait shows a man with grey, windswept hair. He has a hawkish nose and in his eyes one perceives unlimited vision. Did Ran really bow his head in remorse, repentance and humility? Did he really despise the world and place his confidence in a power other than his own? I know why fate ordained that these men must wear the black robes; had it not been for them, there would be far fewer heathens in the North today; without them there would be many more who would have exchanged their own image of God for an alien one and would have grown weary of their own strength and the world; and many more would have been seduced by the alien doctrine into becoming its slaves and forgetting their own blood.

They are true saints, for they have preserved their healthy inner selves. despite the priests cassocks. They fought the enemy with his own weapon. People called them "HEATHENS". A few were so proud of this title that they incorporated it into their names, as one might don a precious jewel. For the heathen is one who remains true to himself and his kind, whose blood flows pure in his veins. And this pure blood regards the world with neither the hateful sneer of Sinai or the weak knees of Nazareth. It bears divinity, pure, clear and beautiful in its red stream, so long as the race endures. None of these men has ever sought God. One does not seek that which dwells in one's own soul. None of these men has ever been torn with doubt about the divine. Only he who betrays the divinity in himself and offers his soul to an alien god knows such doubt. Doubt is eternal where there is the eternal alien, and thereby the eternal unknown. The Christian is an eternal doubter. Can any man be loyal, who is disloyal to himself? Can any man be great, who is consumed with a longing to return to dust? Can any man be strong, who loves weakness? Can any man be proud, who wanders along in humility? Can any man be pure, who regards himself born in sin? Can any man be happy in this world, who despises the world? And can any man bear the Creator in his soul, who despises divine Creation? What a strange god you Christians have, who created you upright, but who commands you to crawl to him on your knees! We heathens do not beg to our Creator; it would be an insult to the divinity in our souls. Nor do we heathens come to the Creator to complain. We do not proclaim our failures to the world and least of all not to the Creator. We seek to overcome our faults and to grow. Our way is not complaining, but anger - and first of all anger against ourselves. Nor do we repent, we heathens, because we cannot be cowardly; we have the courage to stand by our deeds. Why have you Christians made the name "Heathen" an insult? You should not peddle your pettiness in the streets, for it permits people to see that the love you are commanded to display is bound up with hate, and that the forgiveness your religion requires of you is burdened with your desire for vengeance. Only the envious stoop to insults. We see your envy and are ashamed for you, since many of you are still brothers of our blood. There was a time when it was a disgrace to be a Christian. But then you began to conquer the masses and so you were able to turn the tables and make virtue a disgrace. Then you labeled us the "strange" ones and called us heathens. We have remained "strange", despite your insults. We will never be a mass or a herd. Do you know that there are, also, many among you who are "strange" as we are? Why do you not throw away the beggar's rags which cover the noble garments of your manhood? Are you ashamed to be "strange"? Afraid to be called heathens? When you Christians have finished burying your god in the sky - come to us; we heathens will again show you the Creator. And do not think we have settled accounts with you Christians. We weigh silently - but we do not weigh with false weights.

We do not deceive the God in us, since we do not deceive ourselves. And as we have weighed justly, so have we calculated, so we would be reckoned with justly by God for our souls. You see, we do not repent, since we have nothing to repent. Our value lacks nothing. We retained and preserved our whole worth And now you weigh! And when you have weighed, calculated and evaluated, ask your envious spirit how much you have lost. He who has lost nothing of his worth is without envy - and without hatred for us heathens.

The petty man hates whatever is superior to him, while the great man admires it. The petty man pities whatever is beneath him, while the great man scorns it, if it merits his scorn, or he helps it up. There in his cradle lies my son, reaching, reaching gleefully toward his ancestors' portraits on the wall. This tiny, laughing bundle of life is the next step of the future of my race. I was the last step. He is the next. And behind me I see the path of my race passing back through the distant millennia until it is dimmed by the mist of time - for the generations which came before the earliest on the wall are, also, real. My race's entire path through time i do not know - but, i do know that i live and that i am only a link in the chain in which no link must fail, so long as my people live. Otherwise, I never would have been.

For generations a parchment-bound book has been passed down through our family i open it and inscribe a yellowed page for my son: "Your life is not of this day and not of tomorrow. It is of the thousand years which came before you and the thousand years to come after you. During the thousand years before you, your blood was purely preserved, so that you would be who you are. Now you must preserve your blood, so that all of the generations of the next thousand years will honor you and thank you. "That is the meaning of life, that divinity, awakens in the blood. But only in pure blood does it live! Of whom have I spoken? Of my ancestors? They are only a symbol of the Folk of which i am a living part. To whom have I spoken? To my son? My son is only a part of my Folk. The wisdom of a thousand generations slumbers in you. Waken it and you have found the key which will open the doors of your truest aspirations. Only he who esteems himself is worthy of being a man. Only he is a man who bears the living past and future in himself, for only he is able to stand above the present hour. And only he who is master of the present is successful; he alone is fulfilled. As only in fulfillment is divinity. Thus sayeth the Voice of our Ancestors...

The Pagan Snow White And The Evil Queen Christianity.

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Re: Opposed Ideologies

Post by Will Williams » Fri May 09, 2014 12:11 pm

This article by Andre Anglin helps to explain, if unwittingly, why Christianity is an ideology opposed to that of the National Alliance. It prompted some good discussion for why Christianity is an unsuitable belief system for racially conscious Whites. http://www.totalfascism.com/on-christianity/#comments

On Christianity
Posted on February 6, 2013 by Andrew Anglin

Our Race has a long history of drawing strength from the Christian doctrine. It is a shame on your ancestors to speak of this faith in foul terms.

I am personally ambiguous toward the metaphysical world. I have had personal experiences which have led me to understand, without a doubt, that there is most certainly something beyond the material realm, but understanding the details of this are something which I humbly consider to be beyond my personal capacity. However, one thing that is well within my capacity to understand is the clear reality that the masses need a system of spirituality with which to identify, and through which to express their higher nature and desire to commune both with one another, and with whatever lies beyond the borders of our perception. For well over a thousand years, the medium through which the European race did this was the Christian church.

Like it or not, the Christian faith is a fundamental part of White civilization, and has been for a long time.

I want to make it clear that I do not view any attacks on traditional Christianity or the image of Christ as helpful to our emerging movement. By attacking Christianity, we are not only alienating over half of the people who consider themselves White Nationalists, but we are disgracing our ancestors, who held the image of Christ to be sacred.

This is not, by any means, to say that I fault anyone for not desiring to associate themselves directly with the image of Christ. Respecting the beliefs of ones ancestors does not imply that we need to be slaves to them. I understand that many White Nationalists feel drawn to the pre-Christian spirituality of Europe; I myself am also interested in this. Clearly though, it is a prime directive of the Jew to degrade and destroy the Christian belief system, as regardless of the dogma, the values of our people are very much embodied within this spiritual system; such statements as those made by the anti-White shill Charles Giuliani, where he refers to Christ as a “Jew on a stick” should strike any White Nationalist as fundamentally offensive to the honor of our race.

Jewish Atheism

The one position on spiritual matters that I do take personal issue with is that of Atheism. I recently posted a piece about Wikipedia’s Jew lists, and one of these lists was of Jewish Atheists. The Jewish scientists (see lists) have provided the insane and illogical framework which has enabled their kinsmen to push this doctrine of materialist nihilism upon the people of their host nations, and they have packaged it as a hip “intellectual” trend. They push buttons in the psyche which allow weak people – angry at their parents, angry at their lot in life, angry with their total lack of power – to feel like they have achieved some type of monumental feat of will by embracing this ridiculous ideology of weakness.
The obese, sloppy Jew Christopher Hitchens played a major role in influencing weak minded people to embrace the Atheist doctrine of nihilistic materialism.

The obese, sloppy Jew Christopher Hitchens played a major role in influencing weak minded people to embrace the Atheist Jew doctrine of nihilistic materialism.

Clearly, those who take the position that there is nothing to the universe than the material realm are not simply intellectually and spiritually bankrupt, they are also necessarily going to manifest this ideology in the form of fear and generalized cowardice. And this is the Jew’s stake in selling you this gibberish.

This Jewish push toward Atheism has revolved around a concerted attack on Christianity. That point is not debatable. This is not to say that anyone who does not personally feel a desire to associate with the Christian symbols is influenced by this Jew agenda – far from it – but I fear that this Jewish anti-Christian agenda does influence many of the White Nationalists attacking Christianity, and this is, in my perception, intolerable.

If one truly wished to reform society by reintroducing pre-Christian beliefs, he would certainly not sink to the level of disrespectful attacks on the Christian faith. This is the method of the Jew – seeking to revolutionize society by tearing down traditional norms. One who desires simply to effect change within the consciousness of his people would instead approach the issue of Christianity without excessive emotion, with an understanding of where his people are.

Christianity Isn’t Jewish

Though I understand that the historical realities – or lack thereof – of the Christian mythology are less than clear, I think one thing should be understood: Christianity is not Jewish.

I am not prepared to embrace the Christian Identity perspective that the entire Old Testament was written by and about Aryan men, but it is worth mentioning that Jesus, in the New Testament, does plainly acknowledge the Jew as a racial enemy; for instance, in John 8:44, Jesus says to the Jew:

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Though Judeo-Christian scholars have attempted to interpret this metaphorically (which they do when it fits them, while also making insane literal interpretations of things such as the Book of Revelations, which has always been interpreted in metaphorical terms, introducing a bunch of science fiction madness) in order to justify their deranged, sexual obsession with worshiping the Jewish race as godlike beings, it is plain that he is referring to a blood lineage and the manifestation of racial behavioral characteristics.

One must also note that it would be physically impossible for a Jew to formulate the philosophy that Jesus presented. These ideas of love and brotherhood, of a rejection of materialism in favor of a primarily spiritual existence – these are beyond the biological capacity of the Jew. It is thus impossible to imagine that Christ, or whoever came up with the story of Christ, was a genetic Jew.
It is impossible to imagine that the Biblical figure of Christ, who preached a rejection of materialism in favor of spiritual transcendence, was a racial Jew.

It is impossible to imagine that the Biblical figure of Christ, who preached a rejection of materialism in favor of spiritual transcendence, was a genetic Jew.

But more important than the technical historical origins of the religion is how it was applied in White society. The religion of Christianity has only ever been loosely based on the actual texts themselves, given that there is no clear and comprehensive instructive doctrine explaining how to run a society to be found in the New Testament, as there is in the Quran. It was thus up to the Romans to superimpose an ordered social and moral system on to the images drawn from the text. This ordered system, only vaguely inspired by the actual book itself, was entirely White.

The problems which the Catholic Church suffered from historically were mainly due to corruption. It was not until the modern era that Judaism became a serious influence on Christian doctrine, with the Jews infiltrating the Catholic Church through Freemasonry, and creating a new version of Protestantism based almost entirely on the worship of the Jew as a godlike race, through publications such as the Scofield Reference Bible.

Traditional Christian values are absolutely in line with what I wish to create, because regardless of its origins or historical veracity, traditional Christianity is an expression of White genetics.

Christian Antisemitism

It is necessary to be pragmatic about all of this. The bottom line here, given that it really isn’t anyone’s business what someone else wants to believe about the nature of divinity, is whether or not Christianity is capable of being antisemitic to a necessary extent. The answer to this is quite clearly “yes.” Christianity has proven itself, throughout the last 2000 years, to be incredibly versatile. Given the reality that, as I have said, the New Testament contains no clear instructive doctrine, combined with the fact that so much of what Jesus is recorded as having said and done is confusing and seemingly contradictory, the Christian faith can take on a seemingly infinite variety of forms.

Many of the traditional incarnations of Christianity have been staunchly antisemitic. Both Catholicism and Protestantism have a history of offering direct opposition to the Jew. Though we obviously need to stand against the modern incarnations of Jew-worshiping Christianity, if an individual chooses to accept the Christian doctrine, as well as stand against the Jew, I see absolutely no reason at all why they should be berated or chastised for their personal beliefs.

Christian Identity, which has become rather popular among White Nationalists, is a form of Christianity which has done its best to remove any and all association with the Jewish race from its doctrine, and whatever one thinks of the historical veracity of their position, it is ridiculous to view such a group as anything other than our racial brothers and a clear ally in the fight against the monstrosity that is International Jewry.

Emotional Attacks a Sign of Personal Weakness

What I am seeing a lot within the discussions of religion are very emotional, womanlike attacks on Christianity by individuals who clearly have not developed a capacity to think logically or pragmatically. These individuals, with their insults and insistence that others think like them, come across as incredibly weak. There is clearly no good reason why, if one chooses not to believe in Christianity, he should feel a need to attack or insult others who do.
The founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, like many strong Christian leaders before and after him, hated the Jews.

The founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, like many strong Christian leaders before and after him, hated the Jews.

What a person who insists on becoming emotional about these issues proves is that he has an unstable emotional makeup, and feels personally threatened by what another person holds sacred, probably due to difficult experiences in childhood. I want all of you who have this tendency to insult and denigrate those who follow some version of Christianity to take note of your own volatile emotional state, and ask yourself if this is truly what you wish to present yourself as. Because for those of us who do not have this type of weakness in us, your feminine emotional fragility is plainly apparent.

This goes back to the issue I have already mentioned regarding the Jewish attacks on Christianity. Please look up videos of Atheists on YouTube and take note of how pathetic and weak they clearly are. Those who are not Jews are simply whining losers, apparently angry at their Christian parents for not taking proper care of them, and are thus adopting this Jewish cultural disease of Atheism as a means to create a false self-esteem.

We should take note that we rarely, if ever, see these types of emotional attacks coming from self-proclaimed Christians, whereas we constantly see them aimed at Christians. This in itself indicates that Christianity, in the forms which appeal to White Nationalists, is something which is more than capable of helping an individual achieve emotional maturity.


Again, Christianity is versatile. At its worst, it represents mere Jew-worship, while at its best, it represents the core values of our race in a way that it should be impossible for any White Nationalist to complain about. Whatever your personal views on the doctrine might be, any emotionally mature adult is surely capable of recognizing the plain reality that no cohesive White movement is ever going to be able to exist on a basis of insulting and attacking the Christian faith, and thus that any individual who spends his time attacking the Christian faith is either wittingly or unwittingly serving to undermine the cohesiveness of our movement.

Those of you who feel the need to attack Christianity simply need to man-up and deal with whatever emotional weaknesses you are suffering from, because you surely cannot make the argument that your attacks are constructive in any way. This is not to say you cannot hold your own opinions on spiritual matters – that is something which is every person’s individual right; it is merely to say that you need to have honor, and respect the positions of your brothers when it comes to their right to hold their own opinions on these very personal matters.

We do not need Christians, Pagans or Creativity followers in this movement – what we need are adult men who are capable of behaving in a cohesive manner, cooperating with members of their race. If you are incapable of this, please return to your Jewish video games and porno and let real men take care of business. This White Nationalist movement has no place for emotionally volatile children.
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Will Williams
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Everything here is 100% backwards from reality

Post by Will Williams » Fri May 09, 2014 12:19 pm


Sol says [to Anglin:]:
February 7, 2013 at 11:23 am

Wow… so much wrong here, it’s hard to know where to begin. Basically everything here is 100% backwards from reality.

Like it or not, the Christian faith is a fundamental part of White civilization, and has been for a long time.

And like it or not, Christianity is at the root of our problems. Christianity is, and always has been, the Jews’ primary weapon against us and we will either have the honesty to face this fact, or we will cease to exist. Jesus or the White race: pick one.

I want to make it clear that I do not view any attacks on traditional Christianity or the image of Christ as helpful to our emerging movement. By attacking Christianity, we are not only alienating over half of the people who consider themselves White Nationalists,

Most Christian WN are more trouble than they’re worth. Their main priority seems to be defending their coreligionists from any criticism. No discussion of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Christians view Jews as God’s chosen people (a belief firmly rooted in the Bible), or the efforts of virtually every church to bring non-White immigrants into the country. We’re just supposed to pretend that these things aren’t happening because some tiny minority of Christians supposedly feels the opposite way. Why is it that Christian WN are incapable of criticizing the behavior of their co-religionists?

but we are disgracing our ancestors, who held the image of Christ to be sacred.

Embracing Christianity now, when we don’t have to, is a disgrace to our ancestors who had this sick cult forcibly imposed on them, and to all those who fought to remove its influence from our society, including the National Socialists.

Clearly, those who take the position that there is nothing to the universe than the material realm are not simply intellectually and spiritually bankrupt, they are also necessarily going to manifest this ideology in the form of fear and generalized cowardice. And this is the Jew’s stake in selling you this gibberish.

Most Jews are atheists, most White Americans are Christian. If atheism is such a weakness, then why are the Jews so dominant over the Christians?

And do you seriously think that belief in an eternal heaven when you die for just “accepting Christ” is a strength? That’s the perfect ideology for keeping your slaves in line, which is why Jews created it. “Yes, you suckers… you have to be our bitches in this life… but you’ll get your reward in the next, don’t worry! Don’t oppose us – you might go to hell if you do!”

If one truly wished to reform society by reintroducing pre-Christian beliefs, he would certainly not sink to the level of disrespectful attacks on the Christian faith.

Actually, yes one would. Why change something if there’s nothing wrong with it?

Christianity Isn’t Jewish

Though I understand that the historical realities – or lack thereof – of the Christian mythology are less than clear, I think one thing should be understood: Christianity is not Jewish.

Sorry, but nothing could be more clear than that Christianity is Jewish. The entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, was written by Jews. Almost everyone in the Bible is a Jew. Jews were responsible for spreading Christianity in the Roman Empire, and for convincing the kings of Northern Europe to forcibly convert their subjects. Anyone who cannot accept that Christianity is a wholly Jewish invention is simply not willing to deal with reality.

I am not prepared to embrace the Christian Identity perspective that the entire Old Testament was written by and about Aryan men,

And apparently not willing to condemn it for the nonsense that it is, either.

We can look at the Hebrews of the Bible and see many of the same traits that characterize Jews to this day – dishonesty, genocide, controlling societies by manipulation of elites, etc. Anyone who sees “Aryan” qualities in the Jews of the Old Testament is severely deluded.

but it is worth mentioning that Jesus, in the New Testament, does plainly acknowledge the Jew as a racial enemy; for instance, in John 8:44, Jesus says to the Jew:

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Nothing in that quote suggests that Jesus viewed the Jews as a racial enemy. Jesus was a Jew, and his ministry was aimed at Jews (according to the NT). How does that square with viewing Jews as an enemy?

At best, Jesus is like the ancient equivalent of Brother Nathaniel Kapner, except not even on that level.

One must also note that it would be physically impossible for a Jew to formulate the philosophy that Jesus presented. These ideas of love and brotherhood, of a rejection of materialism in favor of a primarily spiritual existence – these are beyond the biological capacity of the Jew. It is thus impossible to imagine that Christ, or whoever came up with the story of Christ, was a genetic Jew.

Not true at all. It’s exactly the same as the “diversity” garbage the Jews push today.

But more important than the technical historical origins of the religion is how it was applied in White society. The religion of Christianity has only ever been loosely based on the actual texts themselves, given that there is no clear and comprehensive instructive doctrine explaining how to run a society to be found in the New Testament, as there is in the Quran. It was thus up to the Romans to superimpose an ordered social and moral system on to the images drawn from the text. This ordered system, only vaguely inspired by the actual book itself, was entirely White.

The Catholic church gave the Jews a monopoly on finance, or as Jews like to say, “forced them to be moneylenders”. Not exactly good for Whites. To the extent that Christianity wasn’t as destructive in the past as it is today, that’s largely because it was ignored in practice, especially during the Middle Ages, when the Catholic church commendably forbade translating the Bible into vernacular languages, keeping the pernicious influence of Biblical doctrines to a tolerable minimum.

and creating a new version of Protestantism based almost entirely on the worship of the Jew as a godlike race, through publications such as the Scofield Reference Bible.

The Scofield Bible that Christians love to cite in order to defend “real Christianity” is of little significance. The idea of Jews as God’s chosen has always been an integral part of Protestantism. Martin Luther himself had views on Jews almost indistinguishable from those of modern Christian Zionists until the last few years of his life, when he realized that he was basically being used as a puppet of the Jews.

Many of the traditional incarnations of Christianity have been staunchly antisemitic. Both Catholicism and Protestantism have a history of offering direct opposition to the Jew.

Protestantism? No. Catholicism? Yes, occasionally, back when nobody could read the Bible.

But, even admitting the occasional Christian opposition to the Jews, the important fact is that without Christianity the Jews would not be able to do what they do to us in the first place.

Christian Identity, which has become rather popular among White Nationalists, is a form of Christianity which has done its best to remove any and all association with the Jewish race from its doctrine, and whatever one thinks of the historical veracity of their position, it is ridiculous to view such a group as anything other than our racial brothers and a clear ally in the fight against the monstrosity that is International Jewry.

The idea that saying that we are the true Jews and that our whole culture comes from the Hebrews and so forth is somehow “pro-White” is nothing but a sick joke. And again, Christian Identity exists solely for the purpose of defending the 99% of Christians who are not CI.

There is clearly no good reason why, if one chooses not to believe in Christianity, he should feel a need to attack or insult others who do.

Clearly, there are good reasons.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

David York

Re: Opposed Ideologies

Post by David York » Fri May 09, 2014 4:02 pm

Hey Will, I agree with you about that article being backwards. It is Christianity that is dividing white nationalists, not white nationalism dividing Christianity.
One must also note that it would be physically impossible for a Jew to formulate the philosophy that Jesus presented. These ideas of love and brotherhood, of a rejection of materialism in favor of a primarily spiritual existence – these are beyond the biological capacity of the Jew. It is thus impossible to imagine that Christ, or whoever came up with the story of Christ, was a genetic Jew.
Love, brotherhood, a rejection of materialism, hmm that kind of sounds like communism to me. That was a Jewish Idea too wasn't it?

Revilo Oliver writes in "The Origins of Christianity":
And when a number of tribes coalesce to form a small state, the demonstration of their effective unity and common purpose by religious unanimity becomes even more necessary, and it is affirmed by festivals in which every citizen is expected to participate, at least by abstaining from other activity and being present as a spectator, and in which aliens, whether visitors or metecs, are not permitted to participate and from which they may be so excluded that they are forbidden to witness any part of the proceedings
-Relivo P. Oliver

So basically the primary function of a religion was to demonstrate political and cultural unity between members of a state who share a common tribal ancestry.

Oliver also wrote:
The requirement at Oxford and Cambridge until quite recent times of an oath of affirmation in the Church of England's Thirty-Nine Articles has been perversely misunderstood. Everyone knew for centuries that many did not believe what they affirmed, and there was some truth in the hot-headed Sir William Hamilton's charge that Oxford was a "school of perjury," but he naively became excited because he did not perceive that the requirement had not the fantastic theological purpose of pleasing a god in whom many who took the oath did not believe, but the strictly practical one of excluding fanatics who were emotionally attached to dogmas that would inspire trouble-making agitation over questions that, if not totally illusory, were incapable of rational determination.
-Relivo P. Oliver
In other words the original function of religion(or of taking a religious oath) was not to please a god, it was to exclude people who were emotionally attached to dogmas which would cause political divisions and weaken a nation's unity by causing arguments over scriptures which were based on fiction (irrational, illusory dogmas). This is the type of thing we see today with Christianity in America. Most Christians are practicing their religion to please God or Jesus, and not for the original function which was to unite people who were of common race and ancestral background. More often than not Christians in America are not only causing divisions between themselves and white nationalists, but they are also creating divisions within their own religion by arguing over the meaning or correct interpretation of certain bible verses or scriptures.

Oliver also writes in the same book:
The use of religion as an expression of cultural unity and political consensus cannot long survive the first practice of toleration by which the nation's Established Church, whatever it is, is tacitly disavowed by failure to suppress openly dissident sects. That function of religion, once the most important of all, has, in little more than a century, been so completely forgotten that some of our contemporaries are astonished when they hear it.
-Relivo P. Oliver
So what Oliver is saying once Christianity began to establish divisive branches, such as when the Reformation caused Christianity to divide into Catholic and Protestant groups, it no longer served its primary function which is to establish political unity among the citizens of a State.

Like Oliver said, that function of religion, or Christianity, which was to keep white people united, was completely forgotten over a century ago. It is safe to say that Christianity has not only failed to keep the white race unified, it is currently promoting racial miscegenation, and countless sub divisions of Christian sects which all seem to argue with each other on how the bible should be interpreted.

So in conclusion since Christianity no longer serves any reasonable function of unifying white European people, and since Christianity has so many sub-divisions that divide our people, it should be completely abandoned, or at the very least held at a minimal importance to how White people identify themselves.

By the way Will, incidentally I happened to listen to Caroline Yeager's show from 1/21/2013, where you were on as a guest along with Bill Finck and Hadding. Caroline Yeager and Bill Finck were really pissing me off. I'm surprised you didn't hang up on her. She was acting totally biased throughout that whole show, and she was being really disrespectful to you as a guest. It seemed that she was trying to tag team you with Bill Finck to belittle your statements. That Ben Fink guy sounds like a real piece of work. He is thoroughly deluded, and you are absolutely correct in saying that those Christian Identity freaks who think that White people are the real Israelites are nothing more than a sick Joke. If white people were the Jews in the bibles, then who were the Egyptians and Romans who had enslaved them? Finck is such a dumbass, also I don't know if he is aware of this but there are a group that call themselves the "Black Israelites", which is equally as ludicrous as the White Israelite theory. The Black Israelites are always demonstrating in Times Square in New York City. I'm not sure if they still operate in that spot because I haven't walked through time Square in a while, but those Black Israelites are a hostile bunch of blacks. They openly hurl racist slurs at white passer byes. Anyway whenever I hear the "White Israelite" theory i think of those Black Israelites and how sick and demented they are.


Re: Opposed Ideologies

Post by Cosmotheist » Fri May 09, 2014 8:03 pm

Hello Folks,

Dr. Pierce was not the only one that recognized "Christianity" as being an "opposed ideology"
even though some of the reasons for the "opposition" may or may not have been the same:

Some interesting quotes on Christianity from some of the leading lights and leaders of the past,
and even out of our enemies own "horses mouth" so to speak:


The truth is that Christian theology, like every other theology,
is not only opposed to the scientific spirit,
it is also opposed to all attempts at rational thinking.

Henry L. Mencken


Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it.

Charles Dickens


Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.

Oscar Wilde


During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution.

James Madison
Memorial and Remonstrance, 1785

The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb in a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to John Adams


....Christianity is a monstrous fraud and delusion, that has desolated the earth and filled the spirit world with demons.... there is not a tenet, dogma, doctrine, ceremony, form or prayer, fast or feast, title of deity, form of church government, official rank or religious observance of any kind, that is not identical with some prototype to be found in one or more of the more ancient religious systems.... no such person, man, or God, as Jesus Christ, had anything to do with establishing the religion that has been taught in his name.... To get rid of the damning fact that there is no historical basis for their theological fictions, the Christian priesthood have been guilty of the heinous crime of destroying nearly all traces of the concurrent history of the first two centuries of the Christian era. What little of it they have permitted to come down to us, they have so altered and changed, as to destroy its historical value.

JM Roberts, Esq.


False believing is ever the worst enemy of true doing; and every Sunday the teaching of these legalized kidnappers of children, for compulsory inoculation of their minds with the old theological virus, tends to nullify the good done by education during the other six days of the week.

Gerald Massey


And hereafter, when [Christians] laugh at the Jewish superstition of a scape-goat, let them bear in mind that more sensible and intelligent people may laugh in turn at their superstitious doctrine of a scape-God....The blood of a God must atone for the sins of the whole human family ...Somebody must pay the penalty in blood, somebody must be slaughtered for every little foible or peccadillo or moral blunder into which erring man may chance to stumble while upon the pilgrimage of life, while journeying through the wilderness of time, even if a God has to be dragged down from his throne in heaven, and murdered to accomplish it. Nothing less will mitigate the divine wrath.... Whose soul - possessing the slightest moral sensibility - does not inwardly and instinctively revolt at such a doctrine?

Kersey Graves


Our legends and our folk-tales are the sacred lore which you croon to your infants. Our poems have filled your hymnals and your prayerbooks. Our national history has become an indispensable part of the learning of your pastors and priests and scholars. Our kings, our statesmen, our prophets, our warriors your heroes. Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. What our people thought and taught has become inextricably woven into your speech and tradition, until no one among you can be called educated who is not familiar with our racial heritage.

Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised in their memories. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship. We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted for them our God and our traditions. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep over you.

Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine


Christianity sprang out of Judaism. It has again withdrawn into Judaism. The Christian from the outset was the theorizing Jew; the Jew is therefore the practical Christian and the practical Christian has become a Jew. Christianity has only seemed to overcome real Judaism ...Christianity is the sublime idea of Judaism. Judaism is the common application of Christianity.

Karl Marx, a Jew and "clear and lucid Talmudist"
"On the Jewish Question," Selected Essays


Because of their capacity for distortion, the Jews are the most fateful people in human history. In the course of their operations they have hoodwinked mankind so much that, even to this day, the Christian can feel anti-Semitic without realizing that he himself is the logical consequence of Judaism....

In the formulation of Christianity, the art of concocting holy lies, which is the essence of Jewishness, after many centuries of earnest apprenticeship and practice in Judea, has reached technical perfection. The Christian, who is the last word in falsity, is the Jew repeating his type - thrice a Jew.

Little super-Jews, fit only for the madhouse, reversed all values to suit themselves, as if the followers of Christ alone were the meaning, the salt, the standard, and even the supreme court of mankind.... Such a calamity was only possible because a species of megalomania, similar to this one, and racially like it (orthodox Jewish) was already in existence. When a division appeared between official Jews and Christian Jews, the latter had no alternative but to employ the self-protective measures peculiar to the Jews themselves, whereas the Jews had use it only against Gentiles. The Christian is only a noncomformist Jew ...



In all our history books, and especially in religious circles, we are told that Christianity and the Jews were in opposition; that Christ denounced the Jews; that the Jews crucified Christ. Even today we are being told in Kosher Konservative circles that the main objective of the Jews is to destroy Christianity. This is, of course, one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the world. The facts are plainly there for everyone to see. The Jews concocted Christianity as their special poison to unhinge the minds of the Romans so that they would no longer be able to maintain their civilization. This was the Jews' revenge for the destruction of Jerusalem ...

Ben Klassen

Klassen was a "white separatist" a survivor of the Jewish-Bolshevik regime, which allegedly killed his family.

The Christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin: Both are derived from the worship of the Sun. The difference between their origin is, that the Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.

Thomas Paine


Historically, it is quite doubtful whether Christ ever existed at all, and if He did we do not know anything about Him.

Bertrand Russell, "Why I am not a Christian."


In my freetime I practised singing in the choir of the monastery church at Lambach, and thus it happened that I was placed in a very favourable position to be emotionally impressed again and again by the magnificent splendour of ecclesiastical ceremonial. What could be more natural for me than to look upon the Abbot as representing the highest human ideal worth striving for, just as the position of the humble village priest had appeared to my father in his own boyhood days? At least, that was my idea for a while.

Adolf Hitler


The audience remained stoic as the Catholic mother and I regaled them with horror stories of betrayal and sexual abuse of children by clergymen. But when one of the clergymen on the show "exposed" the fact that I am an atheist, a loud collective gasp was sounded from the good Christians in the audience. It was a telling demonstration of that narrow bigotry, inculcated in so many Christians, that goodness has far more to do with one's professions of faith than with conduct and actions.

Annie Laurie Gaylor


Here the Catholic Church presents an instructive example. Clerical celibacy forces the Church to recruit its priests not from their own ranks but progressively from the masses of the people. Yet there are not many who recognize the significance of celibacy in this relation. But therein lies the cause of the inexhaustible vigour which characterizes that ancient institution. For by thus unceasingly recruiting the ecclesiastical dignitaries from the lower classes of the people, the Church is enabled not only to maintain the contact of instinctive understanding with the masses of the population but also to assure itself of always being able to draw upon that fund of energy which is present in this form only among the popular masses. Hence the surprising youthfulness of that gigantic organism, its mental flexibility and its iron will-power.

Adolf Hitler, expressing his admiration for the Church, Mein Kampf, I, 2


During the presidential campaign of 1880, the Christian Union made the startling admission that, of the nineteen men who, up to that time, had held the office of President of the United States, not one, with the possible exception of Washington, had ever been a member of a Christian church.

John Remsburg


[Regarding the] Christian Myth, they know it is myth. In private discussions with theologians, they shocked me by admitting they know it is all a myth. One Jesuit told me, "Those stories are for the unthinking lay public." This changes the problem from one of ignorance to one of lies and deceit.

Don Richards


Jesus is a mythical figure in the tradition of pagan mythology and almost nothing in all of ancient literature would lead one to believe otherwise. Anyone wanting to believe Jesus lived and walked as a real live human being must do so despite the evidence, not because of it.

C. Dennis McKinsey


In regard to the Jewish problem, do not the two Christian denominations take up a standpoint to-day which does not respond to the national exigencies or even the interests of religion? Consider the attitude of a Jewish Rabbi towards any question, even one of quite insignificant importance, concerning the Jews as a race, and compare his attitude with that of the majority of our clergy, whether Catholic or Protestant.

Confessed Christian Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, I, 3


Whether Protestant pastor or Catholic priest, each did his very utmost in helping our powers of resistance to hold out, not only in the trenches but also, and even more so, at home. During those years, and especially during the first outburst of enthusiasm, in both religious camps there was one undivided and sacred German Empire for whose preservation and future existence they all prayed to Heaven.

Adolf Hitler, on WWI, Mein Kampf, I, 3


The rise and decline of the Pan-German movement on the one hand and the marvellous progress of the Christian-Socialist Party on the other, became a classic object of study for me, and as such they played an important part in the development of my own views....

The Christian-Socialist leaders took care to avoid all controversy with the institutions of religion and thus they secured the support of that mighty organization, the Catholic Church. Those leaders recognized the value of propaganda on a large scale and they were veritable virtuosos in working up the spiritual instincts of the broad masses of their adherents....

The anti-Semitism of the Christian-Socialists was based on religious instead of racial principles. The reason for this mistake gave rise to the second error also...

It was obvious, however, that this kind of anti-Semitism did not upset the Jews very much, simply because it had a purely religious foundation. If the worst came to the worst a few drops of baptismal water would settle the matter, hereupon the Jew could still carry on his business safely and at the same time retain his Jewish nationality.

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, I, 3


So as you all can see, Dr. Pierce was in good company in his analysis of "Christianity".

"Cosmotheism" will be the new spirtual and moral basis for our White Race.
First for our conscious elite, and then, and most especially after we win,
for the White masses in general.

Best regards,



Re: Opposed Ideologies

Post by Michael1488 » Sat May 24, 2014 6:58 am

Thank you to the original poster R. Bryant on posting the National Alliance position on Christianity as originally printed in the Alliance membership handbook. This is exactly what I was looking for, and as many of you know, this specific page was excised from the second printing of the handbook in 2005. Actually as I look even more carefully, I was surprised to see that Christianity was indeed listed as an Opposed Ideology in the 2005 edition. I can only conclude this was due to Gliebe's overall carelessness in re-printing it. Anyway, thanks again.



P.S. - I have to admit some ignorance on my part, as this was posted back in February! I should have took some time out to dig deeper here on White Biocentrism. Maybe this should be printed & stapled on http://www.nationalvanguard.org as a point of reference?

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Will Williams
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Re: Opposed Ideologies

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 24, 2014 8:28 am

Michael1488 wrote:Thank you to the original poster R. Bryant on posting the National Alliance position on Christianity as originally printed in the Alliance membership handbook. This is exactly what I was looking for, and as many of you know, this specific page was excised from the second printing of the handbook in 2005. Actually as I look even more carefully, I was surprised to see that Christianity was indeed listed as an Opposed Ideology in the 2005 edition.
Gliebe's 2005 edition of the National Alliance Member's [sic] Handbook removed the entire section on Christianity -- five pages (46-51), not just one -- that's republished here in the opening post. What's more, the opening paragraph in the original edition of the Handbook was retained in the second edition, with just the word "Christianity" removed:

"A brief synopsis of seven racially destructive ideologies -- egalitarianism, feminism, individualism, humanism, materialism, and New Ageism -- is presented below..."[/size][/i]

The careful reader can count just six "opposed ideologies" listed there in Gliebe's "new & improved" Handbook, though he stupidly left in the word "seven" after removing the word "Christianity."
I can only conclude this was due to Gliebe's overall carelessness in re-printing it...
There was plenty of unnecessary and careless editing in the second edition of the National Alliance Membership Handbook, but the single worse example of this may be that Dr. Pierce's name was spelled wrong on the back cover.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ


Re: Opposed Ideologies

Post by Michael1488 » Sat May 24, 2014 9:27 am

Will Williams wrote:
Michael1488 wrote:Thank you to the original poster R. Bryant on posting the National Alliance position on Christianity as originally printed in the Alliance membership handbook. This is exactly what I was looking for, and as many of you know, this specific page was excised from the second printing of the handbook in 2005. Actually as I look even more carefully, I was surprised to see that Christianity was indeed listed as an Opposed Ideology in the 2005 edition.
Gliebe's 2005 edition of the National Alliance Member's [sic] Handbook removed the entire section on Christianity -- five pages (46-51), not just one -- that's republished here in the opening post. What's more, the opening paragraph in the original edition of the Handbook was retained in the second edition, with just the word "Christianity" removed:

"A brief synopsis of seven racially destructive ideologies -- egalitarianism, feminism, individualism, humanism, materialism, and New Ageism -- is presented below..."[/size][/i]

The careful reader can count just six "opposed ideologies" listed there in Gliebe's "new & improved" Handbook, though he stupidly left in the word "seven" after removing the word "Christianity."
I can only conclude this was due to Gliebe's overall carelessness in re-printing it...
There was plenty of unnecessary and careless editing in the second edition of the National Alliance Membership Handbook, but the single worse example of this may be that Dr. Pierce's name was spelled wrong on the back cover.
Yes, you are indeed correct. It is readily apparent to me now that not just one page but multiple - in this case five pages - were deliberalely removed.

On the issue of opposed ideologies, once again a very astute observation Will! I did not catch this, yes he indeed left the word "seven" when just doing a simple proofreading could have corrected this, if he was so intent on eliminating one of the most fundamental realization Dr. Pierce had on Christianity as a whole. I have my copy of the handbook in my hand as I write this...my comment about him leaving Christianity in there was based on the 3rd paragraph on page 38 where it reads: "Usually people 'inherit' an ideology along with the rest of their cultural environment. A person usually does not choose to be a Catholic or a Protestant, for example, but simply adopts unquestioningly the beliefs of the people closest to him."

Being that Catholicism & Protestantism are sects of Christianity, what conclusions is the reader to draw? Although one could possibly interpret that passage as non-hostile at all to the Christian Doctrine, simply only an observation.

The back cover of my copy has a strong adhesive sticker tacked on to it which reads "Dr. William Pierce, founder of the National Alliance, 1933-2002." So Gliebe was apparently able to rectify the error of mis-spelling Dr. Pierce's name. Probably only after some members brought it to his attention...I wonder if he at all felt embarrassed by that.

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Will Williams
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Re: Opposed Ideologies

Post by Will Williams » Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:27 am

Michael1488 wrote:
Will Williams wrote:
Michael1488 wrote:Thank you to the original poster R. Bryant on posting the National Alliance position on Christianity as originally printed in the Alliance membership handbook.
Michael, the opening post in this thread, entitled "On Christianity," wasn't in the original National Alliance Membership Handbook published in 1993. That piece is an editorial comment by Dr. Pierce to Alliance members in the Alliance's internal Members' BULLETIN from 1982 -- 11 years before Alliance policy was laid out in the Handbook. I would include a single-page copy of "On Christianity" with many a letter and package sent out from the National Alliance before the Handbook was published to clarify the Alliance's position on Christianity. Those five pages that were removed from the Handbook by Gliebe & Co. when they republished it in 2005 will be going back in the third edition of the book. We want our supporters to know exactly where we stand on this issue.
This is exactly what I was looking for, and as many of you know, this specific page was excised from the second printing of the handbook in 2005. Actually as I look even more carefully, I was surprised to see that Christianity was indeed listed as an Opposed Ideology in the 2005 edition.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

Michael Olanich

Re: Opposed Ideologies

Post by Michael Olanich » Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:09 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Michael1488 wrote:
Will Williams wrote:
Michael1488 wrote:Thank you to the original poster R. Bryant on posting the National Alliance position on Christianity as originally printed in the Alliance membership handbook.
Michael, the opening post in this thread, entitled "On Christianity," wasn't in the original National Alliance Membership Handbook published in 1993. That piece is an editorial comment by Dr. Pierce to Alliance members in the Alliance's internal Members' BULLETIN from 1982 -- 11 years before Alliance policy was laid out in the Handbook. I would include a single-page copy of "On Christianity" with many a letter and package sent out from the National Alliance before the Handbook was published to clarify the Alliance's position on Christianity. Those five pages that were removed from the Handbook by Gliebe & Co. when they republished it in 2005 will be going back in the third edition of the book. We want our supporters to know exactly where we stand on this issue.
This is exactly what I was looking for, and as many of you know, this specific page was excised from the second printing of the handbook in 2005. Actually as I look even more carefully, I was surprised to see that Christianity was indeed listed as an Opposed Ideology in the 2005 edition.
I see... forgive me but I'm a bit confused. Can you post those pages, or failing that, scan and email me what was in the 1993 membership handbook then? It would be much appreciated. I was under the assumption that On Christianity as originally posted in this thread was in the original 1993 handbook, and not just a simple bulletin commentary. You did have me transcribe an editorial by Dr. Pierce on Christian morality (also from 1982) months ago but that was unrelated. Anyway, thanks.

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